

963 Uppsatser om Freedom of expression - Sida 37 av 65

Impulsköpsåtgärder i butik - En fallstudie av 7-Eleven

Should libraries first and foremost be a source of free informationwhere the citizens can find whatever information they want, or dothe librarians have a responsibility for what kind of works theypresent to people on their shelves? A wild debate broke out inSwedish media in September 2012, after the artistic leader ofKulturhuset in Stockholm; Behrang Miri decided to weed out allthe Tintin albums from the children´s library Tiotretton. Hewanted to start a debate on stereotypes in children´s fiction, andwhat damage they do to children who face them. The purpose ofthe thesis is to carry out a discourse analysis of this media debate,and to identify the different views that are expressed on thedemocratic mission of the libraries, what media they shouldpresent. The method and theory is based on the discourse theory ofErnesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and their concepts are used toarrange the analysis around certain themes that build up twodifferent discourses; ?Freedom of information discourse? and the?Weeding out discourse?.The two main questions are: What views of the public librariesselection of works are expressed in the Tintin debate in Tiotretton,and how do the views relate to each other? What concepts arespecific for the debate, and what meanings do they get in thesedifferent views?In the concluding chapter I discuss which consequences theseopposing opinions can have for the future selection processes ofthe library..

Likvärdighet och valfrihet : Är oron för en sänkt likvärdighet sedan det fria skolvalets införande befogad?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the term equableness in the Swedish elementary school with a take-off point in the free school reform from 1992. This essay starts with the political background of the terms equableness and freedom of choice and the official governmental guidelines. Research from Bo Malmberg and Gabriel Sahlgren act as a framework for the whole essay as their theories are tested. The main problem is presented as the question: is the debated concern regarding a lowered equableness since 1992 justifiable? Both researchers define equableness as a difference in grades but undertake a collective versus a more individual approach.

Vi och våra andra Om konstruktionen av de andra i svenska läromedel. En diskursanalys av fem samhällskunskapsböcker för högstadiet.

The purpose of this study is to examine to what extent the senior level Swedish school can be viewed as supporting, or counteracting, a colonial discourse that legitimizes global and national injustices. The study is executed through a discourse analysis of five textbooks in social science for senior level Swedish schools.Using elements from Foucault and Edward Said a theoretical framework is constructed, in which a colonial discourse is perceived as structured around four clusters of ideas, namely (i) the use of dichotomies, (ii) the concept of progress and civilization, (iii) the construction of -we- as synonymous with (ii), and (iv) the construction of -the others- as the opposite of (ii) and, therefore, the opposite of -us-.The results show that a colonial discourse is still highly present in the textbooks, in that the texts are structured around dichotomies such as tradition/modernity and democracy/dictatorship. Sweden and the Western world are perceived as closely associated with democracy, freedom, and modernity, whereas -the others- of the world are being associated with e.g. poverty, conflict, tradition, and ignorance. -The others- within Sweden, i.e.

Familjediskursen : 1998-2008

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to see how the media, through the newspaper, "Vi föräldrar?, produces family and parental roles, and to investigate how the image changed over time.Material/Method: The material consists of a number of selected texts from the years 1968, 1988 and 2008. The method used is a discourse analysis based on the three level model by Norman Fairclough. The three levels are the text, the discourse practise and the sociocultural practise. In this study two of the levels, text and sociocultural practise, are used in analysing the texts.Main results: Family and parenting in the texts from 1968 can be linked to the structural functionalist theory in which the core family is central and women and men are assigned to specific roles.

Fördelning av ankomst- och avgångstider på flygplatser i Europeiska Unionen : Reglering av andrahandshandel - nu och i framtiden

In order to make take-off and landing procedures possible at an airport, an organized allo- cation of slots is necessary. How these slots shall be distributed among airlines is, at pre- sent, governed by the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 Janu- ary 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports. It is important for the air- lines to be allocated a beneficial slot. Hence it is of great interest for the airlines to ex- change and transfer the allocated times among themselves, a form of secondary market. Whether such practices are allowed or not is not regulated by specific detail in the regula- tion, which leads to legal uncertainty.

