

31 Uppsatser om Festivals. - Sida 2 av 3

Bland rullar och regissörer : Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestivals arkiv. Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete

For my master thesis in Archival Science, I have arranged and catalogued the archives of the Uppsala InternationalShort Film Festival. The materials consisted of approximately 160 binders and filing boxes and some banners.Additionally, there was a large amount of photos from screened films. Some of the material was in good order whilesome was not. The archive was catalogued in Visual Arkiv. After cataloguing the material, approximately 30 binderswith routine records such as reciepts, tax forms et cetera were removed and destroyed.

Are immigrant pupils experiences used as a resource in school?A descreptive investigation out of a teching point of wiew

Today many people immigrate to Sweden, many of them with another religious belonging than the Christian. According to Lpfö98 and Lpo94, the Kindergarten and the school have the task to help alla the pupils to develop an understanding for their own cultural inheritance and the the swedish culture. The task is also to make the pupils feel as a part of the common culture.The aim with this essay is to investigate if - and how - the teachers in two different schools are u sing the immigrant pupils experiences and knowledge about other cultures and religions than the Christian. Does the teachers use the parents of the immigrant pupils or other relatives as a resource in their teaching?We also wanted to investigate what the teachers are doing with the pupils of another religious belonging than the Christian, who is not allowed to join the celebration of Christian festivals in school, such as Easter, Christmas and breaking-up ceremonies in the church.In this essay we have used a form.

UxU : En kvalitativ analys av uppfattningar om, och kommunikationen kring, en musikfestival i Umeå

This bachelors thesis examines how av new musicfestival in Umea is communicated on thefestivals website and how the communication is beeing percepted by people who have boughttickets to the festival and people who have chosen not to. The material is based on qualitativeinterviews with theese people and a discourse analysis of the website. The methods beeingused in this thesis are discourse analysis and qualitative interviews. The interviews focuses ontwo groups, people who have bought tickets to the festival and the ones who has not. Theresults of the analysis shows that the website uxufestival.se communicates the vision of aunique festival who brings people together.

Att ha och inte ha: En studie kring bibliotekariers värderingar och urvalskriterier för spelfilm på bibliotek

This Masters thesis concerns feature film services in Swedish public libraries. We have investigated the opinion of eight librarians concerning values and criteria for selection as regards film. The theory chosen comes from varied disciplines, for example sociology, adapted to our subject. The most important theories are Antonio Gramscis idea of hegemony, Herbert J. Gans concept of taste cultures and Carl Gustav Johannsens discussion about quality.

Historiesyn - Drivkraften i försoning : Ett kvalitativt arbete av Commision on Amnestys historiesyn

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

Bokstavskunskap i förskoleklass : En studie om pedagogers arbete med bokstäver i förskoleklassen inför skolstarten

Title: Festivalernas Intåg ? Korröfestivalen- en bordunstämmas resa genom festivaliseringenThe Korrö festival- The establishment of a Swedish Folk Music Festival.This thesis describes how folk music festivals have been escalating during the past few and how they have influenced Swedish folk music. To reach my results I have been studying one festival in particular which is the Korrö Folk Music Festival. This event started in the mid-eighties as a small happening that attracted almost exclusively musicians that were a part of the bordooon movement. The bordoon movement gathered a couple of days in the summer at what they called the ?Korrö bordunstämma? to build instruments and play folk music.

?För avsaknad av fara är ju inte nödvändigtvis tryggt.?

This thesis aim to shed a light on how to communicate the individual and subjective feeling of safety in the arena of public events such as music- and cultural festivals with the safety-project on Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden as a practical example. Earlier research has mainly been focusing on the objective side of safety on these kind of events. Peace & Love decided to put a larger focus on the safety for the festival in 2012, and Trygghetsprojektet was started. By looking at how the project is formed this study wants to show how organisations can communicate a feeling of being safe to the audience to enable them to fully enjoy an event.The main questions asked in this study is: How can a feeling of being safe be communicated to a large number of people by focused acts of communication at a festival? How does the head of safety and the safety coordinator work with communicating a feeling of being safe to the audience? How does these communication acts relate to earlier research on mass communication? The results shows that communication within the organisation and with its partners is of great importance for the outcomes of the project and that communication of the feeling of being safe is much greater then the hands-on communication of words.

Kristusgestalter i rysk revolutionspoesi 1917-1918 : En jämförande närläsningsstudie och analys

This bachelors thesis examines how av new musicfestival in Umea is communicated on thefestivals website and how the communication is beeing percepted by people who have boughttickets to the festival and people who have chosen not to. The material is based on qualitativeinterviews with theese people and a discourse analysis of the website. The methods beeingused in this thesis are discourse analysis and qualitative interviews. The interviews focuses ontwo groups, people who have bought tickets to the festival and the ones who has not. Theresults of the analysis shows that the website uxufestival.se communicates the vision of aunique festival who brings people together.

