

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 34 av 98

Förskolans matematik : pedagogers arbete med de yngsta förskolebarnen

The study´s main purpose is to examine how three educators who work with children ages 1-3  in three different preschools working with mathematics in preschool. I have used a qualitative research in the form of interviews to obtain educators perspectives on their working. The educator´s stories about their working methods are the most important findings and it turned out that the interviewed educators was working fairly similar in terms of mathematics learning with the youngest children  in preschool. They both schedule mathematics in various activities and work with it in everyday situations. Their different approaches can be divided into five different categories which are: planned theme work and experiences, body and play, interaction and conversation, environment and materials, visualize mathematics..


Background: Involuntary psychiatric treatment remains a contentious issue globally, with many countries implementing forms of coercive treatment for patients deemed unsafe due to psychiatric diagnoses. Nurses play an important role in involuntary psychiatric care- however there is a need for an increased understanding of the experiences and needs of the patients to be able to provide good care. Purpose: This study aimed to explore and understand the experiences of patients undergoing involuntary psychiatric treatment. Method: A qualitative literature analysis was conducted, encompassing 10 qualitative articles. Key Findings: Recent data highlights that most patients reported a lack of compassion and overall negative experience during involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation..

Nationella prov i NO : Verktyg för likvärdig bedömning eller dolda svenskaprov som diskriminerar?

This study is focusing on students at compulsory level and their performance in national exam tests when the students first language is taken into account. Students in Swedish schools with non-Swedish speaking parents commonly follow language classes for limited Swedish proficient students. How does this affect their results when tested in other subjects as physics,biology and chemistry? A general claim is that national tests can provide data for balancedand fair grades. This view is challenged in this paper, through Principal Component Analysisof test results that shows a difference between schools when the schools social position and share of limited Swedish proficient students are measured.

Biblioteket i lärarutbildningen : intervjuer med 13 blivande samhällskunskapslärare

A qualitative study of high school student teachers' ideas about libraries and school libraries.Interviews have been conducted with future teachers about the library's role in their education,their views on library functions in high school and whether they as teachers will use theschool library. The results show that the students have had some instruction concerninghow to use the library as students, but very little as regards their future teaching. The professorsof teacher education focus on the fact that the library should be used in high schoolteaching, not how to use it. Despite this, the student teachers look very positively upon libraries.Libraries play an important part in their education and they are all sure that they asteachers will use the school library, which includes interacting with the librarian. To them, themost important school library function is to allow pupils to seek information..

"I don't wanna hear about your band!" : tre feminister om musik, feminism och motstånd

This thesis sets out to examine how feminist struggle can be negotiated, defined and motivated. By using Oral history as a theoretical and methodological framework, three persons narrative are being constructed, explored and discussed throughout the thesis. All the interviewees define themselves as women and feminists and have all practised music in different separatist rock and pop-groups from 1970 to present. Themes as music as political action, and separatism for persons who define themselves as women are discussed. The tree informants agree about some feministic goals such as equality and the right to be able to play and perform music regardless of gender identity, although the means to reach these goals are formulated differently. .

Miljöinformation från teori till praktik.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of transferring information from science to "the field" of environmental protection in Sweden. I have studied four Swedish environmental organizations, Greenpeace Nordic, WWF Sweden, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Friends of the Earth Sweden to see how they search/get information. I have also studied the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and its role as sender of information, since it is the authority which is responsible for environmental information in Sweden. I have used information and communication theories as a help to analyse my results. While working on this paper I realized that my methods were not the best.

Tillfälligt fungerande konsensus : En interaktionistisk analys av samtal för att bedöma lärarstudenters kunnande under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen

Henriksson, Kristina (2009). Assessing student teachers through conversation - an interactional analysis of student-teaching conferencesThe aim of this study is to identify the characteristics of student-teaching conferences. During a school-based education for student teachers, teacher educators from the university visit the student teachers. They also have conversations, so-called student-teaching conferences, with the students school mentors to assess the student teachers knowledge. These conversations aim at assessing the student teachers professional knowledge at the end of a shool-based education.

Alternatives for another world?: En kritisk analys av Occupy Wall Street-rörelsens idéer för strukturell förändring

In the wake of the latest financial crisis, a group of individuals launched the Occupy WallStreet movement. It wanted to change the structures that economic and political life arefounded upon. They believe that the established structures are unfair and exploit the majorityof the population. Researchers critisised the movement saying it was ambiguous because itcould not produce any realistic ideas for change, while others thought that was a success forthe movement.Therefore, the aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine the different ideas articulatedby the Occupy movement and present them systematically. Through an inductive qualitativetext analysis six different themes are identified regarding how the movement wants to changethe structures in society to make them fair.

