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Jag får kommentarer, alltså är jag : En studie i bloggkommentarers betydelse och bloggskapande med skrivprocessen som utgångspunkt

In 2012 blogging reached an all time high in Sweden. Around 400,000 people made blog posts at least one time during this year. Blogs have publishing as a main purpose and can after publication be read by anyone with a computer, smartphone or tablet with an Internet connection. This makes the blogger open to response through comments that can be either constructive or destructive. No research has been made regarding blog comments and their effect on bloggers and their writing process.

Destruktivt entreprenörskap : Fusket/missbruket med assistansersättningen

Purpose: The aim is to investigate the mechanisms behind the destructive entrepreneurship in the assistance industry.Method: To investigate the destructive entrepreneurship in the assistance industry, we conducted a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured questions. In total, we interviewed four authorities and an employer organization.Theory: Theoretical framework: The study is based on Baumol's (1990) theory of productive, unproductive and destructive entrepreneurship and rent-seeking by Murphy et al (1991), but the study's principal theory that we have chosen to apply is the routine activity theory of Cohen & Felson (1979) that describes three elements that must come together in order for a crime to be committed.Conclusions and discussion: Our study shows that it is clear that there is both fraud and abuse within the assistance allowance, which can be done in different ways. Some users simulate their illness that they exaggerate their need for assistance. Some assistance providers have abused the compensation by paying lower wages and empty false wages etc. The study showed that there also exists a type of human trafficking.

Nack- och rygghälsa i arbetslivet : En fallstudie av arbetsmiljö och friskvård

This study deals with the complex phenomenon of occupational health. There is knowledge of how a good work environment should look like, but despite this, many employees experiences ill health in the workplace mainly in the form of neck and back pain. This study is a case study conducted in a high-risk workplace. The overall purpose was to describe and analyze the health situation of a specific company with neck and back problems. Mainly, eight interviews had been used as the data collection method, but additional observations had also been implemented.

"Du pratar som dom i Sommarpratarna" : Om gymnasieelevers respons på argumenterande tal och attityder till respons

The aim of this study is to investigate oral peer review on argumentative speech and to study the attitudes towards this peer review. The investigation was performed in an up-per secondary school class, and it focused on the different types of oral responses students give each other. In addition, the study investigated in what way the students experience this type of peer review. The results show that students reflect on form and performance as well as content, but they place more emphasis on form and performance than content. Students are positive about peer review and its importance for their progress.

Ledarskap - en social konstruktion och egenskap : en kvalitativ studie om ledarskap på en skola i Stockholms innerstad

This study of leadership is comprised of two parts. The first part presented in this study is a theoretical study of leadership and the second part is an empirical study. The empirical study is comprised of six qualitative interviews that examine the perception of leadership among educators working at a school in the inner city.The work is based on the following issues; Do educators think that there is a link between educational work and leadership? Do educators see a link between leadership and goals, and guidelines that are written in Lgr11 and the Education Act? Does the perception of leadership depend on what training the educators have?In this study I use a hermeneutical approach where I try to create an understanding of the interviewees by interpreting their responses, actions and opinions during the interviews.The material gained from the empirical study has been analyzed and interpreted and then related to the theoretical study. The results show that leadership is something that everyone in the school system is in need of whatever their education.

De kritiska aspekternas betydelse för elevers utveckling av lärande : En studie på en Learning Study

Jag har studerat en Learning Study i syfte att studera innebörder av kritiska aspekter i olika skeenden i en Learning Study. Detta med utgångspunkt i följande forskarfrågor: Vilka kritiska aspekter identifieras under processen i Learning Study träffarna?, Hur realiseras de kritiska aspekterna under försökslektionerna?, Vilka identifierade kritiska aspekter, ges möjlighet att erfaras av eleverna under försökslektionerna och resultatet i eftertestet?Studien kan ses som en form av praxisnära forskning av kvalitativ karaktär och har sin grund i min roll som en av deltagarna i ett FoU-arbete i Learning Study anordnat av utbildningsförvaltningen i Stockholm i samarbete med Stockholms universitet. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i granskning av avhandlingar och forskningsartiklar som innehåller studier kring och inom området Learning Study. Resultatet visar på att förståelse i variationsteorin och dess kritiska aspekter i Learning Study cykelns olika skeenden har betydelse för elevernas utvecklande av lärande..

Textinnehållets betydelse för läsförståelsen : En komparativ studie av flickor och pojkar i åk 7

Research reports as PISA and PIRLS show that reading comprehension among Swedish students have deteriorated in recent years and that girls have better reading comprehension than boys. The basis for this study is Maj-Gun Johansson's reading comprehension test done during the four years between the years 2005-2008 in the seventh grade in a municipality in Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to examine reading literacy in terms of the influence of content and form of texts viewed from a gender perspective. The study is divided into two parts. The first part is a survey on local reading comprehension compared with results from a similar national text.

