

7067 Uppsatser om Forest development - Sida 40 av 472

Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje : en rapport om investeringskalkylering

This report presents an investment calculation based on an assumed initial investment of a new saw line to an existing sawmill. In order to get as close to reality as possible, we have received data material from northern forest owners who recently made an initial investment in their sawmill in Kåge. In order to calculate and evaluate investments are several different methods, but we, we have chosen to use the discounted cash flow method. The method sums up with the help of a fixed cost of capital together with any future costs and revenues, thereby giving a present value of the investment. We also do a sensitivity analysis to examine how selected factors affect the investment research they change. The study is carried out to a fictitious investment, and therefore the result should not only be studied as a result of the figures. The purpose of this study was that with the help of an investment calculation studying the profitability of a hypothetical investment, and by means of a sensitivity analysis to study the sensitivity of investment to changes. The result demonstrates that the calculations according to the present value method requires a lot of information of the prospective investment.

Det skånska svärdet från 800 till 1300 e.Kr. : Fallstudie av 8 svärd

This essay discusses the development of swords in the southern region of Sweden, Skåne. It attempts to locate the areas in Europe where the swords were first made and, in doing so, trace the communication routes by which people traveled. The essay deals with aperiod of a few hundred years, from the late eighth century to sometime around 1300. In that sense, it is therefore also a time study tracing the cultural changes and developments in Skåne during the era of Christianization. Does the development of swords follow the overall changes in society, from an isolated pagan district to a Catholic European community, or not? In answering this question, eight swords were selected and put under closer observation.

Marktillstånd och borbrist på åkermark planterad med gran i Västerbottens län :

This study was made on former agricultural areas that had been planted with spruce or pine, in the county of Västerbotten. The goal of the project was to investigate suspected deficiency of boron in these areas. Several objects have been reported for possible deficiency and some of these have the characteristic symptoms of boron-deficiency. The hypotheses are that 1) Boron deficiency is present at several of the investigated objects. 2) Planting of forest on cultivated postglacial sediments leads to a successive podzolisation with a decreasing content of organic matter in the mineral soil, due to decomposition, and a decreasing pH in the soil, even on locations that have been added lime. To be able to confirm or reject the hypotheses a number of tests were performed.

Hållbar Utveckling 2010 : Hur uppfattar lärare begreppet idag?

This work is a study of subject teachers in social studies and science understand the concept of sustainable development. The work uses a qualitative and a quantitative approach. Teachers in various schools and stages have been answering questions about how they perceive sustainability, how they implement it in teaching and if they feel that school is important for the future of sustainable development at large.The theoretical background is based on environmental ethics as well as the different meanings and definitions of the concept of sustainable development. These theories and definitions are coupled with the empirical results.The study concludes that all teachers throughout the study perceive the concept of sustainable development as something ecological, something that has to do with nature. A few teachers also state economic and social dimensions.Questions about how the teachers in the study implement the concept in their teaching can be seen as three different approaches.

Vision Malmö - En analys av Malmö stads visioner kring stadens utveckling

This thesis is a critical discourse analysis of the vision of Malmös contemporary urban development. By analysing official documents produced by Malmö municipality our aim is to make discursive and sociolcultural practices in the constitution and construction of the city visible and problematicize them. To do so we use critical discourse analysis and theories on Urban Studies. Malmö is a city historically labeld as a ?labour- city?, with heavy industry as its main labourmarket.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : language development approach in preschool

The purpose of this study was to investigate into the praxis based sociocultural tools that are utilized to enhance language development in early childhood education. Four pre-school teachers were involved in this study. Two were recruited from an independent pre-school "Maria Montessori", practicing the pedagogical philosophy developed by Maria Montessori. Two were from a public pre-school herein named "Kvasten", which has no official philosophy but where the teachers (like in many Swedish pre-schools) work in a general alignment with the principles of Reggio Emilia pedagogics. The theoretical fundament of the study lies in the general theories of language development and education of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotskij, and the comparative element mainly concerns the variations in pedagogical praxis between the two pre-schools, and the way the teachers reason about language development.

UML som stöd vid småskalig utveckling av ett inbyggt system

This project aims at investigating if the use of UML as a support to small-scale development ofan embedded system is relevant. The investigation is conducted by using UML during the initialphase of the development ofTelfafill, a filling machine by the company ?Telfafill AB?. The aimof the development of Telfafill is to separate the user interface from the control unit. In additionto this main objective, Telfafill AB would like possible changes to, and additions of,functionality of the filling machine to be investigated.Within the boundaries of this project, the development of Telfafill reached a full requirementspecification of the proposed system, and contact was made with potential external developers.No prototype construction had been started when the project ended.

Förskolegårdens miljö : Inbjuder gården till aktiviteter som stimulerar barnets motoriska utveckling?

Through observations of the childrens play, I have made notes of all activities at the pre-school playground. The intention of the observations was to see if the playground environment invites and stimulate the childs motorie development. The study will be a part of a future planning work of the preschool environment.The results show that the pre-school playground environment invites to physical activities that stimulate the childs motory development. The variation of activities is dependent on the design of the landscapes. The pedagogues taking part of the childrens activities are one of the factors which contributed to the childs choice of activity.The preschool plays an important part in the childrens development so it is important that all personnel have basic knowledge on the importance of outdoor activities.Keywords: Fundamental movement, motorie development, preschool playground, outdoor enviroment.

