5478 Uppsatser om Family firms; dividend policy; ownership structure - Sida 54 av 366
Immunoglobulin VH gen analys in human B-cell
Malt lymphoma is a malignant disease that can arise in a variety of extra nodal sites. Previous studies indicate that tumour arise from more mature B-cells.Our purpose was to examine the presence of clonality and somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin (IgV?) of MALT lymphomas.Paraffin-embedded tumour samples from13 MALT lymphoma were subjected to rearrangement analysis, by using PCR, heteroduplex gels and sequence analysis.Successful amplification was seen in 10/13 cases and sequences of IgV? genes were obtained in 6/13, all of them were mutated. The percentage of mutation compared to germline sequences was 1,1% to 8,6% monoclonal rearrangemang. It was demonstrated that 5 of 7 clones were derived from the V?3 family, 2 from V?1 and 1 from the V? 4 family..
Skogsbruksplanens betydelse för aktiviteten hos privata skogsägare i Älvdalen :
The purpose of Älvdalens besparingsskog is to develop the district and most of all the forestry in Älvdalen. It's owned by about 2 300 private forest owners who's landed properties are located in Älvdalen. Every year the besparingsskogen gives out a lot of its profit in form different types of subsidies for agriculture and forestry. The owners can apply for subsidies for several of the costs that occur in forestry. During the period 2000-2003 the owners are offered forest management plans and pcSKOG-gård at no cost for their private forest properties.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to find out if the activity in the forestry changed when the forest owners got new forest management plans and the computer program pcSKOG-gård.
Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesion (FORL) : en morfologisk beskrivning
Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions (FORL) is a painful disease that affects feline teeth and that is increasing in prevalence. The ethiology is still rather unknown. However, research on the ultra structure of the feline tooth may help us understand why FORL is so prevalent in cats and not in other species. Since the ethiology is still unknown, there is yet no profylaxis. The pathogenesis is rather well known; the hard structure of affected teeth gradually undergo odontoclastic resorption and resorptive lesions are often partly replaced with bone- or cementum-like tissue.
Reading the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in terms of the issue of Terrorism : An analysis on the evolution of the CFSP of the EU under the issue of Terrorism
In the post Cold-War era, world politics was transforming itself through its emerging complex issues such as terrorism and influential and interdependent actors such as the European Union. In this new era, the European Union was developing its Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar both to present a coherent and unified EU policy and to prove its political potent in order to become an influential actor on world politics. On the other side, security environment was also transforming its content through emerging actors and issues. As one of the most prominent actors of the world politics, the EU was influenced by the transformation of security environment, whose economic ?soft power? proved necessary but insufficient for being a global power in this emerging security environment.
Döden i grytan : Östskånsk företagshistoria under 1900-talet i konserveringsbranschen.
?Death in the pot.? The Fruit and Vegetable Preserving industry in East Scania during the 20th centuryA Company History.At the end of the twentieth century, only one of the six companies previously active in the Fruit and Vegetable Preserving Industry in East Scania survived as an independent company: Kiviks Musterier AB. Actual production remains at two sites only. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for this development. The companies included in the investigation are AB Bjäre industrier, Gustaf Bong AB, Kiviks Musterier AB, AB Ruuthsbo konservindustrier, Th.
Filosofi som pedagogisk modell
The paper examines Philosophy with children as a pedagogical method for schools to practice. The questions I have posed are:Why philosophize with children and teenagers?How does Philosophy with children work?What, in the organized structure of the philosophical inquiry, can be emphasized as favourable for learning?How carefully is the structure of the philosophical inquiry really followed in practice?How can philosophy be applied as a pedagogical model?The theoretical framework of this inquiry consists of a discussion about a thirst for learning that exceeds the explicit and direct usability that motivates vocational training.I have used two different kinds of methods. The main method is a literary analysis of some of the literature in this field. This analysis is compared to field observations of children participating in communities of inquiry in school.The basic assumption is that practicing the ability of philosophical thinking can help children develop a more profound way of understanding who they are and how the world in which they exist works.
Välkommen in i familjen : värdeskapande genom interaktion
IKEA är ett företag som säljer möbler och heminredningsartiklar. Företaget är ursprungligen från Sverige, men är idag etablerat runt om i större delen av världen. Konceptet bakom IKEA är att sälja kvalitetsprodukter till ett lågt pris för majoriteten av människorna. IKEA är idag världens största möbelhandlare och även om det finns en stor mängd konkurrenter så finns det inget företag som riktigt matchar IKEA i storlek och internationell utbredning.IKEA Family är den kundklubb som IKEA använder sig av som ett av sina kommunikationsmedel för att upprätthålla relationerna med sina intressenter, främst kunderna. IKEA Family är skapt för att bevara relationen med de befintliga kunderna och skapa mervärde för dessa.
