

1074 Uppsatser om Female entrepreneurship - Sida 41 av 72

Den skapande bildens betydelse för hälsan hos personer med depressions- och ångestsyndrom

The main objective of this study has been to explore how art therapists experience the visual art´s that can be used in the promotion of health among people with depression - and anxiety disorders. The concept of SOC- sense of coherence has been a central term and a link between imaging and SOC were identified in the study. The underlying method in the study was a qualitative form, where semi-structured interviews were used. Through a strategic- sample five female art therapist were contacted, who all came to participate in the study. The study is essentially based on hermeneutical method and the analysis of interview material has been analyst by using thematic analysis.

?I?m wondering if another woman is really the answer I need? : En tematisk studie av mannen, kvinnan och konsumtionskulturen i Chuck Palahniuks Fight Club

The aim of this paper is to answer three questions about Chuck Palahniuks novel Fight Club. The three questions were chosen because they were widely debated after the release of David Fincher screenplay based on the same book. The questions are: Is the critique on consumerculture offered in Fight Club valid? What does Fight Club say about the relation between man and woman? Can the work be considered fascist? The critique against consumer culture is found valid and not a disguised complaint about the feminization of society. The main female character Marla is vital for Jack as a blueprint for Tyler.

Kvinnlig könsstympning - medborgarens autonomi kontra trygghet: vad bör staten göra?

WHO uppskattar att omkring 100 till 140 miljoner kvinnor i världen är könsstympade och att 2 miljoner flickor/unga kvinnor riskerar att könsstympas varje år. Den kvinnliga könsstympningen indelas i fyra olika katagorier beroende på ingreppets form och består av allt ifrån att delar av förhuden runt klitoris skärs bort till att klitoris, de inre samt de yttre blygdläpparna skärs bort för att flickan/kvinnan sedan sys ihop och endast har en liten öppning kvar för urin och menstruationsblod. Kvinnlig könsstympning är en gammal sed som har funnits i över 2000 år och baseras på gamla traditioner och sedvänjor och existerar främst i Afrika, i områdena längs med samt norr om ekvatorn. Könsstympning av kvinnor förekommer även i Asien och Mellanöstern. WHO, FN, Amnesty International samt många andra internationella organisationer har uppmärksammat den kvinnliga könsstympningen och arbetar för att förhindra att det sker. FN har stiftat att kvinnlig könsstympning är ett brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Trots detta är inte kvinnlig könsstympning kriminaliserat i alla världens länder och lagstiftning saknas således.

Kvinnlig könsstympning - medborgarens autonomi kontra trygghet: vad bör staten göra?

WHO uppskattar att omkring 100 till 140 miljoner kvinnor i världen är könsstympade och att 2 miljoner flickor/unga kvinnor riskerar att könsstympas varje år. Den kvinnliga könsstympningen indelas i fyra olika katagorier beroende på ingreppets form och består av allt ifrån att delar av förhuden runt klitoris skärs bort till att klitoris, de inre samt de yttre blygdläpparna skärs bort för att flickan/kvinnan sedan sys ihop och endast har en liten öppning kvar för urin och menstruationsblod. Kvinnlig könsstympning är en gammal sed som har funnits i över 2000 år och baseras på gamla traditioner och sedvänjor och existerar främst i Afrika, i områdena längs med samt norr om ekvatorn. Könsstympning av kvinnor förekommer även i Asien och Mellanöstern. WHO, FN, Amnesty International samt många andra internationella organisationer har uppmärksammat den kvinnliga könsstympningen och arbetar för att förhindra att det sker.

Styrelsen och samhällsansvaret - En studie om hur styrelsesammansättningen påverkar CSR-prestation i svenska börsbolag

The composition of the board of directors and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are two widely researched subject and discussed by the media. This study aims to examine the impact of the board of directors' composition on CSR performance among the largest companies listed on Nasdaq OMX stock exchange 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden. A linear regression analysis is applied to investigate the relationship and evidence is found that board attributes have an effect on CSR performance. Among these; the size of the board, outside directors and employee representatives all have a positive impact on environmental performance. Furthermore; female, outside directors and employee representatives have a positive impact on social performance.

Lek och lärande : en studie om fyra pedagogers syn på den fria leken och dess påverkan på lärandet

The purpose of this study is to find out how four preschool teachers view children?s free playing and its impact on their learning. My main questions are:How do the teachers view the children?s free playing?In what ways does the children?s free playing affect their learning, according to the teachers?This essay is based on a qualitative study in which I have interviewed four female preschool teachers of different ages. I highlight various theories of children?s playing and learning in preschool, by theorists such as Vygotsky, Lillemyr, Knutsdotter Olofsson, Lindqvist, among others.

Att besegra de inre demonerna : en artikelserie om depressionsbehandling

Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases among women worldwide. Breast cancer brings fear into many womens? life. It is a threat against life, but also to the psychological health, self-esteem and the female identity. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe newly breast cancer patient?s perception of information provided by healthcare personnel.

