

1909 Uppsatser om Fast track - Sida 8 av 128

Trådlös överföring av styrsignaler

Anledningarna till att använda sig av en trådlös signalöverföring i en industri kan vara många, oftast handlar det om ställen där det är svårt eller omöjligt att ha en trådad förbindelse. I det här fallet är det en sedimenteringsbassäng där man tar hand om processvatten från industrin. Bassängen är utformad som en cylinder där vattnet rinner genom olika avdelningar för att minska innehållet av sediment. I bassängen cirkulerar en plattform med diverse omrörare och skrapor på. Eftersom denna del går runt hela tiden är det svårt att ha en fast förbindelse till de drifter som finns.

Professionalisering : Föräldrars åsikter om en organisationsförändring av den svenska barnidrotten

The Swedish way to organize sport has a long tradition and the parents play an important role in ways to organize sport. Without the thousands of adults who voluntary work the sport associations would have problems to survive. However, there are tendencies to that commitment is reduced, which means that the activity is exposed. The purpose of this study was to examine parents opinions about a nonprofit children´s sport respective professional children´s sport. The study was based on questionnaires which were distributed to 83 parents in four different sports; equestrian sport, track and field sports, ice hockey and soccer.

Plantetablering och tillväxt för sådd och planterad tall 2-5 år efter markberedning med harv eller Huminmix-teknik inom Holmen Skog distrikt Norsjö :

The objective of this work was to compare the environmentally gentle soil scarification technique Huminmix (with possibilities to do track-grinding/HMMspår, long-scraping/HMMlångfläck and mounding/HMMhög) with conventional disc trencher, concerning seedling establishment and growth of direct seeded and planted Scots pine seedlings. Inventories were made during June and July 2005, in 34 seeded and 6 planted stands from 2000 ? 2004 (1- 5 years old) of lichen- and myrtillus/vaccinum-type in Holmen Skog AB´s district Norsjö in Västerbotten. The Huminmix-technique had been used for HMMspår in the seeded stands and for HMMhög in the planted stands (HMMlångfläck has been used from the year 2006 for direct seeding). The studied stands had been seeded with the same amount of seeds according to stand data.

Efterfrågeprognoser : ?En jämförelse av prognosmodeller med avseende på FMCG-marknaden?

An organization must manage its resource consumption and material flows in order to satisfy the demand of its products as efficiently as possible. Managing of the aforementioned requires a balance between the organizations resources (such as the capability of distribution and production) and the market demand. According to Gardner (1990), an estimation of future demand is a necessity for maintaining the balance. An instrument that is used frequently to estimate future demand is demand forecasting. The demand forecasting practice has been thoroughly studied and a plethora of academic contributions exist on the topic.

Banväljare till livsmedelsindustrin

This report is about the issue with decreasing production rate mainly caused by failuresrelated to the multiswitch. The multiswitch is a machine at Gefleortens Mejeriföreningwhich has the function of distributing milk cartons from one incoming track into fiveoutgoing tracks. Milk cartons who gets stuck and there by causes the production to stop,is the mainly problem with this constructionThe purpose with this report is to understand the causing factors and make suggestions which can help solving these factors. By analyzing the machine during production, having contact with different suppliers, searching internet for information, 3d-cad drawings and the complementary with personal experiences, this machine has  been evaluated and as a result of this new problem has come to be known.The discovered problems was analyzed and resulted in new suggestions for alternative options. Later the most functional results was chosen and put as a suggestion for the new model.A new machine built with the suggestions from this report assures to be well adapted to the environment at Gefleortens Mejeriföreing and the problems it causes..

Impulsköp och självscanning - ett omaka par

This study aims to explore how self scanning affects consumers impulse buying. Up til this day researchers are not aware how technologies like self scanning affects consumers behavior in-store. Consumers with self scanners are able to keep track of the rising sum, which could affect their buying behavior, especially when it comes to impulse purchase. Furthermore customers have to commit to scanning products which keep them from browsing the store for offers, which could limit the impulse buying. This study undertake a descriptive methodology with Beatty and Ferrells impuls model from 1998 as a theoretical platform where we examine disparities between self scanners and non self scanners.

Diversifiering i lantbruksföretag : en litteraturstudie om hur utvecklingsprocessen ser ut i lantbruksbaserade företag som utvecklar nya verksamhetsgrenar

Today´s debate in farming is being focused on tourism, outdoor life and hobbies in the rural areas. This is of interest also for the general public as a way of counteracting the depopulation of the rural areas. Within the last years, the farming has become more technically advanced and hence efficient. This has led to increased production volumes and wider selection of products with lower margins for the farmer as a consequence. When the profitability is reduced, the farmer is faced with the choice of either increasing efficiency or diversification of the business.

