

796 Uppsatser om Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing - Sida 30 av 54

pedagogens möte med små barn : barns kompetens och vuxnas förhållningssätt

This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.

Modersmålslärares och ämneslärares samarbete : - speglar detta måluppfyllelsen för eleverna?

This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.

Vad är hälsa och ohälsa på arbetsplats?

Introduction: Increased ill health in the workplace in terms of increased workload, stress and pressure from employers is common in Sweden today, which may lead to a future variety of medical conditions and disabilities. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe what employees at companies in the health industry experienced as a health and illhealth on a workplace. Method: A qualitative approach was used in which the interviews were based on an interview guide. The method of analysis was thematic analysis in which three themes emerged. Results: Tree themes emerged; a social interaction with colleagues, good leadership, and access to health care and movement.

Allsidig rörelsekompetens hos barn och ungdomar : En kartläggning av skolelevers funktionella motorik

Gross motor skills among Swedish pupils. An overview of functional motor abilities among Swedish children and adolescents.IntroductionPhysical Education (PE) teachers in Sweden have noticed that pupils are getting worse in their ability to manage gross motor skills and in their aerobic practice. The gross motor skills and coordinative skills are the solid ground for sports and other health activities. If not developing their gross motor skill children tends to avoid taking part in games and sports. The benefits of sports and outdoor activities such as social and health benefits can therefore be missed.

?Då behöva vi kanske inte ens slåss för gift kvinnas rätt till arbete" : Arbete, genusarbetsdelning och fackliga strategier vid ett svenskt bryggeri 1923-1939

The following is an examination of work and gender and how they interlocked in a Swedishbrewery between 1923 and 1939. Leaning on labor process theory and Marxist feminist theory,this paper examines what constituted women?s work in the brewery industry in this era, how women?s work changed with rationalization and economic recess, and how the all-femaleunion locale reacted to these changes. The events portrayed are related to earlier research ongender on the labor process, to the history of the Swedish labor movement in large, and to theevolution of the so-called ?Swedish model? with its relatively low level of conflicts on thelabor market.

DU#kulturskolan : En kvantitativ studie om hur elever ser på sitt engagemang då de musicerar och undervisas på kulturskolan.

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Fysisk förbättring utan svettning

The last decades the increased computerisation at the places of work has led to new physical loads in the working life and new demands on the working environment. The widespread usage of computers in the working life has led to more sedentary work and less daily movement.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a new product to a concept that in a low intensive and healthy promotional way will activate the body. The product will make a combination of healthy promotion activity and work during office hours possible and primary aims to those with a sedentary office work, which leads to that the body don´t get to be activated in the extent needed.Information has been gathered from studies already made in this area, interviews plus a study and an experiment. From the gathered information concepts and functional solutions has been generated and evaluated to result in a product concept.The thesis has resulted in a concept that consists of a work place unit where the user walks on a treadmill and works at the same time.A general conclusion which can be drawn is that the majority of persons that tested to walk and simultaneously work with a computor on the treadmill found this way of working attractive. Many were positively surprised and said that they would use such an physically activating work place implement if it was available at their place of work..

I bilderboken är allt möjligt : bilderboksillustration ur en kommunikativ synvinkel

The general purpose of this dissertation is to study picture communication in picture books and it addresses the following questions:What is the illustrator?s role in the process of making a picture book? What communicative qualities do pictures have in picture books and how do pictures interact with texts? What methods do illustrators use to visualize the meaning of stories in picture books?A genre analysis, a literature study and an interview of a professional illustrator has been conducted to answer the questions. I found that all objects that make up pictures, the arrangement, colours and shapes contribute to the meaning in diverse ways. Pictures also communicate in a different way than texts. An important difference between pictures and texts in the context of picture books is that pictures are more open for interpretation.

Informationskulturen i Attac Göteborg öppen eller sluten?

