

1743 Uppsatser om Female managers - Sida 56 av 117

Stresshantering ur ett ledarskapsperspektiv

Title: How to manage stress seen from a leadership perspective Authors: Lina Jonsson, Kristian Olsson, Mattias Olsson, Shabnam Tahajjod Supervisor: Marie Aurell Department: Department of Business Administration, IEM Course: Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, FEC 007 Question of issue: How can we understand stress managing at a workplace seen from a leadership perspective? Method: We have chosen a qualitative method for our thesis with inter-views as qualitative data collection. The interviews had a low grade of standardization. Result: On the basis of our question of issue we have drawn the con-clusion that it is important to create comfort at the workplace, that there are a safety and a feeling of handle the work tasks and that there is a plentiful information flow between managers and employees to manage to handle the workplace stress situa-tion..

Visuellt & Auditivt korttidsminne

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds.

Sambandet mellan emotionell misshandel, grad av självkänsla och riskbeteende hos unga kvinnor

   To work and live in the same place where ones employer also is the landlord, can create a situation with many special requirements for the individual. Constrains regarding time, space and impact on social life is likely to appear. Based on theory and empirical research about the Boundaryless work and the Psychological contract the purpose of this report is to examine employees who live and work at the same place. This is done by studying the regulation regarding time and space factors and the psychological contracts in expectations and in violation of the psychological contract and the risks associated with this like Locked-in factors. The study includes interviews with managers and employees (n=9).

Produkthype: En fallstudie (En kvalitativ undersökning om vad som ligger bakom en produkthype)

To identify the underlying forces behind a product hype is difficult and the findings often seem random and unclear. To create a better understanding behind the affecting mechanisms would consequently be a valuable addition to the surrounding research area. The purpose of this paper is to understand if there exist common denominators between different product hypes and in such a case, which these are and how they function. By conducting a case-study on four products which have enjoyed immense sale success on the Swedish market, the possible presence of structural resemblance will be analyzed. From the study we can conclude common denominators such as the presence of an underlying trend and an overbalance of indirect decision basis do exist.

Långsiktigt spårväxelunderhåll - Förutsättningar och möjligheter

Due to their complexity and heavy wear from rail traffic, switches are a sensitive part of the railway infrastructure and moreover expensive to maintain. Furthermore, increasing railway traffic not only accelerates the wear rate but also obstructs the necessary maintenance measures. This paper examines the opportunities for a transition to a long-term maintenance strategy in the Swedish railway network. It contains a study of the maintenance strategy of Banverket, and also analyses statistics of errors in the railway infrastructure. The survey was completed utilising interviews with infrastructure managers, maintenance contractors, planners of railway operations and the Banverket material service department.

Vuxenvärlden i böckerna om LasseMajas detektivbyrå!

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the adult world is produced in the books of Martin Widmark about LasseMajas detektivbyrå from a gender perspective.I wanted to answer questions concerning the appearance, personal characteristics, occupations and activities, and the relationship between children and adults to do my analysis.I decided to make a qualitative content analysis to answer my questions.I used the gender theories that describe how stereotypes excel. I related these gender theories to the books that I have studied.I also used previous research on gender roles in other children's books to compare their results with mine.After reading, analyzing and comparing the books I have come to the conclusion that gender roles in books about LasseMajas detektivbyrå is very gender stereotyped..

Hur könsroller skapas och reproduceras i läromedel : En undersökning av bilder i läroböcker för matematik för de yngre åldrarna

The purpose with this essay was to see how the mathematic books showed sexual roles in pictures and if they confirm or deny the traditional sexual roles that school shall counteract according to the curriculum, Lgr11. The questions I focused on were this:How sexual roles are introduced on the pictures in the chosen mathematic books?What are the similarities and differences between the presentations of the gender in the chosen education materials?I used a semiotic method to analyze my pictures. The central parts of my theories were how we think that gender is created using characteristics and attribute. In my analyze I found out that the pictures in one of the book series showed more stereotypic sexual roles than the other book series did..

