

2516 Uppsatser om Fast Food - Sida 19 av 168

Ledarskap & management i storskalig smågrisproduktion

This study has been done in order to map the supply of vegetarian and vegan food products in Sweden for business clients and consumers. A total of 665 food stuffs were found and classified into six categories. The biggest category was meat substitutes with 302 products and the second largest category was sandwich spreads with 150 different products. Within the remaining categories a varied number of products were found; 86 beverages, 64 cooking accessories, 34 milk free ice creams and 29 plant based yogurts. Of the meat substitutes were 28 only available for business clients.

Du är vad du köper - En studie av unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode

Konsumtion av mode har gått från att tillfredsställa våra grundläggande behov till att vara ett sätt att uttrycka identitet, status och grupptillhörighet. Behoven möts genom mode, det går dock att ifrågasätta huruvida behoven är möjliga att tillfredsställa. Vår empiriska studie visar att unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode främst handlar om att uttrycka identitet, att belöna sig själv och att känna ett stärkt självförtroende. Mode är ett sätt att uttrycka sin personlighet. I uppsatsen diskuteras huruvida unga kvinnors konsumtion av mode går hand i hand med fast fashion konceptet.

Analysverktyget Stockluckan ? fast eller rörlig postning?

I dagens moderna barrsågverk finns två tillvägagångssätt för att mäta in och tudela stockar. Antingen ställs maskinerna om inför varje stock för att sågmönstret ska passa denna på bästa sätt och på så sätt få ut ett så högt värde som möjligt ur varje stock. Denna metod kallas ?rörlig postning?. Den andra metoden går ut på att dela upp stockarna i timmerklasser så att stockar av liknande dimensioner hamnar tillsammans och sågas efter varandra.

Kan digivningsbeteendet förutsäga senare fast födointag hos griskultingar? :

Avvänjningsdiarré är vanligt förkommande hos smågrisar i svenska grisstall. En anledning till detta kan vara att griskultingen inte har ätit av den fasta födan som erbjudits, utan endast fått i sig mjölk från suggan fram till avvänjningen. Detta innebär att kultingen inte haft någon chans att utveckla de nödvändiga enzymer i mag-tarmkanal som behövs för att kunna tillgodogöra sig fast föda. Denna studie går ut på att se om det finns en möjlighet, genom att studera griskultingars digivningsbeteende på ett tidigt stadium, att förutse om en kulting ligger i farozonen för att få avvänjningsdiarré. Studien förutsätter då att intag av fast föda är en av faktorerna som motverkar avvänjningsdiarré.

Framtagning av ett nytt recept för clear-coat batter av pommes frites : En teknisk och sensorisk utvärdering

The requirements of good quality and appetizing Fast Food increases continuously as a consequence of a community where food is always available. The crispiness of French fries is an issue that must be considered in this context, since it tends to decrease and give the fries a soft surface not appreciated by the consumer. To prolong the crispiness, the fries can be coated by a batter, a mix of starches. The batters used often consists of modified starches, e.g. cross-linked, acetylated and dextrinizated to increase and prolong crispiness, flour to stabilize the batter and sodium bicarbonate to make the batter ?rise?.The cross-linked starch keeps the granules in a swelled state and prevents them from breaking when exposed to heat or processing: therefore, it delays the gelatinization and decreases the stickiness of the batter.

Försäljning av fast samägd egendom med inskränkning i form av överlåtelseförbud och förköpsrätt

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att förklara vad samäganderätt innebär, dvs. vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter personer som äger fast egendom tillsammans har, och på vilket sätt samäganderättsförhållandet kan upplösas, samt vad det innebär att någon har fått en inskränkning i äganderätten genom ett förbud att överlåta sin andel, dels för honom själv och dels för de andra delägarna när man vill ansöka om försäljning av hela egendomen enligt samäganderättslagen. Den metod jag använt mig av vid författandet av denna uppsats har bestått av litteraturstudier i form av lag, förarbeten, praxis och doktrin. Om två eller fler personer äger fast eller lös egendom tillsammans som de erhållit genom arv, gåva, testamente eller som de köpt anses de äga egendomen med samäganderätt. Delägarna kan rättsligt förfoga över sin ideella andel, men vid förvaltningsåtgärder som rör hela egendomen krävs samtliga delägares samtycke.

Värmepumpars inverkan på elkvaliten

Modern technology and fast development of heat pumps, the hunt for savings in energy consumption and the strive for environmentally friendly energy sources, convenience, and financial profit, have made heat pumps a reasonable alternative for the heating of houses.When the heat pump starts it will consume a considerable amount of current, which may result in a short-lived voltage-drop if the power grid is weak compared to the start-up current.The company Fortum Distribution which owns and administrates electrical network is interested in an investigation that deals with heat pumps affect on the quality of electricity.The purpose of this investigation is to study fast electrical fluctuations (flicker) as a result of start-up currents for single as well as multiple heat pumps on the same electrical station and from this evaluate whether there will be any problems installing heat pumps..

Födosammansättning hos gråsäl (Halichoerus grypus) samt test av flotte för insamling av sälfekalier.

