

1186 Uppsatser om Formativ examination - Sida 23 av 80

IUP - individuell utvecklingsplan

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att ta reda på vad läsförståelse innebär enligt pedagogerna och hur de arbetar med att utveckla elevers läsförståelse i skolan. Min avsikt har också varit att ta reda på hur pedagogen utmanar den enskilda eleven i sin förståelseprocess. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex stycken pedagoger från årskurs tre till årskurs sju. Jag har valt att använda mig av Lev S Vygotskijs sociokulturella perspektiv, funktionaliserad och formaliserad undervisning och det relationella och punktuella perspektivet samt tidigare forskning för att tolka och analysera resultatet från samtalsintervjuerna. Slutsatsen i min studie är att för de intervjuade pedagogerna så innebär elevers läsförståelse att eleven skall kunna läsa mellan raderna och det är viktigt att utveckla ett stort ordförråd.

Kan landskapsarkitektur ses som konst? : en inblick i landskapsarkitekters syn på det egna arbetet

Comparing your own work with art has been an obvious standpoint for landscape architects, especially during the midst of the 20th century. With this as background this essay intends to find out if there are any change to this condition visible today. This essay discusses the two notions of ?landscape architecture? and ?art? with the intention of describing what they mean. A connection to todays active landscape architects is given through an examinating part of the essay.

Projektledning : En studie om en effektiviserad projektledningsmetod till TS Produktion

The term "Project" have become a growing work model that exist in almost all bransches. A project is a work effort made over a finite period of time with a start and a finish to create a unique product, service, or result. Science shows that time limitation has an impact on humans to perform under pressure, which challanges the contributor to deliver. This report contains an examination about project management, both coming from scientific results and an external business. The point of this study is to bring ideas of improvement, which can make the work method more effective in this company..

Upp på tå, snabba fötter! : En kvalitativ studie om feedback i idrottsundervisningen pa? ho?gstadiet

Forskning har visat att ra?tt utformad feedback kan ha va?ldigt bra effekt pa? elevers la?rande. Idrottsla?rarens uppgift a?r att hja?lpa elever utveckla sina kunskaper och fa?rdigheter i a?mnet, vilket kan go?ras med feedback som verktyg. Med detta som grund var mitt syfte att, genom observationer av idrottslektioner och en la?rarintervju, underso?ka hur en idrottsla?rare anva?nder feedback i sin undervisning samt om och i sa? fall hur elever fa?r ge feedback till varandra.

Vad lärare säger om bildundervisningen : What teachers say about teaching in art

ABSTRACTThis essay has as its main purpose to examine how teachers handle teaching in art, after the governments steeredocuments and goals to reach.To find out about it I have done interviews with four teachers. I have made a study of litterature to introduce some different teaching methods that is more or less meaningful and useable. The result of the examination was different from what I expected. The interviews showed that the four teachers work in varios ways after their own conditions. They have different experiences and also have different opinions about what is most important in the art teaching.

Storyline : - barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This examination is about storyline and children who has problem to focus and concentrate in school. The premier aim of this survey is to look into the storylinemethod and investigate what it means methodical. I am also going to look more into how this children feels about this method and how they adjust to it.In my empirical examintion through qualitative interviews with teatchers and also questionnaires with thirtynine children participated i got a great result. My conclusions is that this method can be demanding and also confusing for this children but the good part is that it is subjectintegrated and it is easy to motivate this children.This examintation has given me an insight how teatchers can teatch in a storyline inspirated education.The storylinemethod is aiming to individual adjustment and these children maybe needs that moust of all..

Effekt av huvudets position på avståndet mellan tornutskotten i thoracolumbalregionen på häst :

Back problems are well noticed in horses, especially in horses used for riding. Kissing spines (impingement of the dorsal spinous processes) are often found at radiographic examinations of the thoracic spine. Kissing spines is a radiological diagnosis, indicating that parts of at least two adjacent dorsal spinous processes are in contact with each other. It is not uncommon that horses without clinical signs of back problems have some degree of kissing spines. It is therefore not sufficient with a radiographic examination to say that the cause of pain is kissing spines.