Det vetbara finns i hjärtat av det fördolda : En narratologisk udersökning av Ingeborg Bachmanns roman Malina

In this paper I study the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann?s novel Malina (1971) from the perspective of Gérard Genette?s narrative theory and his notions of tense, mood and voice. In dialogue with earlier research on Malina I reflect over the last scene in the novel, what really happens there and how it matters for the rest of the novel. I give an account of feminist theories with focus on the annihilation of the female voice, the memory as theatre and the folklore tale as flight. The result is a more distinct perception of Bachmann?s skill, closeness and awareness as a writer and her use of Malina as contribution to the feminist debate and as a tool to find a place in the patriarchal world of intellectual, postwar Vienna. .

Åtråvärda objekt : En gestaltning av troféns materialitet

This thesis revolves around my work Desirable Objects, an installation in glass and other materials, which deals with objectification based on female and animal trophies. The topics included are those that have been crucial to my working process; craft, post-colonial studies and European hierarchical dualism, where woman and nature are seen as connected, but inferior. My motivation has been to get a better understanding of underlying power structures, and put this knowledge in relation to my own work. This process has led me to make a full body casting of my own body as a method of self-exploitation, in an attempt to expose myself to a similar power perspective. By making the dualistic connection between woman and nature, I am commenting a phenomenon that in my view has resulted in a similar exploitation of both..

Globalisering och miljöarbete inom multinationella företag

The environment became an established issue on the international political agenda after World War 2. How to preserve natural resources became an issue that concerned several powerful participants, affected by changed conditions in the environmental legislation. This paper is a study of the growing environmental work within the multinational Swedish corporations Boliden, IKEA and SAS and how it was affected by the globalization. The material studied is environmentally related information produced by the companies and also interviews with the Environmental Managers. The information provided has been analyzed and compared with well-known opinions of globalization, trying to find out how the process of globalization has affected the handling of environmental work within the companies.

Uppsala kommun och offentlig säljverksamhet : En studie av Uppsala Konsert och Kongress

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera företaget ÅF:s employer branding-arbete, närmare bestämt samverkan mellan ledningen, HR-avdelningen och marknadsavdelningen.Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär ochämnar utveckla teori genom en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv undersökningsansats. Insamlad data är baserad på intervjuer medrepresentanter på ÅF.Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att ÅF:s samverkan inom employer branding-arbetet i stort överensstämmer med den teoretiska modell som presenteras. Det finns en huvudsakligen god samordning av ledningens, HR- och marknadsavdelningens samt employer brandmanagers aktiviteter som syftar till att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Dock finner vi en diskrepans mellan ÅF:s och litteraturens definition av begreppet samt en allt för stor fokus på de externa aktiviteterna som en följd av employer brand managers starka band till marknadsavdelningen..

?Det går inte att tänka jämställdhet under mattelektionerna? : - Lärares tankar kring jämställdhet samt hur och varför det ska främjas i skolan

The aim with this thesis is to investigate teachers view on gender equality and what this may be due to. Teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum where it is written that gender equality should be encouraged. After interviewing teachers it has come to light that depending of the teacher?s personal interest and the school?s management of the question, there is a difference between how teachers are working with gender equality. That is why we want to know why gender equality should be encouraged and how teachers should reach the aim from the curriculum about gender equality.

Att synliggöras eller hindras? : En intervjuundersökning om kvinnorepresentationen på högre chefsnivåer.

The purpose with this inquiry was to investigate why women do not advance to higher positions of leadership in a bank. I have interviewed five female employees in the company. The theoretical starting points I have used in this study are such as organization theory and leadership. There are four conceptions that obstructs women to develop for higher positions of leadership. There are conceptions that men ought to have better social network with other men than women.

Campus ? en dimmig verklighet : -

Alcohol consumption and student life have been connected through many years. Many people establish their drinking habits during their years as a student and drinking habits among students are therefore an extremely important topic. The aim of this study was to examine the drinking habits of students at Växjö University. The study included 98 respondents who answered a survey concerning sex, age, living status, social relations, social desirability and drinking habits. The result indicated that male students consumed more alcohol than female students.

Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring

Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.

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