The aim of this study was to examine if an organisation that strives for democracy and participation, also possess an open information culture. This study deals with the information culture in a social movement organisation, Attac Gothenburg. To achieve the aim, following questions were asked: What is the organisation culture like, is it open or closed? What is the information culture like, is it open or closed? What is the information culture like, in relation to the identity of the organisation? The focus has been put on earlier research in social movements, organisation and information culture. In this qualitative study I have collected material mainly from interviews.

?Alla kan dansa!? : Synen på rörelse till musik samt dans i ämnet idrott och hälsa ur ett genusperspektiv

Dansen har funnits länge i människans närhet och den har olika betydelser beroende på vad individen har för uppfattning om dansens normer och uppbyggnad. Syftet med vår empiriska studie är att undersöka om pojkar och flickor har en liknande syn på ämnesområdet rörelse till musik samt dans i gymnasieskolan och i så fall varför eller varför inte de har det. Vi har utgångspunkt i genusperspektivet och därmed Hirdmans (2001) teorier om genuskontraktet. Metoden vi har använt oss av är den kvantitativa undersökningsmetoden. Inom ramen för den kvantitativa undersökningsmetoden valde vi enkäter eftersom det är enklast att få svar på våra frågeställningar samt för att det ger oss stora möjligheter att nå ut till många individer. Rörelse till musik samt dans uppfattas som ett feminint ämne.

En färgad röst : En stilanalys av tysk expressionism och sagor i filmer av Tim Burton

The purpose with this study was to see the relation between gymnastic pause and concentration to find out the students in a first grade experiences and thoughts about gymnastic pauses in the classroom. I have made a qualitative study to fulfill my purpose, I have observed students before and after the gymnastic pauses, carried through gymnastic pauses with the pupils and interviewed pupils in group.Previous research shows that the good working atmosphere and concentration has improved when pupils have had gymnastic pauses but it is difficult to say how it looks in the long term when the research doesn?t show that.In my study, it appears that the gymnastic pauses make it calmer in the classroom. Some of the pupils believe that they have had a better ability to concentrate after the gymnastic pauses while some pupils believe that they have not had a better ability to concentrate. Some pupils say it's good to get a break to carry on with the schoolwork during the entire lesson.

Muhammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab och de islamska feministerna : Ett möte om kvinnans roll i äktenskapet

The religious school of thought that is involved in the control of Saudi Arabia is called Wahhabism and is a form of Islam that is usually accused by outsiders of being misogynist. This paper will deal with the founder of this alignment of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and his view of women in marriage. Another movement which in turn goes to work to lift the women's rights is Islamic feminists. Two branches of Islam who belief that Islam is the only right path to take for issues surrounding gender and life. In this essay, I will compare their respective interpretations of three points which concern the role of women in marriage; men's right to polygamy, men's higher status than the woman and the men's right to beat his wife.

Dansundervisning under lupp : En studie i dansundervisning ur ett designteoretiskt perspektiv

In this study we examine trade patterns between Turkey and 13 member states of the European Union and how these have developed over the time period of 1983 ? 2006. To represent the industrial and agricultural goods included in the study we look at the United Nations Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). Following, we investigate internal differences in the EU by selecting four countries each to represent the Northern and Southern countries of the EU. Internal differences were studied in relation to the amount of trade occurring between Turkey and the Northern and Southern countries.

Cirkelmodellen i praktiken : En studie av hur SFI-elever upplever cirkelmodellen

This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.

Virtuella tv- och dataspel som medel inom rehabilitering : - En systematisk litteraturstudie

Att använda sig av virtuella tv- och dataspel inom rehabilitering är ett relativt nytt medel som det finns begränsat med forskning inom. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva till vilket ändamål virtuella tv- och dataspel används inom rehabilitering och vad det ger för utfall. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie användes som metod i uppsatsen. De databaser som använts är Amed, Cinahl, PubMed och Medline (via Ebsco). De sökord som använts är virtual video game, video game, computer game, rehabilitation, outcome, movement, playthings och occupational therapy.

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