Friluftsgräset är grönare på andra sidan gränsen : en jämförelse av förutsättningarna för friluftslivsforskning i Sverige och Norge

 AimThe purpose of this study is to compare and highlight the scope for research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway. - What are the similarities and differences in the financing of research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway?- What are the similarities and differences in forums for research into outdoor recreational pursuits in the two countries?  Method The method that has been used in this study consists of qualitative interviews in conjunction with an examination of the published material on the subject. The qualitative interviews have been conducted with six key figures in the field of research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway where the aim was to obtain a comprehensive overview of the research undertaken in both countries. The examination of the published material has been used to complement the interviews, primarily with information from propositions and reports from relevant organisations and authorities.  Results  Financing in Sweden is spread over several different research councils and authorities where no one organisation has an express responsibility for research into outdoor recreational pursuits. In Norway, however, The Research Council of Norway is the prime source of research funding.

?En metod är precis så bra eller så dålig som dess utövare : Hur fiolelever uppfattar sin undervisning

The purpose of this essay was to find out how violin students apprehend their tuition and if it is possible to achieve good results without negative comparison or competition.The examination is based on eight in-depth interviews with violin students between 8 and19 years of age. All of the students had a strong will to develop and to feel satisfied with their achievements. Almost all of them agree that some degree of comparison and competition between violin students does exist. Although some of the students had seen negative sides of such competition, they agree on comparison as a good thing as long as it´s positive..

Alla är vi lika men ändå olika. Ett mönsterprojekt inspirerat av kroppen

Sweden has a great tradition of pattern in both wallpapers and fabric, where colours and shape matters a lot for the customer. I have through my examination project tried to expand the views and find new alternatives and shapes for the obvious pattern traditions. I have therefore worked with what could be on the verge of attractive or repelling. To create a curiosity of what is considered to be commercial. From the prospective of the body organs I have created physical patterns for fabric and wallpapers.

Tryckalgometri hos friska hästar :

There are no reliable, objective and simple methods today for measuring pain in horses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and describe measuring of mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) values with a pressure algometer in clinically pain free riding horses at the riding school of Strömsholm. In this study there were 24 horses. Tape recording and electromyelografi (EMG) was used in an attempt to increase objectivity in the examination. MNT increased with age, however sex and colour had no influence.

Delaktighet och mening för alla elever. En etnografisk studie om elevplaner som redskap för elevers lärande i den pedagogiska praktiken

Syfte: Huvudsyftet med studien är att undersöka hur delaktighet och upplevelsen av mening i skolarbetet kan stärkas i en skola för alla, samt hur elevers aktiva reflekterande kring arbetet med elevplaner bidrar till det egna lärandet. Studien fokuserar både lärares och elevers perspektiv genom följande tre frågeställningar: 1. Hur skapas förutsättningar för elevers delaktighet? 2. Hur resonerar elever kring delaktighet? 3.

Klinisk gradering av hästens luftvägsstatus : en jämförande studie av kliniska graderingsprotokoll samt deras relation till luftvägshälsa och neutrofilförekomst i BAL-vätska

Respiratory disease with airway inflammation as main characteristic is common in the horse. It is a syndrome that is not yet fully understood. The etiology, pathogenesis and classification into different disease states are subjects for discussion and under continuous revision. Despite a number of modern techniques, the diagnostic procedure is challenging. There is no test considered to be gold standard when diagnosing these diseases.

Närmare strike : En studie om att få fram ett informationshäfte om det som rör bowlingspelet för bowlare. Allt för att hjälpa dem förstå hur de lättare kommer närmare strikarna.

This report is the result of my examination work in Textdesign at Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna. The purpose with this work was to develop an accessible information material for the target group ?normal bowlers? that gives them the information they need to make their own decision on the lanes, because they often miss a coach during an away game. The focus was to target adjust the material through the theories readability, legibility and reading value, together with the method qualitative interviews. The result became a tested information booklet about how to read a lane pattern paper with additional information within the subject..

Förekomst av leukocyter i råsperma hos semingaltar :

Detection of leukocytes in semen from boars is part of the routine control of semen quality. Leukocytes in semen can cause damage to spermatozoa that leads to impaired fertilization. In the artificial insemination (AI) industry there are standard routines for the quality control of the boars and of the neat semen before use. Since 2001, Quality Genetics has not done the leukocyte examination on semen samples from boars which are used for the production of pigs for slaughter. The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of leukocytes in semen from AI-boars. The questions addressed were whether there are boars that have leukocytes in their semen and how frequently it occurs and, moreover, if there are differences between breeds, or even between individuals whose semen was checked before use in AI-dose production compared to those which were not. The study included a total of 135 AI-boars, of which 67 were Hampshire, 35 Yorkshire and 33 Landrace, all belonging to Quality Genetics AI-station in Hållsta.

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