814 Uppsatser om Freedom of speech - Sida 12 av 55
Underskott vid gränsöverskridande fusioner : Utgör de svenska reglerna en inskränkning i etableringsfriheten?
This Bachelor?s thesis focuses on those terms that, from a Swedish perspective, have to be fulfilled to entitle deduction for definitive losses in a cross-border merger situation. The thesis analyses one of the ten rulings from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court which were published in 2009.The ruling is analysed in the light of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the merger directive and the Court of Justice rulings in Marks & Spencer and Lidl. The purpose is to examine if the Swedish rules concerning cross-border mergers is compatible with the EU-law. The Swedish rules concerning mergers are found in chapter 37 in the Swedish income tax act.
Genusmarkering av återgivet tal: Förutsägbarhet av förändringar vid litterär översättning från svenska till japanska
This thesis endavours to examine whether differences between original and translation in literary translation are systematic and predictable by studying a Swedish detective novel and its Japanese translation. The domain of the novel chosen for analysis is the reported speech (i.e. dialog).Translation Studies suggests that knowledge of the literary norms of the Target Language of the translation and of the status of translations in the Target Language's literary system, enables one to predict if and what differences between original and translation will appear.A survey of the scholarly literature concerning literary norms in the Japanese system and the status of translation within said system was performed and the following hypotheses were postulated: 1. Given sufficient knowledge of the norms of the Target Language's literary system and the status of translations within said system, the nature of differences between original and translation can be predicted. 2.
Vad staten bör göra. En deontologisk och en preferensutilitaristisk analys av beskattning och statliga verksamheter.
This essay is a normative analysis concerning the question of whether the government should be allowed to use taxes to finance the state. What kind of ethical problems arise when the government use taxation? If it is possible to justify taxation, despite potential moral issues, then what should the government do with the funds they have collected? What kinds of government functions are morally justified? Is it merely the kinds of functions that are supposed to uphold negative human rights; or should the government provide health care, education and even culture for the citizens? This analysis aims to answer those questions and also formulate a principle about what the government should be occupied with, if anything at all. In order to achieve this I mainly use the terms freedom and justice to analyse ethical problems. The ideas of John Rawls and Robert Nozick are essential in this project.My answer is that taxation is justified as long as the purpose is to maintain the most fundamental human rights and also under other special circumstances such as if an individual cannot find a way to finance basic education or necessary health care.
Jag får kommentarer, alltså är jag : En studie i bloggkommentarers betydelse och bloggskapande med skrivprocessen som utgångspunkt
In 2012 blogging reached an all time high in Sweden. Around 400,000 people made blog posts at least one time during this year. Blogs have publishing as a main purpose and can after publication be read by anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet with an Internet connection. This makes the blogger open to response through comments that can be either constructive or destructive. No research has been made regarding blog comments and their effect on bloggers and their writing process.
?Yttrandefriheten har väl aldrig utnyttjats av så många som just nu? : En kvalitativ studie om bloggvärldens påverkan på samhället
We have studied the effects that blogs have on the society through interviews with influential bloggers, a news director and the founder of Sweden?s largest blogprovider.Existing theoretical work by other researchers have been used as a starting point to our thesis. Via a deductive method we then proceeded to test these existing models and viewpoints on the reality.Through our research we have concluded that blogs, if they co-operate, have an agenda-setting function, and that they can affect newspapers to write about certain topics.We have also discussed blogs role as media watch dogs. Gunilla Sax, news director, questions the blog world?s ability to fully cover all media, and to deliver a systematic and just review of the media.
Journalistikens inriktning och fokusering? -en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av pressens rapportering av fyra partiledares öppningsanförande
Before the general election 2006 all of the Swedish parties represented in the Parliament held their political party conference. At each political party conference, the leader for respectively party held their opening speech, a speech that was covered by the press. This essay deals with how the press covers these speeches. Analysing how the different speeches were covered by the press, some tendencies regarding how the press report could be visualised. In this comparison the ?quantitative content analysis? was used.
"Man tiger, biter ihop och går vidare?" : en representationsteoretisk analys av talet om sexuella trakasserier i en svensk kulturdebatt
The purpose of this essay is to analyse how medial representations in a specific cultural debate expresses thoughts about gender, power and speech. The debate in question took place in Sweden 2010 and was about an inspection of sexual harassments in the Swedish acting area, made by Sveriges Radio, Ekot. This essay examines the made representations of the debate, with a feministic point of view and concludes that a male gaze shapes the form of speech and gives the debate a discourse sort of reasoning about gender. The special discourse formatted in the examined area contains a certain conception of power and the structure of power, which is also explained by the male gaze and the meaning of post-feminism..