Stress och alkoholbruk : En studie om manliga och kvinnliga chefer på en socialförvaltning i Skåne

Occupational stress and the use of alcohol to reduce stress are both separately common in our society. A few researchers have combined the two factors.The aim of this essay was to obtain an increased understanding of how male and female managers estimate their alcohol habits in relation to their occupational stress.We have interviewed nine managers who work at a social services department in Scania. Our main theories were the theory of psychosocial work environment of Lazarus, Karaseks demand/control model, epidemiology- and cultural perspective.Our results were;· Psychosocial work environment contributes to if the interviewed people experienced stress at work.· The grade of control has great influence if the interviewed people experience stress.· There weren't any correlation between stress and increased consumption of alcohol..

Grälsjuka svenskar : En undersökning av verbala konflikter i två svenska 2000-talsfilmer

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

Det handlar om att höja statusen! : en studie om vad män som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare år tycker behövs för att få fler män att välja att arbeta där

The purpose of this study is to stress what experiences men working in the earlier school years share about being a minority group and what thoughts they have about why other men tend to avoid this profession.In this survey I have interviewed four male teachers in the earlier school years. In previous research it is claimed that men choose not to get a teacher training for the earlier school years partly because this profession is known to be dominated by women where it is difficult for men to feel at home. It is also claimed that teachers in training choose the later school years in order to focus more on teaching than looking after the children. None of the interviewed men sees it as a problem being a minority group, neither during training nor in teaching. What the men in this survey state as the main reasons for why other men do not choose to become teachers are the low levels of status and salary.

Från behov till bistånd : Föreställningen om kön och dess betydelse vid biståndsbedömning enligt LSS

The purpose of this study is to research whether or not gender has an impact on assessments regarding the support for persons with special nedds (LSS personkrets 3). Administrators working in disability care are to make decisions on the basis of the individual's needs when assessing the need for aid and support. This study is based on qualitative interviews, with six administrators, and one head of operations. The empirical data collected has been thoroughly analysed from a gender perspective, rooted in Butler's theory regarding performativity and subversive actions, as well as Connell's gender regime, and Hirdman's gender contracts. Results show that administrators have ackknowledged and noticed differences in how male and female users express their needs, where the difference lies in the communication; females seem more reserved and shy, whereas males seem more outward and extroverted.

Förhållandet mellan barns populära status, individuella bearbetningsstil och arbetsminneskapacitet

This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between perceived popularity, social information processing and working memory. With the intentions of examining popularity 209 (98 female, 111 male) children in second and fourth grade were presented with a roster of their classmates and were to nominate whom they liked and whom they disliked. To study working memory capacity a working memory test, that places demands on the participant to work both with and store the given information, was used. To examine children's cognitive processing of empathy-provoking information a cognitive appraisal interview was conducted. The results imply (a) that working memory increases with age, (b) that there is a weak relation between working memory capacity and popularity, and between popularity and cognitive processing styles and (c) that there are some strong correlations between working memory and cognitive processing styles..

Vad gör en livsmedelsinspektör egentligen? : en studie om livsmedelsinspektörens yrkesroll sedd ur olika perspektiv

Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how personnel within food control are regarded from different perspectives and to find the answers to the sub questions:- what is included in the profession of food control?- what are the requirements for personnel within the profession of food control?- how is the profession perceived from different perspectives?- how do personnel within the profession of food control estimate their psycho social working conditions?Method The study included 68 individuals (34 female and 34 male) and was conducted via observations, web-based surveys and survey-based interviews. Conclusion - The study was feasible.- The overall goal of the study as well as the research questions were answered to and contributed to clarify what is included in the profession of food control. - Quality measures should be implemented to greater extent within the development of the national food control system..

Vad krävs för att bli en framgångsrik entreprenör?

Sverige har en relativt låg andel entreprenörer, mätt i entreprenöriell aktivitet ligger Sverige enligt GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) på 40:de plats av 42 länder. Detta är en föga smickrande siffra för Sverige som land då entreprenören bidrar till att skapa och upprätthålla tillväxt, samt att öka sysselsättningen genom att generera och sätta en affärsmässig prägel på nya ekonomiska möjligheter för landet. Nyföretagen tar dessutom upp kampen med de redan etablerade företagen, och tvingar dessa att förnya sig och bli effektivare. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som krävs för att lyckas som entreprenör eftersom ett lyckat nyföretagande bidrar till att öka vårt lands välfärd.Våra undersökningar som vi gjort genom att studera teori och intervjuer med entreprenörer visar att framgångsrikt entreprenörskap beror på en rad olika aspekter. Dels krävs personliga egenskaper som att kunna tolerera risker, inte vara rädd för misslyckanden och uthållighet för att nämna några.

Teknik är svårt, omsorg är lätt : Kommunchefers föreställningar om ledarskap och genus i äldreomsorgen respektive i teknisk förvaltning

The elderly care is an area of great importance to women. Women are more often in need of elderly care; they work with the service and provide a majority of the informal service. Research shows that managers? work-related prerequisites are significantly different between the male dominated technical administration and the female dominated care and educational administration. Studies also show that what the highest managerial organisation gives priority to, often permeate the whole organisation.

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