

108 Uppsatser om Fans - Sida 3 av 8

Energideklarationer - Marknad och Kundkytta

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Bygga hus i traditionell härjedalsstil

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Utredning av primärluftförvärmning till två avfallseldade pannor

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Energieffektivisering av stenstadshusen - genom byggnadstekniska energisparåtgärder

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Anpassning av passivhus för ett kallare klimat - teknisk och ekonomisk analys

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Byggnadsfysikaliska riskbedömningar : Metod för tidig hantering av fuktsäkerhetsfrågor

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

Rationell produktion av platsgjutna stommar för flerbostadshus

The purpose of this degree-project was to investigate the possibilities for primary air preheating into the two smallest waste incineration boilers of Halmstad Energy and Environment. The investigation is a pre-study which has the primary goal to evaluate technical and financial offers from companies that manufacture primary air preheater, and investigate if it is technically and financially profitable to do a purchase on primary air preheaters in the future.In the pre-study it is proposed that it is most efficient to have individual primary air preheater, one for each incineration boiler and the primary air are also proposed to be preheated by hot water in the pre-study. Further in the pre-study it is proposed that the heat-exchanger should have plain tubes instead of finned tubes, to avoid getting dirty fast. The space in the boiler-room is limited, and therefore the major problem was to fit in the primary air preheaters into the boiler-room. By comparing the different offers from the companies, the result in the pre-study shows that the offer from the company C.A.

I romanernas tid : En studie av historiemedvetande, historiebruk och den historiska romanens funktioner i Vilhelm Mobergs romaner Raskens - en soldatfamiljs historia och Rid i natt! Roman från Värend 1650

Uppsatsen syfte är att göra ett skrivmoment i en högstadieklass där eleverna ska skriva en berättelse baserat på fanfiction och deras personliga intressen. Texten innehåller teoretiska utgångspunkter såsom skrivprocessteori, receptionsteorier och didaktiska teorier och perspektiv som jag ska kunna använda till mitt undervisningsmoment. Den innehåller även tre stora undersökningar från tre olika verk. Två av de tre undersökningarna ingår i avhandlingar där alla är peer reviewed, alltså godkända av någon sorts handledare. Den tredje är en bok, Författande Fans, som på många sätt är central för min uppsats eftersom den behandlar begreppet fanfiction.

?Sense the band, Feel the artist? : En studie om differentiering av artister online med hjälp av sensory branding

SyfteUppsatsens syfte är att genom en analys av dagens digitala marknadsföring av artister i Sverige få fram olika strategier som kan leda till differentiering online, samt få vidare förståelse om hur artister aktivt kan arbeta med strategierna online för att förstärka helhetsupplevelsen av varumärket och hur Fansen upplever det digitala arbetet.MetodDenna uppsats är genomförd utifrån en kombination av kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod och har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har samlat in det empiriska materialet via kvalitativa intervjuer med utvalda personer från olika delar av musikbranschen för att få olika synvinklar. Samt gjort en enkätundersökning för att få in konsumenternas aspekt, som vi i uppsatsen benämner som Fans. Dessa tillvägagångssätt har kompletterats med primär- och sekundärkällor inom branding, sensory branding och digital marknadsföring. SlutsatserVi har genom vår analys och slutdiskussion kommit fram till följande: genom att tillämpa de fyra strategier som vi har valt att kalla; branding-strategi, sensory branding-strategi, digital marknadsförings-strategi och storytelling-strategi, är artisten på god väg att utmärka sig för både Fans och musikbransch. Fansen anser att man ska ha en bra story kombinerad med en röd tråd och ett helhetskoncept.

I Skuggan av Spotify : Har streaming av musik förändrat synen på artisten?

Streamingtjänster har förändrat hur människor lyssnar på musik och upptäcker ny musik. Det har också underlättat för mindre artister att nå lyssnare och potentiella Fans utan ett skivbolag som distribuerar och marknadsför. Samtidigt har sociala medier förändrat hur artister når ut och upprätthåller relationen med sina Fans. Försäljningen av fysiska album når rekordlåga nivåer och streaming av musik gör så att lyssnaren fokuserar på den enskilda låten snarare än artisten bakom den eller ett album artisten skapat. Professionella inom musikbranschen uttrycker därför en oro för att lyssnaren inte längre bryr sig lika mycket om artisten.Dessa genomgående förändringar i musikbranschen väcker frågan hur lyssnaren förhåller sig till artisten och vilken relevans artisten har när lyssnaren upptäcker ny musik och lyssnar på musiken i sina spellistor.

Vad är journalistik? : En jämförelse mellan medborgarjournalistik och professionell journalistik inom sportjournalistiken

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka var gränsen mellan professionell journalistik och medborgarjournalistik går inom området sportjournalistik, om det nu finns någon. För att få ett så bra resultat som möjligt använde vi oss av en kvalitativ textanalys och en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Vi valde 21 texter under en veckas tid, som varit toppnyheter. 13 texter var med i den kvalitativa textanalysen och alla 21 texter i den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen. Teorierna som sätter prägel på uppsatsen är professionsteorin och de pressetiska reglerna.Vi använde oss av texter från webbplatserna; Aftonbladet/Sportbladet, Dagens Nyheters sportbilaga och SvenskaFans.com.

Ett företag i det socialt oacceptabla

Den svenska MMA marknaden är idag under hård kritik. Många människor menar att det endast är kriminella som håller på med kamsport och att de tävlingar som arrangeras är ren brutalitet. Trots det här så har vi idag väldigt stora aktörer på den svenska marknaden som inte bara klarar sig utan även växer. Men organisationerna har fortfarande den allmänna opinionen emot sig. Företagen försöker att framstå som så sportsliga och godartade som möjligt och de menar att MMA inte är våld utan en idrott.

Energieffektivisering av Åhlénshuset i Umeå : Utredning av åtgärder för ventilation, värme och kyla

Sweden is a country that has made some progress in developing energy efficient solutions. The problem in Sweden is that many houses and apartment buildings are old and have inefficient ventilation- and heating systems. This energy is lost when systems are inefficient, which then results in huge economic costs. Luckily, more and more people are becoming aware of this, which means that Sweden is on track to become even better within energy efficiency.Energy use for the housing- and service sector amounts to 166 TWh of total use at 616 TWh. Without distribution and conversion losses, these figures show that the housing- and service sector accounts for almost 40 % of the country's total energy consumption.

Fan fiction en värld för fans : En textanalys av fan fiction

This thesis is a qualitative study in which 12 award-winning printed adverts, awarded with either a Swedish ?Guldägg? or an international Clio Award, have been analyzed from a rhetorical perspective. Visual rhetorics were used to analyze the adverts in order to expose the rhetorical concepts and to find out whether the rhetorical concepts represented in the Swedish adverts are the same concepts represented in the international adverts. One of the conclusions drawn is that pathos-arguments, a rhetorical concept where the senders allude to the emotions of the receivers, are the most prominent in both Swedish and international adverts, but are used in different ways. Another conclusion drawn is that the adverts are overall characterized by their messages not being explicit.

TV-avgift för internet och Europakonventionens artikel 10

This is a qualitative case study of young womens? experiences of blogging about One Direction on the social media/microblogging platform Tumblr. The aim of this study was to find out what fan blogging is and why Fans blog. We did this by creating an account on Tumblr where we invited young women between the ages of 16?29, who had active fan blogs dedicated to One Direction, to answer an open-ended questionnaire.

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