

2985 Uppsatser om Field inventory - Sida 12 av 199

Vendor Managed Inventory : teoretiska effekter, finns de i verkligheten?

Bakgrund: Historiskt har företag haft stora lager för att kunna möta kundernas efterfrågan. I takt med att kundanpassning och flexibilitet har ökat har det blivit allt dyrare och näst intill omöjligt att hålla lager som kan tillgodose kundernas behov. Att styra sitt lager så att det motsvarar efterfrågan har nästan varit en omöjlighet. En lösning på lagerstyrningsproblematiken är Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) som innebär ett tätare samarbete mellan kund och leverantör. Kunden tillhandahåller information om lager och efterfrågan och leverantören tar över ansvaret för att varorna i kundens lager inte ska ta slut.

Ställtidsreduktion i montering av kopplingar

VBG Produkter AB is a process-orientated company that develops, manufactures and markets trailer couplings with belonging coupling equipment, protection equipment against skidding and stands for wagon-bridge for heavy vehicles. The company feels that their set-up time in production for couplings is not at an acceptable level. Due to high demands of customer oriented production the intermediate stock level of included products within the assembly of couplings has gradually increased which has resulted in high inventory holding costs. VBG Produkter applies Kanban in their production, therefore it is important to produce exactly the necessary amount and avoid overproduction. The objective of this project is to suggest appropriate solutions so that VBG Produkter is able to reduce their set-up time in assembly of couplings, by identifying internal and external set-up time for the chosen process bushing cell.

Webbsäkerhet och vanliga brister : kunskapsläget bland utvecklare

This bachelor thesis looks at developers knowledge about web security both regarding their own view on their knowledge and their actual knowledge about vulnerabilities and how you mitigate against them. Web developers knowledge regarding web security are becoming more and more important as more applications and services moves to the web and more and more items become connected to the internet. We are doing this by conducting a survey among developers that are currently studying in the field or are working in the field to get a grip on how the knowledge is regarding the most common security concepts. What we saw was that the result varies between the different concepts and many lack much of the knowledge in web security that is getting increasingly more important to have..

Inventory and evaluation of Nairobi Animal Orphanage : focusing on spotted hyena, serval, Sykes' monkey, vervet monkey and on educational elements

The present BSc thesis is part of a newly established collaboration between the Swedish zoo Skansen and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), and constitutes of an inventory of the Nairobi Animal Orphanage (AO). As a refuge for wild animals found orphaned, abandoned or injured throughout Kenya, the AO has grown over the years and reached an unsustainable point where external help is needed for solutions and improvements. The aim of the inventory is to specifically consider the husbandry and enclosures of spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), serval (Felis serval), Sykes? monkey (Cercopithecus albogularis) and vervet monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops) and with the aid of facts about the species, estimate how well their biological needs are satisfied. Different educational elements are also reviewed since one of the main purposes of the AO is for education.

Inre motivation genom arbetsmiljöarbete: undersökning av Kiruna kommuns arbetsmiljöarbetes effekter på inre motivation

I detta arbete undersöktes det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetets (SAM) effekt på personal i Kiruna Kommun med avseende på hur deltagande i hälsofrämjande aktiviteter påverkar personalens inre motivation. Mätningar av inre motivation gjordes med Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) i en elektronisk enkät där även personalens deltagande i hälsofrämjande aktiviteter undersöktes. I enkäten prövades även ett frågeformulär för direkt mätning av förändring av den inre motivationen. Deltagande i hälsofrämjande aktiviteter hade inte något samband med upplevd förändring av inre motivation. Inre motivation hade dock ett samband med deltagande i hälsofrämjande aktiviteter.

Interspecies embryo transfer in South American camelids : a field study

The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of performing inter-species embryo transfer under actual field conditions in the natural habitat of South American camelids. In this study embryos from llamas were transferred to alpaca recipients. In a parallel study alpaca embryos were transferred to llama recipients. All animals used were free of uterine and ovarian abnormalities detectable by rectal palpation and /or ultrasound examination. Embryos were harvested twice after single ovulation in 10 mated female llamas and non-surgically transferred to synchronized alpaca recipients.

Designerrollen i en webbdesignprocess

This study investigates if, and in that case, how design theory is applied in practice in the web development field. Prior research has focused on methods used in the web development field. We wanted to study the designers role in a web design process by comparing existing designer roles with design theory literature. We did qualitative interviews with two practitioners at two different communication agencies in northern Sweden. Based on our qualitative data and literature review we have concluded that a designer has to devote a lot of energy on requirements engineering in order to develop a clear understanding of the design situation..

