

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 39 av 80

IT-konsultens konsultationsprocess

How does IT-consultants reason in their consulting process regarding the development of a clients IT-based internal recruitment system? The purpose with this paper is to investigate how an IT-consultant is reasoning in a consulting process and investigate whether consultants are using established models and methods in their work. We have chosen to work with a qualitative examination to attain our purpose. In our work gathering the empirical facts we have been working with a case study, an observation and a simulation exercise. The combination of these has made it possible to carry out the paper and produce the most correct data possible. Conclusion: We state that IT-consultants do not use any theory-based methods, they use process methods created by themselves and their company.

Nordisk grannspråksförståelse i en skandinavisk skola utomlands

The primary purpose of this degree project was to investigate teachers conceptions about education for sustainable development and their education within the area. Teachers from Sweden and California have taken part and one of the aims with this study was to look if any differences could be found depending on what country the teachers came from. Therefore, this study has used a qualitative approach where conception maps and interviews have been used to get a result. Furthermore, the result showed that none of the differences that was found can be linked to the participants home country. The study also showed that several of different teaching traditions and educations philosophies was represented.

Utveckling av en ny tillverkningslina

This report contains results of our study at CTC in Ljungby. CTC produces heating products such as boilers, heat pumps and additional products to their heating systems.The purpose of the report is to make a proposal how CTC will supply their new production line for heat pumps with materials. The proposal includes a production layout and a scheme for how to place the material in the production storage.The new production line will produce two different products and both of them have several variants. The line will also have a mixed flow, so the products can be produced in a random order. These conditions demand that the production line has great flexibility and that the material to all the variants can be stored in the production storage.With these conditions as input we made a layout proposal to the company.

Bedömning ur rektors perspektiv

En kvalitativt inriktad intervjustudie som ämnar till att belysa olika pedagogers förhållningssätt och bemötande av regnbågsfamiljer i förskolan utifrån de normer och värderingar som finns i samhället. Studien undersöker hur några pedagoger i förskolans verksamhet förhåller sig till familjer med samkönade vårdnadshavare, i studien även refererade till som regnbågsfamiljer, samt vilka metoder de använder sig av för att synliggöra begreppet familj i det dagliga arbetet med barnen. Inom arbetets ramar har vi också gjort en liten förstudie på en hbt-certifierad förskola samt intervjuat en regnbågsfamilj. För att nå en djupare förståelse för den situation som dessa familjer befinner sig i ger studien en kortfattad samhällelig bakgrund till synen på homosexuella samtidigt som vi redogör för litteratur som vi menar är relevant i förhållande till studien. Utifrån detta diskuterar vi hur normer, värderingar och heteronormativiteten i samhället, det vill säga hur samhället är uppbyggt kring en syn på heterosexualitet som det förgivettagna normala, avspeglar sig inom förskolans väggar.

Ett nytt sätt att tänka : En studie av fem lärares syn på bedömning och betygssättning i Engelska 5

Sedan 1990-talet har Sverige ett kunskaps- och målrelaterat bedömningssystem i skolan där eleverna blir bedömda och betygsatta utifrån ämnesplan och kunskapskrav. I samband med den nya skolreformen 2011 reviderades innehållet i dessa styrdokument. Studiens syfte är att belysa hur engelsklärare resonerar i sitt val av bedömningsformer för underlag vid bedömning och betygssättning i förhållande till ämnesplan och kunskapskrav i Gy11, samt att undersöka om det finns skillnader i lärarnas bedömningsarbete i jämförelse med Lpf94. Undersökningen har genomförts vid en gymnasieskola där kvalitativa intervjuer har hållits med fem engelsklärare som undervisar i kursen Engelska 5. Studien visar att bedömning sker kontinuerligt av lärarna, men att de har olika sätt att bedöma, dokumentera och använda sig av bedömning i lärandet.

Kunskapsbedömning i bildämnet

Vi har i denna undersökning valt att tittat på hur aktiva bildlärare i grundskolans senare del, ser på och praktiserar kunskapsbedömning i ämnet Bild. Kunskapsbedömning i allmänhet och kanske i bild i synnerhet är inte problemfritt. Det visar både litteraturen och vår egen erfarenhet. Att bedöma elevers bilder har under lång tid setts som en kontroversiell fråga. En otydlig och ofta starkt traditionsbunden syn på de ämnesstoff bildämnet innehåller samt otydliga bedömningskriterier skapar en svårighet att utföra adekvata bedömningar i ämnet.

Nationell identitet i konsten : Peter Johansson dekonstruerar mytbilden om svenskhet

The purpose of this examination is to identify how notions of Swedishness is created artistically, and from where these notions come. My method is to make a study on exhibition catalogues on the theme Swedishness/Nordism, with focus on the contemporary Swedish artist Peter Johansson. With a retrospect of his childhood in Dalecarlia, he investigates a Swedish iconography with it?s roots in national romanticism, which for more than one hundred years has been preserved and exploited of the tourist industry to market Sweden. It?s this monotonous iconography that Johansson deconstructs to make it appear like something else ? namely an iconography based on ethnic purity, which pushes away the foreign and protects the own.

