

1458 Uppsatser om Fair play - Sida 33 av 98

Produktkoncept: lekhjälm i vintermiljö : ett nytt produktsortiment

A protection helmet for young people (3-7 years) in winter environment has been developed in this thesis. The result is a concept proposal for development at STIGA Sports AB in Eskilstuna. This thesis work has been performed during 20 weeks, for a Master of Science in Product and Process development at Mälardalen University Eskilstuna Sweden in September 2009 to January 2010. The helmet is shown as a CAD model with detailed solutions to the outer shell, interior and adjustability (in sizes 50-56 cm) which are the three focused areas in the development. Also a physical model in scale 1:1 has been developed and is shown in this thesis work.To achieve the best result possible the process started with an analysis of the market and the product.

Prissättning av fastighetsförmedling: en fallstudie av tre fastighetsmäklare

The aim of this thesis is to get an idea of how service companies set their prices. The method used was a case study approach, which was conducted at three real estate companies. The study showed that when setting their prices, the main aspect is their own costs. However, we have found that several other aspects play a big role when setting prices on services in real estate business such as individual customer behaviour and market competition. We have also found that the real estate companies charge very similar prices.

En studie för att se om de traditionella könsrollerna avspeglar sig i förskolornas individuella utvecklingsplaner.

Young children get affected and influenced by people?s thoughts and preconceived ideas about the difference between boys and girls. How they should behave and how they are supposed to play and interact with different toys.In the goals for what the school and teachers will achieve it says in the curriculum for preschool that teachers are supposed to counteract the traditional gender roles.To get answers to the question at issue, I collected 48 individual plans of development and I have performed four observations. I put all facts together and compared the results.The main result in this study shows that the traditional gender roles are being reflected in the children?s plans of development.

Programverksamhet i Kriminalvården : ur ett klientperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to look at how clients, in the Swedish criminal justice, experience their involvement in treatment programs. The spotlight in the study was to examine which helpful and unhelpful factors are involved in a treatment process, in the view of individual experiences. The study is based on a qualitative method, with interviews as an instrument for collection of data.The result is summarized in three fields; is it possible to show vulnerable, the therapist and the meaning of the program. The result is based on interviews with six informants; five of them have been partaking in treatment programs in prison and one in the probation office. The study shows that partaking in treatment programs in prison is combined with problems in aspect of the different roles criminals play in prison.

Självförverkligande i ett mångkulturellt samhälle

The aim with this essay is to examine in which way self-realizing and solidarity can bereconciled in a multicultural society. The essay is a sociological literature study whichexamines the self- realizing process and puts it in a multicultural perspective.The issues areWhich role does self-realizing play for solidarity?How is solidarity created in a multicultural society?Can everyone be self-realized in a multicultural society?Conditions and problems for self-realizing processes are examined and are treated mainly onthe basis of Jeffrey C. Alexander and Axel Honneth theories. In the essay is established thatself-realizing and society-solidarity is mutually interdependent and that solidarity requires aform of shared value, but it doesn?t need to be based in the traditional values that commonhistory, ethnicity or culture.

EN ÖKANDE BOLÅNEMARGINAL - En redogörelse för penningpolitikens inverkan på bostadsmarknaden - Nationalekonomi

The general consensus is that the gap between the Swedish variable mortgage rate and the repo rate has increased over the last years. Although the Riksbank in recent times has cut its base rate, many banks have chosen either to leave the interest rate on variable mortgages unchanged, or they did reduce it but by less points than the reduction in the repo rate. The linear relationship between the repo rate and the variable mortgage rate has changed over the last decade and the mortgage margins these days are relatively high. This can somewhat be explained by the new rules introduced in the bank sector requiring banks to increase liquidity and equity. Since mortgage loans play an important role in banks? lending business it is of interest to gain knowledge in whether a repo rate reduction latterly has generated a limited affect on the banks lending rates..

Proportionalitetsprincipen : En studie av dess inverkan i LOU

The principle of proportionality is considered one of the most important contemporary legal principles on which it intends to protect individual citizens against disproportionate action by the authorities. This aroused our interest prior to this study. The essay reveals how such behavior might look like and how courts have chosen to adjudicate in cases where the individual has been discriminated against or subjected to unreasonable demands in public procurement. That section of the law that were current throughout all court cases are Public Procurement Act (2007:1097) LOU. That which we have seen in every court case is that the applicant has not received a proper fair chance when the requirements of the contract often been asked in a way that either exclude the smaller applicant company or rule out various potential applicants parties due to excessive and sometimes unnecessary requirements.

