

1571 Uppsatser om Figure Rating Scale - Sida 22 av 105

En studie av sambanden mellan locus of control, self-efficacy, socialt sto?d och positiv feedback

Organisationspsykologi kan ibland upplevas allt fo?r problemorienterad med stort fokus pa? just problem och konflikter i organisationer. Det finns dock en inriktning pa? de fo?rha?llanden och processer som bidrar till att ma?nniskor, grupper och organisationer kan frodas och fungera optimalt. Denna studie syftade da?rfo?r till att underso?ka eventuella samband mellan positiv feedback, self-efficacy, locus of control och socialt sto?d.

Den inbillade sjuke, hur mår du? : En kartläggning av skådespelares psykiska och fysiska hälsa

Syftet med studien är att göra en kartläggning över hur svenska skådespelares fysiska och psykiska hälsostatus ser ut hösten 2009. De områden som undersöks är depression, ångest, sömn, stress, arbetslöshet och hälsopåverkan, hörselproblem och tinnitus, samt alkohol- och droganvändning. En länk till en webbenkät med frågor från Hospital anxiety and depression scale, Perceived stress scale, Nationell undersökning om hörsel, yrsel och tinnitus samt Swedish longitudinal occupational survey of health 2006 skickades till medlemmar i Teaterförbundets skådespelaravdelning. 533 deltagare svarade på de inledande frågorna och 425 deltagare slutförde hela enkäten.Resultaten visar på förekomst av depression och ångest av klinisk betydelse, förekomst av sömnbesvär, samt förekomst av hög till mycket hög upplevd stress och prestationsbaserat självförtroende. Deltagarna upplever negativa konsekvenser av arbetslöshet.

Centralisering och decentralisering: En fallstudie på Apoteket och Swedbank

Multi-branch companies are facing many challenges in order to become successful. Competitive advantages can be gained through a unified strong brand, standardised products and economies of scale. This normally calls for centralisation. On the contrary is decentralisation, which is said to improve work motivation and local market orientation, which are also competitive advantages. The focus of this thesis is to study how local branch managers want their companies to be structured in accordance with this dilemma.

Kostnadsutveckling i anläggningsprojekt. En studie av processen före byggstart i två vägprojekt.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Arbetsberedningens möjligheter att säkra kvalitén.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

The state of the Latvian wood pellet industry : a study on production conditions and international competitiveness

In the last decade, member states of the European Union have adopted a range of measures to decrease the dependency on fossil fuels. This has led to an increased use of biomass in heat and power production. In some countries, the lack of forest resource has led to large scale power producers importing their biomass needs. Due to high energy content and homogeneity, wood pellets have become an internationally traded commodity used for large scale power production. The Baltic States have emerged as one of the largest wood pellet exporting regions in Europe.

Paradoxens styrka och kraft : En studie av paradoxala inslag i Samuel Backetts verk i väntan på Godot

AbstractThe purpose of this investigation is to find out how the pupils can discover and to feel joy in their creative art activity and also to believe in their own ability. The aim is to figure out if creative art activity is able to raise the pupil?s self-image. By literature, pedagogue interviews, and interviews with pupils at the age of ten years old and by action research is the way that I have searched for an answer for my question. The main result is that fantasy, creativity, courage and lust are important parts to develop in the job of raising the self-image.

"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects

The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.

Lyftredskap för KL-trä - Hantering av horisontella och vertikala element i massivträ

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Ekologiska fotavtryck för koldioxidutsläpp för Stockholms län, Norrbottens län och Stockholms läns landsting : En kritisk metodgranskning baserad på kvantitativa data

Human existence and welfare depend on functional ecosystems. Ecosystems are critical to sustain life-support services for human well-being. One method that visualizes that humanity requires ecosystem services for resource consumption and assimilation of produced waste is ecological footprints. This study focuses on the ecosystem service carbon sequestering. A quantification of this ecosystem service showed the potential for accumulation of carbon in different ecosystems in Stockholm and Norrbotten County for the years of 1995 and 2004.

Småskalig säsongslagring av solenergi för uppvärmning av bostäder : Simulering av lagerutformning och konsekvensen av adderade uppvärmningsbehov motsvarande en pool och ett atrium

The sun is a huge energy source with great potential of providing energy to the heating of homes and other buildings in an environmentally sustainable manner. In order to provide buildings with energy from the sun it is necessary to transfer the energy supply over time to when the demand arises. By storing the heat in a seasonal storage, solar energy from the summer can be used in the winter when the demand for heating is greatest.Today's existing plants are mainly in Europe and particularly in Germany. These facilities are designed to supply heat demands greater than 400 MWh and covers about 40-50 % of this need which consists of energy for space heating and domestic hot water. How much of the heat demand that is covered, the solar fraction, is partly due to losses from the storage which in turn is connected to the surface area of the storage.


Syftet med denna studie har varit att studera psykosociala faktorers påverkan på skaderisken hos ungdomslandslagsspelare i fotboll. Tvångsmässig passion är en central faktor som studerats i relation till skada. Även faktorerna antal träningstimmar per vecka, antal spelade matcher, stress, själförtroende och motivation har studerats i relation till skada. En kvantitativ design har använts där 300 svenska ungdomslandslagsspelare i fotboll ingått som undersökningsdeltagare. Använda mätinstrument i undersökningen har varitPANAS, PSS, Grit-scale, PCLDS, Passion Scale, SCI samt SMS.

Analys och beräkning av rörbro - med syftet att främja standardisering av motorvägsöverfarter

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

BIM-projektering inom anläggningsbranschen. En studie om BIM-användandet beträffande beställare, konsult och entreprenör.

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Motiv och motivation till motion

Ohälsan ökar i västvärlden som en följd av bland annat försämrade kostvanor och alltför lite fysisk aktivitet. För att öka aktivitetsgraden hos den vuxna befolkningen i Sverige erbjuds många via arbets¬givaren möjlighet till friskvård på betald arbetstid. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka olika aspekter av motivation och inställ¬ning till motion hos individer som nyttjar respektive inte utnyttjar friskvårdsförmånen. Data samlades in genom semistruktu¬rerade intervjuer med tio personer vilka sedan analyserades enligt teoristyrd tematisk analys. Deltagarna besvarade även ett standardiserat mät¬instrument (Sport Motivation Scale).

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