

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 27 av 30

Stökiga flickor och oväntade kärlekspar : En normkritisk läsning av tre ungdomsromaner

The study aims to examine how three books written for teenagers and young adults address topics that are generally considered as deviant to social norms in order to conclude if they can contribute to a norm critical pedagogy in school. Norm critical pedagogy is foremost based on gender- and queer theory and tends to discuss how social norms and power structures are constructed and reproduced in different social contexts. To work in a norm critical fashion the teacher must be aware of the present norms and work to make the pupils conscious of them. Thereby the focus is on existing norms, rather on the deviances. To use norm critical pedagogy correct it must be incorporated in all subjects in school.The books that have been analysed in this essay are Syskonkärlek by Katarina von Bredow, Henrietta är min hemlighet by Maja Hjertzell and Tusen gånger starkare by Christina Herrström.

Naturvårdshänsyn i boreal bruksskog : En studie om avverkningar och avverkare i skogarna runt Saxdalen i södra Dalarna

As the past century?s technological development has progressed the Swedish boreal forests have transformed into dense, highly productive, homogenous and coniferous forests. The area around Saxdalen in Ludvika municipality has long been dominated forests which have been heavily worked since the 18th century. There are in Ludvika 119 000 hectares of productive forest land. Around 70 percent are owned by forest companies and 20 by private forest owners.


Modeföretagens affärsidéer bygger idag på en hög konsumtion av plagg med korta livscykler och produkter skickas snabbt ut på marknaden. Detta är möjligt genom kapade ledtider och effektiviserade designprocesser, vilket i sin tur leder till låga priser. Denna effektiva verksamhet gör att delar i processerna måste prioriteras bort. En följd av detta är trendkänsliga plagg som är skapade för nuet. Plaggen är inte längre skapade att hålla en längre tid och fyller ett kortsiktigt behov hos kunden.

Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i svenskämnet: En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares arbetsmetoder

This study has examined how teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work to foster a critical perspective through the education in the subject of Swedish. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers, who have given their views on the role of source criticism and critical analysis of literature in the subject of Swedish. Furthermore, they have described how they incorporate these views into their own teaching.The study has shown that the teachers find that source criticism and literary analysis are interconnected, since both depend on a general critical approach, which they both help foster. The main question the study examined was how Swedish education could help foster a critical perspective. The interviewed teachers' ways of working point out a way: teacher C has integrated source criticism and referencing into most of their education, which makes them central to the education in Swedish.

HipHopvideor : Från idé till färdig produkt

Vi, Anna Nilsson och Jeanette Svensson, valde att producera musikvideos under vårat kandidatarbete på Blekinge tekniska högskola. Detta eftersom vi båda har ett stort intresse till musik och rörlig bild. Vi valde att göra två stycken för att lära oss produktionens process grundligt och för att nu kunna jämför de båda och av detta ta lärdom. Den ena musikvideon gjorde vi till en skånsk duett som heter KC och den andra till Advance Patrol. Båda låtarna är inom genren hiphop.

Butikslayout- mer än bara estetik

The purpose of this study was to investigate the connection between store layout and how it affects us as shoppers. We formed our research questions based on literature. The study was based on observations of shoppers without their knowing they were observed. We didn?t tell shoppers since the science of shopping says that shoppers pattern of movement is something that?s subconscious and if the shoppers had known it would have affected the result of the study.

Sexig & hatad : Modernt ledarskap, motivation, manipulation

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

Ljus i butiksmiljö : Upplevelsen av ljus och exponering av produkter

This thesis examines how to improve the exhibition of products within retail for clothes and gift articles. The purpose is to investigate and test how light sources and different directions of light affect how the products are perceived regarding their exhibition. Our question formulations are:To what degree does the level of light in combination with the background of the interior design of a shop affect whether a product is perceived more or less attractive?What can we recommend to make the exhibition of products more attractive? From our observations shops nowadays have relatively high levels of light when they expose products on vertical areas. We have looked on the recommendation from ?Energimyndigheten? in order to see what they think is important when designing retail lightening.

The Power of the Gift Bag : En studie om användandet av gift bags som marknadsföringskanal

In a time of fierce global competition, where an immense amount of commercial messages reaches consumers around the clock and in every conceivable context, companies constantly seek to find new ways to reach out with their product. One way to do so, that has increased in popularity in recent years, is the use of gift bags. A gift bag may contain samples, miniature products and even products in full size, as a rule from several different brands, which the recipient receives free of charge. The gift bag is typically distributed at some form of event, such as store openings, fashion shows, theme parties and the like, and the receiver of the gift bag can then evaluate the content without any obligation to purchase. The ambition of the companies that choose to participate with their products in a gift bag is, of course, that the recipient will find their products satisfactory, and ideally, that he or she will continue to consume the brand in the future.There are numerous scientific research contributions related to the use of free samples, but very few that concern the gift bag, where a collection of samples from different sources and brands appear.

