

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 43 av 98

Vilka svar vill du ha? : En undersökning kring barns och pedagogers tankar om lek i ett genusperspektiv i förskolan

Syftet med min studie är att kartlägga hur man som lärare kan arbete för att motivera sina elever i den dagliga undervisningen. Detta sett ur ett pedagogperspektiv. Resultatet är baserat på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre aktiva lärare. Resultat tillsammans med förankring i för studien aktuell litteratur utgör grund för diskussion. Resultatet tillsammans med litteraturen visar att arbete med att främja individers motivation är komplex och att det inte finns några enkla lösningar på hur man skall gå tillväga.

SLASH : en kvalitativ undersökning om vad homoerotisk fanfiction kan vara ett uttryck för

The following study is a qualitative combination of textual analysis and interviews concerning the subject of slashfiction. Slash is a sub-category to fanfiction, which essentially means non-professionally authored short stories about already existing characters and environments, for example from TV-shows, movies or books. These stories are available on the internet. The main point is to pair two of the male characters together in a sexual relationship. According to previous studies, 90 percent of all fanfiction writers are female and this percentage is probably even higher when it comes to slash.I have looked into what these stories can be an expression of, by analyzing the construction of gender, sexuality and relationships using the following three questions:Is slash a quest for an ideal equal and romantic relationship?Do these stories represent a resistance against established norms regarding gender and sexuality?What role does transcendence of boundaries play in slash? I have used stories that are derived from the American TV show Supernatural, which generally try to explore the relationship between its protagonists, the brothers Sam and Dean Winchester.  The result gives a somewhat divided picture of slash, as some stories clearly break with traditional gender norms while others seem to uphold them..

Sidodominans hos svenska alpina skidgymnasister : en reliabilitetstest och enkätstudie

AimThe aim of this study was to develop and perform a reliability test of a questionnaire regarding side dominance in order to identify the dominant/non-dominant side in students at the Swedish alpine ski high school.MethodA questionnaire of side dominance of the upper and lower extremity was developed, and its reliability was tested according to the test-retest design. A total of 121 subjects answered the questionnaire twice. The questionnaire included five questions about side dominance, i.e. what hand/arm or foot/leg (left /right) that one prefers to use as a first choice when writing, throwing, kicking a ball, jumping over a fence and stair climbing. Furthermore, there was a question whether the responder has a safer/better ski turn to the left or to the right.

Är kulturarv värda att bevara? En analys av kulturarv genom ett närmare studium av Irak 2003 - 2007

This thesis was created in an attempt to examine the concept of cultural heritage. What is cultural heritage to us and why do we treat it in the different ways we do? In my attempt to find an answer to this I have chosen to concentrate my interest on a situation where historical objects have been preserved as well as destroyed, Iraq 2003 until 2007. In my research I have divided the Iraqi cultural heritage in three different groups based on the different treatments they where exposed to during the occupation of Bagdad and the aftermath. For each group I have chosen one object or a category of objects to be a representative examined.

När och varför dör smågrisarna under diperioden?

The purpose of this study was to compile when and why piglets die during the suckling peri-od. Piglet mortality is an important factor influencing the profitability of piglet production. There are many factors that play a role and interact whit each other. This study summarizes when the piglets die during the suckling period and reasons why the piglets die. The infor-mation given is crushed, illness, management/environmental, genetic influence and piglet birth weight/farrowingprocess.

An Exposition of The Morality of Abortion (A Catholic Church Position)

In this modern period, societal and religious groups are strongly divided regarding the acceptability of abortion. Despite so many attempts by various groups to find a middle ground, the debate on abortion still remains largely polarized, at its most dramatic point with the extreme conservatives claiming abortion to be the moral equivalent of murder and the extreme liberals see it as devoid of moral import. And this polarization is due to the legal battle that continues to shadow moral discussions. An acceptance of an ethical nuance will here play as a concession on the deeply contested question of whether abortion should be a legally protected option for a woman, and to an extent blame for the continued crudeness which can be laid at the doorstep of a moral theory itself. Apparently, the ethical literature on abortion has focused almost exclusively on the tiniest moral assessment on whether and when abortion is morally permissible.

Köp med hjärtat! En studie om Fairtrade Sveriges identitetskapande

TitelKöp med hjärtat!FörfattareLiza OlssonKursExamensarbete (kort master) i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapTerminVårterminen 2013HandledareOrla VigsøSidantal, ord85 sidor 39 065 ordSyfteSyftet är att ta reda på hur Fairtrade Sverige presenterar sig självaMetodRetorisk analysMaterialTre annonser ur en reklamkampanj för Fairtrade Sverige, tre producentberättelser från FairtradeSveriges webbsida och tre intervjuer med tre Fairtrade ambassadörer. Totalt nio texter.HuvudresultatHuvudresultatet visar att Fairtrade Sverige som organisation inte vill stå i rampljuset utan väljer attkommunicera via produktmärkningen Fairtrade-märkt. De vill skapa uppmärksamhet kring märkningen och få konsumenter att bli medvetna om den och se den som ett alternativ. De vill dock inte tvinga konsumenterna att köpa Fairtrade-märkta varor utan organisationen förlitar sig på kundens egen moral och etik. Genom ambassadörerna (Fairtrade Fan Club) vill organisationeninspirera konsumenterna att göra ett etiskt val när de handlar.

