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Flaggskeppsbutiker som marknadsföringsstrategi. : -En undersökning ur ett kundperspektiv.

The purpose of this study was to examine customer attitudes towards flagship stores and how they perceive them. To ascertain this, and obtain answers to the research questions covering the study's main issues, we decided to turn to the customers who recently visited a flagship store.Our background theory is based upon literature from previous research done on the subject in the form of scientific articles and books. We present the theoretical concept that explains how flagship stores are used as a marketing tool and what impact they have on the new market. These will be helpful in answering our questions when we evaluate our results.!A theoretical framework, consisting of three value dimensions, was used as a support throughout the implementation of the study. These three values; hedonic, practical and social, should give us a better idea of what customers experience and what they value when they visit the flagship stores.!The method used in our investigation is of quantitative form, so that it can be feasible on a large crowd to thus contribute to a quantitative result.

Grand Hotel i Lund en fallstudie om ett fristående hotell på en marknad dominerad av kedjor

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the situation for independent hotels. With a thorough case study of ?The Grand Hotel in Lund? ,our intentions is to gain knowledge about the demands a hotel must keep up with in order to be a successful independent hotel, in a market dominated by chain-constellations. Methodology: An abductive method is used as the study form the basis for hypothesis. The first part of the thesis, which describes the line of business, is based primary on secondary data.

Busig eller flamsig : En studie av genus i bilderböcker

The aim of this thesis is to analyze children?s picture books regarding whether and in what form gender stereotypes can be seen in these. The purpose is also to evaluate whether the findings correlate to the different regulatory documents libraries have to abide to.       The study comprises five books, who are part of a selection of books especially chosen by Uppsala City Library to be used by primary school children aged 6-9. The method used is the study of text as well as illustrations, as the theory of this thesis is that the two cannot be separated, but has to be seen a unit. Other theories used in the analysis include Nikolajeva?s schedule of male/female properties and theories on gender.      The result of the study shows that gender stereotypes are in majority regarding the characters in the books, but that the opposite also exists.

"Jag skulle vara där en natt och så blev det 14 år" - en kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till sammanbrott i dygnsvården av unga

Swedish and international research indicate that many measures made by social services, concerning children and adolescents who are taken from their homes to an institution, are interrupted prematurely for different reasons. The word "breakdown" is used when a measure granted by the social service is broken before the projected time has passed. Research concerning how social service employees are influenced by measures being interrupted prematurely is very limited. The aim of this qualitative study is to examine how social service employees in Malmö are influenced by the premature interruption, "breakdown", of measures concerning children and adolescents who are taken from their homes to an institution. The theoretic basis for the study is Symbolic interactionism, especially the theory of Stefan Morén concerning conditions for change.The study is based on interviews with social employees, relevant material from research in this field and an examination of the theoretical basis.

Hultsfredsfestivalen : Hur ett evenemang kan inspirera, påverka och utveckla en ort.

Purpose: The purpose with this study is to clarify what importance a co-occurrence event can have on a smaller town, and also what positive and negative consequences it can have on the town seen from a social, economic and political aspect. I will also look at what magnitude the festival have on the local commercial and industrial life and how it affects those who live there. I will also determent how the moving of the festival might come and affect the local businesses, the local population and the community it-self.Method: I will thorough-out this study work with qualitative research methodology. I will there-for process the empirical data that will be collected and used for this study from a qualitative research methodology point of view. I will likewise go through with two deep-going interviews with people well familiar with the subject to increase and strengthen the validity of my study.

Vi och muslimerna : En kvalitativ studie om hur muslimer porträtteras i två olika nyhetshändelser

Previous research shows that Sweden has developed into a segregated society, although it has never been completely homogeneous. A greater integration led to vast number of diverse cultures and religions; therefore the Muslim custom came closer to the Swedish society.The purpose of this thesis is to study how Muslims were portrayed during the incident in Landskrona in March 29 2010 and the bomb threat in Gothenburg in October 31 2010. The study also focused on what Muslims themselves think about the news reporting that followed.We based our study on a qualitative textual analysis and a dialogue with selected people. Six news articles from various newspapers were analyzed and a total of eight persons were included in the dialogues. The study shows that news reporting has been simplified and misleading.During the incident in Lanskrona the newspapers headlined it as a murder even though the accused had not yet been sentenced at the time.

