

34841 Uppsatser om Form study - Sida 30 av 2323

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Efterlevnad och tillämpning ur ett oberoende perspektiv

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the Swedish listed companies and their compliance with the Code and its normative rules for independent decision-making. Methodology: The authors have read and delved into the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The authors have chosen to study the enforcement of the code based on independent bracing guidelines. The study was conducted through a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. The study is based on primary data collected in the form of companies' corporate governance reports, which have been supplemented by structured interviews.Frame of reference: Swedish ownership structure and concentrated ownership, self regulation and normative guidelines, institutional theory and earlier research on this topic.Empirical foundations: A comparison of the selected companies has been based on the independence rules of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. A specific company has been presented with the company's application of the code, interviews have also been done with this company to increase the understanding of the empirical basis further.Conclusions: There are several flaws with the code and how it is applied today.

Anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och stress inom relationsintensiva yrken : En kvantitativ studie rörande sambanden mellan anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och arbetsrelaterad stress

There has been a dramatic increase in long-term sick leave in Sweden, which largely depends on occupational stress. Occupational stress applies particularly in relationship-intensive jobs, which means that the individual works with a lot of contact or responsibility for other people. Research has shown that attachment is relevant to the choice of coping style and perception of stress in the workplace. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between attachment patterns, coping styles and occupational stress in relationship-intensive jobs and to extend previous studies by adding the variables age, work experience and education in relation to coping styles and occupational stress. The study was in quantitative form in which 186 participants from various relationship-intensive jobs across Sweden participated.

Möjlig bronsåldersboplats? : en undersökning av platser från bronsåldern på Gotland

There are none known Bronze Age settlement on Gotland, although there are severalexcavation reports that mention that they have found a probable Bronze Age settlement. In the excavation that have been done in the study areas, there are Bronze Age dated hearths, cooking pits and post holes. These study areas have been investigated if they might be possible Bronze Age settlements. This paper discusses about the criteria of settlements and also investigate if the study areas meet those criterias. There are many different criteria for settlement but only the criteria of FMIS are used in the study.

Immigration och integration i kommunpolitiken : En studie av immigranters representation avseende förtroendeuppdrag i Växjö Kommun 1971-1991

The present study discusses the political integration of immigrants in local government in the muncipality of Växjö from 1971 to 1991 in the form of representation. The main data source consists of lists of people holding local commissions of trust in the various boards and committés appointed by the municipality council, as well as in the council itself. These data are then compared to population statistics from Statistics Sweden. Main findings of the study are that immigrants are insufficiently represented in relation to their proportion of the population. It is suggested that this is a result of structural discrimination and possibly insufficient socialisation..

?Det känns som att man tolkar texten utifrån var man befinner sig just nu?. En studie av det transaktionistiska förhållandet mellan läsare och text

This master?s thesis investigates the contextualized relation between a reader and a text, in a non classroom-oriented situation. I am studying the questions of (a) in what way a persons education, personal experiences and opinions, and (b) how the text; its design (language) and message, holds a function in ? and forms ? the reader-text relation. At the same time I am testing the theoretical framework of Louise Rosenblatt, for the purpose of finding an adequate method to analyze this relation.

Wheat : an analysis of variables determining the Swedish price of wheat

Increasing volatility and less political intervention from the CAP in the market price of wheat is making it more difficult than in the past for Swedish farmers to determine the price at which they should sell their wheat. In the past, the Swedish farmer-owned company Lantmännen has traditionally set a guideline price for Swedish wheat every year to which farmers could adapt, but ceased doing so last year. Therefore this study sought to identify the parameters on which the price of wheat is dependent on by using a reduced form model. The perspective adopted was that of farmers. The model proved able to identify the main factors determining the annual price fluctuations in wheat, with all variables included having an impact on the wheat price, except export quantity in the previous year.

En fallstudie av uppföljningsarbetet hos mark- och trädgårdsanläggningsföretag

This study was made to compare construction companies for gardens way to work with up following, with purpose to see if there was an efficient and not resource demanded system which gave much value. To achieve the purpose a case study was made. The delimitation for the case study was only to compare the work with up following on individual project. The delimitation on the companies in the study was from ten to sixty employees. That because to reach companies were it´s not the same person how calculates on tenders and than perform the projects. The study was delimitated to the west side of Skåne. T o be able to compare the companies and to find trends, an interviewguide was made and was used during the interviews with the companies.