Prognostisering av sortimentsutfall från stående skog med hjälp av befintliga data : anpassat till Sveaskog Norrbottens planeringsprocess

This study in the subject of forest planning is made for Sveaskog and its aim is to develop tools that prognosticate outcome in terms of volumes per sort from not yet cut forest stands. The degree of detail is just to get reliable results for at least one months volumes, for Sveaskogs own forestland in the market region of Norrbotten that is about 100 000 m3fub. The course of action to accomplish this is regression analysis and the data consists of cut tracts on own forestland in Norrbotten during the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. That is a little more than 4 million m3fub. Two tools were made.

K3-regelverkets krav på komponentavskrivning : Vägen till en mer rättvisande redovisning?

Frågeställning: Vad har fastighetsföretag och revisorer för uppfattning om det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning?    - Leder det till en förbättrad redovisning sett utifrån begreppen relevans    och rättvisande bild, om så på vilket sätt?Hur påverkas redovisningen i företag inom fastighetsbranschen av det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka uppfattningar revisorer och företag inom fastighetsbranschen har om det nya kravet på komponentavskrivning samt hur det påverkar fastighetsföretagens redovisning. Studien syftar även till att försöka utröna om komponentavskrivningar leder till en mer rättvisande redovisning.  Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod. Insamling av primärdata har skett genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem fastighetsföretag och två revisorer.

De osynliga stränderna - en omvandling och undersökning av boken De osynliga städerna

My project is an interpretation and exploration of the book The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. It is a play on the swedish words for cities and beaches. By adding the letters R and N the word for cities in the title transforms into the word for beaches. The project is equal parts a color investigation and an exploration of new working methods as it is an development of my approch to graphic design. My aim was to, through a visual, conceptual and playful investigation create a new interpretation of the book The Invisible Cities.

Skolan - klassfrämjande eller klassutjämnande : En undersökning om vad tre lärare tänker om elevers hanterande av den ansvarstagande elevrollen.

Children from different backgrounds, cultures and home environments attend school everyday. The educational system of today focus on the importance for every individual pupil to take responsibility, in order to gain knowledge. From an early age should the pupils learn how to work independant and take responsibility for their education. My questian, and what I have decided to discuss in this paper, is wether everyone has the same opportunity to gain knowlwdge and learn trough this method. In preperation for this essay I read litterature where the authors claims that this kind of educational system is not for everyone, but it benefits those pupils that comes from a middleclass background.So, is our school system fair and equal? Can everyone, no matter what social and cultural group they belong to, get the education thay have right to? In order to get a deeper understanding I interviewed three teachers that works in different schools.

Statusbedömning av asynkronmotorer

Induction motors, often referred to as the workhorse of the industry, play an important role in production today. Therefore, it's important to diagnose any faulty induction motor prior to failure to avoid costly and time consuming production stops.This thesis compares methods for diagnosing induction motors in operation, MCSA, Park's vector approach and the standard method used by Swedish industries today. By simulating broken rotor bars and short-circuit in one of the windings, each method is tested and the results are compared using matlab.The results need further verification due to uncertainties of the condition of the test motor, even though the experiment gives a hint of the different advantages of each method. A combination of the methods should be able to tell if the motor needs further examination..

Konstruktionsleken ur pedagogers perspektiv. : En studie om hur pedagoger tänker och arbetar när det gäller konstruktionsleken i verksamheten.

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers act when it comes to play with constructions in preschool. The purpose was also to find out what kind of material the children have to work with and what they do with the things that the children made. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews. Semi-structured interviews was choosen  to get out as much information as possible, with open questions in a semi-structured interview you can get the information that is relevant for the study. The results show that there are different kind of material available in preschool, but knowledge of the subject is missing and demanded by teachers. The material are pretty similar, some of the teachers use material from the forest while others don?t.

Att tälja leksaker i förskolan

Denna uppsats har till syfte att undersöka om det är möjligt att som pedagog tälja leksaker i en barngrupp medan barnen leker. Undersökningen har även inriktats mot om det egna förhållningssättet till själva utförandet av att tälja leksaker, kan ha inverkan på barnens lek. En frågeställning har då varit om leksakers utformning har betydelse för barns fantasiutveckling. Den egna utvecklingen av gestaltningsförmågan har också observerats. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har legat till grund för undersökningen som kan jämföras med en aktionsstudie.

Matematik i vattenlek : hur förskollärare/barnskötare planerar och stödjer 1-3-åringars matematiska begreppsutveckling

Syftet i detta examensarbete är att få en inblick i hur förskollärare/barnskötare planerar och stödjer barnen i deras sökande efter olika matematiska begrepp i lek med vatten. Vi har gjort en tvärvetenskaplig undersökning på fyra 1-3 års avdelningar, som är baserad på ett hermeneutiska tankesätt där vi har tolkat förskollärarnas/barnskötarens agerande vid vattenlek. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder i intervjuerna och observationerna. Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att förskollärarens/barnskötarens egna kunskaper i matematiska begrepp, planering av aktiviteten, förståelse för barnens kunskaper är viktiga för vidareutveckling av barnens matematiska begreppsbildning.

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