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Textilhantverkets betydelse i Uppåkra - en studie av Uppåkra och närliggande agrarboplatser
This survey deals with textile production and how it was carried out during the late Iron Age,with main focus on a central place, Uppåkra. A comparison has been carried out betweenUppåkra and two agrarian settlements, Fosie and V. Karaby, from the nearby landscape toinvestigate whether any variation in production can be detected. The value of textiles has alsobeen investigated to determine whether a potential specialization in production may have ledto a surplus.An analytical and comparative method has been used with focus on the context of thematerial.The results show that the textile production vary at the different sites, and that a need fordifferent types of textiles has existed. At Uppåkra, the possibility to produce fine threads andtextiles existed as demonstated by the findings of small and lightweighted spindle whorls.This suggests that the production may have included both fine and coarse textiles.
Flödesekonomins dimensioner : supply chain management
It is of increasing importance to in the most effective possible way, manage and control all the transactions of raw materials, products and information that are exchanged between an organization and all its operators. These flows and the need for strategy and managing the processes of planning, implementing and control of the supply chain, has given name to the concept supply chain management. Supply chain management involves all movement and storage of raw material, and all the processes that is needed to manufacture a product from origin to consumption. Globalization, technology and increasing time and quality-based competition are all driving forces behind the concept and reasons for an increasing interest in supply chain management.The purpose of this essay is to by using a qualitative case study examine which decisive success factors that can be identified for effective supply chain management. We have compiled different theories on the subject to use for analyzing a case study Li & Fung, who is a successful supply chain management company.
Utveckling av en ny tillverkningslina
This report contains results of our study at CTC in Ljungby. CTC produces heating products such as boilers, heat pumps and additional products to their heating systems.The purpose of the report is to make a proposal how CTC will supply their new production line for heat pumps with materials. The proposal includes a production layout and a scheme for how to place the material in the production storage.The new production line will produce two different products and both of them have several variants. The line will also have a mixed flow, so the products can be produced in a random order. These conditions demand that the production line has great flexibility and that the material to all the variants can be stored in the production storage.With these conditions as input we made a layout proposal to the company.
Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?
This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..
Uv-ljus som vattenrening i kylanläggning
I det här projektet har uppgiften varit att rena vattnet i Aqua Interiör i Laholms egen tillverkade vattenmöbel med hjälp av uv-ljus. Dessa möbler hyr de ut till kunder för att kunna få ett lagom kallt vatten med eller utan kolsyra. Vattenmöblerna är direkt kopplade till det befintliga vattensystemet. Ett problem som de tidigare haft är att de inte kunnat ha sina möbler på sjukhus eftersom möblens beskaffenhet medför en ökad bakteriehalt i vattnet.Denna bakteriehalt kommer dock inte upp till den gräns som livsmedelverkets satt som icke tjänligt. På sjukhus finns ett högre krav på vattnets kvalité där inga anmärkningar får finnas på vattnet.
Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.
A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.
?Lägg ner matteboken och använd varandra som stöd? : En intervjustudie av fem klasslärares syn på det laborativa arbetssättet i matematikundervisningen
The purpose of this study is to examine the importance of a working laboratory in mathematics education, how it influences students? learning and the confidence the teacher has in the laboratory component. Focus has been placed upon the advantages and disadvantages that could follow in the working method.The method used in this essay is qualitative in order to answer all the questions that arise along the way, and in order to use this method in interviews. The interviews that has taken place has been with five class teachers that are currently teaching at a elementary school between the years of 1-5. The purpose of this study has been answered by using its literature and the qualitative method with the class teachers.The results of the research show that teachers express gratitude towards the method in use for mathematics studies.
Hållbarhetsredovisning enligt GRI:s riktlinjer ? En studie om noterade bolags redovisning
I dagens samhälle finns ett stort fokus på miljö och att företag ska arbeta med hållbarhet. Efter flera uppmärksammade skandaler har kraven på företagens hållbarhetsarbete ökat. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) är ett av de mest förekommande begreppen inom hållbar utveckling och består av tre perspektiv ekonomiskt, socialt och miljömässigt. Hållbarhetsredovisning är frivillig och det finns flertalet organisationer som tagit fram principer och riktlinjer till företagen. En av de större organisationerna är Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) som tagit fram ett ramverk för hållbarhetsredovisning.
