2516 Uppsatser om Fast Food - Sida 20 av 168
Anpassningar vid etablering för snabbmatskedjor i Saudiarabien? : Svenska Max till den arabiska halvön
Vår allt mer globaliserade värld har medfört att alltfler svenska företag internationaliserar sin verksamhet till mer avlägsna områden. Ett av dessa svenska företag som nu står inför sin första utlandsexpansion är den svenska snabbmatskedjan Max AB. Max har valt att börja sin expansion i Saudiarabien, ett land långt ifrån Sverige, inte bara i termer av geografiskt avstånd utan även kulturellt avstånd. De kulturella skillnaderna som Max möter kan komma att påverka verksamheten och leda till att vissa anpassningar måste genomföras för en framgångsrik etablering. Uppsatsen undersöker det rådande förhållandet för snabbmatsbranschen i Saudiarabien och visar vilka anpassningar internationella snabbmatskedjor bör eller måste göra på grund av de kulturella skillnaderna de möter.
Food preference in African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) and the impact of Bomas in the vicinity of and in Masai Mara National Reserve
In the Maasai Mara National Reserve the native people, the Maasai, have lived for a long time following their own traditions. Their traditional lifestyle is that of a nomadic people, leading their cattle to the best grazing. Sharing their land with a large variation of different animals, one of them being the African Elephant (Loxodonta africana), the Maasi people have since long adapted to a life side by side with these giants, as well as the fierce predators living in the area.The aim of this study is to determine whether the Maasai settlement, known as Boma, has any impact on the elephants in the surrounding area. In order to conclude whether the bomas has an impact or not, observations of the wildlife were carried out. Observations were conducted in two different seasons, in December 2003 and May/June in 2004.
Jätteuttrar och deras beteende när de tilldelas musslor i hägn
The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is listed as an endangered species and scientific litterature concerning its biology and behaviour is scarce. The current study observed a group of three giant otters in a Swedish zoo. First the otters normal behaviour was recorded. Then the aim of the study was to see if the otters behaviour changed when given blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Furthermore the aim was to see if the otters displayed any tool-using behaviour when given mussels.
VArumärkeslojalitet och växlingsbeteende inom dagligvarumarknaden
Title: Brand loyalty and switching behavior ? A case study of the Swedish ketchup market Authors: Marcus Andersson Mattias Hedblad Tutors: Björn Bergenståhl, (Professor) Department of Food Technology, Engineering and nutrition, Division of Food Technology, Lund University Frans Melin (MBA PhD) Department of Business and administration, Lund University Ragnar Sjögren Johansen, (Marketing Manager Sauces) Procordia Food AB Problem: The market for daily groceries is mature and the competition has become tough. For the manufacturers to be able to grow they have to compete for the existing consumers. The problem is for the manufacturer to protect its consumers and still be able to gain consumers from its competitors. Purpose: Our ambition is to study consumers brand loyalty for daily groceries, with the purpose to understand how loyalty starts, how it can be strengthened, and how it can be broken.
Att komma till skott : En observationsstudie av målchanser som skapades under VM i fotboll 2006
SammanfattningSyfte och frågeställningarSyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de målchanser som skapades under cupspelet i VM 2006 och analysera vilka som var mest effektiva, d.v.s. oftast resulterade i mål och varför.För att besvara syftet användes följande frågeställning:? Vilka typer av målchanser leder oftast till mål och är därmed mest effektiva?MetodStudiens datainsamlingsmetod har varit observation av 16 fotbollsmatcher från världsmästerskapen i fotboll 2006. Matcherna är inspelade på DVD från SVT:s och TV4:s TV-sändningar. Varje målchans har analyserats och kategoriserats och förts in i ett analysschema bestående av tio kategorier.
Kemikalier på förskolor : En studie om hormonstörande ämnen och medvetenheten hos förskolepersonal
Chemicals in preschools - a study of endocrine disrupting chemicals and awareness among preschool teachers The purpose of this study was to investigate endocrine disrupting chemicals that have been shown in preschools and also the preschool teachers? awareness of these chemicals. There were two methods used for completing this study; a literature study and a practical study. The literature study was made by researching on the internet and in books. The practical study was performed by sending questionnaires to all preschools in Kiruna municipality to study awareness among staff.
Krishantering i förskolan
Detta examensarbete visar att upplösande av samägande av fast egendom är viktigt då ägandet av fast egendom är kopplat till rättigheter såväl som skyldigheter. Det är av mycket stor vikt att ägande och brukande av skogsfastigheter fungerar och att det finns förutsättningar för att lyckas med det. Dock kan samägandet i vissa situationer hindra utvecklingen av fastigheten. Skogsbruket är en viktig inkomstkälla för den private skogsägaren såväl som för Sverige, skogsbruket i vårt land stod 2010 för 7 % av världens totala export. Även om Sverige är ett litet land i världen, är det inte obetydligt inom skogsbranschen.
