

796 Uppsatser om Eye Movement Desensitizationand Reprocessing - Sida 29 av 54

Allt som kommer emellan mig och skrivandet dödar jag : Melankoli i språket i Mare Kandres Bubins unge

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the melancholic, poetic language in Bübins unge (Bübin´s brat) by Mare Kandre (1962 ? 2005). In my opinion the novel, which is about a teenage ritual, also gives an imaginary arena for archaic and unmentionable experiences of the libido. It is therefore a witness to the truth of the subjects complex mind. To my assistance I have Julia Kristeva´s theory on the abjection, the successful melancholia and her concepts of the outsider and the catharsis.

Utveckling av metod för utvärdering av synnervens funktion hos häst :

VEP, visual evoked potential is an electrophysiologic test that can be used for evaluating the higher visual pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate if it is possible to adapt this method to horses. This method could have a clinical use in addition to the existing diagnostic methods that are available to evaluate vision in horses. Firstly, this study contains a summary of relevant studies done on animals and, secondly, an experimental part where the possibility of recording VEP in nonsedated and sedated horses is investigated and where to position the recording electrode to obtain the best results. Our results show that it is possible to record VEP in horses in a clinical setting. VEP was best recorded in the sedated horse to avoid movement artifacts and other disturbances.

Projektet Från tanke till handling - Läsfrämjande i utveckling

The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities for children?s librarians to extend their competence in the area of reading promotion. The study is carried out within an ongoing reading promotion project directed towards small children from 0-7 years. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do children?s librarians develop new skills in a reading promotion project? How do children?s librarians view a broadening of the concept of reading and how does their approach affect which skills that are acknowledged?The study is mainly based on qualitative interviews with five children´s librarians who all participate in the project.

Tillämpning av ett medium : kvalitativ pilotstudie av två generationers användning av iPad

This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.

Att bilda till frihet : En studie av folkbildningens ideologiska påverkan och utveckling 1990-2012

During the last two decades, the elementary, - secondary-, and upper secondary schools of especially Europe and USA have gone through a change. From being formed in the post war time and, in Europe, very influenced by the ideas of social democracy, the school today has more and more come under the influences of neo liberalism, entrepreneurship and the political and economical situations during the late 1980´s.This undergraduate work brings up the changed discourses of education and knowledge in relation to the traditional free school system for adults in Sweden, the popular education, and especially in relation to folk high schools (folkhögskolor). By using, first and foremost, the idea of Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis (CDA) the rules and documents concerning the folk high schools are analyzed. The purpose of the paper is to identify and recognize the movement in the discourse to reach an understanding about the political situation for folk high schools in Sweden. In the end you can see that it is possible to define a similar development in discourse surrounding the popular education, as has been in the case with the elementary, - secondary-, and upper secondary schools..

Katastrofbistånd - utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv

AbstractTime after time the world is struck by humanitarian catastrophes, whether it is through a war or a natural disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a functional and effective aid, as it is a matter of life and death. Thereby the actions of the humanitarian aid organizations are interesting. The investigation treats the three specific organizations Star of Hope, Sida and the Red Cross movement and the process from decision to action in times of war. The organizations are different from one another in many areas.

Pussy Riot - Hur teori och praktik kan förenas genom feministisk aktivism

The purpose of this essay is to examine how theory and practice intertwines through theactivism of the feminist punk performance collective Pussy Riot. I have also focussed on the political tools with which the activism is performed. Within the academic context of gender studies, I believe there is a need for research that aims to reduce the gap between scholarly and activist feminism. The theoretical framework for the analysis in this essay consists of material feminist theory and postmodern theory. The empirical material is a diversified assemblage of images, court excerpts, newspaper columns, interviews, lyrics and videos.

Min onkel : Film blir bok

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Släktnamn i Sollefteå : En studie av tillnamnsbruket i Sollefteå församling 1700-1820.

