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Att organisera beståndet eller ?Äntligen hittar man!? : om hylluppställning och exponering på Arkenbiblioteket

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how libraries can organize their collections in terms of library shelving and displays and to what extent these activities stem from a desire to create a user-friendly library. The thesis is based upon a case study of Arkenbiblioteket in Sweden and the material consists of a literature study and qualitative, semi-structured interviews with three librarians at Arkenbiblioteket. The theoretical framework consists of theories on information-seeking behavior, classification and displays. These theories form the basis of the analysis of the empirical material.The main reason for the changes in shelf arrangement at Arkenbiblioteket was a desire among the library staff to create a user-friendly library.

Fallstudie av produktionschefers ledarskap

The thesis presented in this report has been made on behalf of Scania and their basic frame design department with the subject to solve an implementation of a weight sensing system in the chassis. The system is supposed to be implemented in the seat springs, and the reason for this is that all the force will have to go through the weight sensing transducers. With all the force going through the transducers the weight sensing system will not be sensitive for the differences in tolerances from manufacturing. The transducers could be pre-calibrated to avoid a calibration of the whole vehicle after it?s completed from the manufacturing line.Weight sensing systems is today a reality in trucks with air springs.

Betyg och bedömning : i en förberedelseklass år 9

Grades and assessment are a natural part in the school's everyday existence, deliberations about equivalent assessment is discussed all the time between teachers, students, home and school. They that in front are influenced of a grade or a judgement are in first hand the students and therefore are the important for the students to know which objectives and grade criteria that apply for them to achieve at the end of years 9. The aim with this survey is to get the knowledge about how a tutor grade family?s student in a preparatory class in stopped of years 9, in Swedish as a second language. Do the students in a preparatory class's get grades or a judgement? This is interesting also in order to know to which grade criteria students in a preparatory class have to achieve in the compulsory education?s later years and to know how a tutor assesses these students on the basis of those objectives and criteria that apply.

"Kom och hugg oss" : En studie om idrottsklubben AIK:s kommunikation i samband med det uppmärksammade hockeyderbyt den 22 december 2010

In December 22, 2010, the hockey clubs AIK and Djurgården played against each other in front of an audience of more than 11 000 people in Ericsson Globe Arena, Stockholm. Although it was one of the biggest games of the year, afterwards no one was talking about the actual game on the ice. The reason; several times during the game, hooligans from both sides started big quarrels and the hockey dome felt more like a war scene than a place for a hockey game. From a branding point of view, and along with similar incidents from the past, the night in December did not create a good situation for AIK and their image.  Therefore, in this essay I want to investigate how AIK communicated through the crisis. I also want to evaluate whether their communication was good or bad from the perspective of different crisis communication theories.The essay?s research questions are:How did media describe the crisis and AIK´s part in it?What effect did AIK´s previous history of similar problem have on the ongoing crisis?How did AIK communicate through the crisis?How was AIK´s image affected by the crisis?What did AIK do well/what could AIK have done better?To be able to answer these questions, several news articles from the sports paper ?Hockeyexpressen? has been analyzed as well as a text from AIK itself.

Lokalisationen av osteochondrosförändringar hos svenska halvblodshästar :

The aetiology of osteochondrosis (OC) is known to be complex and multifactorial. The occurrence of bone fragments in joints and their connection to osteochondral disease are no exception. In the hock and stifle joint of the horse this type of lesion has generally been considered to be of osteochondral origin, while the process behind these fragments in the fetlock joint has been up for discussion. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and the localisation of OC in Swedish warmblooded horses. In order to do so all radiographs of stifle, hock and fetlock joints performed on Swedish warmblooded horses during the period of 1992-1999 at Regiondjursjukhuset in Helsingborg were examined and the material was divided into two groups.

Passage efficiency and migration behavior for adult Atlantic salmon at a Half-Ice Harbor fish ladder

Due to exploitation of the world?s rivers, the upstream migration of anadromous species is frequently delayed or even prevented. To mitigate these problems and allow fish to migrate past obstacles, structures such as fish ladders have been developed. However, recent studies show that many of the present fish passage facilities are deficient. Monitoring and evaluation of passage facilities is therefore crucial to enable necessary adjustments.

Utrustning för kvinnor : En studie kring Försvarsmaktens anpassning av uniformer och stridsutrustning

I 30 år har kvinnor funnits på militära befattningar i Försvarsmakten. Fram till för fyra år sedan hade nästan inga åtgärder vidtagits för att anpassa den personliga utrustningen till kvinnors behov. Enligt en undersökning från 2005 bidrar detta inte enbart till direkta fysiska begränsningar, utan även till sänkt självförtroende och känslor av kränkning och underordning. Sedan 2006 har Försvarsmakten och FMV arbetat med att ta fram en rad olika persedlar i mindre storlekar, och daglig dräkt har även tagits fram i dammodell. De små storlekarna har visat sig lösa delar av de problem som kvinnor har upplevt.

Utveckling Ulricehamn- om stora förändringar i en liten stad :

The purpose of this thesis is to inquire how a small town can be affected by some planned changes in the physical structure of the town, and how its inhabitants can benefit from those major changes. The town in question is Ulricehamn, and of the four projects considered, two concerns infrastructure. A new railway and a new locality for the major road, today passing through Ulricehamn. The other two projects are run by the local authorities, that is the planning of a modern town park by the lake, and a new public building for cultural purposes. There are no guarantees that any of the four projects will ever be realized, but in the process with this work, they have been considered as already a fact.

