2516 Uppsatser om Fast Food - Sida 24 av 168
Samspel i staden : en studie av Shared Space ur landskapsarkitektens perspektiv
In East Africa live two species of Griffon Vultures; Rüppel?s Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) and African White-backed Griffon Vulture (G. africanus). One of the apparently most important factors limiting the population of these birds is food supply. Griffon vultures nest for eight months of the year, and are during this period geographically tied down to the nesting place.
Biokemisk och immunologisk karaktärisering av pepsin-spjälkade mjölkallergener
Milk allergens were digested by allowing them to flow through a chromatography column, where pepsin was conjugated to the stationary phase of the column. The allergen fragments were then characterized both biochemically, by using SDS-PAGE and gel permeation chromatography, and immunologically, by examining their reactivity to IgE and monoclonal antibodies..
Fast driftställe enligt OECD:s modellavtal i ljuset av elektronisk handel
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the concept of permanent establishment, as defined in Article 5 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital, is applicable to electronic commerce and if so whether the current definition is able to appropriately deal with the challenges of electronic commerce.In 2003, the OECD added a new section to the Commentary on the Model Tax Convention on Article 5. The new section is a clarification on the application of the permanent establishment definition in electronic commerce.The current definition of permanent establishment in the Model Tax Convention relies on the physical presence of a foreign corporation as the threshold for source taxation. While the current definition, prima facie, might be applicable on electronic commerce, the highly mobile nature of electronic commerce might affect the current revenue distribution equilibrium between states..
Slemhinneskadors inverkan på salivens innehåll av IgG och IgA
In theory, the logic behind partnerships is simple: All organisations have strengths, but no organisation has all the strength required to do everything. Triggered by global perspectives and challenged by sustainability objectives, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 pointed out needs for corporate responsibility. In this conference, Private-public partnership, PPP, was identified as a potential way to work towards sustainability, especially as a way to emphasize a corporate responsibility commitment. Nowadays, organizations exist to satisfy the needs and interests of all their stakeholders, such as customers, markets, shareholders, as well as secondary stakeholders such as media, NGOs, and society at large. Addressing all stakeholders and working towards a sustainable business development makes PPP a potential solution, but also a source of challenges.
Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus
An energy calculation model for Swedish houses that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the framework of this thesis. The model also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly calculation model.
Hur nöjda är Arlas medlemmar? : utvärdering ur ett medlemsperspektiv
Kooperativa föreningar ägs och drivs av medlemmarna efter deras verksamhetsbehov. Medlemmarna investerar i föreningen för att den ska kunna avsätta deras produkter på ett lönsamt sätt. För att det ska fungera måste det finnas tilltro till föreningen, ledningen och styrelsen. Det har hävdats att förtroende är den viktigaste tillgången i en kooperativ förening.
Till följd av globaliseringsprocessen och stora tekniska framsteg de senaste decennierna har några lantbrukskooperativa föreningar expanderat betydligt för att klara den stegrande konkurrensen (Nilsson, Svendsen och Svendsen, 2012). Arla Food amba är en mejerikooperation som växt betydande se senaste åren och har idag medlemmar i Sverige, Danmark och Tyskland samt produktion i 13 länder.
Det finns en rad olika variabler i en kooperativ förening som påverkar om medlemmarna känner sig nöjda och har förtroende till föreningen.
Dold samäganderätt till fast egendom
Dold samäganderätt till fast egendom är en rättsfigur som uppkommit genom praxis. Syftet har varit att skapa ett ekonomiskt skydd till den make som inte varit formell köpare. Den make som inte är civilrättslig ägare till en fastighet ges möjligheten att bli samägare om vissa förutsättningar är uppfyllda. Fastigheten ska vara köpt för gemensamt bruk och den make som hävdar dold samäganderätt ska ha bidragit ekonomiskt till förvärvet. Makarna ska även ha haft avsikten att äga egendomen gemensamt, är avsikten inte uttryckt har det godtagits en så kallad tyst överenskommelse.
Förnuft och känsla : En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet
The interest for food and cooking has probably never engaged the people of Sweden as much as it does today. Especially cookbooks are selling better than ever which has been a quite constant trend since the mid 90's. This study explores the connection between visual communication in Swedish cookbooks and the post-modern values which have influenced the market climate and the visual culture. I have used a theoretical framework as reference consisting of theories of semiotics, visual rhetoric, marketing communications and postmodernism. I have been studying six cookbooks, three from the late 00's and three from the early 90's, from the two separate angles of their graphic design and photographic material.
Är allt butiksbakat bröd bake-off? : En studie om att ändra förutfattade meningar.
