

1359 Uppsatser om Financial incentives - Sida 34 av 91

Från vilja till genomförande - Förändringar i arbetet med våld i nära relationer inom en stadsdelsförvaltning

The aim of the study was to examine prerequisites for the changes that are taking place within working with Intimate Partner Violence in Västra Hisingen (a municipal district in Gothenburg, Sweden). My research questions concerned incentives for the new features, their practical consequences and prerequisites for implementation. The study has been performed by three focus group interviews with different parts of the organization represented. The work material has then been analyzed using Implementation Theory, Human Service Organization Theory and theories on breaking up. The study showed that all respondents were motivated to perform the changes, but also that there were significant differences between the groups? conceptions of what implementation demands, and of the organizational support today.

Det gemensamma bästa kan inte förutsättas : En berättelse om Grupptalan mot Skandia

The subject for this paper is the Class Action against Skandia Association, a civil organization formed in 2003 with the aim of claiming compensation for some 1.2 million life insurance customers. The background to its formation was one of the largest financial scandals in Sweden in recent times, involving a number of questionable affairs within the insurance corporation Skandia and its subsidiaries, most notably the life insurance company Skandia Liv. The interests of both the stake- and stockholders of the company seem, in certain ways, to have been grossly misrepresented. The scandal, as well as the reaction it spawned, pose a number of questions. In this study, we focus on two: a possible, and in many ways apparent crisis in the representation of interests in Swedish society, and the role of civil society in upholding the balance between these interests.We argue that what is often held to be the ?greed? or ?immorality? of individuals in scandals such as Skandia is, to a great extent, a mere reflection of the ?rational? underpinnings of modern-day capitalism.We find that trust has been a key mechanism of control in the relationships between consumers and agents in pension and life insurance markets, and that ?the Swedish model? that distinguished post-WWII Swedish society was a model heavily based on trust towards existing models of bureaucratic governance.

Fra?n vilja till genomfo?rande - Fo?ra?ndringar i arbetet med va?ld i na?ra relationer inom en stadsdelsfo?rvaltning

The aim of the study was to examine prerequisites for the changes that are taking place within working with Intimate Partner Violence in Va?stra Hisingen (a municipal district in Gothenburg, Sweden). My research questions concerned incentives for the new features, their practical consequences and prerequisites for implementation. The study has been performed by three focus group interviews with different parts of the organization represented. The work material has then been analyzed using Implementation Theory, Human Service Organization Theory and theories on breaking up.

Finansiella värderingsmodeller : En empirisk studie

This study tests two financial valuation models empirically by valuing three stocks from three industries, with the purpose of studying how well valuation models work empirically and to make a forecast. The models which will be tested are residual income valuation and discounted cash flow. Nine stocks will be picked strategically from the Swedish stock market and additional analysis will follow in the analysis chapter.Based on analysis and valuation, the commodities industry has decent valuation as the healthcare industry is undervalued thanks to the high valuation of AZN. The energy industry has low value due to the capital intensive nature of the industry. When it comes to the models and their practical implementation, DCF has been the most problematic to apply empirically whereas RIV was better but it still shows extreme values, which teaches the student the clear difference between theory and empiri..

Utveckling av applikationsplattform för inbyggt system

In the current situation in the housing market and in particular the inner city much attention is directed towards achieved prices per square meter in sales. The indicator is as a principle an appropriate measure of the housing market?s health and development, and can to some extent be used to make approximations of the general economic health status of municipalities and counties. It occurs occasionally that questions about whether prices are based on fundamentals at all times.The thesis questions that very issue, not from a macro accompanying financial perspective but rather from a microeconomic perspective, where each tenant ownership in the study is a micro-object. Are the observed prices per square meter rational relative to housing cooperative?s assets or is there a lack in the observed prices anchoring the respective association's finances.

Det finansiella gapet : Finansieringsproblematik av nystartade företag

Denna studie syftar till att beskriva problematiken kring finansiering av nystartade tjänsteföretag som saknar säkerheter i form av materiella tillgångar. Våra slutsatser är att samtliga respondenter anser att finansieringsproblematiken existerar och att detta yttrar sig genom att kreditbedömningar blir svåra att genomföra när företag saknar materiella tillgångar att ställa som säkerhet. Två av de företag vi intervjuat har upplevt problem med finansieringsprocessen. De externa finansiärerna anser att problematiken främst yttrar sig för forsknings- och utvecklingsföretag..