This study aims to investigate and describe the direction of the ideological development of the Swedish gymnastics association Gymniska Förbundet. Between 1928 and 1932, this organization transformed from a purely gymnastic and cultural association into an influential platform for the production of Swedish nationalist ideology. Based on theories of National Socialism?s formation within modern society, the analysis focus on the conditions regulating Gymniska Förbundets relation to modernity. Thus the study examines the association?s ideas in relationship to the concept of modernity.

Dans i gymnasiesärskolan : -Fem lärares tankar kring ämnet dans

AbstractThis study examines the use of dance in the special education classes in high school. The purpose is to study the teachers? thoughts about dance within this school form. I want to see if they see any gains from having dance as a subject, and what might these be? Earlier research states that dance has a positive influence on mentally handicapped children and young people, and that it strengthens their general development.

Att söka form

Previously when I have made proposals for privately owned gardens, I have found it difficult to find strong, extensive designs and to work with room and space. Since this is the field within which I am going to work in the future I feel that I need more experience, reference material and ideas on how I, in an early stage of the working process, can work with and consider room and space. The aim of this project has therefore been to procure experience, reference material and ideas for design of a garden in relation to space. To procure experience and reference material I have, during the fall of 2008, made two incredible study tours to France and to Japan. I have interviewed the landscaping architect Maria Arborgh and studied literature. I have also used a garden outside of Gothenburg in which I have been able to try out different thoughts and ideas regarding shape that have appeared during the course of my work. My conclusions about landscaping are that you should first find the different functions in the garden. The next step is to find an overall theme or shape, use a small number of materials, build a room with sealing, walls and portals with the help of vertical elements e.g.

Separationen mellan stat och kyrka i Sverige : En studie av Socialdemokraternas, Kristdemokraternas och Centerpartiets ställningstagande i frågan

The tradition of a strong church ruling in the Swedish society ages back to the very first start of Christianity reaching the country.  Due to the separation between the church and state in 2000 in Sweden, there have been a lot of changes. No longer would the church be able to influence the politics as it had been able to do before. Since Sweden is a democratic country, the decision had to be made in a voting amongst the parties. The purpose with this paper is to understand the argumentation made by the Swedish parties Socialdemokraterna, Kristdemokraterna and Centerpartiet. This has been made using a text analysis, which studies the argumentations made by the parties in their motions.

KOMMUNIKATION OCH SAMSPEL I RÖRELSE : Sherbornemetodik med en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism

SYFTESyftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga uttrycks över tid när en ung man på tidig utvecklingsnivå och med autism deltar i en dyad i sherbornebehandling. Frågeställningar:Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga över tid i behandlingssituationen? Hur utvecklas kommunikations- och samspelsförmåga i hemmet respektive skolan under samma tidsperiod?  METODDenna pre-experimentella fallstudie rör en 18-årig man som under drygt ett år kom till habiliteringen för att delta i arton sherbornebehandlingar med en sjukgymnast med mångårig erfarenhet av sherbornemetodik. Sherborne är en rörelsemetodik där rörelser används för att utveckla rums- och kroppsmedvetenhet och skapa relationer till andra. Samtliga arton behandlingar videofilmades och data insamlades via observation.

Kvalitets och förbättringsarbete för ITtjänsteföretag

Wavecraft AB develops medical equipment for heating of organic synthesises. The heating is done with microwaves, which improves the process in both speed and accuracy compared to the more traditional methods where heating elements are used. This report discusses the developement of an automatic lid mechanism for one of Wavecraft's product prototypes. The company assumes that the final product will be integrated by customers into fully automated systems, and the upgrade from a manually to an automatically controlled lid is therefore an important step in the product's developement process.The first stage och the project was an idea generation process. The ideas generated here were organized into five different concepts of which the best one was selected through the use of a concept matrix.

Att förstå det skrivna ordet : - en studie om tre SFI-lärares arbete med läsförståelse

This essay is an examination of the examples in Kant?s Critique of Judgement. The examples which I have focused on all converge in an idea of wildness. These examples of the beautiful are illuminated by a culture-historical perspective, where the literary and scientific travelogue genre is of great importance. Apart from being exegetic and culture historical, my method is also analytic.

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