

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 44 av 98

En ekonomisk hållbar växtodling i sörmländsk mellanbygd :

We have been looking at three different types of agriculture in Södermanland, in the middle east of Sweden. We call the different types for Intensive, Extensive and Mix. The purpose is to get an economic defensible plan for how to run different farm sizes. We also have been looking at the working hours and how many hours the different types will give. We have a farm called Taxinge Gods as our pilot farm. Taxinge Gods grow 407 ha land and is located 60 km southwest from Stockholm.

Accordeonets och dragspelets standardbas - Kombinerade ackord/grundbasar

The Stradella system on an accordeon is a complicated construction. It has readymade con-nected chords, these are major, minor, seventh and diminished seventh. To reach other vari-ants of chords you have to combine chord/bass buttons. Which advantages and disadvantages do the use of combined chords/bass buttons mean? How is the pedagogic work affected by using the combined chords/bass buttons? I have interviewed four musicians/teachers to learn about this technique.

"Det händer inte oss" : Värdet av kriskommunikation och mediehantering

Purpose: The study aims to analyze how companies can learn from past communications in critical situations and during corporate crisis, and see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent critical situations and corporate crisis. Furthermore, the media is analyzed to see how the newspaper industry chooses to reflect an organization and its actions, and also to see if the pressure through articles in the newspapers has an impact on the extent of the situation.Method: A qualitative case study of Sweden?s largest food company, ICA Sverige AB, where knowledgeable people in media management within the company are interviewed using semi-structured interviews, with support of quantitative methods by a collection of articles from the news press.Theories: Concepts, theories and models in crisis management and communication has been applied to relevant data. These comprise Knowledge Management, a communication template in crisis management, The Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) and the model Content of crisis communication.Empiric: Based on the quantitative data consisting of articles from four Swedish news sources: Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen, a semi-structured interview guide was created and carried out with the person within ICA who possesses knowledge of the subject area.Conclusion: ICA has during the priod studied exhibited to have used the concept of Knowledge Management in the development of their routines regarding product recalls at product defects. The relationships between ICA and the media have shown improvements, which has resulted in ICA percieve the media coverage as balanced, true and fair..

Neurointensivvårdspatientens förutsättningar för ett optimalt neurologiskt wake-up test : en observationsstudie

Background: Examinations with the intent to assess neurological functions and level of conciousness are common in neurocritical care, but the effect on the patient is not entirely researched.Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe the patient?s situation at the neurological wake-up test concerning the environment, nursing interventions and the possibility given the patient to become awake, and if these conditions affect the outcome of the wake-up test.Methods: A quantitative observational study took place at a neurocritical care unit, where 20 patients were observed from interruption of sedation to the neurological assessment, which was performed by a neurosurgeon or a specialized critical care registered nurse. Nursing interventions, environmental factors and physiological parameters were documented.Result: Twelve intervention varieties to control patients? physiological parameters were used. CPP > 80 mmHg was found in 90 % of observations.

Projektioner - subjektivitet och ansvar i gestaltandet :

With this paper my aim has been to investigate my subjectivity and responsibility as a landscape architect and to find ways to relate to it and handle it in my work. When I advocate a certain concept for a project, I influence the outcome, and in doing so I take on a personal responsibility. Even though my judgement is built upon facts and cooperation with colleagues and other consultants, I am always responsible for the part I play and how I affect the course of action. To what extent can I advocate my view and is it actually my responsibility to do it? How is my subjectivity part of my knowledge and influence as a landscape architect? I have interviewed three well known Swedish landscape architects to have their view on the matter. Since they are all strong individuals with huge experience and influence, the personal responsibility they bring upon themselves for their design action is as important. I have also used one of my own projects as a case study, analysing my design and standpoint and my relationship to the client to illustrate how these questions emerge even in the smallest projects. In the last section of the investigation I have searched for clues in diverse literature. This section is divided into three view points; the society, the profession and the individual..

Tillit i moldavien

Moldova is one of Europe?s poorest countries with a struggling business environment and an unpredictable political situation. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the implications of corruptions and why networks have come to play a key role in the Moldovan culture and if the formations of network are due to heritage or an effect of functionalism. The focus of the study is also to explain how the networks develop and the formation and maintenance of loyalty and trust among the members of the network. The study is of a qualitative nature that uses a key informant sampling method to get access to members of different business networks.

IAS/IFRS och finansiella instrument ? så var det då och så är det nu

Företag blir allt mer globala och investeringar i utländska företag blir allt vanligare. Att investera över gränserna kan vara komplext då redovisningsreglerna länge skiljt sig åt i olika länder. Behovet av att reducera skillnader som finns i redovisningen har länge varit stort. För att komma till rätta med detta tog Europaparlamentet år 2002 ett beslut om att införa International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS) inom EU och en process inleddes som innebar att alla medlemsländer ska redovisa enligt IAS/IFRS. I och med att Sverige är med i EU ska alla noterade företag i landet upprätta sin koncernredovisning enligt IAS/IFRS-standarderna från och med början av år 2005.Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur redovisningen av svenska bankers finansiella instrument har förändrats i och med införandet av IASB:s redovisningsstandarder.