Förlossningsupplevelsen. Ett designtillägg i förlossningssalen med fokus på mental ergonomi.

In this project I have created a design for the delivery rooms of Swedish hospitals with the psychological aspects ofbirthgiving in focus. This is something that I think the delivery rooms lack and so far it has been the midwifes job to,without any tools, give the women in labor the mental support and encouragement they need.My goal was to give the midwifes a tool to work with when it comes to encouragement, something helping themhelping the woman to feel safe and relaxed, strengthened, informed and in control of the situation.I choose to focus on the difficulties measuring the physical work the woman in labour had done and what was leftof the labour. I wanted to visualize the process of the birth, allowing the woman to see and being able to focus onwhere during the labour she is, how far she has left and also being strengthened by the amount of work already managed.Further I wanted to make the woman feel invited to take control over the birth and the room in which she isin labour. I wanted her to be able ? if she wanted ? to make her own settings of the mood in the room, deciding forherself if she wanted a more relaxed environment or perhaps a more energetic.

Unga lagöverträdare - Juridiska komplikationer i den brottsutredande verksamheten

The aim of this essay is to describe and analyse the legal complications that arise in connection with preliminary investigations involving several juvenile offenders, where all suspected persons have not attained the age of criminal liability. It is also intended to give a broad analysis of the concept preliminary investigation, with particular emphasis on juvenile offenders. It further analyses the legislation and legal complications on the basis of a rule of law perspective. The method previously used is court dogmatic, where in front law text, preparatory work, case law and legal doctrine have been used in order to present the existing sources relating to the subject matter of discussion. The criminal investigative bodies consider juvenile offenders are regulated under the Swedish RB 23 - 28 chapters, FUK and LUL.

Virtuell skakrigg för utmattningsbedömning av helhytt: metodutvärdering

Det här examensarbetet har utförts på beräkningsgruppen inom hyttutveckling, Scania CV AB i Södertälje under perioden juni-november 2007. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur utmattningsbedömning av hyttstommen kan förbättras genom användning av så kallade virtuella skakriggar. Främst har skadan på torpedplåten i hyttens front undersökts. Dessutom har möjligheten att använda metoden som utgångspunkt för att förenkla beräkning av krafter omkring hyttupphängningen undersökts. Med den virtuella skakriggen utgår man från uppmätta accelerationer och tar med en iterativ process fram de lastsignaler i hyttens infästningspunkter som ger samma beteende hos hytten som uppmätts i prov.

Fem-studie av rörelser i planet mellan bakaxelbrygga ADA1100 och centralväxelhuslock R780

This thesis has been performed at Scania CV AB Technical Centre in Södertälje and its aim hasbeen to study the causes and effects of deformations in the interface between the rear axlehousing ADA1100 and the central gear house R780 during operation. Design changes that wouldincrease the sealing capability of the studied interface are also suggested. Finite element (FE)and CAD software have been the primary tools in this study.Finite element (FE) simulations are used in the industry to predict and develop engineeringdesigns. The main motive for FE simulations has traditionally been to identify weak spots in thedesign, regarding high tensions and large deformations.The FE model is an aggregation of submodels and interface models that represents the rear axlehousing, suspension, central gear, central gear housing, wheels, bolts and weldings, and theirinteractions. The submodels have different material properties and they are connected withcontact interface models.Boundary conditions are defined on the bushings in front of the rear axle and on the air bellowsbehind the rear axle.


In the EU there are EC Directives that Member States of EU should follow. Sweden has undertaken to transpose EC Directives regarding the working environment to Swedish Provisions.  In 4 April 2006, the European Commission had some criticism against the Swedish implementation of the Construction Sites Directive. The Swedish Work Environment Authority has in response to this criticism reworked the Work Environment Act and related provision about building and civil engineering work. The changes came into force 1 January 2009.These changes have resulted in some working methods and even new responsibility subjects must be reviewed. The purpose of this exam project was to investigate if contractors and clients in the construction sector, had have time to update themselves on this front and adapt to these changes.

Vad påverkar ett köp? Ett arbete om den interna kommunikationens påverkan i butik

Idag tar kunden de flesta beslut angående ett köp i butiken. Därför ska butikens interna kommunikation vara ett hjälpmedel för kunden att hitta vad den söker. Kommunikationen ska vara en mekanisk säljare, som komplement till personalen.Avsikten med arbetet är att svara på vilka betydelsefulla delar som ingår i butikens interna kommunikation och hur de kan skapa positiva attityder och köpbeteenden. Genom att analysera, undersöka och observera har vi kommit fram till vår slutsats. I Borås centrum har vi utfört en enkätundersökning.

Chassiintegrerade lastceller : Installation i fjädersäte på Scania tandemboggibakaxlar

The thesis presented in this report has been made on behalf of Scania and their basic frame design department with the subject to solve an implementation of a weight sensing system in the chassis. The system is supposed to be implemented in the seat springs, and the reason for this is that all the force will have to go through the weight sensing transducers. With all the force going through the transducers the weight sensing system will not be sensitive for the differences in tolerances from manufacturing. The transducers could be pre-calibrated to avoid a calibration of the whole vehicle after it?s completed from the manufacturing line.Weight sensing systems is today a reality in trucks with air springs.

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