During the 1960´s and 1970´s the number of grey seals in the Baltic Sea was decreasing rapidly, mostly due to hunting and toxic substances like DDT and PCB. When hunting became less intense and toxic substances decreased in the environment the grey seal population started to increase. Today grey seals are found common in the Baltic Sea and have started to become a big treat and a problem to the fishing industry. The grey seal destroys and enters fishing traps and consumes large quantities of the fish that have been caught.The knowledge of the grey seal, like abundance and food preferences, is today limited. It is also important to define the position of the grey seal in the ecosystem in the Baltic Sea and to be able to predict changes that could occur if the population would rapidly decrease or increase.

Kartläggning av spånprodukter vid Sävar såg

A change towards using more biofuels than fossil fuels is taking place in Sweden, and in many other parts of the world. This makes the use of fuel pellets increasingly popular, causing a greater demand for sawmill sawdust products. There is a trend towards the use of multiple types of shredders, instead of a single type in each sawmill. The purpose of the study was to characterize the different flows of saw particles that can be found at Sävar såg when cutting thick or thin wood with different cutting techniques. The saw particles size, shape, moisture content and heat value were analysed by the cutting stations: first cutting fast and slow, second cutting fast and slow, grading fast and slow and planning.

Analys och beräkning av emissionsfaktorer för växthusgaser

An increased awareness about the global warming has created a demand for more information on how the climate is affected by different activities.This master thesis was initiated by Tricorona, a Swedish company that offers its customers analysis and calculation of their climate impact. Tricorona also supplies climate neutralisation with CERs, in accordance with the Kyoto protocol and controlled by the UN. This work demands updated emission factors for greenhouse gases. An emission factor gives information about the greenhouse gasintensity of a service or a product [kg CO2-eq./ functional unit].The purpose of this thesis is to examine how electricity, district heating, hotels, taxis, food and materials affect the climate and how emission factors for these areas can be calculated.This was done by reviewing and comparing different studies and by interviewing experts. The information was evaluated and recommendations on calculations and emission factors were made.The consumption of energy is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions for district heating, electricity, hotels, taxis and materials.

Communication of CSR activities : a case study in the dairy sector

Recent corporate challenges require effective communication in order to secure a company?s reputation. Companies as a result, need to be committed to a series of corporate social and environmental practices along with their financial commitments to their shareholders and investors. In fact, businesses are required to go above their ordinary operations and involve all potential stakeholders that can be affected by their strategies. Companies also need to communicate social, environmental and economic consequences of their activities along with their CSR commitments to their internal and external stakeholders in order to make a better corporate image and improve their market opportunities.

Jag lever som jag vill, eller jag lever som jag lär? En enkätstudie med avseende att undersöka 15 åringars BMI, kost-motionsvanor samt socialisationens påverkan av dessa

The habits of living are seen as important factors for public health, and are related to the primary socialization. Exercise and food habits are two main factors for development of health or ill health and are both related to the overweight epidemic. The overweight increase among children and youth has been given particular attention. The aim of this study is to examine how 15 year olds Body Mass Index, food- and exercise habits are connected to each other and also how they are related to socialization. The study is a cross sectional survey among 208 pupils in ninth grade, Kristianstad.

Development of new food products with components active against Helicobacter pylori - with purpose to improve gastric health in humans

Gastric and intestinal disorders are common and costly human health problems worldwide. Helicobacter pylori are a gram-negative, pathogen bacteria and the most common cause of duodenal and gastric ulcer in the stomach the intestinal mucosa. Prolonged infection and colonization can lead to chronic gastritis and stomach cancer. H. pylori are present in the gastric and intestinal mucosa of half of the world population and a relation between infection and low socioeconomic status has been shown.

Biogas : En systemanalys av Solna Stads matavfallsprocess

Global warming is a huge issue that humans have contributed to through over-exploitation of natural resources and extensive usage of fossil fuels. Now more than ever, we need to embrace a recycle thinking and reuse our waste, for example through producing biogas from our food waste. The purpose of this report was therefore to identify the energy usage and emissions resulting from the biogas chain which spans from Solna Stad to Uppsala Vatten. Furthermore, potential efficiency improvements were to be identified and proposed. This report focused mainly on the first part of the biogas chain that includes the collection of the food waste and the reloading process.

Mångbruksplan inriktning vilt och viltvårdsanpassning av skogen

This multiple use forestry plan is made on the property Basunda which is located in the southern parts of the province Östergötland. The owners of the property today are Jonas and Ulrik Saanum, but it has been in the family since their grandfather bought it 1933. There is a slaughterhouse on the property in which they take care of domestic cattle and animals from the forest. Jonas and Ulrik are also dedicated hunters. These are the two reasons to why the focus is wildlife and wildlife management. The question at issue of this work is simplified: what demands does the wildlife have; and how will the owners be able to fulfill these, what changes in the forest management must be made and will these changes result in a different budget, compared to the ordinary forest management. This work is based from a freshly made forestry management plan. I based my fieldwork on this plan, but made my own management proposals, that would benefit the game.

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