

7067 Uppsatser om Forest development - Sida 39 av 472

Lek i förskolan : En studie av fri och styrd lek

The purpose of my study is to examine how four teachers reflect on free play and controlled play in preschool. What are their reflects concerning free play, controlled play and children?s development and education. The main focus of this research is the experiences of the teachers and I compare their perspectives against each other regarding free and controlled play.To be able to realize this study, I propose the following questions:What kind of vision does the teacher have concerning free play and controlled play?According to the teacher, how does playing affect the children?Which development areas are affected by participating in the play?This is a qualitative study, based on interviews with four teachers from two different preschools.

Hållbart byggande ? Ett led i den hållbara utvecklingen? : Studie kring Bo01:s och Hammarby Sjöstads väg från vision till byggd realitet

The design of buildings is today considered to be crucial for obtaining sustainable development. Research concerning sustainable building is considered to be a Swedish area of strength and development projects as Hammarby Sjöstad and Bo01 are often pointed out as Swedish prime examples of sustainable building. Some still argue though, that that these projects should not be presented as sustainable, due to its incompetence to meet their objectives. This contradiction has attracted my curiosity. By doing this study I hope to gain understanding about the difficulties Bo01 and Hammarby Sjöstad are surrounded with and its significance for sustainable development.

Application development for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product

This thesis presents an application that performs positioning of modules automatically based on given data for every module, and the development of it. The basis of the application is from a previous thesis code. On top of that code, more features and error handling has been added, as well as fixes for various bugs. A stress test has been performed and further development possibilities are being presented.The thesis work was carried out at Toyota Material Handling Mjölby (TMH) and was made in parallel with another thesis by Fredrik Holden who was generating data for the application. For a complete understanding of the theory and background, please also read Holden?s thesis report ?Development of method for automated positioning of 3D-representations of a modularized product?, as well as the former thesis  ?Analysis for Automated Positioning of 3D-representation of a Modularized product??..

Estimation of reindeer lichen biomass by image analysis

During consultation procedures between forest owners and the Sámi, data on, e.g., reindeer lichen biomass on the current site is needed. Hitherto, the existing methods of measuring lichen cover and biomass has been either objective methods such as the Point Intercept method, which is time consuming, or some sort of subjective visual estimation, which is faster but less accurate. However, both these methods are sensitive to different observers and/or to different inventories. This paper addresses the further development and evaluation of a photographical inventory method that uses colour distribution in images to estimate lichen biomass. During the autumn of 2011 six different locations, with different grazing pressure and lichen cover, in Norrbotten county were inventoried using both the Point Intercept method and the photographical method, complemented with collection of biomass samples.

oikos ? nomos eller logos? : Hållbar utveckling och ekonomi i gymnasiets samhällsböcker

This paper contains an analysis that sets out to investigate how sustainable development is portrayed in textbooks used in gymnasium level civics education. The study covers three textbooks, all in current use. The paper sets out to explore the relationship between the books chapters on economics and those about environmental issues. The sum of these two parts is in the context supposed to make up the books big picture of green sustainable development, i.e. the ecological aspect of sustainable development. An analytical model will be used to categorise and compare the three textbooks.The method chosen for this is analysis of ideas by use of ideal types.

Skogs- och energibolagens attityd till förnybara drivmedel vid upphandling av transporttjänster i norra Sverige

Sweden's government is dedicated to the goal of having a vehicle fleet that is independent of fossil fuels by 2030. Achieving these goals requires, among other things, new types of fuel that give lower net emissions of carbon dioxide. The present market includes stations offering lowlevel blends of renewable fuels in conventional diesel as well as some stations offering renewable fuels only. The purpose of this study is to survey purchasers? attitudes to the use renewable fuels in roundwood and bioenergy transport in forest- and energy companies. The study was based on qualitative interviews through a combination of face-to-face meetings and telephone interviews with each sample group. The total number of respondents was ten (10), consisting of five (5) from forest companies and five (5) from energy companies. Transport service purchasers were generally positive to renewable fuels and considered these necessary in the future.

