

271 Uppsatser om Framing - Sida 1 av 19

Vem vinner? Populär och litterär gestaltning i medierapporteringen om Nobelpriset i litteratur

Who will win? Popular and literary Framing in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature by Magnus Wennerberg Autumn 2013Instructor Mats Ekström The question at issue in this essay is how does mass media frame Nobel Prize in Literature? The starting point is to study whether game Framing is occuring in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature. Previously, game Framing has been studied in coverage of politcs, contrasted against issue Framing. Game Framing means that media frame politics as a game, a contest between politicians about power. This kind of Framing is supposed to be used by media in purpose of attracting larger audience.

I stundens hetta : En kvalitativ textanalys om gestaltningar av krisarbetare i samband med skogsbranden i Va?stmanland sommaren 2014

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the Framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, Framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

Är ni ett vanligt parti idag? : En studie om Sverigedemokraternas gestaltning i Aftonbladet och Expressen 2010 och 2012

The aim of this study was to determine to what degree the Framing of the political party the Sweden Democrats had changed in swedish media, from 2010 in contrast to 2012. Particular interest was directed towards the Framing of the party as a problem.This was done by studying the news articles during 12 weeks in 2010, and 12 weeks in 2012, in the newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. These particular newspapers were especially interesting to study since they have been outspokenly critical of the party. Both of the newspapers can be said to be among the most clearly critical towards the Sweden Democrats.I studied 256 published articles retrieved through the news database Newsline. Quantitative content analysis was used to determine patterns and tendencies.

Framing och epidemier : En studie av framing i relation till fiktiva och reella epidemier

The present study aimed to replicate Tversky & Kahneman's' survey of 1981 The Asian Disease Problem. A survey was conducted on the Internet (N = 200). An identical problem was added, yet with The Swine Flu as the disease. This was done to be able to investigate if there are any order effects, and also if it matters whether the mentioned disease is fictional or real. The results show the same results as Tversky & Kahneman already noted; positively and negatively framed problems generate different responses from the participants.

Medias gestaltning av Uppsala Reggaefestival : ett problemfyllt evenemang?

Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to describe in what way different newspapers framed Uppsala Reggaefestival, which is a music festival in Uppsala, Sweden. Not only the local press, but also the Framing by national press will be analyzed. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss what causes different frames.Material/Method: The material consist of 96 articles from 4 different newspapers which are being analyzed through a quantitative content analysis method inspired by Melin and Lange, and their ideas of identifying the main message of a text. The media Framing of Uppsala Reggaefestival are compared to another similar music festival in Sweden, Arvikafestivalen. By using theories about media Framing and media logic the results can, if not explained, at least be discussed.Main results: The study shows that Uppsala Reggaefestival is framed in a way that is focused on the problems within the festival, for example drug abuse.

Bilden av EU : En studie av EU som opinionsbildare i Tyskland och Österrike

AbstractThe opinions about the European Union vary considerably between the member states. There are likely several reasons of this, the following study examines one that ought to play a major role. This study examines the idea that media affects the public opinion. According to the theory of Framing media can not only tell us what to think about, media also has the power to influence how we think about the matter. ?Framing: Toward Clarification of a fractured paradigm? by Robert M.

Från olja till bläck : En studie om medias inramning av ?Etiopiensvenskarna?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att försöka skapa en större förståelse för hur svenska tidningar har använt sig av Framing/inramning och sociala representationer i sin nyhetsrapportering kring de två svenska journalisterna Johan Persson och Martin Schibbye som satt fängslade i Etiopien.För att skapa en större förståelse kring inramningen av "Etiopiensvenskarna" har denna uppsats använt sig av kritisk diskursanalys på svenska morgon- och kvällstidningar under två olika tidsperioder, en i inledningen och en i slutfasen av situationen med "Etiopiensvenskarna"Resultatet av vår analys visar att det har skett en Framing/inramning av nyhetsrapporteringen kring Johan Persson och Martin Schibbyes situation i Etiopien. Denna inraming har bland annat skett genom att tidningarna tilldelar dem en hjältestatus där de har valt att belysa vissa delar av situationen, som till exempel deras nationalitet, yrke och frågan om yttrandefrihet. Denna inramning kan påverka mottagarens tolkning..