Antaganden om läsning: En analys av utvalda lektörsomdömen om barn- och ungdomslitteratur under perioden 1986-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to categorize the publisher readers? views about reading to distinguish a conceivable change of these reviews compared to a historical context during 20 years. I will examine a number of reviews of children?s literature written by publisher readers from BTJ in order to distinguish the assumptions that readers have about children?s reading from how these assumptions appear. The reviews that have chosen is from the years 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, with the purpose of studying if there are any legible changes in these assumptions for the past 20 years.

Metod för kartläggning av lövråvara i Södra Skogs verksamhetsområde

Södra Skog chose in 2011 to convert the saw mill in Traryd to a gradually refined sawmill of hardwood. In 2009, they had also acquired the hardwood sawmill in Djursdala. This was strategically important for Södra's business since the demand for hardwood products has increased. The standing volume of deciduous trees in Sweden is today approximately 524 million m3sk and it has increased rapidly in recent years. However, the deciduous forests are to a large extent located in areas that are set aside for nature conservation and is thus not available to the industry.The goal of this work is to create a simple and reliable method for mapping of deciduous wood volumes in areas where Södra Skog is operating (Götaland excluding Gotland).The material that is used is raster databases with estimated forest attributes (kNN-Sweden), data from National Forest Inventory (NFI) and forest management plans.

Gröna upplevelser för alla : en trädgård för habilitering och återhämtning

Jällaskolans upper secondary School is situated on a big farm just outside Uppsala. The School is focused on agriculture, forestry, gardening, animal care and science. Jällaskolans staff has whished for a school garden for educational purpose where students can practice their gardening skills and learn more about plants. But most important, a specially adapted outside environment such as a garden, would be a great advantage for the students with special needs. This garden could even be an asset for other visiting school classes in the region.

Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?

Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience. The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students?? The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.

A literature study and survey of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in southern Sweden

Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is a common broadleaved species throughout Europe, however often of minor interest to the forest sector. There is currently a lack of research on sycamore maple, and some of its characteristics have throughout history contributed to a negative reputation in both literature and the forest society. Since broadleaved species in general are of great importance to the forest sector in Europe and presumably of enhanced significance in the future, deepened research is needed and particularly Swedish. With a desire to hopefully increase the interest for sycamore maple, was the objective of the study to examine the current status of the sycamore stands in southern Sweden. The study was carried out both as a survey with inventory field work and as a literature study. Parts of the latter mentioned is also presented in the introduction. The study shows that the majority of the sycamore stands in Sweden are growing well, producing fairly high qualities and volumes.

Hissautomaters påverkan på lagerhantering

Purpose: This study deals with warehouse management with an emphasis on vertical lift modules (VLM). The aim is to examine the effect of the implementation of VLM on a business's warehouse management. In order to obtain a result, the study has been based on the following questions:? How was the warehouse management designed before the implementation of VLM?? How is warehouse management designed after the implementation of VLM?Method: To be able to answer these questions, interviews with ten users of VLM performed. All users usually lift systems from the same manufacturer.

Gymnasieelevers begreppsuppfattning i biologi

Det finns lärare som planerar sin undervisning utan att undersöka hur effektiv den är i att komma till rätta med studenternas missuppfattningar. En lärare som vet vilka missuppfattningar som är vanliga och leder till felaktiga svar tror jag har större möjlighet att utforma undervisningen på ett sätt som får eleverna att göra sig av med sina missuppfattningar och därmed svara rätt. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur gymnasieelever i början av tredje årskursen på det naturvetenskapliga programmet uppfattar biologiska begrepp. Verktyget som användes för att undersöka elevernas begreppsuppfattning var Biology Concept Inventory (BCI). Testet besvarades av 66 svenska gymnasieelever i sista året på det naturvetenskapliga programmet.

Digitala fotogrammetriska arbetsstationer för skoglig flygbildstolkning :

SCA Skog has taken the initiative to this Master?s thesis. Today SCA Skog has a great need to update their informtion on young forest stands across large areas. Traditional Field inventory methods for updating stand databases are expensive and time consuming. However, the inventory could be made more efficient if stand boundaries and stand characteristics are derived from aerial photographs.

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