Near Field Communication : En studie om NFC-teknikens möjliga användningsområden och utveckling inom sociala medier

In this report we examine the NFC (Near Field Communication) technology as far as the development has come until today. We adress different use areas and explain the technical funcionality. By using data collection methods as a specialist interview and also a survery we want to detect potential risks and safety-issues in implementation of the new technology. Our main-focus in this report is to examine how NFC can play an important role in the developement of social interaction and social media. By compiling our data and research materials we will analyze and present a report conslusion.

Lekens betydelse för lärandet av matematik i förskolan : Pedagogers syn på vilken betydelse lek har för barns tidiga matematiska utveckling

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fem pedagoger i en utvald förskola arbetar med lek och matematik, samt hur pedagogerna anser att förskolans verksamhet påverkar barnens matematiska lärande nu och i framtiden. De metoder som jag använt mig av är att söka relevant forskning och litteratur som behandlar ämnet. Jag har gjort en kvalitativ intervjustudie med ovan nämnda pedagoger. Studien visar att pedagogerna tycker att leken är viktig för barnens lärande av matematik och de anser att matematiken finns överallt i leken. Samtliga pedagoger anser att det är viktigt att barnen få med sig en grund för matematiskt tänkande till skolan, så att det blir en vana och en självklarhet för barnen.

Arts and Culture : en fallstudie av konstcentret PJ Olivier i Stellenbosch, Sydafrika

The intention has been to look at the school system in South Africa and specifically at arts and culture in grade 10 to 12. I have visited a number of classes and interviewed the teachers working at the art centre PJ Olivier in Stellenbosch. By doing this I wanted to get to know the system and to understand the intentions that the curriculum describes.I have all through the study related the areas I?ve looked at to the curriculum to see how well the intentions are implemented. I have also compared everything with the Swedish school system.The curriculum has good intentions but the country has a lot to do before they reach the goals with a school system where everybody is included and where there is ?ubuntu? (Zulu word for humanity or I am what I am because of what we all are).

Att bolla samtalsämnet : om utvecklingssamtalet som bandy och tennis

I denna skrift undersöks utvecklingssamtalet ur aspekter av bollspel. Med hjälp av traditionell bandy och vanlig tennis anges ett möte mellan spelare som å ena sidan en likhet i tiden och å andra sidan en likhet i rummet. Med hänsyn taget till dessa båda betraktelsesätt framskrivs en metod som syftar till att dechiffrera utvecklingssamtalandet som ett spelande, en metodik som inom ramen för ett verkligt fall tar stöd i den tidsgeografiska notationen.Resultaten visar på sex stycken samtalsämnen som bollas i utvecklingssamtalet: Pat sätter ramar, Enkäten, Uppnåendemål, Nya mål, Underskrift och 5 minuter åt annat. Frågeställningen om vad utvecklingssamtalet betyder anges i spelandet av dessa utvecklingssamtalsämnen oavsett vem spelaren är.Med studien introduceras de teoretiska begreppen liga och cup som ett sociologiskt begreppspar i betydelsen att de anger mötet som en dialektik mellan likheter. Om förtjänsten av dessa betraktelsesätt i studiet av sociala fenomen, andra än utvecklingssamtalet, kan endast korta ledtrådar ges..

Barns utveckling genom lek : Några pedagogers syn på lek förskolan

SammanfattningSyftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka hur pedagoger tänker kring lekens betydelse förbarns utveckling, pedagogernas synsätt och delaktighet. Jag har använt mig av ämneslitteratursamt intervjuat 4 pedagoger som arbetar i en förskola men med 2 olika åldersgrupper.Resultatet visar att pedagogerna anser att leken har stor betydelse för barns utveckling ochlärande inte minst i sociala sammanhang. Lek och lärande går hand i hand. Det skall varalustfyllt att lära. Att leka stärker barnen både som grupp och som individ.

Förskollärares syn på drama som pedagogiskt verktyg i förskolan

My goal in this study was to research how teachers with education in pedagogical drama think about drama and how to use it as an educational tool. The method I used to acquire the results was by interviews. In total I interviewed six different teachers which had some kind of education in pedagogical drama. This study revealed that all the teachers in some way used educational drama in preschool. The purpose with educational drama is to improve the children's fantasy, creativity, empathy, self-awareness and also their ability to co-operate with other children.

Individens upplevelse av att leva med självskadande beteende : En retrospektiv litteraturstudie

Self-harm is common among young people in Sweden. Therefore people who work with these young people need to have knowledge about self-harm to be able to provide the right help. The aim of this study was to investigate how the individual experience self-harm, and how this could be understood. The empirical material has been based on consisted of 28 life stories. 24 of them were written by women and 4 by men.

Egenvårdskapacitetens inverkan på välbefinnandet hos personer som lever med stomi / Self-care agencies affect on the well-being for people living with a stoma

Most of the stoma-operated persons must work themselves through difficult feelings. The task for the nurse is to deliver a care that promotes as much independence as possible. The aim of this literature review was to illuminate how the self-care agencies affect the well-being for the persons who are operated for stoma. A systematic literature study was done based on eleven scientific studies. Three categories, which describe how self-care agencies affect the physical, psychological and social well-being, are presented in the result.

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