Gestaltningen av en massmördare : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om gestaltningen av Anders Behring Breivik i nordisk media.

The purpose of this study is to overlook Nordic medias news coverage and Framing of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The study is based on printed editions of Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten, Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter and the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet set on nine selected dates related to the issue between July 23th 2011 to August 25th 2012.   The study will display how Breivik was framed by each of the Nordic newspapers and even the total amount of news coverage the issue has been given. The media Framing part of the study will mainly focus on the media Framing of Breiviks personality and political ideology. The study will also investigate each newspapers handling of Breiviks manifesto, which he published only hours before killing 77 people on July 22th 2011. The study is a quantitative content analysis, containing a total number of 245 articles.

Irakkriget 030320 : En komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk nyhetsrapportering

                    AbstractTitle:  Irakkriget 030320 ? en komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansknyhetsrapportering. (Iraq war 030320 ? a Comparative Study of Swedish and AmericanNewsreport) Author:  Catherine Lundahl Tutor:  Christian Christensen Course:  Media and Communication C ? Bachelor Thesis University:  Uppsala Universitet Keywords:  Iraq war, Framing, war journalism, propaganda, Swedish press, American press,democracy, totalitarianism, president Bush, president Hussein, the UN, victims.  AimThe purpose with this essay is to compare the Swedish and American press during the 2003Iraq war newsreport. Focus is put on the framework of news each country presents.Material/MethodologyThe essay represent a selection of articles during the week before the invasion 030313-030320which delimited to a material of 20 newsarticles from each country.

Sociala rörelser. Politiska möjligheter, framing och samhällsvärderingar. En fallstudie på Sovjetunionen och transitionen till demokrati.

This thesis is a study of social movements and their possibilities to effect politics by infuencing values in society through Framing. I've looked upon social movements from a functionalistic-structuralistic perspective, as if they were carriers of values from people that otherwise won't be represented in the political life. The values that the social movements are struggling for can affect both the opinion and the decision-makers since the social movements in an active way are trying ti influence the society. The thesis examines the political opportunities that social movements hav to mobilise and grow. I have looked at different factors that either improve or make the political opportunities worse.

Vad är en framgångsrik kampanj? : En studie av branschens syn på PR- och reklamkampanjers effekter

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the Framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, Framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

Gamla nyheter : en studie av hur pensionärer ramas in och representeras i svensk press

Purpose/Aim: This essay explores the Framing and representation of pensioners in Swedish press during the period of 2002-2008. The aim was to investigate what meaning news give elderly people on the manifest level, and also what meaning the media texts construct on the latent level.Material/Method: For this paper I have investigated Framing of pensioners using quantitative analysis of 100 news articles, followed by a qualitative hermeneutic analysis applied on the most frequent frames discovered in the quantitative study.Main results: Four frames were identified concerning pensioners: crime victims, heroes in daily dues, economically advantaged and economically disadvantaged. The dualistic result in the economy frame was investigated in the qualitative research. The study revealed that pensioners as a group may have good economic standards, although there are individual differences. Three stereotypes were discovered in the articles: ?kind granny?, ?fragile and miserable? and ?look what I can do?..

Val och valregler inom kooperativa företag : en studie om hur människor gör val och hur val påverkar människor

This work summarises some of the new choice theories and compares them with the neo-classical theories. It will deal with choice behaviour in situations with complex choice, such as may be encountered by board members or members of a co-operative company. The thesis discusses how choice may change if the rules of choice change. The hypothesis that people will vote differently depending on whether they choose a desired alternative or remove the undesired alternatives will be tested. .

Facebook-reklam ? irriterande men användbar : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vad generation Y gör med reklam

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the Framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, Framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

"Det var en gång?" : En textanalys om hur VisitSweden använder storytelling i framställningen av svensk matkultur och dess aktörer

This qualitative study examines how emergency people are framed in Swedish evening-, and local newspapers during the forest fire in Va?stmanland, Sweden 2014. The study also includes if there is any difference between the Framing due to the location of the newspaper. The study is based on qualitative text analysis. The theoretical basis is representation, Framing theory, media image, media logic and a few conceptions from crisis communication theory.

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