Kundens värdeskapande i servicelandskapet : - En studie på den svenska festivalbranschen

Syfte och forskningsfråga:Vi ställer oss frågan hur festivalarrangörer kan stödja kundens upplevda värde genom utformningen av servicelandskapet. Fortsatt är syftet med denna uppsats följande:Att klargöra servicelandskapets betydelse för kundens festivalupplevelseAtt tydliggöra kundens värdeskapande medverkan i festivalsammanhang Metod:I denna uppsats har vi valt att göra en kvalitativ studie som är av en abduktiv karaktär. Studien avser musikfestivalbranschen som är en del av musikindustrin. Den empiriska studien bygger på åtta intervjuer med personer som har eller haft en stark anknytning till den svenska festivalbranschen varav sex stycken genomfördes ansikte mot ansikte, en via telefon och slutligen en via mail. Slutsatser:Servicelandskapets miljömässiga utformning påverkar den enskilde besökaren via dess sinnen, vilket arrangörer har möjlighet att utnyttja till kundens fördel.Andra aktörer som vakter, volontärer, artister samt andra besökare påverkar kundens upplevelse genom interaktioner i festivalområdet.Festivalarrangören bidrar med arenan för upplevelsen samt verktyg för kundens värdeskapande. Kunden förverkligar individuellt värde av upplevelsen då den är närvarande och interagerar med inslag i servicelandskapet..

Mobil försäljningsenhet : En produktutvecklingsprocess

Galna Glassen is a company that has a unique way of selling ice cream in Sweden. The idea is for the costumer to be able to compose their own favorite ice cream, partly by choosing the flavor of ice cream but also by picking the ingredients. The ingredients that can be chosen from are around twenty and can be everything from cookies to candy to berries. When the costumer has chosen their ice cream and ingredients they are mixed together on a cooled granite board.The company was very successful when it was founded in the summer of 2011 and decided to expand to other cities in Sweden. They also wanted to explore the profitability of a mobile sales unit that is intended for festivals and events.The thesis is meant to develop Galna Glassen?s mobile sales unit.

Festivallandskapet i förändring : Siesta! ? En liten musikfestival som står när jättarna faller

I denna uppsats undersöks hur några festivalarrangörer har upplevt och upplever det svenska festivallandskapet under 2010 och föregående år, med fokus på musikfestivalen Siesta!. Genom Siesta får studien en ung och relativt nyetablerad festivals syn på festivallandskapet och tar därmed plats för första gången inom svensk festivalforskning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kvalitativt undersöka hur Siesta har uppstått och utvecklats ur ett arrangörsperspektiv och hur den skiljer sig från andra likartade musikfestivaler såsom Arvikafestivalen, Hultsfredsfestivalen, Peace & Love, Way Out West, Popaganda och Emmabodafestivalen. Vidare analyseras det festivallandskap och det nätverk som dessa musikfestivaler befinner sig i. Utgångspunkten är att det sker och har skett en förändring med tanke på Hultsfredsfestivalens konkurs under sommaren 2010. Vad det är som har skett och hur det har påverkat festivalarrangörerna undersöks ur ett nutidsorienterat företags- och samhällsperspektiv. Materialet som använts är intervjuer med två personer ur Siestas ledning, skriftlig intervju med representant för Popaganda samt källor som belyser festivallandskapet ur ytterligare festivalarrangörers perspektiv.

Queer manga och manhwa på folkbibliotek

We believed that knowledge organisation of manga and manhwa with homosexual (including lesbian) themes might be a challenge for Swedish public libraries. One of the reasons for this is that these themes in manga and manhwa usually occur in genres not directed towards an LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) audience. To see how Swedish public libraries treat such titles and why they treat them as they do, we examined a selection of public libraries, their collections, acquisitions, cataloguing and shelving of relevant titles. The theory used is mainly Grant Campbell?s binarisms, subject access to LGBTQ literature and critical analysis of knowledge organisation.

Att skapa en attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig region-spelar evenemang någon roll? : En studie kring Björneborg Jazzmusikfestival, i regionen Satakunta, Finland

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera om det finns en medvetenhet om regional identitet och image inom regionen Satakunta, samt om åsikterna om utformningen av den regionala identiteten och imagen är konkretiserade, eller inte. Utifrån en studie av Jazzmusikfestivalen i Björneborg undersöks detta. I och med det diskuterar författaren huruvida evenemang har en roll i skapandet av en attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig region. Syftet är också att undersöka om det finns samarbeten i regionen för att göra den attraktiv och konkurrenskraftig. För att få svar på syftet har författaren använt sig av primärdata i form av intervjuer med representanter från Björneborgs stad, Björneborg turistbyrå, Landskapsförbundet, Satakunta Tourist och Björneborg Jazzmusikfestival.

Barn och ritualer Religiös traditionsförmedling i tre hinduiska hem

The aim in this bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze ritual performance and transference of religious traditions in some Hindu homes in Varanasi (India). In particular from the children?s perspective. The curriculum of Religious Education in the Swedish schooling system focuses on religious life, expression and practice. Thus, this thesis is about ?lived Hinduism?, ritual performance and religious practices.

Ett tält för sju dagar : Festivaltält i papper

SummaryAt the summer festivals and it?s campsites there are each year thousands of tents left behind. Last year, at the Peace and Love festival in Borlänge, 220 tons of garbage was left behind at the festival area, much of which is tents. 69% of festival goers have at some point left behind a tent on a festival campsite. Many of these tents is purchased very cheaply, for a single festival.

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