Exponera mera : ett arbete om skyltning på bibliotek
This Master s thesis deals with the display of library media, whether it is conceivable and desirable to draw inspiration from the retail business when displaying articles. The questions asked are: are there, in the retail sector, well established display ideas and - if so - what do they look like? Are the similarities in conditions, between the branches, sufficient? In conveying the ideas to libraries, are the potential differences not obstructive? Is there, among librarians, a positive attitude towards further development of library display techniques? The results were achieved by interviewing shop window dressers and librarians. In addition, a survey was sent to the library managers of 65 public libraries in southern Sweden. The results show that there are established ideas and methods of displaying materials, and that the ideas are manifested in frequently used techniques.
Kontraomvändelse - blivandet av en ateist : en religionspsykologisk undersökning av byte från religiöst orienteringssystem till ateistiskt
The purpose of this study in the psychology of religion is to explore the process of an individual?s shift in orienting system, from a religious to an atheistic. The materials used are autobiographical accounts obtained from two books. One that has been used as a primary source and one as a secondary. By using Rambo?s process oriented theory of religious conversion relevant themes and categories were chosen and later subjected to further analysis using Pargament?s theory of religion and coping.
Tolerans eller normkritik? : och en analys av användning av lärarhandledningen Någonstans går gränsen
This study deals with how the Swedish school system handles questions concerning sexuality and normality. It is also an analysis of how the guidance material Någonstans går gränsen from RFSL Stockholm is used and could be used in teaching.The study consists of two parts. The first part is a study of literature that portrays how teaching concerning these issues is performed in schools, what methods that are recommended and what methods are actually used in teaching. The second part consists of interviews with people dealing with these issues in school and in organizations.My results show that schools often use a ?pedagogy of tolerance? while the guidance material and the research and theories concerning sexuality and normality advocate a more ?queer pedagogy?.
E-böcker och bibliotek. En diskussion kring den digitala beståndsutvecklingens möte med en gryende e-boksmarknad
In Scandinavia the general idea of the Bronze Age society is that it was organised as chiefdoms. The model for what they looked like is taken from the anthropological studies of the Polynesian chiefdoms. The aim of my study is to investigate a Scandinavian Bronze Age feature, known as cairns mainly containing fire-cracked stone. This is compared with how people in different Polynesian chiefdoms, looked at similar remain. This is done to get a background for new ways of interpretation of such remains.
Ugnet - Provugnsstyrning med LabVIEW
This report contains a programming improvement work in a LabVIEW? fire testing furnace control system for SP Fire Technology in Borås. Here materials and products behaviour are tested and evaluated, being exposed to fire. For this task, UGNET is being used for control and surveillance of the testing furnace system. System hardware has been updated gradually through the years, while the software has been neglected.
Riskfaktorer för postoperativa infektioner i operationssalen- En litteraturstudie
Runt om i världen utförs miljontals kirurgiska ingrepp varje år, sedan 1840-talet har utveckling skett för att reducera antalet vårdrelaterade infektioner. Postoperativa sårinfektioner är den vanligaste typen av vårdrelaterad infektion och utgör ett stort lidande hos patienten. Som operationssjuksköterska är det viktigt att ha kunskaper om riskfaktorer för postoperativa sårinfektioner för att kunna sätta in adekvata omvårdnadsinsatser. Mot denna bakgrund var syftet med denna litteraturstudie att belysa riskfaktorer för postoperativa infektioner som finns i operationssalen med frågeställning hur operationssjuksköterskan kan påverka förekomsten av postoperativa sårinfektioner. Metoden som används är litteraturstudie där databaserna Cochrane och Pubmed har genomsökts.
Att konstruera en kontinent : Om den Europeiska Sociala Rörelsen och enmycket annorlunda Europatanke
The thesis of this essay is how literary texts are selected in the teaching of Swedish in upper secondary school, and how teachers reflect upon gender in these selections. To answer the thesis question three methods have been used. Firstly interviews were held with five teachers of Swedish, which have been the primary source for the essay. In addition to the interviews, I have examined two literary anthologies used as teaching aid in the teaching of Swedish and lastly I analyzed the literature and authors that the teachers explicitly express that they use in their tutoring. The secondary sources of this thesis contain research on selections of fictional texts, literary canon and students? re-production of gender.