

447 Uppsatser om Fashion and clothes - Sida 21 av 30

?Less is more? : En studie om hur knapphet påverkar köpbeteendet

Scarcity due to supply, demand or in time is all factors that affect consumers´buying behavior. The scarcity principle describes how scarce resources appear moreattractive to the customer's eyes than unlimited does. When something is scar thecustomer often draws parallels to the quality and price, that the product will bemore expensive and better. People hate to be deprived of choices. When a certainproduct is scar, the customer will desire the product even more.

"Klänningen som får en andra chans" : klädkonstruktion av återbruksmaterial

This report presents a bachelor thesis by Erika Gustrén aimed to increase people?s interest for recycling and reusing by create new products of things that already exist in most people?s homes in the materials textile, plastic and paper. That would be a modern and innovative way to contribute to a better environment.The goal with this project was to create three cocktail dresses made of the same pattern and design and with the three chosen materials. The project did not have its base at a company, therefore an external mentor was chosen to help and support during the development of the project. My mentor was Kerstin Boulogner who is a fashion designer and one of the members of GKF (Gotländska Konsthantverkare och Formgivare) in Visby.The project began with an analysis of the chosen materials; textile, plastic and paper.

Är grönt mode skönt? Unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityd gentemot hållbart mode.

I denna uppsats undersöker vi unga kvinnliga modekonsumenters attityder gentemot hållbart mode. Vi studerar också deras upplevda skillnad mellan hållbart och vanligt mode. Slutligen undersöks på vilket sätt de mjuka värdena påverkas av den hållbara egenskapen. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex kvinnliga respondenter i åldern 29-35 år. Resultaten har analyserats med hjälp av Maslow´s behovspyramid, ABC-modellen, konsumtentbeteende enligt Kotler et al.

Marknadsföring på Instagram : Det digitala skyltfönstret

In this study we are focusing on Instagram and marketing. We want to know how Web 2.0 and social media creates a new place for companies to market themselves and mostly how they are using the social network Instagram. The amount of swedes using Instagram is 28% and that is the double of what it was a year ago. This creates a whole new place for companies to market themselves and most importantly; it?s free.Our question at issue is In what way is fashion and interior design companies using marketing and Web 2.0 on Instagram and how does it reach individuals? To get an answer we contacted eight different companies and asked if they would like to answer some questions.

Skillnader i följsamhet och förutsättningar för basala hygienrutiner mellan personal inom kommunal- och sjukhusvård samt tillgången av skyddsmaterial

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe and compare the degree of selfreporting succession to the basal hygienic routines of emplyees working in municipal old peoples care versus hospital care. It is also to describe the access of material available in prevention of cross infections. The study was also carried out with a comparative and quantitative run up design. The study is based on a questionnaire in the district of Gävleborg in the spring of 2009. Nurses, auxiliaries and carers whom were in close contact with patients were asked to join the study.

Gubben i lådan. Flört eller freak? : En kvalitativ studie av Frida och Veckorevyns framställning av manliga egenskaper.

Weekly lifestyle magazines constitute an important role for many young people these days. Their purpose is to inform and entertain a broad public within subjects such as fashion, friends, relationships, men and beauty. Frida and Veckorevyn are two big magazines that have a big influence on young women. One subject that frequently occurs is articles about men, written by women. This study focus on how (with which qualities and weaknesses) these women choose to subscribe men.

pm3-revision : En välgrundad metodutveckling av metod för revision av förvaltningsstyrning

In the field of maintenance management there are but a few models an organization can use. The one model that has risen to the status of being the de facto standard in Sweden is pm3(på maintenance management model). The aim of this study is to lay the groundwork for a new method of evaluate the use of pm3within organizations. Today there is no uniform way of performing such an evaluation, which is necessary in order to diagnose the performance of the systems maintenance organizations.In the process of creating our own method for performing this kind of pm3audit, we further developed the ideas from a study by Lagsten & Nordström (2013) that was performed at the county Region Skåne. The authors of that study had developed ideas about using method rationale as a basis of creating a method for pm3auditing.

Ledarens värderingar som CSR strategi : Hur fortlever värderingarna utan ledaren?