Den komplexa organisationstillhörigheten : En kvalitativ studie om bemanningsanställdas arbetssituation i gränslandet mellan två organisationer

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur konsulter upplever sin arbetssituation i gränslandet mellan två organisationer, bemanningsföretaget och kundföretaget. För att analysera detta har vi utforskat olika mekanismer som påverkar konsulters formella tillhörighet samt deras känsla av tillhörighet respektive utestängning hos kundföretagen.Vi har för att genomföra denna studie använt oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, där vi utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex konsulter som arbetar inom bemanningsbranschen.Vi har kommit fram till att konsulters formella tillhörighet finns hos båda företagen samtidigt som den känslomässiga tillhörigheten ligger hos kundföretaget. Konsulters situation i gränslandet mellan organisationer är problematisk, främst på grund av en komplex tillhörighet. Vi har kommit fram till att konsulter oftast känner sig som en del av den sociala gemenskapen då de är ute på uppdrag, men att chefer ofta drar en skiljelinje mellan konsulter och fast anställd personal. Chefernas åtskiljande gör att konsulter inte blir en del av kundföretaget på samma villkor som fast anställd personal, och leder delvis till ett utanförskap för konsulter.Det positiva med bemanningsbranschen har visat sig vara dess flexibilitet.

Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce.The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, prima facie, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states..

Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus

An energy calculation model for Swedish houses   that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the   framework of this thesis.  The model   also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based   on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical   conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor   climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a   house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There   are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report   summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly   calculation model.

Dold samäganderätt till fast egendom

Dold samäganderätt till fast egendom är en rättsfigur som uppkommit genom praxis. Syftet har varit att skapa ett ekonomiskt skydd till den make som inte varit formell köpare. Den make som inte är civilrättslig ägare till en fastighet ges möjligheten att bli samägare om vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. Fastigheten ska vara köpt för gemensamt bruk och den make som hävdar dold samäganderätt ska ha bidragit ekonomiskt till förvärvet. Makarna ska även ha haft avsikten att äga egendomen gemensamt, är avsikten inte uttryckt har det godtagits en så kallad tyst överenskommelse.

Användarinvolvering i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt -Är det effektivt?

In most software engineering project, users are only involved in the beginning of the project as a help to design the requirements specification but users can be involved after this phase too, but is it effective to do so? With this report we would like to investigate how effective it is to involve users after the requirements specification has been written and approved. To find out how effective it is to involve the users we try some fast and simple involvement techniques on a quite far gone project. These techniques include ethnographic studies, prototypes and surveys. We also interviewed a couple of people who work with usability and finally delivered a report with our results to them to find out if they found our result relevant.

Snabb och säker roaming i WLAN

This thesis investigates how Ericsson AB should do to achieve fast and secure handover when roaming in a WLAN. It also provides a security analysis of the system that the wireless access point is part of. The reason for this is that Ericsson is selling an access point called the ABS 2200 aimed at the public hotspot market. The premise was that they wanted a standardized way of handling the roaming issue. At the outset the 802.11F standard looked like a good alternative (in fact the only standardized alternative).

Taxed Enough Already : en analys av Tea Party rörelsen i USA

The aim of this thesis is to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement in the United States. By using a known theory within social movement studies, the political process theory, this thesis look into the factors that could have played a role in the rise and fast mobilization of the Tea Party movement. The political process theory consists of three parts and hence looks into both the political structure of, in this case, the United States, how mobilizing structures have been used and into the cultural framing used by the Tea Party to create their identity. In order to bring structure to the thesis, the three theory parts have been transformed into analysis models. These give a very good idea of all the factors that could have played a part and therefore also a good way to describe the rise of the Tea Party movement.The research confirm what the political process theory says, that the Tea Party movements rise came at a time when there were a mix of factors at play, both structural and cultural, creating an opportunity that the Tea Party took.

Snöröjning på tunna isar: framtagning av nya koncept för

Att på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt forsla bort snö från testbanor ute på sjö-isar innebär i dagens läge att väldigt stora och tunga maskiner måste användas. Problemet är att isarna inte är tillräckligt tjocka i början av säsongen. Detta gör att de effektivaste redskapen för att röja snö inte går att använda, på grund av vikten. Därför måste lätta fordon användas tillsammans med lätta slungor eller fräsar. I nuläget finns inte kravet från kunden på tillverkarna, att minimera vikten på redskapen, vilket gör att de automatiskt blir tyngre ju mer snö de kan röja undan.

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