Europeiska Unionens makt att förändra världen : - En kvalitativ studie ur ett normativt perspektiv
The purpose with this essay was to examine how the European Union is working totransfer norms to states they signed an agreement with and provide support for inframe of the Barcelona process and the Tacis programme. The theory which weused was Ian Manners (PhD in Political Science) theory of "the EU as a uniquenormative power". The aim was to examine whether the EU - which Manners mean- has had a normative power to influence states to change. We used a qualitativeapproach through the use of a multiple case study and qualitative text and contentanalysis. The States which formed the basis of our study were within the BarcelonaProcess; Morocco and Tunisia as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia funded by theTacis programme.
En global logistikkedja : En deskriptiv studie av doktriner och på den nya globala Försvarsmaktens krav av logistikkedjan vid strategisk nivå
Den nya globala försvarsmakten ställer nya krav, inte minst på logistikkedjan där avstånden ökar och förutsättningarna för insats inte är lika klara som under det kalla kriget. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka krav ur en doktrinär synvinkel som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå kopplat till en strategisk rörlighet vid en framtida Svensk insats. Som empiri i uppsatsen används de doktriner och reglementen som finns i Sverige och i NATO som avhandlar logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå och strategisk rörlighet. Samt en fallstudie från Operation Iraqi freedom för att exemplifiera de krav som kan komma att ställas på logistikkedjan på strategisk nivå. Uppsatsens metod är deskription och fallstudie där fallstudien exemplifierar de problem som kan komma att uppstå.
Minimizing acts of violence through telephone-linked care: an
automated telephone system for outpatients in forensic
psychiatric care
Achievements within the fields of computer- and telecommunication technology have led to a revolution when it comes to managing information. These achievements have made it possible to offer new services in healthcare, especially in telemedicine. New technology has become a complement to traditional care, thus partly compensating for insufficient time and resources. Telephone Linked Care (TLC) is a telecommunication technology that enables automated dialog counselling and monitoring of patients in their homes. During the last two decades numerous randomized controlled studies with TLC have demonstrated improvement among outpatients with chronic and health behaviour disorders.
Förebilder som bär bikinis : Claremonts X-(Wo)Men,Phoenix, Shadowcat och Storm.
The aim of this study is to analyse how pornography is used in the American comics X-Men, published by Marvel under the authorship of Chris Claremont.I have applied Butler and MacKinnons theories about pornography as a performative speech, to this special art form. I have also investigated how censorship has influenced the comics evolution and whether it has affected the way women and sexual and ethnical minorities are represented. To corroborate how these theories apply, I have analysed three main female fig-ures in The X-Men comics - Storm, Phoenix and Shadowcat - and I have tried to identify how they relate to existing stereotypes.The conclusion of this essay is that the women characters in X-Men break the existing stereo-types and create new implications. This reinforces Butler?s theory about the possibility to re-verse hate speech and diminishes MacKinnons perspective of pornography as an imperative..
Språklig medvetenhet i tal och tanke
Linguistic awareness in speech and thought.
Samvetsfrihet : En studie om vårdpersonals rättigheter till och upplevelser av samvetsfrihet vid abortverksamhet i Sverige och Norge
The right to freedom of conscience is protected by international conventions and declarations of human rights that have been ratified by Sweden. Nationally, the issue of health professionals? right to freedom of conscience in the abortion care is not resolved by public inquiry. This has led to that Sweden has been notified to the European Committee of Social Rights on the grounds that the country is considered to be violating the Council of Europe Resolution 1763 and that the proper question to be determined by regulations of the interests that are balanced, based on their legal value in relation to each other. Freedoms, rights and obligations conflict with each other.
Filmljudets funktioner i dramafilm : En audio-visuell analys av filmen The King's Speech
Johansson, Fredrik (2012). Filmljudets funktioner i dramafilm ? En audio-visuell analys av filmen The King´s Speech. Examensuppsats inom Ljudproduktion, Högskolan Dalarna, Akademin för språk och medier, Falun.I denna uppsats undersöktes filmljudet i dramafilmen The King´s Speech. Detta för att ta reda på vilka funktioner filmljudet fyller i de valda sekvenserna ur nämnda film, samt hur ljudet är placerat i filmens flerkanalsmix.Filmen granskades med hjälp av en audio-visuell analys.
En fallstudie av Azerbaijans svåra väg mot demokrati
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka bakomliggande faktorer som sätter käppar i hjulen för demokratiseringsprocessen i Azerbaijan. Med hjälp av rapporter från olika internationella organisationer, såsom Freedom House ser jag landets demokratiska utveckling och fungerande. Jag använt mig av den teoribekräftande fallstudien där jag applicerar demokratiseringsteorin på fallet i Azerbaijan. Freedom House rapport ? Nations in Transit? i Azerbaijan 2011 kan man förknipa med Robert Dahls polyarki begrepp.
Polyarkibegreppet bygger på två grundelement: medverkan och tävlan eller konkurrens.