Normalitet i adoption och föräldraskap : En kvalitativ studie av socialtjänstens medgivandeutredningar av ensamstående som vill adoptera
The aim of the study was to illustrate how single parents who want to adopt a child are described in consent investigations made by the social service. The methodology for this study was document analysis. The analysis material consisted of 23 consent investigations from family courts in 12 different municipalities and district administrations. The theoretical starting point of the study was the perspective of social construct of reality. Based on the issues of the study, background on international adoptions, theory of norms and deviation and past research the documents were analyzed.
Faktorackumulation och inkomstfördelning -En historisk analys av samband mellan ojämlikhet och ekonomisk tillväxt 1850-1930
Uppsatsen ger historiska perspektiv och ekonomiska analyser av samband mellan ekonomisk utveckling och ojämlikhet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är två artiklar av Oded Galor och Omer Moav som utarbetat formella modeller för analys av ojämlikhetens inverkan på tillväxten, med betoning på humankapitalets ökade betydelse i ekonomins senare utvecklingsstadier. Den empiriska undersökningen som författarna gör i artikeln ?Das Human- Kapital: A Theory of the Demise of the Class Structure? för England, är mallen för uppsatsen. Resultaten av den empiriska studien för Sverige ligger i linje med Galor och Moavs slutsatser för England men ett särskilt svenskt utvecklingsmönster spåras..
Prinsessa av modern media : en ideationell analys och kritisk diskursanalys rörande rapporteringen av prinsessan Estelles födelse och den svenska monarkin, förd på svenska nyhetssajter
When we define something as real it will also have real consequences. Media society is developing rapidly; the media?s more central role in our society means that their interpretations and portrayals of the world will have a greater impact on how we look at ourselves and our society.When Swedish Princess Estelle was born in February 2012 she was the first Swedish heir to be been born in what is known as ?the computer age?. This paper aims to examine the reporting of the birth of Princess Estelle and how it was conducted by Swedish news sites, from an ideological perspective. The study is based on qualitative method with ideational analysis and Norman Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis.In conclusion, the news sites portray a positive image of Princess Estelle?s birth and the Swedish monarchy and strengthen the status of the Crown Princess family.
Inflytandet av problemrepresentationer för jämställdhetsintegrering
This thesis uses the ?What's the problem?-approach developed by Carol LeeBacchi. This approach studies how the problem that a certain policy is supposedto take care of is represented. Each representation will rest upon certainassumptions and will accordingly support certain solutions while other solutionswill be considered less suitable to the problem as it is represented.The thesis therefore evaluates the competing problem representations forgender mainstreaming in Sweden. The theory chapter explores two developmentpossibilities for gender mainstreaming, based on diversity and deliberativedemocracy.
På rätt spår i en osäker miljö? : En fallstudie av Banverket Telenät
Background: Today, the environment of a company is characterized by quick changes like leaps of technology and market shifts. The problem is how this turbulent environment and an uncertain future affect how a company creates strategies and how its structure is adapted. Can a certain choice of strategies or a certain structure be a way of dealing with an changing environment? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore if and how Banverket Telenät, as an example of a company in a turbulent business like the Swedish telecom industry, tries to deal with an uncertain future through strategy and structure. Procedure: We have carried through a qualitative case study with interviews and gathering of additional information concerning the business.
Bärande eller bristande? : - en studie av Bällstabergsskolans kommunikationssystem -
AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to map out how the communication is organized at the Bällstabergs School in Vallentuna. The purpose with the essay is to illuminate the pros and cons with their system so that a communicationstrategy could be worked out from the basis of the results. The aim is devided into three different questions at issue: What does the organizational structure look like and how does it concide with the communication? What does the present communicative work look like? Which communicative needs can be identified?Method: The methodology contains two parts. The first part is an analysis of the present organization.
Image follows structure
Background: The business market today is characterized by tough competition amongst the competitors to capture consumers? interest and money. One marketing tool companies can use to achieve this is the company?s image. The customer buys not only a product, but also the image that the company or the product is associated with.
Döden i grytan. Östskånsk företagshistoria under 1900-talet i konserveringsbranschen.
?Death in the pot.?
The Fruit and Vegetable Preserving industry in East Scania during the 20th century
A Company History.
At the end of the twentieth century, only one of the six companies previously active in the Fruit and Vegetable Preserving Industry in East Scania survived as an independent company: Kiviks Musterier AB. Actual production remains at two sites only. The aim of this study is to determine the reasons for this development. The companies included in the investigation are AB Bjäre industrier, Gustaf Bong AB, Kiviks Musterier AB, AB Ruuthsbo konservindustrier, Th.