Mobiltelefonens grafiska gränssnitt : och dess betydelse för pensionärer

The Mobile phone has contributed to massive changes in the way that human beings communicate with each other and is a part of society?s globalization. Opinions differ in the area of user interface where some feel that mobile phones exclude users such as senior citizens or users with an intellectual or a physical disability.Universal Design ??design for all?, is a vision that intends to bring about settings, products and services that suits as many people as possible irrespective of an individual?s needs and prospects. The criteria for ?design for all? are among other things flexibility, user friendliness, comprehensibility and a high tolerance for mistakes.The purpose of this essay was to investigate the mobile phones graphic user-interface from the theory of a universal design.

Ett kravfyllt arbete? : En komparativ studie om mellanchefers arbetssituation i privat respektive statlig sektor

The purpose of this study is to explain how shame can be experienced by women with the stigmatizing illness of alcoholism. Another aim is to illustrate how this shame can be affected in social interaction with others and by other circumstances. The following questions will be highlighted in this essay: How can shame be experienced by female alcoholics? What can affect shame in interaction with other people, from the view of female alcoholics? What other circumstances can affect the shame, from the view of female alcoholics?This study features interviews with women who have successfully gone through the process of rehabilitation from the illness of alcoholism, have a long going and stable sobriety and arecurrently part of the work force. The study also features interviews with therapists specializing in the field of addiction recovery and have considerable experience in their fieldof working with women suffering from alcoholism.The subject matters shame and stigma form the theoretical/analytical tools for this research.

The pros and cons with technology sourcing: A case study of sourcing contracts in the Contract Research &Technology Market

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the process of technology sourcing within firms active in the CRT-market. The primary focus of the study is the motives, risks and problems associated with technology sourcing, to construct key learnings for organisations consider undertaking this way to access research and development or those organisations that are already operating in the CRTmarket. Method: As method has abduction been used. The empiric material of the thesis is based on qualitative research in form of interviews in a conversational manner. For correct interpretation and understanding a hermeneutics approach has been used.

Självskattning av depression hos patienter med hjärtsjukdom : Validering av självskattningsformuläret ?Känsloläge?

AbstractObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the statistical properties of a self-assessment instrument for depression, Känsloläge, with regard to validity, reliability and factor structure. Method: The data collection method used for the study was mail questionnaires. The sample consisted of patients who had received treatment for heart failure, arrhythmic disorders or coronary heart disease at a hospital in Uppsala, Sweden. The study population consisted of 53 patients. The self assessment form?s validity was analyzed by measuring the criterion validity.

Det ligger nog i deras arbete att vara problemlösare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om HR-funktionens image och identitet ur ett intraorganisatoriskt perspektiv

Introduction: HR departments have been developed to take care of the organizations most important resource: the human being. HR as a function has however faced criticism claiming that the function does not entail any value to organizations. The rest of the organization often have a hard time understanding what HR?s daily work means and thereof not having a clear image of the function?s purpose or the function?s role in the organization Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the organization's view of the HR department (image) and the HR department's image of themselves (identity) in order to create a greater understanding of how the HR function successfully can be a well-functioning resource in an organization's overall business. Methodology: The study was conducted in the form of a case study. We have approached the issues by taking different perspective into account, which includes HR, managers and employees.

Interaktioner med nya medier i pedagogisk dokumentation : appen på framväxt?

The overall purpose of this study is to examine how preschool teachers make use of digital tools in correlation with pedagogical documentation. More specifically, the purpose is to interview preschool teachers about their ideas and their use of the digital tool Förskoleappen to record and document childrens learningprocesses. The purpose will be answered with help from the following questions: In what way do preschool teachers use Förskoleappen in pedagogical documentation? What ideas and views do preschool teachers have about digital technology in general and Förskoleappen in particular? In order to find the answers to our questions we carried out a qualitative study in the form of interviews with six preschool teachers from two different preschools. We have used the designtheoretical perspective as our theoretical frame.

Skolskötersors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Skolsköterskors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Vårdpersonals upplevelse av att ge råd till spädbarnsföräldrar angående barnets sömn : Introducering av informationsmaterial

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine health professionals´ experiences of giving advice regarding sleep to parents of infants and to perform and evaluate an intervention in the form of introducing information about the sleep of infants.Method: The study was designed as an intervention study with a qualitative approach where data was collected from two focus groups in the form of interviews. The intervention consisted of the information material Sugen på sömn. There were five participants whom three of them participated in the second interview. The interviews were processed by content analysis.Results: Health professionals´ experience of giving advice on sleep was summarized in three themes. The experiences of giving advice in interaction with parents, health professional themselves experienced the power to influence the parents with the advice they gave, while the parents' previous experience and knowledge impacted on how the advice came into practice.

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