

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 42 av 72

Skånes landskap - ett industriminne? : en betraktelse med utgångspunkt i Findus ärtodling

This paper argues that the food industry in general and the one taking place in Scania in particular, are disregarded in the official management of industrial preservation carried out in Sweden today. Despite the articulated ambition of a cultural heritage that as many as possible could identify with, the practice tend to create an industrial heritage based on stereotype ideas about the landscape in Sweden and the characteristics of industry. The way the open land of Scania differs from the traditional image of the appearance of Sweden, is used as one possible way to explain why the food industries of Scania are overseen in the management of industrial heritage. It is also argued that the high number of female employees might bee a reason why the food industries in general are given low priority in the practice of cultural heritage. By putting the Findus pea industry and the cultivated landscape that provides the factory with primary products against the official criteria for industrial memories, it is examined what values for preservation the food industry contain..

CSR-Kommunikation? : En enkätundersökning om vilka marknadskommunikationer konsumenter föredrar

Problem definition: By what marketing communications do consumers want companies in the jewelry industry to communicate its potential CSR activities?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate in what kinds of marketing communications consumers want the jewelry industry to communicate its potential CSR work.Method: The study has used a quantitative approach to data collection, focused on a survey to answer the purpose of the study and the problem definitions.Conclusion: The study found that the respondents want a clearer communication of CSR work in the industry and that the most suitable communication channels according to respondents differ depending on gender. The female respondents think that the most appropriate channels are product promotions and direct marketing. In contrast, the male respondents think that the channels social media, newspaper and television advertising as well as web sites are more suitable..

Hjälper skolan elever i grundskolans senare år att finna svar på några av livets stora frågor

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

Förebilder som bär bikinis : Claremonts X-(Wo)Men,Phoenix, Shadowcat och Storm.

The aim of this study is to analyse how pornography is used in the American comics X-Men, published by Marvel under the authorship of Chris Claremont.I have applied Butler and MacKinnons theories about pornography as a performative speech, to this special art form. I have also investigated how censorship has influenced the comics evolution and whether it has affected the way women and sexual and ethnical minorities are represented. To corroborate how these theories apply, I have analysed three main female fig-ures in The X-Men comics - Storm, Phoenix and Shadowcat - and I have tried to identify how they relate to existing stereotypes.The conclusion of this essay is that the women characters in X-Men break the existing stereo-types and create new implications. This reinforces Butler?s theory about the possibility to re-verse hate speech and diminishes MacKinnons perspective of pornography as an imperative..

Manipulation av kassaregister : Ett omfattande samhällsproblem

Den svarta marknaden kostar staten ca 70 miljarder kr eller ca 4% av bruttonationalprodukten. Ekonomisk brottslighet i sin helhet är ett omfattande och aktuellt problem. Kontantbranschen är den bransch som främst berörs av detta. Restaurangbranschen är en av de omtalade branscherna där manipulation av kassaregister pågår. Detta brott sker på många olika sätt, vilket dels kan bero på att det idag inte existerar någon regel som innebär att samtliga ska ha ett kassaregister.Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ur empiriskt underlag öka kunskapen om del mängden av manipulation av kassaregister.

SLASH : en kvalitativ undersökning om vad homoerotisk fanfiction kan vara ett uttryck för

The following study is a qualitative combination of textual analysis and interviews concerning the subject of slashfiction. Slash is a sub-category to fanfiction, which essentially means non-professionally authored short stories about already existing characters and environments, for example from TV-shows, movies or books. These stories are available on the internet. The main point is to pair two of the male characters together in a sexual relationship. According to previous studies, 90 percent of all fanfiction writers are female and this percentage is probably even higher when it comes to slash.I have looked into what these stories can be an expression of, by analyzing the construction of gender, sexuality and relationships using the following three questions:Is slash a quest for an ideal equal and romantic relationship?Do these stories represent a resistance against established norms regarding gender and sexuality?What role does transcendence of boundaries play in slash? I have used stories that are derived from the American TV show Supernatural, which generally try to explore the relationship between its protagonists, the brothers Sam and Dean Winchester.  The result gives a somewhat divided picture of slash, as some stories clearly break with traditional gender norms while others seem to uphold them..

Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av bemötande inom vården

Våld mot kvinnor är ett omfattande och angeläget samhällsproblem. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen utgör en nyckelgrupp när det gäller att upptäcka och identifiera våldet. I mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan, likaväl som i mötet med andra patienter, är bemötandet och kommunikationen av stor betydelse. Syftet med studien var att belysa våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelse av hur de blivit bemötta i sin kontakt med olika sjukvårdsinstanser. Metoden har varit kvalitativ med en induktiv ansats där nio kvinnor har intervjuats.

En organisation i förändring. En fallstudie om Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund och riksförbundsstämman.

AbstractThe Swedish agricultural organisation, LRF, stands in front of many changes and the work with the changes in the organisation has caused some conflicts at the top. Is it like Michels say that it's a few people at the top that rules? The case with LRF shows to be something different, since the president Caroline Trapp was re-elected. The election committee proposed a new president, but the assembly had another opinion and re-elected Caroline Trapp. This shows that the opinions at the top were not the same as among the members of the organisation and the election committee couldn?t rule over them.In this essay I try to understand what kind of organisation LRF is and what made this case special.

