2294 Uppsatser om Freedom with responsibility - Sida 58 av 153
Socialsekreterarens resonemang kring barnperspektivet i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd
In Sweden the social assistance from a historical perspective, has been a part of the social legislation, since the 18th century. In that time called poor relief. Through the centuries this has established the social assistance we have today. With focus on the child, we have attempted to illustrate how the social workers consider the child perspective when they are dealing with the social assistance. We wanted to get a view of how the social worker reasons about needs the children have and how they can see that the benefit has been provided for.
FN och terrorism : En studie av världssamfundets policy sedan kalla krigets slut
The United Nations has a responsibility to combat acts of international terrorism, as they constitute a threat to international peace and security. In spite of this, there exists no generally accepted definition of the phenomenom within the UN. By examining resolutions on terrorism, this thesis aims to evaluate the UN?s policy on terrorism since the end of the cold war until 2003. The results show that the UN?s attitude towards terrorism eversince the end of the cold war has been condemning, but that the the events of September 11th 2001 has contributed to an even more firm approach to the problem.
Hållbar utveckling i klädföretag - en studie i miljöhänsyn
Hållbar utveckling och Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har under det senaste decenniet utvecklats till viktiga och vedertagna begrepp inom den svenska klädbranschen. Under de senaste åren har konsumtionen av textilier ökat markant samtidigt som produktionen har förflyttats till lågkostnadsländer, vilket har resulterat i en komplex internationell värdekedja. I kombination med dagens transparenta media samt miljömedvetna slutkonsumenter ökar kraven på företagen att bedriva ett aktivt hållbarhetsarbete. Denna studie behandlar klädföretag på den svenska marknadens komplexa arbete kring hållbar utveckling. Då tidigare forskning främst skildrat ämnet utifrån ett socialekonomiskt perspektiv, infann sig intresset att skapa en studie ur en miljörelaterad synvinkel.Den övergripande problemformuleringen är således att studera hur klädföretag på den svenska marknaden arbetar med hållbar utveckling inom verksamheten.
Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv
The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.
SVERIGEDEMOKRATERNA ? ETT HOT MOT DE M?NSKLIGA R?TTIGHETERNA? En unders?kning av i vilka avseenden Sverigedemokraternas politik strider mot Europakonventionens skydd av minoriteters r?ttigheter
Right-wing populism has through the past decades flourished in several countries in Europe.
Research has shown that right-wing populism is, with its political starting point in ?the
people?, focusing on the majority and is sometimes excluding the minorities from the politics.
Since human rights regulations are mainly a protection of minority rights, the aim is to
examine if the politics of the Sweden Democrats, as a case of a growing right-wing populist
party, is a threat to human rights and in that case, in what respects. The thesis is supposed to
answer the question in what respects the politics of the Sweden Democrats contravene with
the European Convention?s protection of minority rights.
Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen
This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I?m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are:What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness?Using the methodological analysis tool ?turning point?, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives?Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings?The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory.
Om vi vill. Tilldelning av ansvar i svensk klimatlitteratur
I spåren av de senaste årens debatt om antropogen klimatpåverkan har en ny litterär genre vuxit fram: ?klimatböcker?. Dessa böcker fyller den viktiga funktionen att kommunicera problemet till allmänheten. I denna uppsats undersöker jag tre svenskspråkiga klimatböcker och analyserar hur författarna, med olika utgångspunkt, tilldelar ansvaret att minska koldioxidutsläppen. Gemensamt för böckerna är synen på klimatfrågan som ett politiskt problem som kräver politiska lösningar.
"Jag har lite mer av allt liksom" : en salutogen studie av unga kvinnors erfarenhet av olika kulturella bakgrunder
Young women with immigrant background are generally looked upon as victims of patriarchal structures and cultural determinism.The purpose of this bachelor thesis was therefore to have a salutogen perspective. We investigated how young women with a transcultural background are affected by and how they use their experiences from different backgrounds in their creating of identity.We based our essay on qualitative interviews and current research on the subjects of multi culture, identity and youth. The interviewees were seven young women with experience of multi cultural background and performing different kind of artistic activity.The theory and empirical material combined and compared resulted in three themes: affinity, cultural hybridization, and salutogen factors.We saw that for those young women affinity functioned as a basis for creating identity and that their double background enriches them in several aspects. The three major salutogen factors that the interviewees had in common, and we emphasize, are their struggle, open mind and awareness of freedom.The global youth culture has a great impact upon the young women and to some extent we could recognize cultural hybridization. We consider this neglected subject urgent and very relevant for social work in the multi cultural society of Sweden..
Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse vid en medicinavdelning
Abstract:Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires a great deal of responsibility. Low job satisfaction and organisation changes affect their work negatively. The aim of the study was to investigate the nurses? job satisfaction and job situation.