Vad, hur och varför? : - Om mått och mätning i fyra små tillverkande företag

Bakgrund och problemEtt generellt problem är att forskning baserad på små och medelstora företag är mycket liten, med avseende på ekonomistyrning samt mätning av resultat.SyfteSyftet är att beskriva och analysera vilka mått som används i fyra små tillverkande företag. Hur måtten mäts, hur informationen kommuniceras kring dem, i vilket syfte de används och om måtten är kopplade till något mål i företaget, är frågor som studien vill besvara. Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur små företag mäter sin verksamhet i avsikt att bedöma sitt resultat.Metod Med en abduktiv ansats och hermeneutiskt synsätt har den empiriska och teoretiska referensramen insamlats. Genom en kvalitativ studie och besöksintervjuer hos fyra små tillverkande företag har vi fått möjlighet att beskriva och analysera hur de använder sig av mätning i sin verksamhet. Teoriramen har sedan använts för att skapa en djupare förståelse för empirisk data.SlutsatsDe mått som används i små företag måste utformas utifrån varje företags specifika förutsättningar för att träffa rätt då många faktorer spelar in i valet av mått.

Efterfrågans priselasticitet på cigaretter på kort- och lång sikt : En studie av effekten på cigarettskatten och cigarettpriset i Sverige mellan år 1996-2012

The study examines the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes in the short- and long run in Sweden. The time period for the study is 17 years and covers the years 1996-2012. The results of the study shows that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes in the long run is higher than in the short run for the Swedish consumers, which is in line with previous studies in the area. The fact that the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes is higher in the long run, indicates that the substitution effect has a significant impact on the price elasticity of demand for cigarettes in the long run. The study was conducted in two parts where the authors investigated the effect of cigarette tax on cigarette prices and in addition the cigarette prices impact on the demand for cigarettes in Sweden.

?Säg inget ont om Bellman till Fred Åkerström: Då åker du på en propp!? : En C-uppsats om Fred Åkerström som Bellmantolkare

This essay is about the Swedish folk and troubadour singer Fred Åkerström and particularly his interpretations of the Swedish national poet Carl Michael Bellman. With Åkerström being a socialist, he converted his beliefs into what he believed Bellman should stand for and not stand for, politically and historically and the picture he did not take kindly to is called "The bourgeoisie". And in his interpretations of Bellman Åkerström used his deep bass voice and singing with maximum potential that earned him the nickname "Carl Michael Decibelman" along with a trio he created called Trio CMB. But along with alcoholism and financial problems Åkerström died at an age of 48 years old and had probably much more to give the Swedish musical society..

Robothandel ? En rättvis arena? -En litteraturstudie om Robothandeln med aktier

The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate how high frequency trading affects the stock market. The growing high frequency trading is affecting the game plan on the financial markets and concerns have grown about the high frequency users intentions with their business. It is difficult to receive an overall picture of the subject because the lack of previous research and even the research that exist do not show the entire picture. The thesis contributes to the research through a comprehensive picture of the present debate as well as the previous research through a literature study. Our results showed that high frequency trading provides liquidity to the market, there is a statistical connection between high frequency trading and volatility, no price manipulation is being used and there is a need for a supervision of the high frequency trading..

Big Bath-Accounting- Sötrre engångskostnader vid VD-byten?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the companies listed on Nasdaq/OMX Stockholm Large Cap use the earnings management phenomenon Big Bath Accounting to a greater extent when a change of management (CEO) is made.Management tends to use earnings management when there is a bonus plan linked to the result of the company. To gain maximum bonus the management will try to manipulate the result in a way that in a long term maximize their utility. Through the earnings management technique Big Bath the management is given the possibility to take one large cost as a one-time expend, even though the cost is supposed to run over several financial years. This, of course, within the legal framework. A big bath may occur when there is an impairment of goodwill, tangible and/or intangible assets or larger provisions for future expense, or both of them at the same time..