"Det blev för mycket Strindberg" : -Lärares resonemang kring sin litteraturundervisning

This study aims to show how teachers talk about their teaching with regards to gender in relation to literature.We have interviewed four teachers of Swedish for upper secondary school to discover how they feel about, and understand, the fact that gender is a factor in the teaching of literature and that they should present to the students literature written by both male and female authors. To analyze the interviews we use Sannersted's (1991) theory about teachers as street-level-bureaucrats ("närbyråkrater"). He states that teachers are persons who have to follow what politicians have decided but they are fairly free to choose how they do it, but to be able to follow a decision as closely as possible three qualifications have to be met. The teachers have to understand the decision, be able to follow it and want to follow it. We find that the teachers that we have interviewed are aware that they discuss gender issues with their students and they all claim that they present a variation of authors to their students.

Frizon eller fängelse? : Kvinnliga lagidrottare i heteronormativitetens gränsland

AimThe aim of the study is to find out if, and in that case how, the sports movement creates and reproduces norms and values regarding sex and sexuality. Questions to be answered are: Which experiences do non-heterosexual women have of everyday activities in the Swedish sports movement? How are norms on sex and sexuality visible in practice? Are there mechanisms/practices that challenge these norms? Finally, the results are discussed in relation to two policy documents from the National Organization of Sports (RF); ?Sports Wants? and ?Policy and plan of action against sexual harassment and sexual discrimination within sports?.MethodSince the aim was to understand, and not to generalize and quantify, a procedure of qualitative interviews was chosen. Ten non-heterosexual women were interviewed concerning their experiences of the Swedish sports movement. They were active (or had recently been) at different levels in the following sports: basketball, soccer, floor ball, ice hockey, bandy and volleyball.

Fattigvården i Kristdala socken 1881-1890 : en studie av en småländsk landsbygdssocken

The aim of this study is to learn about the nineteenth century poor relief system, how itoperated in the rural parish Kristdala during the period 1881-1890, and not least, who was thesupported person? The poor are defined as the individuals that received public poor relief, but in onechapter this definition of poverty is contrasted with a definition based upon tax exemption:inability to pay taxes. Two villages have been selected for intensive study, namely Kroxhult and Calerum, and Calerum is the smaller one. The connection between age and the poverty ratio is clear, and tobe a lodger was especially disadvantageous with respect to poverty. Further the position ofwidow was the most unfavourable among the female poor people.

Företagens aktuariella antaganden - vilka faktorer påverkar dem?

The purpose of our essay is to study the institutional-, demographic and accounting theoretical factors that influence an organisations actuarial commitment.The research was performed through a web based survey, with complimentary telephone interviews, directed to companies listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange A- and O-list on the 30 of November, 2003.Our data was analysed with a Median test, Kolomogorov-Smirnov test, T-test and a Mann-Whitney test. The purpose of the Mann-Whitney test was the low number of respondents that took part in the research. The Kolomogorov-Smirnov test was done to determine whether the population variances was equal or not. The data showed that organisations with a majority of female employees assume a lower salary increase, and a higher average age than other companies with a male majority. Only 2 of 11 hypothesis can be accepted as temporary truths but several other visible relations are indicated in our research, but can not be statistically proved.We think that the major problem with our is the time it was performed.

Konstruktioner av kvinnligt och manligt i våldtäktsdomar : En kvalitativ textanalys

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Tuttar och terrorister : Om mediarapporteringen kring Göteborgskravallerna

This essay focuses on the press coverage of the riots in Gothenburg 2001. The questions it aims to answer are, How is it that although the media was gender-neutral in its news reports, the lasting memory is one of rioting men, and why did the media simultaneously exaggerate and minimize the importance of the riots?The material consists of articles and photographs from Swedish mainstream newspapers. The method is text analysis, with a heavy influence of discourse theory. The conclusions are that since the hegemonic discourse on gender does not allow women to be active and violent, all bodies in the riot automatically become men, no matter how female they seem to be in other contexts.

Maktdistansstjärnan : - En studie om hur kulturell maktdistans påverkar affärsrelationen mellan japanska och multinationella företag

ABSTRACT Title: the Power distance star ? A study on how cultural power distance affects the business relation between Japanese and multinational companiesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Therese Elofsson and Anna NyströmSupervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick and Jonas MolinDate: 2015 - JanuaryAim: The purpose of this study is to compile available research regarding the cultural aspect power distance, as it is being displayed and handled in business-relations between Japanese and multicultural business contacts. The culture in Japan differs from the culture in the western world and several companies testify that the Japanese market is difficult to act and expand upon. This study aims to provide explanations to these difficulties from a power distance perspective.Method: This study has compiled the theoretical knowledge and research in a model called ?the Power distance Star? (Figure 1), which is created and designed for this purpose.

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