

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 31 av 80

Handläggning av Rädda hjärnan patienter på Akademiska sjukhuset : Före och efter införandet av Rädda hjärnan mappen

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Kartläggning av matematikkunskaper : en studie av olika kartläggningsmaterial med inriktning på elever i år 1-6

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur man på olika skolor i tre kommuner gör för att kartlägga elevernas kunskaper i matematik, för att ta reda på vilka elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd. Efter intervjuer på åtta skolor valdes tre kartläggningsmaterial ut. Lärarnas uppfattningar om kartläggningsmaterialen lyfts fram och diagnoser analyseras för att se vad de testar. Undersökningen visar att man på de besökta skolorna använde många olika material för att kartlägga matematikkunskaperna. Det material som användes på flest skolor var kartläggningsmaterialet Diamant, vilket är ett av de tre material som är med i analysen.

Formativ Bedömning: Återkoppling : Hur lärarens frågor, uppmaningar och undervisning användsformativt i gymnasieskolans matematikundervisning

Det här dokumentet är en litteraturstudie över några av de vanligaste missuppfattningarna inom arbetsområdet taluppfattning och tals användning inom matematiken. Fokus på missuppfattningarna ligger inom området för decimaltal. Studien behandlar också hur lärare kan arbeta för att minska antalet missuppfattningar i sitt arbete med decimaltal. I studien har litteratur från tidskrifterna Nämnaren och Nordisk Matematik Didaktik från Nationellt Centrum för Matematikutbildning läst. Artiklar från databasen ERIC har använts som komplement för att ge en bredare syn på missuppfattningar och lärares arbete.

Vampyren i populärromanen - En kulturanalytisk studie av två vampyrromaner utifrån teorier kring död och sexualitet i vår samtid

The purpose of this paper is to examine how contemporary attitudes towards death andsexuality is made visible and connected in the vampire novels Interview with the Vampire andDead Until Dark. The aim is to investigate why the vampire novel has reached today?samount of popularity and if it can be explained by theories of death and sexuality in modernsociety and in popular culture.The most important theories in this examination are Zygmunt Bauman?s theories aboutmodern society, Jean Baudrillard?s thoughts about death in the postmodernity and MichelFoucault?s studies regarding sexuality in the Western societies. The conclusion presented isthat sexuality and death are well connected in the examined novels and in popular culture as awhole and death?s popularity in popular culture could be a result of repressed emotionsregarding death and sorrow, which can be helped by us working on handle death more visiblyand with higher regard..

"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område." : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang.

This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school. The method that has been used is ?map of conceptions? because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject. Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one.

Marknadsföringsprodukt för Kiruna studentkommun

This report is the concluding part of the course national minorities, main focus on design, at Luleå University of Technology spring 2007. The purpose of this written examination is to produce a prototype to a product, which can be used both when marketing Kiruna as a student municipality and when recruiting students to the study programmes Kiruna offers. The product has been produced through systematic problem solving, where methods to fix the problem, gather facts, examine and come to a solution have been used. The product should in one way or another get the student to think of Kiruna as a student municipality and it should also appeal to the target group ? the students.

Idrottslärares syn på kunskap och status inom idrott och hälsa : en intervjustudie med idrottslärare

The purpose of this essay is to examine how some individual PE teachers view knowledge and what they think about the status of physical education whitin the school. The method used in this examination was both sudies of literature and a qualitative investigation. Six PE teachers, from three diffrent schools in Sweden, were interviwed from a phenomentographic research approach. I made the analysis from a sociocultural approach. The result indicates that th teachers had difficulties to describethe conception of knowledge, but that the pupils/students achieve knowledge in physical education.

Organiserat kaos - om det icke-linjära narrativet och hur det används i Christopher Nolans Memento

The non-linear film - a film telling a story using a reversed or scrambled chronology - has existed since the late 20?s, but just recently gained huge influence and popularity due to films such as Quentin Tarantinos cult-declared Pulp Fiction. In this essay I will analyze this form of narrative, and more specifically; how it?s used in my example film Memento. In my examination, I have seen the original version of the film, and then a re-cut version where the story is ?turned over? to form a ?normal?, linear narrative.

Hur ser min bok ut? En kvalitativ studie om sex läsares upplevelser av skönlitteratur i olika medieformer

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how reading different media forms can lead to different experiences for the reader and how they choose which media form to read. Two questions are posed in the study. Question number one is: How does the media form influence the reading experience of the book and question number two is: What reasons can be seen behind the different choices of media forms?The study is based upon qualitative interviews with six readers using different media forms. Two different theories are used for analyzing the result.

