
Det skånska svärdet från 800 till 1300 e.Kr.

Fallstudie av 8 svärd

This essay discusses the development of swords in the southern region of Sweden, Skåne. It attempts to locate the areas in Europe where the swords were first made and, in doing so, trace the communication routes by which people traveled. The essay deals with aperiod of a few hundred years, from the late eighth century to sometime around 1300. In that sense, it is therefore also a time study tracing the cultural changes and developments in Skåne during the era of Christianization. Does the development of swords follow the overall changes in society, from an isolated pagan district to a Catholic European community, or not? In answering this question, eight swords were selected and put under closer observation. The results reveal a remarkably close relationship between the development of swords and the historical and cultural changes that were taking place in Scandinavia. In the beginning of the Viking age, the swords were produced primarily in Norway. As Christianity slowly began to infiltrate society, however, new influences reached the northern parts of Europe. The development of the sword in Scandinavia during the early medieval period (1100-1300) is in essence a reflection of the development of swords that was taking place in Catholic Europe during the same era.


Christofer Adolfsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Historisk arkeologi


"Magisteruppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla magisterexamen.

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