Varför reformerad Krisberedskap? : En motivanalys till inrättandet av Krisberedskapsmyndigheten

To understand the modern leadership you have to gain a lot of experience to attain the right competence through which you are able to know what kind of leadership is most suitable to use in the current situation. Leaders agree that every kind of leadership is more or less successful depending on the situation and different organizational factors, for example the co-workers and the environment. Every leader should have a strong willpower and driving force to bring motivation to the organization and to make it more efficient. Another quality that represents a modern leader is the ability to lead and divide the co-workers and the organizations different strengths. The organizational communication is an important factor of how you, as a leader, answer to your co-workers and also how you will be received.

Anpassning i en globaliserad va?rld : En flerfallsstudie av svenska modefo?retag

Med en mer globaliserad va?rld och mer homogena marknader har betydelsen fo?r marknadsanpassning pa? utla?ndsk marknad blivit alltmer ifra?gasatt. Vissa svenska modefo?retag har olika uppfattningar anga?ende detta da?r vissa anser att anpassning inte alls beho?vs da? modet a?r globalt medan andra anser att anpassning a?r ett ma?ste fo?r att na? framga?ng pa? den utla?ndska marknaden.Studien syftar till att studera i vilken ma?n anpassningens betydelse har i svenska modefo?retags marknadsstrategi da? va?rlden blivit mer globaliserad och marknader mer homogena. Fo?r att genomfo?ra studien har en kvalitativ studie genomga?tt i from av en flerfallsstudie med de svenska modefo?retagen; Odd Molly, Bjo?rn Borg och Hunky Dory.

Den trojanska bloggen : Bloggreklam, en effektiv marknadsföringskanal?

Purpose  The purpose of this paper is from a consumer perspective analysis whether or not blogs are affecting a customer?s purchase behaviour to a larger extent compared to traditional marketing methods through TV commercials. Additionally, within the scope of this try to identify the type of consumers that are more influenced to a purchase decision by blog contents compared to others.Methods Through a quantitative approach this study will examine the effectiveness of advertising in blogs. A survey was used in order to collect data where the respondents corresponded to the population in Sweden in the ages 15-79. Initially the size of the blog audience was estimated and thereafter it was examined how many of these that were affected towards a purchase decision by blogs.

HipHopvideor - Från idé till färdig produkt

Vi, Anna Nilsson och Jeanette Svensson, valde att producera musikvideos under vårat kandidatarbete på Blekinge tekniska högskola. Detta eftersom vi båda har ett stort intresse till musik och rörlig bild. Vi valde att göra två stycken för att lära oss produktionens process grundligt och för att nu kunna jämför de båda och av detta ta lärdom. Den ena musikvideon gjorde vi till en skånsk duett som heter KC och den andra till Advance Patrol. Båda låtarna är inom genren hiphop. Vårt mål med projektet var att skapa två videos som inte följde den generella mallen för hiphop-videos.

En studie av spårbarhetssystem i modeindustrin

Allmänheten har blivit mer uppmärksammad vad gäller miljörelaterade frågor och ställer högre krav på företag att arbeta för en hållbar utveckling. Generellt sett har företagen utformade riktlinjer vad gäller arbetsmiljö och arbetsvillkor men sämre insyn i produktionens miljöpåverkan. Samtidigt som medvetenheten om miljöproblemen ökar, ökar konsumtionen av billiga kläder, så kallad ?fast fashion? konsumtion. Detta är inte förenligt med en hållbar utveckling då textilindustrin kräver stora mängder energi, råmaterial och kemikalieutsläpp.

: Kläders påverkan på kundbemötandet - en studie om kläders påverkan på kundservice inom detaljhandel

Kundservice har blivit allt viktigare inom detaljhandel i och med den ökade försäljningen som sker på internet. Kundservice har nästan blivit en form av marknadsföring för fysiska butiker. Trotts den hårda konkurrensen mellan butiker på marknaden kan man som kund uppleva dålig service och kundbemötande. Det kan bero på fler faktorer, en av faktorerna skulle kunna vara att butikssäljare är snabba att kategorisera kunder efter deras attribut. Så hur stor påverka har egentligen våra kläder på människors bedömning om oss? Kan kundbemötandet i butik påverkas av de kläder som en kund bär? Detta är frågor som väckte intresset för ämnet i den här studien och som ligger till grund för studiens huvudfråga.

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