Shooting Target - Design : Product Development

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Individen bakom sjukdomen

Identity includes an individual´s self-image and the consciousness about their self. It is about being the same person despite changes in their life situation. The identity often get´s fragile because of the disease. Beacuse of the individual´s feeling of lost identity there may arise a conflict between the person and people in his or her surroundings. They may no longer see the sick person in the same way as they used to.

Ägglocksmaskin : Produktutveckling på en maskin som hanterar ägglocken

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället

This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.

Verkfrågan-katalogisatörens huvudvärk. En studie av regelverket vid katalogisering av musiktryck med utgångspunkt i begreppet verk.

The aim of this thesis is to explore the concept of the work and the problems with the definition of it. The concept is an important starting-point when it comes to cataloguing musical works and creating uniform titles. Another aim is to find out other difficulties that are frequent in cataloguing printed music. In the theoretical part of this thesis Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records FRBR and the Swedish cataloguing rules KRS are important tools. The FRBR-model and the four entities work, expression, manifestation and item are described.

BETYDELSEN AV LEDARSKAP OCH GRÄNSLÖSHET FÖR KREATIVITET : En studie av reklambyråer och kulturskolor

SammanfattningStudien undersökte hur ledarskap och gränslöshet i arbetsförhållanden påverkade kreativiteten på fem svenska reklambyråer respektive fem svenska kulturskolor. Deltagarna angav i vilken utsträckning 61 påståenden stämde med deras upplevelse av gränslöshet rörande arbetet respektive sin chefs ledarbeteenden. Ledarbeteenden togs upp som, baserat på tidigare forskning, gynnar kreativitet. Arbetsplatsens kreativitet självskattades. Två frågor med öppna svar belyste faktorer som påverkat kreativiteten positivt respektive negativt.

" I det stora hela vet jag att det handlar om att ha kul på dagis..." - En jämförande studie av pedagogers syfte och föräldrars förväntningar av utvecklingssamtal i förskolan.

The Swedish state and educational system are secular, so to say they do not depend on the former protestant state church anymore. Many people in Sweden are also secular. Even so, in school teachers meet students with a religious faith. The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers without a religious belonging experience the encounter with religious students. The method used was semistructured interviews with five teachers in a upper secondary school in a multicultural suburb of Stockholm.

Den svenska arbetarrörelsens utmaningar och visioner - En undersökning av synen på kollektivet i LO- Tidningen 1991-2005

In this essay I have studied the Swedish Working Class whose part of LO.Ideological texts in LO- Magazines is used to quote texts by collective orindividual terms. Method and theory material show high level of solidarity andequality while theory shows higher level of individualism and autonomy. Myresearch is closer to Boréus than Blocks. Politics taking under the 1980: s apowerful right turns holding a steady course through my material.The question in the essay is: What vision on the collective shows in theLO- Magazine in a time during individualization? Answer to this question is thatthe collective unofficially through LO: s: staff on central level tries to showstrength and unity with terms like solidarity and equality between the sexes.

Angående Individualismen : ? Facebook: Individualistens Kollektiv

Author: Jonathan Wanér HedbergTitle: Angående Individualismen ? Facebook: Individualistens KollektivYear: 2014/2015Abstract: This essay seeks to understand how the expression of individualism can be seen in different ways in people?s use of the social network Facebook. Ten interviews with Facebook users have been performed. The analysis of these has been able to illustrate how Facebook users through Erving Goffman´s impression management prepares and presents their individualism to a collective, i. e.

Stress i socialt arbete : - en risk för utbrändhet?

The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers who worked with financial assistance perceived their work situation and the impact work-related stress had on their health and quality of work. Further, the study intended to find out if they felt that they received support from their employer that could prevent stress-related sick leave. The following two research questions were to be answered: In what way does work-related stress affect social workers? health and job quality according to their own experience? What kind of support and help experienced social workers were available within their organization? To receive answers to the questions semi-structured interviews with five social workers were conducted, analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that when social workers have a heavy case burden, high stress and a risk of deteriorated job quality occurred.

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