

1277 Uppsatser om Forest stewardship council - Sida 54 av 86

Investeringsbedömningstekniker i praktiken: En fallstudie om Divisionen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how theoretical investment appraisal techniques are applied in an investment driven company, regarding investments in fixed assets. The aim is also to investigate on what grounds the choices of techniques are justified, and what consequences these choices have on the overall investment appraisal. The study is designed as a case study of Divisionen, a production unit of a market leading company in Sweden, which is kept anonymous in this thesis. The empirical data consists of interviews with company employees and internal documents, including decision support for seven approved investment projects. The interviewees were chosen based on their role in the investment decision making process.

Vad vet gymnasieelever om betygskriterierna och kursplanen i Idrott och Hälsa?

The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.

Whispers in the forest : a field study about communication within Vi-agroforestry

The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the social and structural dynamics of an organization working with questions regarding development. The organization in question is Vi-agroforestry, a Swedish based NGO that works around the lake Victoria basin and the focus will be on their office in Rwanda. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted participatory observation as well as semi-structured interviews to gather data. I have emanated from the individuals in the organization by using a theory of microsociological organisationperspecive to understand how the employees create and is created by the existing social structures. (Blomberg, 2003) Even though the office in Rwanda only is a relatively small part of Vi-agroforestry?s operations it is still highly individual and independent from the rest of the organization.

Pojkars maskulinitetsskapande i samtida skönlitterära ungdomsböcker

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine boys?/young men?s forming of masculinity and gender identity and how discussions around gender stereotypes and conceptions represents themselves in contemporary youth novels. Gender theory based upon R.W. Connell?s theoretical framework which discusses masculinities in plural is used.

Volymsrapportering vid drivningsarbete

Reporting harvested and forwarded volumes are important for the forest industry as it provides information of the size of the stock and facilitates logistics. Figures from Holmen Skog show low reporting frequency. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reason and find suggestions for improvement. A total of 17 machine operators were interviewed using a questionnaire combined with open questions. The results show that the majority of the machine operators find it simple to use the reporting system, although, some of them reports that it doesn?t always work as supposed to.

Påverkan av skogsbrand på litiska arkeologiska fynd ? experimentell simulering av brand

This is a paper about the effects from smoldering fire on lithic objects from an archaeological view. The introduction gives the background to this paper, a short orientation to forest wildfires and why the work is limited to: flint, quartz, quartzite and slate. Material and methods describes the stone materials and the setup that was used in the temperature logged tests with three replications for each type of material. The fuel in the burnings was peat on a bottom of sand. Flint showed a more drastic effect from heat compared with the other materials. Slate seems to have greater tendencies to change to darker colour and luster at lower temperatures than the other materials.

Uppvärmning av mjölkgård med ved, flis eller havre :

The background for my thesis is the fact that with rising electricity and oil prices it becomes interesting to calculate on alternative heating systems. I have chosen to calculate upon my parents? farm, which today heats the dwelling house with wood. This is very time-consuming work, time which could be spent on other work. The main objective for this study is to compare three different heating systems to decide how they differ considering effort and cost. The result from the calculations was that grain-heating system demanded the least amount of work, but the total cost was a little higher compared to chips heating. Chips heating required half as much work as today?s wood heating and had a little lower total costs compared with the corn heating. Which system to choose largely depends on how the own work is valued.

Elevers föreställningar om vattnets kretslopp och växtens liv : Har eleverna tillräcklig kunskap inom dessa områden för att diskutera hur miljöförstörning påverkar vatten och växter?

The purpose of this investigation is mainly to study if pupils have enough knowledge concerning the water cycle and the life of the plants?, and what kinds of household word they have, to discuss pollution within these areas. I also studied how the pupils? knowledge are holding up against what the course-plans says, since it have come to light by other investigations that knowledge are insufficient within the nature-oriented (No) subject in school.The survey has carried out on 28 pupils in a 5th grade, with help of a questionnaire survey. Their teacher has been interviewed and I have studied their local course-plans and also the pupils? schoolbooks in No.The result of the questionnaire survey indicates that the pupils had insufficient knowledge within the areas of plants? life and pollution, something their teacher had a presentiment about.The conclusion is that they need to go out more often in the nature and see how the plants and the environment are affected by different factors.