Revisorers perspektiv på implementeringen av ett nytt regelverk : ? fallet komponentavskrivningar enligt regelverket K3

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Stadsodling som begrepp i Sverige - bakgrund, nulägesbeskrivning och tänkbar utveckling

The structural rationalization of rural firms in Sweden has led to many new creative ways of developing companies. The agriculture sector is characterized by the need of capital in form of buildings, labor and inventory. The rationalization process has led to free capacity in rural firms when new technology make buildings and inventory not longer necessary for the production process. To get a better cost coverage this free capacity can be used to start-up new business areas that help the rural firm to growth.The study aims to identify factors that motives entrepreneurs in rural firms to develop new business areas. The purpose is also to analyze driving forces that lies behind development of rural firms and the forces that support or not support development in rural firms.The study is built upon five cases that all can be categorized as firms with different size and orientation.

Att synliggöra, reflektera och utveckla. En Learning study om bråkräkning i matematik.

AbstractThis study is about describing the pre- internationalization phase and to studycompanies that are in this phase. We are trying to capture characteristics of decisionmakersin the pre- internationalization phase, to then compare the theoretical materialwith empirical material from case companies. Then in the final stages of the thesis, wewant to account for if we managed to answer our research questions. In the method, wegive a description of the approach selected in conjunction with the study. The study isqualitative and we used both primary and secondary data, with a deductive approach.The theory chapter will consider the most relevant theories that are related to the topic,which is internationalization, pre-internationalization, international entrepreneurship,and the psychology behind personalities, attitudes, and how these can affect theorganization's strategic decisions.

Lesson study som arbetssätt

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka och diskutera kring vad en lesson study erbjuder för möjligheter vad gäller lärares kunskapssyn och kompetensutveckling. Under min tid som student har jag vid flertalet tillfällen besökt olika skolor för att genomföra min praktik både inom idrott och geografi. Något som jag har märkt under praktikperioderna är att det förefaller finnas ett behov och en efterfrågan från lärare att utveckla sig själva och sitt sätt att genomföra sin undervisning. Mitt val av metod grundar sig på studiens frågeställningar. Genom att genomföra alla de åtta stegen som en lesson study innefattar enligt Martons mall (2003) gör att jag får svar på det jag vill ha svar på.

En skola för alla? : En skola för elever med autismspektrumtillstånd?En kvalitativ studie som undersöker skolsituationen för elever med autismspektrumtillstånd i en svensk kommun

The overall aim of this case study is to find the conditions for pupils in the nine-year compulsory school with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who are instructed in the ordinary classroom. The study explores what kind of support the schools offer these pupils. The study also examines the views of the teachers´, special educators´, principals´ and municipal representatives on what kind of support these pupils need and ought to be offered.The methods used were qualitative interviews and a questionnaire study.The theoretical basis of the study is the three different perspectives of special pedagogy. These perspectives represent three different views on the disorders of pupils.The overall result shows that the municipality offers little support for schools. The study shows that there is little collaboration between schools and ASD-specific support outside school.

Bättre ut : En kvalitativ studie ur klientperspektiv om frigivning.

The purpose of this study is to from a client point of view study the release process. The first issue is which positive and negative aspects on the release situations that are revealed trough the interviews. The second issue is which changes that are needed to improve the conditions for the release work to be crime preventive. The study has been performed by means of qualitative interviews with clients, and one person with a long professional experience of treatment of offenders. The results show that the release work has generally not been successful.

Här kommer fältarna!En studie om fältarbetares betydelse för ungdomarHere comes the street workers! A study about street workers importance for youths

The purpose of this study is to give us a deeper understanding about street workers importance for youths. We also wanted to investigate this from a gender perspective, both considering the street workers but also the youths. The focus for this study is on both the street workers and the youths. The study is based on a qualitative approach. We were going to study people and their behaviors.

Hur personer med smärta av WAD upplever vardagen.

The aim of this study was to describe how persons with Whiplash associated disorder experience how the pain affects them in their daily life. The design of the study was descriptive with qualitative, individual interviews, questionnaire with background facts of the examination group, and diary notes from persons with pain of WAD. Method for selection was convenience. Through contact with the association of whiplash group in a county in middle of Sweden, the majority of the examination group for the study was found. Five persons where given information about the study, one of them choose not to take part of the study, and one of the persons did not complete the study.

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