2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 60 av 153
Scanias arbete med miljöledningssystem : faktorer som motiverar medarbetarna
Societal expectations of responsible corporate conduct are currently a fact. It is manifested ina corporate need for limiting and managing external effects, such as environmental impact.An environmental management system is a tool for organizations to structure theirenvironmental work and increase their efficiency. Managing the corporate operations toaccommodate to environmental objectives requires an organizational understanding of theobjectives as well as the procedures. A condition for a successful implementation is the coworkers´ willingness to participate and collaborate.A study made on the co-workers attitude towards the ISO 9000 standard (i.e. qualitymanagement system) reveals that the earlier positive findings are not completely true.
Tecken : En retorisk-semiologisk analys av antirökreklam
This essay studies how advertisements in various anti-smoking campaigns can influence and persuade by using anti-logos as counter-arguments to the tobacco industry's logos. In contrast to tobacco advertising arguments such as freedom (logos), pleasure (pathos) and trademark (ethos) the anti-smoking campaigns create anti-logos arguments with various connotations such as repulsive pictures and sexual implications to influence groups of people not to start smoking or to quit smoking.Advertisement of tobacco does not exist nowadays due to legal restrictions in the western world; however several decades of myths created in the consumer consciousness still exist. Thus one can speak of a tobacco advertising ideology that exists and the various anti-smoking campaigns trying to change that ideology.The purpose of anti-smoking campaigns is to conduct a kategoria of myth that tobacco advertisement has created over the years. Anti smoking organizations do this by creating a new ideology to affect consumer?s attitude toward smoking and the tobacco myth with an anti-myth.
Psykologiska mekanismer och miljöperspektivet : sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför samhällets miljöpåverkan
Syftet med studien var att pröva vilka psykologiska mekanismer som påverkar sambandet mellan attityder och beteendeintentioner inför miljöpåverkan hos individer i konsumtionssamhället. Hypotesen var att det finns ett miljömedvetande hos människan, men att det är en skillnad mellan attityd och beteendeintention. Även emotioner inför miljöpåverkan hos deltagarna undersöktes, för att fördjupa studien. Undersökningen har gjorts kvantitativt via en webbaserad enkät, genom utskick via Facebook till vuxna individer i Sverige mellan 18-65 år (N=49). Svarsprocenten var 46 procent.
Ett "hembakat" koncept : CSR-kommunikation i ett grönt café
Syftet med denna studie är att få större förståelse för hur ett företag med CSR-profil kommunicerar sina budskap och hur dessa tas emot av kund. Undersökningen ämnar söka svar på hur ett ?grönt? café externt gestaltar sin verksamhet samt om det påverkar kundernas val av café. Förhoppningen är att studien ska ge oss värdefull inblick kring hur CSR implementeras i denna typ av verksamhet.Hos det studerade caféet finner vi ett genomgående intresse att framkalla en känsla hos sina kunder genom att använda sig av värdeord som förknippas med positiva associationer. Studien visar att detta sätt att kommunicera på inte resulterar i att kunder väljer att besöka caféet för att det är ?grönt?, samt att majoriteten upplever kommunikationen som otydlig..
Konstruktionen av Sverige och en svensk identitet : Diskursanalys av två läromedel i svenska som andraspråk
This essay is written in order to expose the construction of collective identity in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. To help visualize the process that shapes and categorize sub-jects based on a relational identity formation I assume mostly from Ernesto Laclau and Chan-tal Mouffe's discourse analysis theory frame. The paper called it as discourse theory. There are two textbooks in Swedish as a second language to be studied. Based on the textual materi-al found in the textbooks I perform a discourse analysis involving mainly focus on relational identity construction.
Strategiskt CSR-arbete i den svenska modebranschen - en studie av fyra företag
The concept Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) describes a company's social and environmental work. More and more companies have embraced the concept of CSR and for some businesses, it has become equally important to present its efforts within CSR as to present its latest profits.The purpose of this essay is to establish an overall picture of a company's CSR efforts and to discuss the potential conflict between CSR and the aim for profit We investigate how businesses can improve their CSR effort so that it contributes to a positive development for the society while still creating economic value for the company. The study is based on a qualitative study of four Swedish companies in the fashion industry: Kappahl, Gina Tricot, Åhlens and Indiska. The results show that according to the theoretical framework, the four companies do not reach a complete strategic approach to CSR. To achieve this it is necessary for the companies to change their current CSR-activities..
Mångspråk på bibliotek : En studie av fem folkbibliotek i Norrbotten
The purpose of this study is to investigate how public libraries in Norrbotten provide multilingual media and how the commitment is legitimized. In January 2014 there was a change to the guidelines for the International Library?s service for providing multilingual media. The responsibility for the provision of this service was also changed. The result shows there has been different ways of implementing the guidelines in practice; this has led to inequalities in the local library service.We have assembled data through qualitative interviews with five different public libraries in the north of Sweden.
Kompetens och ansvar kring hbt och homofobi i skolan : Intervjustudie med lärare i årskurs 7-9
Many reports infer that questions of HBT and homophobia are either poorly addressed or not addressed at all in schools today. This study is based on interviews with teachers of students aged 13 to 15. It is an inquiry to the teacher's thoughts about, knowledge of, and sense of responsibility to inform students of the subjects 'Queer', 'HBT', and 'Homophobia'. Who is responsible for educating the students regarding these subjects and what do teachers think about including these subjects in their curriculum? How do the teachers describe their knowledge of the subjects? Do they require further knowledge themselves in order to educate others in a proper way? The study is grounded in queer theories.