Miljöbyggnad nivå Silver : Fallstudie brf Stenhuggaren

De senaste decennierna har miljö och hållbarhet fått en större betydelseför bygg- och fastighetsbranschen. En rad miljöcertifieringar förbyggnader har vuxit fram.Miljöbyggnad enligt Sweden Green Building Council (SGBC) är ettsvenskt certifieringssystem för att certifiera byggnader inom Energi,Inomhusmiljö och Byggvaror. En certifierad byggnad enligtmiljöbyggnad kan erhålla betyg guld, silver eller brons.Fallstudie har gjorts av brf Stenhuggaren, ett bostadsprojekt där 47bostadsrätter ska byggas, där byggherren HSB Göta:s ambition är attcertifiera byggnaden för Miljöklassning nivå Silver, som är ett led i attnå företagets övergripande klimatmiljömål.Arbetet har bestått av litteraturstudier, intervjuer med medverkandekonsulter i projektet, studier av konsulternas resultat av projekteringensamt undersökning av vad entreprenören ska göra i det praktiskagenomförandet av byggnationen för att säkerställa att uppställda målnås. Manual 2.1 (utgåva 120101) Bedömningskriterier förnyproducerade byggnader, enligt SGBC, har utgjort en del avunderlaget i denna rapport.En av slutsatserna som kommit fram i arbetet är att entreprenörensarbete i produktionen med miljöklassning inte har den betydelse somförfattaren antog inledningsvis, utan det huvudsakliga arbetet ligger iett gediget arbete vid projektering.Att utveckla miljö-och hållbarhetsarbete i projektering kan skapa godförutsättning för att fler byggnader på sikt blir miljöklassade. Detta kan iett längre perspektiv innebära kvalitativa och hållbara byggnader..

Naturvårdsavsättningar vid avverkning på Orsa Besparingsskog

Orsa Besparingsskog has an aim to take nature considerations in relation to the harvested volume and area of the annual felling. Around 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume should be set aside. It is important to keep close to those figures to avoid future negative effects on the long-term harvesting planning. The purpose of this study was to use laser scanning data to estimate those proportions. The result showed that the proportion of conservation considerations in the ten selected objects in the study was significantly higher than the target of 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume. The result showed a setting aside of 19 percent of the acreage and 17 percent of the volume.

Tio år med stadsdelsreformen i Göteborg med omnejd. Synpunkter hos anställda vid sex folkbibliotek och inom kultur och fritid

This is a comparative study of six public libraries in the city of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The main purpose of this master thesis is to describe these libraries relating to a reform in the city council of Gothenburg and its neighbourhood. The comparison deals with a period of ten years, 1990-2000. In order to respond to this I formulated two questions: Are there any differences in the activities of these libraries? Has this reform influenced the librarians in their way of working and if so, why? I have studied relevant literature such as annual reports, investigations and analyses in order to be able to formulate the questions.

Hatbrott & nationalism i Sverige, finns det ett samband?

AbstractMedia presents hate crimes and nationalism as phenomenon that has increased both internationally and nationally in recent years. Further media largely pair these phenomenon together. The groups mostly exposed to hate and nationalism are people of different ethnic origin and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer) people. In Sweden's general election in 2010 a RHP-party, Sweden Democrats, made it in to Parliament. The purpose of this study was to examine how hate crimes and nationalism, in the form of the Sweden Democrats, has increased in Sweden and if there was any link between them.

Design, anläggningsmetoder och skötseltekniker för hagmarksbestånd :

SUMMARY Establish a pasture There is many valuable nature and culture landscapes in Sweden that has developed during a long period of time, throw natural processes or human use. Unfortunately lot of these are disappearing. My thought with this work is to explore the possibility to establish new areas with similar qualities. The motive for this is that attractive countryside biotopes are well worth to use as model to enrich the urban landscape. Another thought has concerned the people that establish, build and manage landscapes and parks. They often have varied views, both coming from a difference in background and previous experiences.

Mäns rätt till behandling & Eldsjälars betydelse : En uppsats om behandling för män som utövar våld

The purpose of this study is to examine certain aspects of work with men who use violence in intimate relationships. In a Government bill in late 90s the Government presented its action plan on what is expected to be done in each municipality, but investigations show that the work is stationary. 46 percent of the men, who are in treatment, choose to cancel it. We wanted to find out how society will meet up with men who use violence in their intimate relationship and how to go about in the meeting. Those who lead us to the answers in this qualitative method are three social workers and a therapist who has the task of helping these men. The study is based on interviews from three municipalities in southern Sweden, the municipalities made ??as in between 30-60 000 residents and businesses are startups; theoldest has been in operation for five years.The results showed that they had chosen to put these activities under the sections of the Social Services but is counted as a separate project, as the driving force may apply for funding via the County Council.

Långsiktsplanering med geografiska hänsyn : en studie på Bräcke arbetsområde, SCA Forest and Timber

skogsföretagens långsiktigt strategiska planering sker idag i de flesta fall med Indelningspaketet (IPAK). För överföringen från strategisk till operativ och objektsorienterad planering finns ingen vedertagen rutin. Syftet med denna studie, som initierats och finansierats av SCA Forest and Timber, har varit att utveckla en rutin för långsiktig operativ planering. Kravet var att planeringsrutinen skulle vara kraftfull nog att implementeras på ett stort skogsinnehav, i detta fall ca 90'000 ha. Planeringsrutinen omfattar åtgärderna slutavverkning och gallring.

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