Träning och kost på ett idrottsgymnasium -En explorativ undersökning som handlar om sambandet mellan kost och träning på ett ishockeygymnasium : Exercise and nutrition at a sportsgymnasium -An explorative survey of the relation between exercise and nutrit
This is an examination report in physical education. It focuses on the relation between excercise and nutrition and how this relation works in an icehockeygymnasium in a midsized city in Sweden. The training ratio for the students are 11-12 times a week which indirectly means that the nutricion is very important to them so that they have the strength to manage both training and school. In this examination report you can read about how the food is composed and how many meals the students are offered through their education program. The persons that I´ve interviewed are the head coach, the president of the school restaurant and three students.The students have practise in the noon two times a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Närproducerat : Attityder och definitioner bland Uppsalastudenter
From an environmental and climate perspective we are becoming more and more aware of what we eat. Consumers want to know how their food is produced and where it is coming from. A term commonly used in this discussion is local produce. At this time, there is no clear definition of the term and a wide range of definitions can be found. However, despite this lack of definition, the term is often being used by producers, traders and consumers..
Hållbar utveckling - paradigmskifte inom snabbmatsbranschen? : En flerfallsstudie av hamburgerrestauranger
Sustainability issues have become increasingly high-profile and important in recent decades. In addition, quality issues have come to play a central role in corporate marketing, strategy and management. The word quality can be defined differently in different contexts. This paper focuses on the concept of quality, based on the Total Quality Management perspective, which in Swedish has come to be known as Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling has been described as a theoretical framework in which an organization continually strives to meet and preferably exceed customer needs and expectations at the lowest cost through continuous improvement, and in which all members of the organization are committed and focused on the organisation's processes. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to clarify the applicability of the theoretical model Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling as a theoretical explanatory model. Second, to explore how Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB performs according to the values in Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. A multiple case study was conducted in order to explore these topics. The results showed that Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB is working in a dedicated and value-driven manner, aligned with the values ??that form the basis for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. The results also showed that the model for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling could serve well as a theoretical explanatory model, but that the model would benefit from being developed, enriched or integrated with other models.
Frysdisketiken : Vikten av att kommunicera Corporate Social Responsibility inom livsmedelsbranschen
The purpose with this essay is to explore the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the food industry. We have decided to focus on how five different ethical labels are communicated towards students and the standpoint of the study is the students understanding of the communication. The labels that we have chosen to examine in the study are KRAV, Fairtrade, Svanen, Ekologiskt Jordbruk and Rainforest Alliance. The primary research question in the study is? How are the students purchase behavior affected by ethical labels in the food industry??.Throughout the study we will refer to CSR-products as products are stamped with one or several of the named ethical labels.
Konsumentens dilemma : ekologiskt eller konventionellt?
A majority of Swedish consumers have a positive attitude towards organic production and the
number of organic products on the market is increasing. Despite these positive trends, there
are still relatively few consumers who choose to buy organic produced products. According to
statistics, only 3% of the total sales of food consist of organic products.
The aim with this essay is to understand what is needed, both from the grocery store and the
consumer's point of view, to increase the consumption of organic food.
Information has been collected partly through questionnaire with consumers and partly
through analysis of sales statistics for a selected numbers of products. Then the empirical
material have been analysed in the light of a combination of the Behavioural Perspective
Model (Foxell, 1997) and Kotler's Four P:s (Kotler, 2002).
Consumer's willingness to buy organic products is influenced by a number of different
factors. One important thing is if the grocery store offers a behaviour setting that stimulates
the consumers positive attitude and facilitates their possibilities to collect new information.
Furthermore, the store needs to offer a broad and well-visualised selection of organic
Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis
Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.
Köparens undersökningsplikt respektive säljarens upplysningsplikt vid köp av fast egendom
Syftet med uppsatsen var beskriva säljarens upplysningsplikt respektive köparens undersökningsplikt vid köp av fast egendom, samt att beskriva konsekvenserna då upplysningsplikten respektive undersökningsplikten inte iakttas. För att förtydliga detta ytterligare har vi även valt att behandla fastighetsmäklarens och besiktningsmannens ställning vid köp av fast egendom. Vi har valt att använda rättsdogmatisk metod, vilket innebär att beskriva nu gällande rätt. Enligt JB ligger det på köparens ansvar att göra en noggrann undersökning av byggnaden. De fel eller skador som köparen har haft möjlighet att upptäcka kan inte säljaren göras ansvarig för.