EMC problematik och el-kvalitet i elkraftnät

The dissertation deals with an account of actual problem, which can arise within EMC and power quality. The cause of power interruption and what can be done to minimise the power interruption is discussed. It also includes a definition of planning levels and which factors one needs to have control over to carry out a possible planning strategy and how the local distributions net could be more secure. The electrical net could be secure but no system can be free from interruption.The dissertation examines two distribution transformers: GLA40T1 (Glansås) and T399 in Tranås Energy which don?t have regulators.

Validering av Inertial Measurment Units som insamlare av data för drivande av OpenSim-modell

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of replacing data from highspeed filming (Qualisys motion capture) with data from Inertial Measurement Units (X-io technologies), when used to run a model of torso and pelvis in OpenSim. Qualisys motion capture data is used as the golden standard to validate the result visually and with Bland-Altman plots.In order to obtain comparable data experiments are conducted where both methods of collecting data are used simultaneously. Data from the IMU's then need to be processed in Matlab before it can be used to run the OpenSim modell. Several Matlab programs rotate the IMU data to a static reference frame, filter and integrate it, then create viritual markers that correspond to Qualisys' optical markers.The conclusion is that using IMU as a method for collecting data can replace Qualisys in some applications, but not in ones that require high precision. However, this paper only begins the examination of IMU's and there are most likely improvements to be made..

Ämnesprovet i engelska: applicering och inverkan. : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om det nationella provet i engelska i årskurs 9 och dess inverkan på lärares yrkesutövande.

Denna studie undersöker högstadielärares uppfattningar om det nationella ämnesprovet i engelska i årskurs 9 och hur de anser att provet påverkar deras arbete. Det insamlade empiriska materialet består av intervjuer som genomförts med sex verksamma högstadielärare under hösten 2012 samt våren 2013. Studien har fokuserat på tre områden: hur provet används formativt och summativt av lärarna, hur stor inverkan provbetyget har på elevernas slutbetyg och vilken betygsättningsmodell som lärarna använder sig av.Studiens resultat visar att lärarna använde det nationella provet uteslutande summativt, som en del av betygsunderlaget. Provbetyget gavs olika relevans i elevernas slutbetyg av de olika lärarna.Den analytiska betygsättningsmodellen var mest framträdande i lärarnas resonemang; förmågor i kursplanemål och betygskriterier lyftes fram av de flesta lärarna som det viktigaste i deras betygsättning.Lärarna var inte eniga i huruvida provbetyget både kunde höja och sänka elevernas betyg. När övrigt betygsunderlag var otillräckligt, fick det nationella provresultatet en större betydelse för elevernas slutbetyg.Några av lärarna uttryckte att påtryckningar från huvudmän förekommit för att få lärarna att sätta samma eller högre slutbetyg som provbetyg. .

Handledares bedömning av elever i arbetsplatsförlagt lärande

Det mesta som är skrivet om bedömning i utbildningen gäller hur läraren i skolan bedömer elevens kunskaper. Däremot finns det inte så mycket studier om hur handledare bedömer eleven i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Då vi är blivande yrkeslärare och de elever som vi kommer att undervisa har en del av sin utbildning på arbetsplatsen kändes detta ämne intressant, aktuellt och viktigt för oss att undersöka. Studiens syfte är att undersöka handledarens strategier och grunder för bedömning av eleven i det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Vi har utgått från den socio-kulturella teorin och har som datainsamlingsmetod använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer.

Historiebruk : exemplet Judisk Krönika

The purpose of this examination is to investigate how Judisk Krönika, a periodical which was introduced in 1932 with the aim of disseminating Jewish culture and tradition in Sweden, uses history to make comments about its role in contemporary history, specifically during the first two years of the First Intifada. A second purpose was to examine how this use of history differed from results shown in earlier studies comprising the 1960s and the 2000s. The method in use is qualitative; the source material has been read thoroughly and scrutinized in search of the authors open and hidden messages and intentions. The main finding shows that four major themes could be identified: anti-Semitism(anti-Zionism); memory; ethnonational and media. The most dominant theme during the 1980s, as opposed to the 1960s and the 2000s focus on Zionism and Jewish culture respectively, is memory, that could be described as hegemonic and as a part of a existential use of history, which aims for survival and preservation of the Jewish culture in times of conflict..

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En jämförelse av Utomhuspedagogik och Montessori

The purpose of this study is to examine how educationalists work with bilingual children's language by looking at how and what approaches are used to encourage language development. I have chosen to compare two educational philosophies: Montessori and Outdoor Education, to see how big the differences / similarities are in working methods. The background to this study is that preschools uses various approaches and have different methods to stimulate the children. This means that the conditions for children's language development might look different depending on the preschool they go to. The information used has been gathered through interviews, where I have taken note of educationalists thoughts on their working methods, and through professional literature dealing with this topic.

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