

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 29 av 80

Synliggöra språket : Dynamisk självreglerande korrigerande (DSK) återkoppling - en aspekt av lärande bedömning i gymnasieämnet svenska som andraspråk

I studien prövas en ny undervisningsmetod i svenska som andraspråk kallad kortskrivande med dynamisk självreglerande korrigerande återkoppling (DSK), vilken gett goda resultat i en pilotstudie. I linje med Evans m.fl. (2010) tas på ett unikt sätt hänsyn till tre kontextuella variabler: metodologiska, individuella och situationella, vid korrigerande återkoppling i andraspråksundervisning. DSK anpassas här till gymnasiet utifrån Bitchener & Ferris (2012), Sheen (2011), Brookhart (2010), Hattie & Timperley (2007) och den nya ämnesplanen i svenska som andraspråk gymnasiekurs 2.Genom metodtriangulering, främst enkät, intervju och deltagande observationer, undersöks studerandes upplevelser av DSK. I analysen studeras hur olika inlärare gynnas eller missgynnas av olika individuella och kontextuella variabler föreslagna i aktuell forskning.I resultatet framkommer att de studerande är positiva till DSK.

Representation och kommunikativ praktik på museet : En designteoretisk multimodal studie

Studiens syfte var att utifrån ett designteoretiskt multimodalt perspektiv belysa relationen mellan å ena sidan, den kommunikativa praktiken under en skolvisning av en museiutställning och å andra sidan elevers möjligheter till deltagande och lärande. I studien användes multimodal metod för konstruktion av data; deltagande observation med fotografi, självrapportering med bilder och fokusgruppintervju. 20 elever ur en åk 5 klass deltog i studien. I resultat och studiens slutsatser framkom det att den museipedagogiska visningen av utställningen gestaltades som en multimodal konfiguration där eleverna var deltagare i produktionen av utställningen. De bildrepresentationer som elever skapade var alla olika och unika i både form och innehåll (mening).

Provet som en del av skolans verklighet... - Elevers upplevelse av stress, identitet samt kunskaps- och historiesyn.

Syftet med undersökningen är att förstå hur provet som examination ute i ?skolverkligheten? påverkar eleverna och undervisningen. Fokus är framförallt på historieämnet i grundskolan (högstadiet). Inriktningen är på provets påverkan på elevernas upplevelse av stress, självkänsla, motivation, kunskapssyn samt historiesyn. Metoden är kombinerat kvalitativ (gruppintervju och elevdagböcker) och kvantitativ (enkät och analys av elevkonstruerade prov).

Att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros : människors upplevelser i samband med en terminal sjukdom

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Oralt intag av grönt te och dess effekt på uppkomsten av UV-inducerad hudrodnad, erythema solare ? En systematisk litteraturöversikt

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Oral intake of green tea and its effect on the appearance of UV-induced erythema, erythema solare ? A systematic literature reviewAuthors: Ernita Antoni Mulliqi and Pernilla GustafssonSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietetics programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013Background: UV irradiation of the skin can cause erythema, clinically called erythema solare. The condition can exert pain as well as discomfort and may in the long term lead to negative effects including skin cancer. Green tea contains catechins which are substances with anti-inflammatory effect that may have positive effects on the skin. The intake of green tea is believed to have a protective effect against UV irradiation, since green tea extracts in lotions in previous studies have shown to increase the skin tolerance level against UV irradiation.Objective: To examine the scientific basis and determine whether an oral intake of green tea has a protective effect against UV-induced erythema.Search strategy: Searches in the scientific databases PubMed and Scopus were made to find suitable articles.

Resursskola, berättigad skolform eller tvivelaktig placering? : -en studie ur elevperspektiv.

The purpose of this report is to investigate teachers views of whether pupils with Asperger Syndrome, autistic symptoms or ADHD shall go in ordinary classes or special groups. The study tells you about what difficulties these pupils often have, what adjustments they need in their schoolsituation and the positive and negative effects of joining a special group.A teacher for special needs, two teachers in special groups and two teachers in ordinary classes have been intervjued and earlier made researches have been studied.The conclusions of this study are that the decision of whether a pupil shall go in a normal class or a special group must be made individually. Most pupils who are capable to profit from the training in a normal class and pass their examination, shall go in a normal class. The greater part of the recommended adjustments are possible to do in a normal class. But it requires more resourses and teachers with better knowledges about theese handicaps..

Bokhandeln : En studie om lönsamheten i en enskild bokhandel

AbstractRunning an individual bookstore is not an easy task. And then to do it in a profitable way is even harder.In this study you will read about what matters to the profitability in a bookstore. There are several aspects of this but it may be of interest to know what is affecting most of a bookstore's profitability.These three theories were researched by examination of previous research. The theories were then compared to the empirical research of an individual bookstore. Developing the empirical research qualitative and quantitative data collection methods was used.