Marknadseffektivitet och det systematiska felet : Finansanalytikers och Ekonomijournalisters marknadspa?verkan

Forskningen kring effektiva marknader a?r uppdelad; ena sidan pa?sta?r att marknaden a?r fullsta?ndigt effektiv och det inte ga?r att skapa na?gon form av o?veravkastning. Andra sidan ha?vdar tva?rtemot att endast historisk information reflekteras i dagens priser. Pa? kort sikt kan det finns en viss ineffektivitet och de flesta erka?nner att marknaden inneha?ller anomalierSyftet med denna studie a?r att underso?ka om det existerar systematiska fel betra?ffande informationsflo?den som pekar mot att den svenska aktiemarknaden inte a?r av semi-stark form eller stark form av effektivitetVi utga?r fra?n tre metodologiska sta?llningstaganden; utga?ngspunkt, forskningsansats samt kunskapssyn.

Psykosocial skolmiljö : En kvantitativ undersökning på en gymnasieskola

Here is presented the result and discussion of a survey concerning the psychosocial environment in a school in the vicinity of Stockholm. The theoretical background of this study was the model of demand-control by Theorell, and various aspects of stress by Frankenhauser and Ödman. The survey was constituted of an inquiry form which was handed out to six different classes at the school. A total of 86 students filled in the form, and their answers were treated with standard statistical procedures to reveal the results. The inquiry form was made up by five parts; one that concerned the background of the respondent, one that reflected the psychosocial health and stress level and three parts that concerned discrimination, victimization and school democracy.

Betydelsen av särskilda undervisningsgrupper : tio elevers upplevelser

The purpose of this study is to gain additional knowledge and a greater understanding of pupils experiences of joining a special teaching group.  The study focuses on pupils with special needs and the ambition has been to get a student perspective of how they perceive their education with special support. In addition, the study is concerned with how pupils perceive their special support and whether this has any relevance to their learning, development and future goals.This study is based on Urie Bronfenbrenners theory The ecology of human development. The theoretical perspective highlights the interaction between the pupils and the school environment, which is important for development and learning. The study is based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews.

Samme Fader han dock Bliver : En litteraturstudie angående gudsbilden i två barnbiblar

This is a comparative literature study between two children?s bibles and the Swedish Bible. The study compares three stories from the Bible with the children?s bible versions of them. The purpose of the study is to see whether God is portrayed differently in the children?s bibles, and if so, in what way.

Samband mellan identitet och positionering vid matematiskt samarbetslärande i grupp

The aim of this study is to fill the gap in mathematics education research concerning the relationship between identity and positioning in mathematical collaboration in groups. This study elaborates on the relationship between how pupils see themselves as math students in sixth grade, how they show their identities as math students, in contrast to how they position themselves reflexively in group collaboration while engaging in mathematical problem solving. The theoretical concepts linked to this study are discourse, identity and positioning. Discourse is used to describe and form the setting and context of the study. Identity is seen as a transient and elusive concept formed by the students own perceptions of self through narratives.

Och sen då? : En kvalitativ studie av föreställningar om döden hos elever i årskurs nio

The purpose of this study is to see how adolescent students in high school formulate their thoughts of death and if a belief in transcendent existence affects their thoughts. The study was done on two separate schools, one municipal school and one private religious school, in minor cities in Sweden. The method used was qualitative inquiries and the amount of participants was four from each school, eight in total. The result of the study showed that six out of eight participants had a belief of a transcendent existence, three from the municipal school and three from the religious private school. The result also showed that the participants from the municipal school that had a belief in an transcendent existence also had a belief in a form of ?afterlife?, this was however not reflected on the students in the religious private school where result showed that one out of four had a belief in a form of ?afterlife? and three view death as the final stage of existence..

Motiven bakom en investering i crowdfunding

It is well known that small businesses and entrepreneurs in the initial phase has difficult to gain access to external capital and bank loans. With the background of the problems that entrepreneurs face when they ask for capital has since the financial crisis the phenomenon of crowdfunding developed and evolved. Crowdfunding is an alternative source of funding for entrepreneurs to fund their ideas through small or medium-sized capital contribution from a larger amount of investors, often investors who have any kind of relationship with the entrepreneur or to the very idea. This study examined the factors that motivate and guide an investor's decisions when they select their projects. The results of the study show that the motives of the various existing forms of crowdfunding is big.

Hur kan mental toppform uppnås? Idrottspsykologiska rådgivares syn på mental träning.

Eriksson. C. (2010). How can mental top form be reached? Sport psychology consultants approach to mental training.

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