Vygotskij och Leontjev om lek

Den här uppsatsen handlar om de sovjetiska psykologerna Vygotskij och Leontjevs teoretiska perspektiv på lek, så som Vygotkji presenterar sin teori i förläsningen Lekens roll i barnets psykiska utveckling 1933 (1981) och så som Leontjev presenterar sin teori i artikeln Lekens psykologiska grundvalar i förskoleåldern 1944 (1982). Den här uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ hermeneutisk textanalys av dessa två källor, och ställer sig frågan vad Vygotskijs och Leontjevs teorier betyder? Analysen anlägger dels ett hermeneutiskt historiskt perspektiv och dels ett nutids historiskt pedagogiskt perspektiv. För det nutidspedagogiska perspektivet använder jag mig av det skandinaviska forskningsfältet lekpedagogik, framför allt Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson, Fredrik Ole Lillemyr och Gunilla Lindqvist. För det hermeneutiskt historiska perspektivet använder jag mig av en kvalitativ textanalys där jag har systematiserat de två texterna i vardera tre analysteman.

Det exotiska islam : Homogenisering i bilden av muslimer i skolan

This paper studies three Swedish textbooks for the A-course in religious studies, in the Swedish equivalency of high school, to see if the image of Islam and Muslims presented is diverse or homogeneous and exotic. The purpose of the study is to see whether or not the religious studies can contribute to the forming of islamophobic beliefs in pupils. Studies have shown that islamophobia is widespread in Sweden, therefore it could be interesting to see if the schools play any part in the forming or spreading of islamophobic views. The conclusion reached is that this cannot be excluded as a possibility. There are still some textbooks that present Muslims in a homogeneous and exotic manner to some degree.

Vad är viktigt? : Läroboken i biologi som förmedlare av kunskapsideal kring innehåll och mening

The aim for this paper has been to examine three textbooks designed for science education in upper secondary school in order to determine whether they convey any specific attitudes regarding what is considered to be ideal knowledge within the field of biology. The main focus has been to investigate if different types of design strategies have been used to emphasize certain values or attitudes and if this proves to be the case, how is this achieved specifically?                      For this purpose I have conducted several different qualitative linguistic analyses of the textbooks. The theoretical framework for the analyses lies within the main field of critical linguistics and more specifically in the context of systemic functional linguistics. The two main language models I have chosen to use for my investigations are functional grammar and multimodal text analysis.                      My results imply amongst other things that by conducting an overall assessment of the headlines in the textbooks a fair assessment can be made of which overall attitudes the books convey.

Forumspel, en metod mot mobbning?

Monica Lindroth, 2012: Forumspel, en metod mot mobbning? En åttonde klass arbete med forumspel som pedagogisk metod. (Forum play, a method against bullying? An eighth grade work with the forum play as a pedagogical method. Pedagogiskt drama VI, forskningsmetodik och utvecklingsarbete, Malmö högskola. Syfte Huvudsyftet med följande studie har varit att ta del av elevernas åsikter om vad den pedagogiska metoden forumspel skulle kunna bidra med i skolans förebyggande arbete mot kränkande behandling och mobbning.

Konflikten i Baskien : -Kan konsensus uppnås?

The aim of this essay is to examine the background to the ongoing conflict between Spain and Basque. The conflicting parts and the opportunities of an agreement regarding a permanent cease-fire will also be examined. I chose to write about this conflict due to the fact that it has been going on for a long time, and is still going on.In order to be able to conduct the survey of this essay I have studied a wide range of books, reports from different institutions, and articles. I have strived for objectivity and to retail a fair description of the situation.To get a better understanding of the conflict the essay starts with history of conflict which has its beginning in the fifteenth century. Further on the essay is going to examine the conflicting parts that exist nowadays, and also the acting of different Basque political groups and the acting of the Spanish government.

Sjukgymnastik i skolan - behövs det?: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to investigate physical education teachers (PET) view of the needs of physiotherapy in compulsory school. Semi structured interviews were conducted with five PET. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analyse study. The interviews were coded in categories independently by the two authors. The categories were then brought together in four major categories: PET work situation, pupil health, physiotherapy and cooperation.

"Man vill veta hur det går i skolan"

In the fall 2011 a new grading scale will be implemented in the Swedish school. A government bill suggests a change of the scale from a three- to a six-point scale. The students will also be graded from the sixth class instead of today?s eighth. From the first year of the compulsory school the pupil will get a written judgment.

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