From a rough to a fair way of organizing : En analys av genomförandeorganisationen i Svenska Golfförbundet

AimThe aim of this study has been to inquire into how the Swedish Golf Federation can make their implementation organization more efficient. The intention with the essay has also been to conclude with a proposal for organization structure for the Swedish Golf Federation. The questions of issue have been: How does today?s implementation organization look like? At which level and within which areas do the interviewees consider that the major problems are found today? How do the interviewees consider that the implementation organization should look like?MethodThrough a strategic selection in cooperation with the assigner the Swedish Golf Federation 15 interviewees have been chosen. The data collection has been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsToday?s organization for implementation consists of one central function in Golfens hus with approximately 75 salaried employees, 21 district federations and 485 clubs.

Blodets biopolitik : Heterosexuell hygien och män som har sex med män

Following the wake of the AIDS-catastrophe in the beginning of the eighties, homosexual men or 'men who have sex with men' (MSM) have been barred from donating blood throughout the planet. In this thesis I look into the different discourses at play in the context of creating the legal framework for blood donation in Sweden. Genealogically tracing the emergence of the category of MSM and mapping how the category is brought to use in contemporary negotiations on blood safety, I scrutinize how scientific truth is established within blood transfusion practice. I argue that the rationality of risk group exclusion is contingent on economical grounds, and that the foucauldian concept of biopolitics could productively be used to understand this rationality. In particular, the concept of the 'biopolitics of blood' can be employed in order to understand the reluctance from the involved actors to acknowledge the heteronormative consequences of the legal framework of contemporary blood donation..

Sikta mot Stjärnorna: En komparativ studie över bloggares och kändisars effekter på konsumentbeteenden och konsumentattityder

During the second part of the 20th Century celebrities became more commonly used for commercial purposes as they could enhance purchase intentions, word-of-mouth- intentions and change attitudes towards brands and products. Over the last few years blogs and bloggers have become more and more used for product placing and the bloggers? power over consumers? behaviour has grown rapidly. The aim of this study is to compare a celebrity?s and a blogger?s impact on consumer behaviour and try to understand the underlying reasons why they do have such power over their audiences.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

Hur påverkas högstadielevers studier av klass och kön? : Skolprestation, studieval och attityder till skolan i en kommun belägen i Norrlands inland

How do gender and socioeconomic backgrounds affect students? academic performance, educational choices and attitudes towards education? Moreover, does class play the same role for girls and boys? In order to find this out, I surveyed students in a small province located in the northern inlands of Sweden. The survey was answered by nearly every student in the ninth grade of that year, a total of 160 people. The results revealed that girls in this area have less faith in their capabilities than boys, despite getting much better grades. Many more girls than boys want to go onto college or university studies.

Hållbart ansvarstagande för ett medelstort byggföretag i Sverige - En analys av värdeskapande aktiviteter som bidrar till hållbar utveckling.

This report deals with activities that from a CSR perspective are considered to create a shared value for a medium-sized construction company in Sweden. The CSR definition used in the report is the European Commission?s since it reflects the valuecreating aspects of CSR, in contrast to the traditional philanthropic aspect of CSR.Companies in the building construction industry have difficulties identifying activities that create value in society and in the company. The aim with the project is to, from a CSR perspective, identify and evaluate value creating activities in a building construction company. The activities will be evaluated with respect to competitiveness and how they can be implemented into an organization.

Att dela med sig av sin vardag : En studie om fotoapplikationen Instagram

Photography has long been of importance for humans in aspects of community, sharing and documenting. It has previously only existed in analogue format and with larger cameras. We have presently reached a new generation of cameras and photography. The new smaller compact cameras that are provided with most cellular phones take digital images of varying quality and accounts for a large part of photography. With the emergence of social media, photography and social interaction combined came photo applications with different features.

Glosträning eller lässtrategier? Lärares syn på läsning i gymnasieskolans språkundervisning

Abstract The aim of this study is to find out how teachers view the importance of reading in the teaching of foreign languages. In relation to this, we wish to gain understanding of what teachers want to achieve with reading, how they choose texts and what difficulties they encounter in getting their students to read. Six teachers from three different upper secondary schools in southern Sweden were interviewed for the study. We also examined the text-materials that they were using for their instruction. The findings show that students read mostly adapted texts from textbooks and, to a limited extent, authentic materials.

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