CSR har växt fram i samband med att ansvarslöst företagande uppmärksammat och allmänhetens medvetenhet kring sociala frågor ökat. En del småföretag i textilindustrin har positionerat sig som etiska och miljövänliga. Ledarna i dessa småföretag har styrt företagen utifrån värderingar som är kopplade till deras personliga värderingar. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur små modeföretag som implementerat CSR i konkurrensstrategin hanterar problemen som uppstår vid ledarens avgång. För studien har en kvalitativ undersökning valts.

"Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land" : En nivåstudie av produktion, struktur, ensamhet och begär i John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men

My main purpose with this paper of John Steinbecks Of mice and men is to both analyze the long-lived structures and the unique individual destinies of the novel. I employ the method of the historical Annales-movement and use three divided levels in my analysis to try to capture these high structures and low moments of humanity in Structure, Konjuncture and the Individuality. The first level, Structure, is used to see how long-lived almost invisible geographic structures set the human act of condition. The second level, Konjuncture, is easier to grasp in understanding of time and embraces for example economic structures as the industrialism. The last level of Individuality is the fastest in time and easiest to understand but in the long run also the least important.

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.

Butikskommunikation av textilier producerade i Sverige

Enligt undersökningar konsumeras allt mer kläder i Sverige, samtidigt som konsumenters efterfrågan på mer hållbara och miljömedvetna produkter ökar. Det är företagens uppgift att uppmärksamma konsumenten om de bättre alternativ som finns, ur ett miljöperspektiv, och det är upp till dem att tydliggöra sin position på marknaden samt göra sig mer synliga. Slow fashion är ett begrepp som funnits i decennier, men som fått fäste de senaste åren. Det är ett mode som kan bana väg för framtidens textilbransch och med denna rapport undersöks hur man kan lyfta fram och uppmärksamma fler människor på att dessa alternativ av företag finns. Denna uppsats är en fallstudie av ett svenskt företag som närproducerar kläder.

ATT VARA ELLER ICKE VARA? - En studie om effekter av kongruensnivå mellan personalklädsel och varumärket

Many companies have a specific dress code in the workplace. In some companies, the code is not very extensive, while other companies have uniform requirements. What is little understood however, is what effect different staff clothing might have on consumer response in terms of satisfaction, purchase intent, attitude, interest and so on. Some limited research has shown how different levels of congruence between individuals in their marketing, and the brand they are representing, can affect customers. To avoid any wrong focus in marketing it is key to understand the knowledge gap on the potential impact the personnel in the store have on its customers.

Sverigedemokraternas kampanj mot den nya våldtäktsvågen 2010 : Strategi, motiv och funktioner hos SD:s våldtäktsmetaforik

This bachelor thesis consists of an analysis of museum environment. In the research, case studies have been done at the, Stockholm based museums, Swedish museum of Natural history?s exhibition Natur i Sverige (Nature in Sweden) and the Nordiska museet?s (Nordic history) exhibition Modemakt (Power of fashion) and learning environment Lekstugan (playhouse). The purpose of the research was to study how cultural heritage is used and developed within the museum pedagogy aimed at children. The research is based on a multimodal approach with focus on learning resources.The research examines the museums focus on children and youngsters, what the goals for this focus looks like on respective museum and how the focus is visible in the actual museums.

PERFORMING LOLITA : Göra, vara, visa mode och femininitet som motstånd

During the spring of 2014, I have investigated the visual culture of Lolita as practiced in Sweden and Japan. My focus has been on the performative aspect of Lolita. By looking and participating in this colorful subculture, I have met people who are living the Lolita lifestyle on a daily basis as well as former Lolita practitioners. My main concern has been how does one use Lolita.I?ve tried to investigate if it is possible to look at Lolita as being more than just a clothing style.

Vi och muslimerna : En kvalitativ studie om hur muslimer porträtteras i två olika nyhetshändelser

Previous research shows that Sweden has developed into a segregated society, although it has never been completely homogeneous. A greater integration led to vast number of diverse cultures and religions; therefore the Muslim custom came closer to the Swedish society.The purpose of this thesis is to study how Muslims were portrayed during the incident in Landskrona in March 29 2010 and the bomb threat in Gothenburg in October 31 2010. The study also focused on what Muslims themselves think about the news reporting that followed.We based our study on a qualitative textual analysis and a dialogue with selected people. Six news articles from various newspapers were analyzed and a total of eight persons were included in the dialogues. The study shows that news reporting has been simplified and misleading.During the incident in Lanskrona the newspapers headlined it as a murder even though the accused had not yet been sentenced at the time.

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