814 Uppsatser om Freedom of speech - Sida 13 av 55
Att navigera längs trons farleder : Några studie- och yrkesvägledares syn på troende klienter
Följande uppsats handlar om studie- och yrkesvägledares inställning till troende, främst muslimska klienter och hur deras förförståelse av religion i allmänhet och islam i synnerhet, påverkar deras arbete med dessa klienter. Den behandlar också hur de ser på religionsfrihet, frihet till frihet från religion. Den genomförda enkätundersökningen visar att vägledarnas professionalitet gör dem väl förberedda på att arbeta med troende klienter. Med få undantag uppvisar vägledarna en vilja till tolerans och öppenhet, även när deras egen livsåskådning är helt annan än klientens. De flesta vägledarna har en positiv syn på religionsfrihet, alltså att det innebär frihet att ha den religion man vill ha.The subject of this paper is how some Swedish career counsellors view their religious, mainly Moslem, clients and whether their preconceived ideas influence their work as counsellors.
Det är inte så enkelt : Om talarens relation till publiken
???In this thesis I discuss the adaption of the speaker to the audience, and suggest a radical re-imagining of both the act of adaption and the reasons why adaption is necessary. My main purpose is to introduce social complexity into what I see as the pivotal point of both classic and modernrhetoric and thereby create new possibilities for future research.I accomplish this by modifying the rhetorical concept of doxa, moving from Pierre Bourdieu's separation of doxa and habitus ? the incorporated form of shared beliefs and values ? to an integrated view based in Manuel DeLanda's use of Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari's concept of the assemblage. In this way I formulate a notion of doxa that emerges from social interaction while at the same time shaping and regulating it.
Kompensatoriska strategier för ordmobiliseringssvårigheter vid Alzheimers sjukdom : En fallstudie med enspråkiga och flerspråkiga personer
Sweden is getting an aging population and with this comes an increase in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer?s disease (AD). Bilingualism is also on the rise and this may result in an increase of bilingual people suffering from AD. Due to the linguistic deterioration associated with the illness people with AD, bilingual and monolingual, will be an increasing patient group with speech and language pathologists (SLPs). Word retrieval difficulty is an early symptom of the disease and several strategies to compensate for this have been observed (e.g.
Religionsutövning i arbetslivet : Ett nyanserat perspektiv på hur religiösa intressen kan tillvaratas på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
The aim of this essay is to investigate how a demarcation is made between employees? right to religious freedom next to employers? interest in running their enterprise in an efficient way. Case law shows that the Arrowsmith-principle forum internum and forum externum could be used when a demarcation has to be made. Furthermore, case law shows that that the employee?when accepting a contract of employment?have accepted certain restrictions of his or her religious freedom.
Hur barn i åldern 4;0-5;11 år presterar på taluppfattningstestet HöraTal : En analys av resultaten från en talperceptions- och entalproduktionsuppgift
Talperceptionstest har skapats för att få information om hur en person kan uppfatta ochdiskriminera mellan språkljud. HöraTal Test 1.1 är ett omfattande analytiskt datorbaserattalperceptionstest. Testet är anpassat för icke läskunniga barn från fyra års ålder. Det ärframtaget för barn med hörselnedsättning och/eller cochleaimplantat men kan ävenanvändas för barn med neurologisk skada, specifik språkstörning och/eller annatförstaspråk än svenska. Huvudsyftet med studien är att ta fram ett referensmaterial för hurnormalhörande barn med normal språkutveckling i åldern 4;0 till och med 5;11 årpresterar på HöraTal Test.
Alkemi och jungiansk psykologi
This assignment is a venture into the use of the concept alchemy in the texts on analytical psychology written by Carl G. Jung. Originally the idea was to compare the blending of colours in art painting with the Jungian understanding of alchemy. In order to understand the many and it seems differentiated correlations to alchemy in the texts on analytical psychology written by C.G. Jung, I have found it necessary to investigate the history of alchemy in modern Europe and the Egyptian figure of Hermes Trismegistos.
Muntlig framställning: övningar och arbetsmetoder som en
amerikansk skola använder för att förbättra elevers muntliga
Syftet med vårt arbete var att studera vilka övningar och arbetsmetoder en amerikansk skola använder för att förbättra elevers muntliga framställning. Den empiriska delen av vår undersökning genomfördes i en amerikansk skola med 20 elever i åldrarna 12-13. Observationerna genomfördes i ämnena performance, council samt speech. Studien var av kvalitativ karaktär och genomfördes med ostrukturerade observationer. Vi kände snabbt stor skillnad mellan de svenska skolor vi besökt tidigare under vår utbildning och den amerikanska skolan beträffande elevernas vilja att tala.