I sökandet efter framtidens destinationer : Ur researrangörers perspektiv

Background: The fast growing tourism industry increases the need for new destinations to meet the markets demand. Because of this, destination development becomes a part of tourism development and it can therefore be interesting and relevant to study this phenomenon. It requires consciousness about the destination?s conditions and to what extent tourism can be developed. The study of these conditions can be useful as they are fundamental for future tourism development at a destination.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze which conditions and characteristics a place should have to become an attractive destination.Methodology: This study has been executed from a positivistic point of view and a quantitative approach.

Att undervisa kring miljö och hållbar utveckling - Hur förhåller sig läroböckerna i samhällskunskap, historia och geografi till Lpf94 och de nationella kursplanerna?

Daily citizens are informed by the media about the environment and the climate changes. The schools purpose is to educate students according to events that are of current interest and take place in present time. According to Swedish curriculum, Lpf94, all Swedish education should include and discuss the problems surrounding durable development. The purpose of the study is to se how the textbooks in History, Social studies and Geography and their contents meet the demands of the curriculum. The study shows that only the textbooks in geography meets the demands that the curriculums have on durable development.

Leken som ett verktyg för lärandet

The present study deals with the importance of play for children's learning in preschool. The purpose is to investigate the importance of play for children's learning in preschool from a pedagogue?s perspective. The study is based on two issues: How does the pedagogue´s who were interviewed reason about the impact the play has on children's development? How does the pedagogue´s approach to make play a learning situation? The empirical data is based on semi-structured interviews with four preschool pedagogue´s.

Alternativa skogsbruksmetoder i Norden : ett välbehövligt komplement?

Clearcutting systems have been the dominating silvicultural approach during the last decades in the Nordic countries. While economically rational, it is also leading to a trivialisation of the flora and fauna, and may result in negative reactions of people in urban settings. As a consequence of this, and a more diversified view on which goods and services forests should deliver, there is an increasing interest in broadening the range of silvicultural methods that are used. The term continuous cover forestry (CCF) represents a suite of methods that have gained increasing interest in the Nordic countries. In CCF a considerable amount of the trees are left after harvest to favour values that require a continuity of tree-covered areas. There are thus hopes that this method will meet the needs for maintaining biodiversity and satisfy social and cultural values.

Rotpostvolym = stämplingslängd?

This work was conducted during spring and summer 2012 together with the company Uppsala Academy of Management as the principal. The two main objectives for the work are that: ? Make a comparison between the measured volume in the standing forest and the measured volume at the industry on Uppsala Academy of Managements actual stumpage sale volume to see how well it conforms. ? Examine if the buyers see any particular advantages or disadvantages of actual stumpage sale volume and what they think of Uppsala Academy of Managements actual stumpage sale volume and structure in general. I chose to use actual stumpage sale volume from the tree years 2009, 2010 and 2011 in my work. I divided the actual stumpage sale volume following four categories which was pine, spruce, pine/spruce and seed trees. After that I picked out sixteen actual stumpage sale volumes from each category to be a part of the work.

Nyckelbiotoper och kontinuitetsskog i Vilhelmina Kommun : ett landskapsperspektiv

Med nuvarande trend kommer snart all skog bortsett från de skyddade områdena att vara påverkade av trakthyggesbruk. Denna studie inom Vilhelmina kommun och Vilhelmina Model Forest visar hur skogslandskapet i sydöstra delen av Vilhelmina har påverkats sedan trakthyggesbruket infördes, med störst påverkan i den sydöstra delen och minst i den västra delen närmast fjällkedjan. Detta arbete har syftat till att analysera hur skogar som inte blivit brukade med trakthyggesbruk och nyckelbiotoper är fördelade geografiskt, och hur de sammanfaller geografiskt, inom ett stort landskapsavsnitt i den sydöstra delen av Vilhelmina kommun. Studien har också syftat till att visa om storleken på skogsområden med sammanhängande opåverkad skog har betydelse för antal och areal registrerade nyckelbiotoper och om det finns någon trend från sydöst till väst. Alla analyser för arbetet har skett i ArcGIS med hjälp av kartmaterial av registrerade nyckelbiotoper och kalavverkade skogar från Vilhelmina Model Forest. Resultatet visade att 63 % av arealen nyckelbiotop i den sydöstra delen av kommunen ligger i skog som inte blivit genomhuggen med trakthyggesbruk.

Värdering av det intellektuella kapitalet

In this thesis the survival and development of a yearly recurring event will be examined. The purpose of this work is to examine how the festival Stockholm Pride has developed and to find out what underlying factors and conditions that lays behind the development. Also being examined is how the event affects Stockholm city?s tourism industry. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative research has been used and two persons with allot of knowledge about Stockholm Pride and Stockholm?s tourism industry has been interviewed.

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