"Titta fröken, en cirkel!" : Matematik i den fria leken, med fokus på sortering och klassificering

In my study I have chosen to examine the mathematics in children's free play and everyday situations, with focus on sorting and classification. The purpose of the study was to see how children express their mathematical knowledge. I have chosen to use a qualitative method in my examination, here I did observations in a children's group where the children were between three and six years old. I also did interviews with the teacher's on the department to see how they relate to the mathematics and how they formulate the department to achieve as good a learning environment as possible.The result shows that the teacher's approach is incredible important to the children's learning ability and that they are always present to challenge and discuss together with the children. The observation indicates that children use mathematics all the time in their everyday situations and that it is the interaction between individuals and environment that affects children's development. .

Samförstånd eller motstånd? : En jämförelse av uppbackningar i samtal mellan pojkar från teoretiska och praktiska gymnasieprogram

The aim of this examination paper is to investigate the use of linguistic feedback among male senior high school students. Two groups consisting of male students preparing for ensuing studies, and two groups consisting of male students taking vocational studies, was interviewed in four separate interviews. By comparing how these four groups used linguistic feedback in conversation noticeable differences has been identified. For example, the boys preparing for ensuing studies used linguistic feedback the most. Also, all interviewed groups used linguistic feedback the most when they agreed with each other.

Normer, presentation och självrepresentation : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnor som bloggar

In this paper we examine how young women present themselves on their weblogs. The main purpose of this study is to get their own opinions and thoughts about their own blogging, to see if we can find norms for how they present themselves and how the presentation online matches themselves offline. We put this in relation to information technologies, social software and Computer mediated communication, CMC. It´s also in our interest to see how the phenomenon of blogs, its role and methods of communication have changed and developed in the last few years, and whether there are differences in the way people use it according to age. The major finding is that, unlike previous research, the women in our study tend to be themselves in their weblogs and they do not manipulate their identities.

Implementation av Informationssäkerhet : Utvärdering av möjligheten att använda Change Management som stöd

Tillsammans med en muntlig presentation ingår den här rapporten som examination i kursen Examensarbete i ADB, 20p vid Högskolan i Skövde. Kursen är det sista momentet på det dataekonomiska programmet.Syftet med undersökningen, som genomfördes i samarbete med företaget Arthur Andersen i Stockholm, var att utvärdera om Change Management kan användas som stöd vid införandet av informationssäkerhet i olika organisationer. Dessutom skulle undersökningen visa lämpliga mått för att kunna mäta resultatet av införandeprocessen.Med hjälp av besöksintervjuer av personer med erfarenhet av arbete med informationssäkerhet, gjordes en kartläggning över hur införandet av informationssäkerhet går till idag. Kartläggningen låg sedan till grund för en jämförelse med metodstegen i Change Management. Resultatet av arbetet blev en utvärdering av om Change Management är lämpligt som stöd vid införandet av informationssäkerhet..

Filmspridning och ny teknik i samband med huliganvåld : En studie om hur filmklipp sprids och hur dagens teknik används av svenskafotbollshuliganer och supportrar

We have in this study preformed a quantitative examination on how hooligans use film and new technologies to spread private videos on the Internet. With today´s technologies it is very easy for hooligans to publish their videos. In this study, we have choosen to do a questionnaire poll based on seven questions about what people think of hooliganviolence on online video sharing sites. We have also conducted an online interview with a former swedish hooligan. The people who participated in our study are all anonymous, and therefore we have no age or gender included in our study.

Inneklimatundersökning : Hur fungerar ventilationssystemen i två större lokaler och hur ser kommunikationen kring detta ut mellan hyresgäster, hyresvärd och projektör?

This examination paper is a study of the indoor climate in a theatre and a practice room for orchestras placed in Sickla in Stockholm. The designer of the ventilation system wondered if he had managed too make a good environment for the users and he also wondered which of the rooms that had the most desirable climate. The project includes polls for visitors, interviews of people connected to the rooms and measurements of the physical environment. The results show a small dissatisfaction about the thermal indoor climate, it?s a little bit to cold and the air draws.

Den formativa bedömningens implementeringsproblematik : En kvalitativ undersökning av lärares vilja, förståelse och möjligheter till arbete med formativ bedömning

The purpose of this essay is to present research-based literature and in that find basic practics that benefit the process of reading comprehension in the further reading. To get a broader perspective and a practical school related, we also held a small empirical study in the form of interviews with six active teachers. We discussed among other things, what reading means, the use of textbooks, how the reading process is conducted and so on. The results were correlated against the reported literature and the curriculum. It revealed a gap between theory and practice.

Administrativt Trafikskoleverktyg

This examination project is carried out for Waséns Traffic School in Linköping. The task was to develop a completely new windows application and a webpage that connects to the same MySQL database. The windows application (ATSV) is a program intended to carry out all the administrative tasks that a clerk at a traffic school may need: pupil management, reservations, billing and register functions. The applications was developed in C++ using Visual C++ from Microsoft. The connection to the MySQL database was made possible by using the class package MySQL++.

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