Sjunkande matematikkunskaper : en kvalitativ undersökning om matematik i svenska grundskolor
Homework is and has always been a part of school work. It may take a lot of time from the pupils? leisure. Despite this, you cannot find anything written about homework in the curriculum. How can this be? Is homework necessary and what is its function?The purpose of this study is to find out how a few teachers in primary school reason about homework. What are their attitudes towards homework and what functions do they see?To get an answer to this I studied literature and research reports, and did four qualitative interviews with teachers who teach grades 1-6.The results show that all the teachers give homework to their pupils, but their opinions about homework differ.
Ledarskap i relation till motivation. En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur motivation inom ramen f?r Self-Determination Theory fr?mjas av olika ledarskapsstilar
Leadership in organizations plays a crucial role in promoting employee motivation. Different leadership styles have been shown to affect motivation in various ways. The purpose of this report is to establish a deeper understanding of the relationship between different leadership styles and motivation according to Self-Determination Theory. The report also aims to highlight potential similarities and differences in the perceptions of leaders and employees in various industries, regarding motivation as defined by Self-Determination Theory. Based on a case study, it includes interviews with eight leaders and eight employees.
En studie om barns vänskap : Gruppintervjuer i förskola och förskoleklass
AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to investigate what thoughts children in preschool and preschool class have about friendship. We also want to investigate what characteristics and which strategies they look for in friendship relationships. To perform this study we used the following questions as a starting point. Which characteristics do children see as attractive in their cultures?How are friendship relationships affected in different contexts?Can one see a difference in the most important characteristics and strategies between the children in preschool and the children in preschool class? To answer our questions and to reach our purpose we have held group interviews with children in preschool and in preschool class. We have, in our study, used published scientific literature to get an understanding of what has been presented in relation to this topic in the past.The result shows that the children in preschool and preschool class do differ in certain aspects but also have some similarities on ideas about friendship. Both preschool children and the children in the preschool class are highly competent and skilled at integrating with other children. What divides them is their ways to plan their friendship.
Jag syr mina egna gröna kläder : Svenska konsumenters förtroende för företags miljömarknadsföring
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) eller, företags samhällsansvar har blivit ett viktigt marknadsföringsverktyg för att locka kunder och att vara konkurrenskraftig på marknaden. För att detta skall lyckas krävs det att kunderna tror på och visar förtroende för företagens kommunikation. Diverse skandaler har dock uppdagats när företag har ertappats att överdriva vad de gör, i synnerhet inom miljöaspekten. Greenwash är ett relativt nytt fenomen där företag antingen försöker att dölja sin negativa påverkan på miljön eller överdriver sina positiva aktiviteter för en hållbar framtid. På grund av detta har kunders förtroende för företag som marknadsför sitt ansvar försämrats över tid och kan avskräcka företag att fortsätta arbeta med CSR.Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur svenska konsumenters förtroende ser ut för företags CSR-marknadsföring inom detaljhandeln och vilka faktorer som kan öka förtroendet enligt kunderna själva.
Det är väl bara att kasta ut en boll? : -Hur elever lär sig hälsa i idrott och hälsa på den gymnasiala skolan
The upper secondary school has a responsibility to give every student enough knowledge for a healthy life after they finished school, this is stated in the curriculum. Although the way of reaching this knowledge or what knowledge that is to be obtained regarding health is not stated in any way, this is the teacher's job to figure out. This knowledge shall be the same regardless of where you live, this could prove to be a problem as different teachers interpretation of health will reflect the pupils knowledge of their own health. This work points out some of the problems that can arise due to the complexity of the concept of health as there are no guidelines in the curriculum that could be of help for teachers'. Through interviews with active physical education teachers and questionnaires for their pupils this work illustrates several aspects of problems most likely occurring in school regarding the health education..
Corporate Social Responsibility inom banksektorn : En fallstudie av Nordeas CSR-strategier
AbstractTitle: Corporate Social Responsibility within the banking-sector ? A case study of the CSR-strategies of Nordea.Seminar date: 130108State University: Mälardalen University ? Västerås Institution: School of Sustainable Development of Society and TechnologyLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration ? FÖA300Authors: Samir Ghaddab, Josefine Jonsson, Sam LindforsExaminor: Cecilia Lindh Thillenius Supervisor: Magnus LinderströmPages: 35 Attachments: 1 Key words: CSR, bank, sustainability, communication, awarenessResearch questions:- What is the nature of CSR-related work in Nordea, and how do they practice CSR? - How can Nordea raise awareness about CSR among employees and other stakeholders?Purpose: The purpose with this thesis was to get an increased understanding about how Nordea interprets CSR and how they work with CSR. Finally with relevant theories in mind, this thesis presents suggestions on possible changes and opportunities within Nordea?s CSR-activities and how they can co-operate with NGO?s like CSR Sweden.Methodology: A qualitative study with deductive methods. A case study has been done with semi-structured interviews at a company and a nonprofit organization.Conclusion: The reality in which Nordea operates conforms to the theories presented in the thesis when we look at the driving forces behind working with CSR and the demands on the company that stakeholders have.