En studie av hållbara alternativ till odlingstorv : - vid jordförbättring inom trädgård

Pharmaceuticals are environmental pollutants that are a major threat to aquatic ecosystems and very little is known about their ecological consequences. In this study growth, survival and behaviour (sociability, activity and boldness) of perch fry (Perca fluviatilis) were examined in order to study the possible effects of exposure to a benzodiazepine anxiolytic drug, Oxazepam, during embryonic development. The study tested following hypotheses: (1) perch growth is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; (2) early perch survival is affected positively by exposure during embryonic development; and (3) boldness and activity increases while sociability decreases in perch fry exposed during embryonic development. Embryos of naturally spawned perch were exposed to water with two different concentrations of Oxazepam. The embryos were exposed during different parts (24-hour periods) of the embryonic development, because embryos may be more vulnerable at certain times during embryonic development and/or because the exposure at different times can produce different effects.

Forestry supply chains : preparing for the unpredictable

Forestry supply chains are a significant part of the Swedish economy. These supply chains are highly susceptible to storms damage. In late 2013 Sweden was hit by multiple storms. This leads to the possibility to research how supply chains react to the shocks that storms cause. The aim of this thesis is to research the costs that storms increase, the actions that are taken within the forestry supply chain, as well as possible benefactors from storms. This thesis bases on previous work on supply chain mapping and cost theories.

?The poor man?s university? ? om bibliotek, läsning och bokbussar på Jamaica

The aim of this Master?s Thesis is to examine the importance of literacy and reading in a country like Jamaica. What role do public libraries and bookmobiles play in promoting literacy, and how does this work correspond with the UNESCO public library manifesto?To answer this, interviews were conducted with nine Jamaican librarians, and study visits were made to libraries and bookmobiles. In addition, development plans, policy and other relevant documents were analyzed.

Uptake of 137Cs by fungi and plants due to potassiumfertilization in Heby municipality in response to theChernobyl nuclear accident

The fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident resulted in large deposits of caesium, iodineand strontium as well as noble gases in various parts of Sweden. 137Cs has a radioactive halflifeof about 30 years and is therefore one of few radio-fission products remaining inmeasurable quantities in the Swedish soil. Radiocaesium behaves similarly to potassium insoil-plant systems and is easily absorbed by plants. It is important to understand how 137Csbehaves in different ecosystems in order to minimize the risk toward humans.The aim of this study was to determine how potassium fertilization influences radiocaesiumcontent in different forest plants and fungi. Potassium fertilizer was spread once in 1992 withapproximately 200 kg KCl per ha.

Labba i teori : Kan praktiska laborationer öka förståelsen av teoretisk datalogi?

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.

Markberedningens betydelse och egenkontroll för markberedning

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Saluplats Fyristorg : medborgarnas gemensamma uterum?

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Flygbildsanalys av trädskiktets status efter brand : en metodstudie

During the past years fire has been identified as an important factor for nature conservation in the forest landscape. To accurately quantify the size of a burnt area is obviously important, but also to quantify the degree of fire damage to the tree canopy. Such data are important for assessing the conservation value, and to support planning and management of the burned area in the future. I have examined how to estimate the status of tree crowns after fire from interpretation of aerial photographs. This is possible because fire changes the structure of tree crowns and this influences the colours in aerial photographs by spectral reflection. Included in the study are four areas, three of which burned in 2005 and one in 2006.

Turismutveckling av en landsbygd : - En studie om landsbygders utvecklingspotential inom turismnäringen

AbstractThe tourism industry has evolved to a vital factor for destination development in rural areas. This study aims to see how the tourism industry can be seen as an opportunity for development in rural areas. To be able to develop, rural areas have to be restructured and this study presents the restructuring problems that rural areas usually face and how developing tourism can be seen as a solution to these problems. Five destinations of rural character have been investigated in this study in order to see how these restructuring problems are expressed and addressed through tourism. A key example has been used to provide a clearer image of how these problems and tourism are related to each other and how their interaction can create a positive development for rural areas in Sweden..

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