Faktorer som påverjar uteblivande och återbud inom tandvården -en enkätstudie

Non-attendance and cancellations within dental care is a problem resulting in both financial and time consuming losses. The purpose of this questionnaire was to investigate different factors influencing non-attendance and cancellations. Six public and private dental clinics located in Skåne participated. Information about the clinics and patient-related factors were collected. Result: Totally 182 patients cancelling or not attending their appointment were registered.

Statens och kyrkans separation : En lokal studie om Hällby församling i Södermanland

Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur sex danslärare uppfattar sitt arbete med bedömning i dans i gymnasieskolan, inom de nya ämnes-och kursplanerna från 2011. Studien avser också undersöka hur danslärarna går tillväga under feedbacksamtal i dansämnet. Mitt syfte för studien grundar sig i att jag själv har ett starkt intresse för bedömning och hur jag kan utveckla olika bedömningsmetoder. De metoder jag har använt mig av i studien är tre kvalitativa intervjuer, samt tre intervjuer via mail. Intervjupersonerna har valts på grunderna att de undervisar elever inom det estetiska programmet inriktning dans, samt att de undervisar elever enligt de nya ämnes-och kursplanerna.

"Underhållsfria fönster" : I vilken utsträckning är dagens "underhållsfria" fönster underhållsfria och hur ser man

AbstractThe aim of this examination paper is to get an overview on the ?no-maintenance? windowsthat exist on the Swedish market, like plastic and aluminium windows.By way of introduction the reader gets knowledge in the background and problemformulatethat this subject has. This introduction explains why it has become so popular to changeyour windows into plastic- and aluminium windows and there is an existing scepticismagainst PVC and aluminium as construction material for windows.The main part of this report is constructed by segments of interviews where bothproducers of windows and stakeholders gets to answer questions about their viewing onno-maintenance windows from a material and construction point of view and where theproduction is headed to in the future. This is followed by an evaluation of a questionnaireon how pleased the house owners that changed their old windows to no-maintenancewindows are, followed by an inspection of windows made up from wood and an aluminiumclothing, windows made from only aluminium and PVC-based windows. It ends with atheory part about the materials PVC and metal based upon facts included in literature.By reading this report you can draw the conclusion that no window can be entirely nonmaintenancebut that the materials PVC and aluminium still are good substitutes for woodto lessen the maintenance..

Undersökning av mätsystem och regulatorstrukturer för industriella tillämpningar

This thesis is divided in to two different parts. The first part includes examination of the measurementsystem of an industrial robot using a resolver sensor. The main focus is on methods for suppressing noise in the angularvelocity signal without increasing timedelay. Five different methods are investigated. Three of these are based on oversampling: burstsamplingmethod, meanvaluemethod and correlationmethod.

Förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter genom språkstimulerande arbete i förskolan

The purpose of my examination is contributing with knowledge about the relation between language- stimulation in preschool and read- and writes developing and teachers thought about that. In order to meet the purpose I read literature that deals with my matter and is based previous research. I also made qualitative interviews with three elementary school teachers and three preschool teachers who work within preschools that concentrate on development of language in a town in the middle of Sweden.  In this way I find out about their thoughts about what they think is important to work with about language in preschool and how the preschool teachers can work with the development of language to make it easier for the children in their read- and writes developing. The result shows that it is important to work with children?s development of language in preschool.

Nytt eller gammalt? ? En studie av stadsbiblioteken i Hässleholm och Kristianstad

The purpose of this essay is to examine how a newly built library and an old library from the sixties work out of an experience and feeling oriented view. Are the fundamental conditions of an old library compatible with the library standards of today? To be able to carry out this examination we have chosen two rather small Swedish libraries. One is the public library of Hässleholm, which opened in the year 2000, and the other is the public library of Kristianstad opened in 1965. The material used to attain the purpose of the study consists of literature studies and qualitative observations and interviews.

Konflikter och konflikthantering bland unga och ledare på en fritidsgård i Nacka : Möjligheter och och faror med konflikter

In this essay I have examined how teenager and leaders handle conflicts on a recreation centre in Nacka, outside of Stockholm in Sweden.I have made qualitative interviews with two leaders and ten teeangers. Also I have read researchlitterature about conflicts and how to handle them. Then I have made observations watching how leaders and teeangers communicate and behave.The purpose of the examination is to describe differences with constructive and destructive handle with conflicts. I have also shown how conflicts can give possibilites for the involved people to get to understand themselves, the other parts and the whole complex social behavior better.But that demands that the involved people choose a constructive solution where both parts cooperate, understand eachother and can see how themselves have contributed in developing the conflict.I have worked as an employee at the recreation centre two evenings a week in sex months. During that time I have observed conflicts and different strategies among teeangers and leaders.My conclusions are that conflicts give opportunities for people to grow as human-beeings and get a mentally richer life.

Elektroniska vetenskapliga utgåvor av skönlitteratur på webben en studie av hypertextualitet, interaktivitet och hypermedialitet.

The objective of this thesis is to examine which form value-adding qualities specific for the Web take and to what extent they exist in a selection of electronic scholarly editions of literary works. The examination was concentrated on the qualities hypertextuality, interactivity and hypermediality. Besides extent and form, the research questions focused on whether or not the form of the editions correspond to theories and guidelines about how electronic scholarly editions should be designed to generate an added value from a scholarly point of view. The empirical approach was qualitative and the selection consisted of 31 editions. They were examined according to theories about the value-adding features of the qualities.

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