Att kommunicera etik : - En analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer
AbstractTitle: Communicating Ethics ? An Analysis of Ethical Codes in Sweden?s Largest Banks( Att kommunicera etik ? en analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer)Number of pages: 49 (without enclosures)Author: Karolina SvenssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The main purpose it to answer the main question how Sweden?s largest banks are communicating ethics externally? This question generates a number of questions with relevance to the purpose and subject of this thesis. The ambition is to answer all of these questions in order to achieve the main purpose.Material/Method: The method used for this study is a qualitative text analysis. Applying this method is also done through using a model presented by Norman Fairclough. This model belongs to the tradition of critical discourse analysis.
Lärstilsanalyser, till vilken nytta? : Vuxenstuderandes upplevelser av att göra en lärstilsanalys
Studiens syfte var att belysa vuxenstuderandes upplevelser av att göra en lärstilsanalys samt beskriva dess betydelse för lärandet. Vår avsikt var också att fokusera på deras åsikter om den information de fått innan analysen och det uppföljande samtalet med läraren. Vi ville även belysa de vuxenstuderandes tankar kring användbarheten av att göra lärstilsanalyser. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med sju vuxenstuderande på omvårdnadsprogrammet, förlagt till en mindre ort i södra Sverige. Det framkom att de vuxenstuderandes upplevelser av att göra en lärstilsanalys i huvudsak var positiva, trots att flertalet inte hade förändrat sitt sätt att lära i någon större utsträckning.
Lag om likabehandling av studenter i högskolan : - en implementeringsstudie av Växjö universitets och Högskolan i Kalmars likabehandlingsarbete
The aim of the study is to evaluate how a law decided 2002 regarding discrimination against students in the higher education system in Sweden, was implemented at the University of Kalmar and Växjö University.The study asks two questions: How did the both universities implement the law? How did the universities manage to implement the law? In order to answer these questions the ?top-down? perspective, often used in field social science within discipline implementation, is used. First the study examines the goals with the legislation, and thereafter the actual implementation at the both examined universities.The conclusion is that the universities has high ambitions with implementation of the law and extensive formalized regulations but that it practically seems to be hard to get legitimacy with the implementation throughout the whole organizations. This makes the implementation work slowly though it?s working well with the people who have direct responsibility for the implementation..
En ?vergiven torpmilj?. Materiella och immateriella l?mningar fr?n torpen kring Brunnslid i Kinneveds socken, V?sterg?tland.
This essay presents an investigation of the ruins of an assembly of crofts in a rural area in the south of Sweden, outside the town Falk?ping. Using literary sources and intangible sources, and then combine them with the information found by investigation of the physical remains of the crofts, the essay attempts to capture the life and the living conditions of the crofters. The investigation is focusing on the period between the nighteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, and looks into the the living conditions according to, for example, the buildings, the orientation in the landscape, demografical changes, the transformation of the area over years and how the crofters were affected by powerty.
The investigation shows that the crofters in many ways were in vulnerable and exposed positions, powerty summarized as a lack of freedom ? concerning economical, political and social dimensions.
Anorexia Nervosa - en fast identitet i en flytande modernitet? : En kvalitativ undersökning av individer som utvecklat anorexia
The aim of this study is to analyze how individuals experience their eating disorder, the focus being if anorexia may be perceived as a secure safe zone in the new modern world. The aim is to examine if individuals affected with anorexia nervosa understand the disorder as a solution to the modern worlds changes and the new individual freedom that it entails. This will be analyzed with the help of terms in Erich Fromms theories about escape mechanisms and Catarina Kinnvalls theories about the modern worlds ontological insecurity.The study is based on data collected from four informants of different ages and gender. The interviews were conducted through email and informants were chosen based on a strategic selection and snowball sampling. For the analysis of the empirical material Fromms escape mechanisms (authoritarianism, destructiveness and automaton conformity) and Kinnvalls theories of identity in the modern world have been used.The results of the analysis show that the eating disorder has a great significance for the individual construction and maintenance of identity and that the eating disorder becomes a safe zone to retreat to in a world of performance anxiety.
Politiska ideal kommer och går, men kärnfamiljen består : en diskursanalys av riksdagsdebatten om vårdnadsbidraget 2007/2008
This thesis takes as its point of departure the Swedish governmental family policy and the debate on the proposed reform ?vårdnadsbidraget?. The supporters of the reform present it as something that will increase the freedom of choice for families and benefit the children, whereas the opponents warn for decreased equality and a return to the male breadwinner-model.From a constructivist perspective, language is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. By applying a feminist political theory on the debate within the Swedish national parliament 2007/2008 and conducting a discourse analysis, the aim of this paper is to analyse which concepts are used and how they construct to what makes a family within the political debate ? is there any difference or similarity between the view of the opponents and the supporters of ?vårdnadsbidraget??The main conclusion of this paper is that even though the political ideal and rhetorical concepts differ between the supporters and the opponents, they still constitute the heterosexual nuclear family as an obvious norm in family politics.
Syftet med läxor : En studie i hur några lärare i grundskolans tidigare åldrar resonerar
Homework is and has always been a part of school work. It may take a lot of time from the pupils? leisure. Despite this, you cannot find anything written about homework in the curriculum. How can this be? Is homework necessary and what is its function?The purpose of this study is to find out how a few teachers in primary school reason about homework. What are their attitudes towards homework and what functions do they see?To get an answer to this I studied literature and research reports, and did four qualitative interviews with teachers who teach grades 1-6.The results show that all the teachers give homework to their pupils, but their opinions about homework differ.