Problemformuleringen i denna uppsats har framställts på uppdrag av ICA Maxi Karlstad. De upplever att deras kunder inte är medvetna om att ICA Maxi erbjuder ett bageri i sin butik, där sex bagare bakar allt bröd från grunden.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka och beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkar de förväntningar som en kund har på en produkt samt att ge förslag på hur man kan förändra dessa.I uppsatsen återfinns dels en enkätundersökning där 105 personer fick besvara 18 frågor om deras inköpsvanor när det gäller bröd samt frågor om ICA Maxis bageri. Utöver detta så genomfördes även en mindre intervjustudie där 21 personer fick ge mer uttömmande svar om deras inköpsvanor och förutfattade meningar när det gäller bröd. Uppsatsen innehåller således både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ undersökning.Resultatet av undersökningarna visar att de flesta tror att brödet som bakas i bageriet kommer från halvfabrikat som värms upp i butiken, så kallad bake-off. Det är dock även en stor mängd respondenter som inte har sett någon marknadsföring av bageriet och som inte är medvetna om att bageriet existerar.Slutligen ger uppsatsen en rad förslag för framtiden om hur ICA Maxi kan förändra sin marknadsföring så att fler kunder blir medvetna om att bageriet finns.
Kostråd på internet : En tva?rsnittsstudie bland unga vuxna
AimThe study aims were to identify young adults? sources of nutritional advice on the Internet and how they perceive the credibility of these. The study also aimed at exploring young adults' knowledge of national recommendations issued by the National Food Agency.MethodA web-based survey was distributed on the social media platform Facebook. The questionnaire contained a total of 14 questions regarding online nutritional advice and its credibility. Finally, it requested the respondent's knowledge and credibility of the national nutritional recommendations.
Private-Public Partnerships (PPP) : collaborating for a sustainable business in Sweden
In theory, the logic behind partnerships is simple: All organisations have strengths, but no organisation has all the strength required to do everything. Triggered by global perspectives and challenged by sustainability objectives, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 pointed out needs for corporate responsibility. In this conference, Private-public partnership, PPP, was identified as a potential way to work towards sustainability, especially as a way to emphasize a corporate responsibility commitment. Nowadays, organizations exist to satisfy the needs and interests of all their stakeholders, such as customers, markets, shareholders, as well as secondary stakeholders such as media, NGOs, and society at large. Addressing all stakeholders and working towards a sustainable business development makes PPP a potential solution, but also a source of challenges.
Små mängder primärprodukter : vad innebär det?
In article 1.2 c) EC regulation 852/2004 it says that the regulation is not applicable to producers who directly supply small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to the local retailers who in their turn directly supply the final consumer. An almost identical regulation can be found in article 1.3 c) EC regulation 853/2004. The supply by a primary producer of small quantities of primary products, of animal origin or not, are consequently excepted from these two hygiene regulations. In article 1.3 EC regulation 852/2004 and article 1.4 EC regulation 853/2004 it says that the member states are to establish national rules in their national legislation as to the regulation of exception for small quantities. The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of small quantities of primary products distributed locally in Sweden but also the handling of these products in other countries.
Hur anpassar sig Gyps-gamar (Gyps rueppellii och G. africanus) i Östafrika till oregelbunden och osäker födotillgång?
In East Africa live two species of Griffon Vultures; Rüppel?s Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii) and African White-backed Griffon Vulture (G. africanus). One of the apparently most important factors limiting the population of these birds is food supply. Griffon vultures nest for eight months of the year, and are during this period geographically tied down to the nesting place.
Chewing behaviour of growing cattle
Chewing behaviour includes both eating and ruminating activity. Chewing behaviour is of great importance for the feed intake as through the action of chewing (i.e. eating and ruminating) animals mechanically process the forages in small particle sizes and prepare the food for digestion. As cattle grow the chewing behaviour changes along with increasing body weight and chewing efficiency is increased. The aim of this thesis was to review the available scientific literature in order to describe chewing behaviour in growing cattle, as well as the factors that affect this behaviour.
Användarinvolvering i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt -Är det effektivt?
In most software engineering project, users are only involved in the beginning of the project as a help to design the requirements specification but users can be involved after this phase too, but is it effective to do so? With this report we would like to investigate how effective it is to involve users after the requirements specification has been written and approved. To find out how effective it is to involve the users we try some fast and simple involvement techniques on a quite far gone project. These techniques include ethnographic studies, prototypes and surveys. We also interviewed a couple of people who work with usability and finally delivered a report with our results to them to find out if they found our result relevant.