2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 59 av 153
Klarspråk i hållbarhetsrapporter : En kvalitativ undersökning av kommersiella företags användning av klarspråk i en svensk kontext
Syftet med studien är att genom textanalys undersöka om svenska kommersiella företag använder riktlinjer för klarspråk i sina hållbarhetsrapporter. Vidare undersöks om riktlinjerna, som är utvecklade för myndighetsspråk, även är lämpliga att tillämpa på hållbarhetsrapporter. Analysmodellen för textanalysen består av Språkrådets klarspråkstest. Hållbarhetsrapporter är ett sätt för företag att visa att och hur de arbetar med Corporate social responsibility/ansvarsfullt företagande, och de slumpmässigt utvalda företagen blev Atrium Ljungberg, Getinge och NCC. Genom textanalysen drogs slutsatserna att svenska, stora företag i hög grad arbetar med klarspråk och att det vore lämpligt med ett speciellt klarspråkstest för hållbarhetsrapporter..
Hållbarhetsredovisning- För Vem? : centrala intressenters möjliga påverkan på icke-statliga företags hållbarhetsredovisning
Companies today face more and more demands from society and stakeholders. It is no longer about just satisfying shareholders, sales and making a profit. Consumers are becoming more aware of products effects and the consequences it has on humans, our environment and the generation ahead of us. NGO:s and society request that companies take responsibility and actions toward a more sustainable business. Many investors analyze companies? sustainability regarding social and environmental issues when it comes to choosing a company to invest in.
Matematisk diskurs i läromedel och undervisning : en komparativ studie om matematikundervisning i Sverige och Grekland
Homework is and has always been a part of school work. It may take a lot of time from the pupils? leisure. Despite this, you cannot find anything written about homework in the curriculum. How can this be? Is homework necessary and what is its function?The purpose of this study is to find out how a few teachers in primary school reason about homework. What are their attitudes towards homework and what functions do they see?To get an answer to this I studied literature and research reports, and did four qualitative interviews with teachers who teach grades 1-6.The results show that all the teachers give homework to their pupils, but their opinions about homework differ.
Att undervisa elever med en religiös tro : En intervjustudie med gymnasielärare i den sekulära och mångkulturella skolan
The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.
Hemlöshet, inte bara ett storstadsfenomen? : - En kvalitativ studie av hemlöshet i en mellanstor kommun.
The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze homelessness in a medium-sized municipality from an organizational perspective. Some of the central questions in this study are: How is the cause of homelessness explained? How do different actors in the community address, prevent and combat homelessness? Who is responsible for the homelessness?This study is based on four semi-structured interviews with organizations that work with homelessness. The analysis is based on problem definition theory.The result of this study shows that homelessness is a problem in this medium-sized municipality even if it is not a big one and that it is often closely combined with substance abuse. The responsibility for the homeless is on the homeless themselves and the social service because that causes is, according to this study, individual based. .
Informera, konsumera och röra sig fritt : en studie om kvinnors valfrihet och abortens dimensioner i den Europeiska unionen
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how the European union relates to the different dimensions of abortion. What kind of problem is abortion and whose right is it? Does difference framings of the problem enable different solutions?By analyzing debates from the European parliament through Carol Lee Bacchis method ?What?s the problem approach? I have come to see that different representations of a problem changes the problem it self. This emphasis that a problem is a problem in one context, but not in an other.Depending on the work of, among others, Barbara Hobson and Ailbhe Smyth I have focused upon the European union as a economical project, leaving social issues to national competence. This makes the EU a patriarchal project that fails to guarantee women?s rights.
Till glädje och vinst: en jämförande studie i urval av skönlitteratur inom bokhandlar och bibliotek med avseende på faktorer som marknad, efterfrågan och kvalitet.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how purchasingmanagers in bookshops and public librarians reason withregards to their selection of fiction literature. Nineinterviews have been conducted in this qualitative studymade in the spring of 2013; four librarians, four bookmerchants, as well as a market director of a major chain ofbookstores. Our focus has been particularly directed toascertaining what influence the cultural-political mission oflibraries have had on the process of selection, as well as theextent to which factors such as demand and quality play apart in both organizations. We have been interested inseeing how libraries and bookstores compare with regards tothese factors, because of obvious differences in their goalsand purposes. Librarians see both the benefits and flaws intheir way of working, as well as in the way in whichbookstores conduct their business, and vice versa, that theyare often successful in cooperating, like when arrangingvisits from authors etc.
Osäker vård? En fallstudie inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård
The swedish healthcare is in many situations one of the best in the world. But still, the healthcare system includes elemnts that reduce the efficiency. Partly becouse the swedish healthcare is largely monopolized, the servicecs are not properly prized and the economic responsibility and the liability legislation is limited. The main problem this study evolves around, is how a different liability rule would change the shape of the healthcare organisation. Abouve all, how would the approach to riskmanagement and preventive and riskreducing performance change with a diffrent liability rule.
This report describes the work with creating a CMS (Content Manager System). A
CMS is a
web tool so you easy can publish materials on your web page. With a CM Scan you
without any knowledge of programming web pages create and maintain a web page.
will result in that you and your organisation save time and money. You can also
split the responsibility
for the webpage in different roles, but still keep the control.