RIX-systemet Och dess påverkan på finansinstitutens marknadsmakt

Titel: RIX-systemet och dess påverkan på finansinstitutens marknadsmaktFörfattare: Tom Douglas och Eric NarfströmHandledare: Evert KöstnerKurs: NEG300, kandidatuppsats Nationalekonomi fördjupningskurs, 15 hp, HT-2013Nyckelord: marknadsmakt, oligopol, räntabilitet, riksbanken, RIX-systemet, konkurrensSyfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellanmedlemskap i RIX-systemet och räntabilitet på eget kapital beträffande företag vilka är aktiva på den svenska finansmarknaden.Metod: I denna studie används både en kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod med insamling av kvantitativ sekundärdata från framförallt Svenska Bankföreningen. Kvalitativ data har främst hämtats från Riksbanken.Teori: Structure-conduct-performance paradigm (SCP) samt Porters femkraftsmodell ligger till grund för den teoretiska referensram som ligger till grund för studien att tillägga till detta används även konventionell konkurrensteori.Slutsats: Studien visar på att det föreligger ett statistiskt signifikant sambandmellan ett deltagande i RIX-systemet och räntabilitet på eget kapital. Title: The RIX-system and its impact on financial institutions market power.Author: Tom Douglas and Eric NarfströmAdvisor: Evert KöstnerCourse: NEG300, Bachelor thesis in Economics, 15 hp, fall 2013Keywords: Market power, oligopoly, return on investment, central bank, the RIX-system, competitionPurpose: This study aims to investigate whether there is a correlation betweena membership within the RIX-system and return on investment regarding companies with in the financial industry of Sweden.Method: In this study, both a quantitative and qualitative approach has been used. Regarding the collection of quantitative data, it has been retrieved mainly from Swedish Bankers' Association. Collection of qualitative data has been collected mainly from The Swedish central bank Riksbanken.Theory: Structure-conduct-performance paradigm (SCP) and Porters five-forces framework underpin the theoretical framework underlying the study.

Kundrelationer och Kundlönsamhetsbedömningar: En fallstudie inom telekom

This paper examines the customer relationships of a telecom operator and how their customer accounting is done. The aim is to use the framework developed by Lind & Strömsten (2006) to categorize customer relationships and see to what extent the framework predicts which type of customer accounting method is used for each customer relationship. A case study was made at Telenor Sverige AB where different customer relationships are identified and linked to the customer accounting techniques that are used for financial measurement of the customers. Findings include that all but one of the customer relationships described in the framework were recognized at Telenor and that most customer accounting techniques mentioned in the framework were in fact used and associated with different customer relationships. The results of the case study also highlight that some differences exist between the predictions of the framework and the observations at Telenor..

Segmentrapportering : Är den relevant ur en analytikers perspektiv?

Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Med hjälp av segmentinformation kan analytiker bryta ned analysen av bolagen till en lägre nivå vilket borde resultera i säkrare analyser. Segmentinformationen är viktig för användarna av de finansiella rapporterna eftersom information om bolaget som helhet kan vara svår att utläsa. Vi har tagit del av tidigare forskning inom området,men vi har dock inte funnit någon forskning med samma syfte som vi har. Vi anser därför att segmentrapportering är viktigt och intressant att studera.Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att utreda hur, bolag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen i branschen sällanköpsvaror och tjänster, utformat sina segmentrapporter i deras årsredovisningar samt hur relevanta, tillförlitliga och jämförbara de är. Vidare kommer vi att studera vad analytiker anser om rapporterna gällande dessa egenskaper med fokus på hur relevanta de är.Metod: I denna uppsats använder vi oss av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod.

Varför ger inte fler svenska företag ut konvertibler?

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of why convertible bonds are a relatively uncommon financing method in Sweden. The aim is to find the explanatory factors for this situation. The analysis is based on interviews conducted from three perspectives; the investor?s, the adviser?s and the issuer?s. The main finding is that the Swedish financial market has characteristics that inhibit the development of a convertible bond market in Sweden, leading to the fact that most convertible bonds are issued under special circumstances.

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