TAKK - hur och varför : En kvalitativ studie om användandet av tecken i förskolan
The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers are working with supportive signs and if it is a working tool for children's language development. Is the supportive signing just for kids with special need for support or can it be good for all children?I've done the study by interviewing preschool teachers that is working with supportive signs in preschool. I also had a questionnaire for parents that yielded less fruitful results. I have chosen to use children's language and constructivist and socio-cultural theories.What I came up with is that the supportive signs are very helpful in preschools, but it requires a lot from the one doing it.
Dialektanvändning hos barn med typisk utveckling : En jämförande studie mellan östgötska barn i olika åldergsgrupper
To explore how children use dialect, and whether the dialectal language develops during growth might be of interest from a speech language pathologist?s point of view as the dialect could influence the child?s speech. Previous research is often based on older material and/or examines the speech of adults. In the present study, everyday language in groups of south- eastern Swedish speaking children was investigated. The aim of the present study was to examine to what extent typically developed children of the ages of 5, 8 and 11 years use dialectal language. A further purpose was to discover which dialectal characteristics that were present in the different age groups, and how they differed.
Suveränitet eller mänskliga rättigheter? : En idéanalys om USA:s rättfärdigande av Operation Iraqi Freedom
AbstractAs human beings, we are all governed by our innate instinct that to kill another human being, or to just inflict pain on another, is to go against what makes us human. Still, it happens every day, far and near. Some of these killings happens in war-like situations, where atrocities against humanity occur. The international community has since the founding of UN in 1945, a duty to intervene where crimes against the human rights occur. This is a difficult task, because, in order to intervene and help those in need, the situation might postulate states violating states sovereignty.
Föreställd o-gemenskap : Hur svensk press porträtterade frihetskampen i Tunisien och Ungern 1955 och 1956
This essay is called Imaginary non-community, How Swedish press portrayed the fight for freedom in Tunisia and Hungary 1955 and 1956 and it describes how two similar struggles for freedom are portrayed through the eyes of the most popular Swedish news papers Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen. In 1955-56 Sweden is a country where the focus lies within the nation itself with economic growth and the building of folkhemmet. The Swedish social program for a more improved living condition. Outside of Sweden the cold war is reigning and the Swedish international politics is careful and passive. The fear of communism makes Sweden side with the western powers and therefore they (Swedish politicians and news papers) do not object to the French military effort to strike down the rebellions by force in North Africa.
Sverigedemokraternasanvändning av begreppet?svenskfientlighet? : en diskursanalys
The Sweden Democrats uses a term to describe a situation where ?swedes? are being discriminated against by other ethnic groups and where the elite is promoting this. The term ?svenskfientlighet? can be translated as ?swedofobia? and in this thesis a speech by the party leader Jimmie Åkesson held during the election campaign that solely was dedicated to this term is being analyzed with the help of tools developed by the scholar Ruth Wodak. Ruth Wodak has previously analyzed the rhetoric by other European right-wing-populist parties like FPÖ in Austria and has asked for other researchers to analyze the speech used by right-wing-populist and extremist parties to get a better understanding for just how these parties construct their different enemies.
LIKHET ELLER SKILLNAD? : Om hur ambassadörer för UNICEF i Sverige representeras i relation till barn/?de Andra? utifrån könade och rasifierade diskurser om bistånd
This essay aims to examine what subject positions are possible within the discourse of relationship anarchy. Through semi-structured interviews with four people who define themselves as relationship anarchists I've made a discourse analysis to determine how these relationship anarchists explain what, in the discourse they?re in, is described as an relationship anarchistic way of being, what isn?t and how they relate to this. Relationship anarchy is described as an ideology based on freedom. It is about the right to define their relationships as they like, as something constantly changing and that does not hold a specific value based on its label.
Fristaden Sverige : Rättsväsendets svek mot misshandlade kvinnor
To this day, battery of women is a global problem. The aim of this paper is to examine this problem in the country that is considered to be one of the most equal countries in the world, namely Sweden. How big a problem is it, what is the social outlook of the victim and how does the Swedish justice system respond to this issue? These are some of the questions that will help to form an answer to the question if Sweden is a sanctuary for femalebatterers.Due to the resistance of implementing the entire penalty scale and the use of judicial methods, such as restraining orders and its effect on the women, the conclusion drawn from the answers is yes - Sweden is that sanctuary. The Swedish justice system is not tough enough when it comes to the abuse of women.
Bedömningsgrunder för boendestöd : en intervjustudie med biståndshandläggare i Uppsala kommun
This bachelor thesis aims to investigate how social workers in Uppsala describe their procedure when investigating applications for housing assistance (i.e. boendestöd). Boendestöd is a specific type of services for people with disabilities, which aim to assist them in their lives. This welfare service is one of many regulated by the framework legislation that is the social services act (SoL 2001:453). Previous research indicates that civil servants who make decisions based on goal-oriented framework legislations like SoL, have a great freedom to act when they make judgments and decisions.