We have chosen to create our CMS in a script language called php4 and with the
server MySQL, we have also used JavaScript a lot.
Gotlandspressen och de grå lapparna : Statens Informationsstyrelses övervakning av de gotländska dagstidningarna under andra världskriget
Under andra världskriget vidtogs i Sverige ett antal åtgärder som gick på tvärs mot den traditionella svenska pressfriheten. Ett inslag i denna politik var inrättandet av Statens Informationsstyrelse, SIS, med uppgift att bland annat leda och övervaka den svenska pressen. Informationsstyrelsen har i efterhand blivit mest känd för de så kallade ?grå lapparna?, förtroliga meddelanden till tidningarnas redaktörer om vad som inte fick publiceras.Under kriget utkom på Gotland tre dagstidningar. Gotlänningen som ägdes av bondeförbundsintressen, konservativa Gotlands Allehanda vars huvudägare C E Ekman även var tysk konsul och tidningen har betraktats som mycket pronazistisk samt socialdemokratiska Gotlands Folkblad som framställts som ytterst anti-nazistisk.Utifrån SIS arkiv beskrivs SIS styrning av tidningarna genom de grå lapparna och påpekanden av överträdelser.
Till för medmänniskan Om medmänsklighet utifrån Martin Buber och Gustaf Wingren
This is a study of humanity about the meetings we have with one another. I write about this subject out of the perspective of Martin Buber and Gustaf Wingren. As I enter this area and begin the writing a few questions are being developed, such as:? Why do we as humans have the need to meet each other?? ?What happens with us when the meeting is absent?? ?What does it mean to love your fellow man or woman?? ?What helps or destroys our possibilities to meet each other?? Buber talks about Me and You and the aim of the meeting we have with each other. When we meet each other it generates a responsibility against each other.
Hur återförsäljare kan arbeta med sitt varumärke : En fallstudie bland klädåterförsäljare i Halmstad
The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.
Uppförandekoder : En studie i hur tre företag arbetar med etiska riktlinjer
Sammanfattning Datum: 2009-05-29 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i ekonomistyrning, 15 högskolepoängFörfattare:Magdalena Stål, Födelseår: 1982, Bostadsort: Västerås Marina Vokbus, Födelseår: 1982, Bostadsort: VästeråsHandledare: Leif CarlssonTitel: Uppförandekoder - En studie i hur tre företag arbetar med etiska riktlinjerSyfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera varför de undersökta företagen enligt respondenterna upprättar en uppförandekod och vilka etiska principer koden baseras på. Vidare är syftet att studera vilka områden uppförande-koden omfattar, vad företagen fokuserar mest på samt vad de gör för att efterleva sin uppsatta uppförandekod.Metod: Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där primärdata studerades i form av insamlat intervjumaterial. Tre företag intervjuades angående deras arbete kring etiska riktlinjer. De företag som undersöktes var Atlas Copco, The Body Shop och Samhall.Slutsatser: Anledningen till att de undersökta företagen upprättar en uppförandekod skiljer sig åt. Atlas Copco ser det som en möjlighet till affärer och långsiktig lönsamhet, för The Body Shop ingår det i den ursprungliga affärsidén att utföra goda gärningar och Samhall har som ett statligt ägt företag krav på sig att leva upp till uppsatta mål.
Upplevelser av att leva med medicinsk teknik
The purpose of doing this essay was to illustrate how people living with chronic disease, dependent on medical technology experience their life situation. The study includes people with either dialysis therapy, mechanical ventilator or chronic oxygen therapy. A meta-synthesis was used as a method where a systematically review of studies that are made in a given issue compiles. Findings of the studies resulted in a synthesis of three themes: Limitations in life as a consequence of life-long treatment, to take responsibility for your life provide self-esteem and safeness, and to be cared for in different contexts ?help or prohibit.
Mellan fri vilja och datadriven exploatering: En studie om drivkrafter, medvetenhet, makt och ansvar inom onlinecasinomarknaden
This essay examines the limits of marketing strategies in the online casino industry,
focusing on how data-driven and advanced marketing practices influence consumer
behavior and contribute to problematic gambling consumption. By observing the
online casino industry, the study identifies how companies use sophisticated data
analysis methods and psychological techniques to attract and retain customers,
raising significant ethical and social issues.
The study highlights three key perspectives: the consumer's, the producer's, and the
legislator's. From the consumer's perspective, it explores how various consumer
behaviors, from responsible gambling to problematic overconsumption, are
influenced by marketing and gaming experiences. This includes an analysis of how
cognitive limitations and psychological biases can lead to irrational decisions and an
increased risk of gambling addiction.
From the producer's perspective, it examines how gambling companies use
marketing strategies and technologies to increase profitability and what incentives
they have to take social responsibility according to modern Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) principles. It appears that companies do not see CSR as a
business goal beyond the risk of current and future regulatory compliance
requirements and policy changes.
From the legislator's viewpoint, the current regulatory framework for the gambling
industry is discussed, including the changes that occurred in 2019 when the special
monopoly form we had in Sweden was transformed into a license market.