

240 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 5 av 16

?Den talar till mig från olika dimensioner? : Reklambilder ur ett perspektiv av en gemensam föreställningsvärld

Denna studie syftar till att framhålla ett perspektiv på reklambilders symboliska och ontologiska egenskaper. Studien grundar sig i tre informanters egna betraktelser av den inre varseblivning och de känslor som uppdagats då de beskådat reklambilder. Uppsatsen behandlar några av de betraktelser som gjordes av informanterna, och belyser likheter dessa emellan. Vidare sätts betraktelserna i ett nytt perspektiv genom att behandla dem utifrån ett ontologiskt närmande, vilket uppdagar reklambildernas funktion som medel för reflektion, samt för upprätthållandet av en gemensam föreställningsvärld..


The purpose of this thesis was to examine how women who have committed crimes feel they have been treated by authorities. Our research questions were: How do women who have committed crime feel they have been treated by authorities? How has this treatment affected the women and their life worlds? In our study we have conducted semi-structured interviews with four women who have committed crime. Our theoretical basis has been phenomenology, symbolic interactionism and Hirdmans theory on the gender system. Our main results show that the women have different experiences of treatment, some positive and some negative.

Påverkan av ackulturation på invandrares upplevelse av arbetets mening: en fenomenologisk studie

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to facilitate increased understanding of immigrant's experience of the meaning of work with focus on how that meaning can change as a part of the acculturation process. Participants (n=13) from eight countries answered an open question. The responses were analysed using Meaning Construction Analysis (MCA)-Minerva and the individual's life-worlds were made visible and discussed. The themes meaning of work, work, unemployment, education, adjustment, immigration, Sweden/country of origin, dreams, possibilities and self appeared as jointly shared important aspects. The results indicate that work is of central importance, and although the individuals share certain experiences, the meaning associated with the themes is of a complex and individual nature..

Är ungdomstjänst gynnsam?

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the sentences handed down to young offenders can be considered fair. We wanted to take an in-depth look at the penalties to understand how they work. To clarify our purpose, we used the following questions: How does organizing sanctions work in practice? What support services are offered to the young? What can be done to ensure sentences are as favorable as possible for young people? The empirical material is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six social workers from two different municipalities. We also made use of previous research in the field as a reference tool.

Innebörden av att vara internationellt adopterad. Två identitetsaspekter: svenskhet och etniskt ursprung.

The aim of this study was to deepen the knowledge about the meaning of being internationally adopted for individuals living in Sweden. Through group discussions with young adults data was retrieved, and then analysed with a qualitative phenomenological approach. The study revealed three main themes: 1) experiences of being Swedish, 2) experiences of ethnic origin, and 3) the interaction between the two aspects of the identity, how the internationally adopted individual integrate's his/her ethnical origin with his/her Swedish identity. With regards to previous studies about adoption and psychological theories the meaning of being internationally adopted in Sweden is discussed..

Företagsrekonstruktionens misslyckanden : Har rekonstruktören en roll i det?

The majority of the Swedish population were self-provided within agriculture a hundred years ago. Times do change and today the situation is the other way around - most of us live within city boundaries and only few work with farming and related agricultural businesses. One thing that has not changed though, is the need of supplies from Swedish agriculture.What do we think of those products? Are we even aware of the connection between us and agriculture? The Federation of Swedish Farmers, LRF (Lantbrukarnas riksförbund), started their project to strengthen the link between consumers and producers in 2008.This paper is part of the project and its aim is to investigate consumers' views and values upon the effects and products from Swedish agriculture.Opinions and values have been studied through interviews influenced by phenomenology. The results show that the informants in general had a positive approach and thinking concerning the products and effects from Swedish agriculture.

Om leken i nödvändigheten

This study aims to examine play as a phenomena from a phenomenological approach. This I do by discussing a dominant approach to play, an perspective which is reproduced in the context of pre-school and in where the play and learning is in single focus. Using alternative perspective on play, mainly by Gadamer and Bakthtins philosophical thoughts about the feast or the carnival, contents differ significantly from educational or developmental psychology perspectives. I open up for an understanding of what play as ontology can be understood as, and thereby enable second readings. I illustrate this thought by an empirical example from a pre-school context which where created alongside with the children in the study.

Historiebruk : exemplet Judisk Krönika

The purpose of this examination is to investigate how Judisk Krönika, a periodical which was introduced in 1932 with the aim of disseminating Jewish culture and tradition in Sweden, uses history to make comments about its role in contemporary history, specifically during the first two years of the First Intifada. A second purpose was to examine how this use of history differed from results shown in earlier studies comprising the 1960s and the 2000s. The method in use is qualitative; the source material has been read thoroughly and scrutinized in search of the authors open and hidden messages and intentions. The main finding shows that four major themes could be identified: anti-Semitism(anti-Zionism); memory; ethnonational and media. The most dominant theme during the 1980s, as opposed to the 1960s and the 2000s focus on Zionism and Jewish culture respectively, is memory, that could be described as hegemonic and as a part of a existential use of history, which aims for survival and preservation of the Jewish culture in times of conflict..

Rolf Edberg : En studie av ett miljöfilosofiskt författarskap

In this essay I have tried to present the ideas and thoughts of the Swedish author Rolf Edberg (1912-1997), journalist, ambassador and county governor. By many regarded as an environment philosopher and the introducer of deep ecology into Sweden. The essay emphasizes Edberg as a modern renaissance man of important knowledge with a rhetorical force to present and generalize the problems the planet Earth is meeting. The paper compares him with Henry Thoreau but also finds a close but perhaps unintended relationship with the German philosopher Ernst Haeckel although Edberg himself claimed to be a Darwinist at heart.The essay stresses on four characteristic features in his authorship namely 1) a holistic view of nature and man, rejecting dualism for monism; 2) a cosmic relationship within the whole universe and also between organic and inorganic matter; 3) the planet Earth is in a crisis due to an uneven and unjust distribution of the resources of the Earth, the nuclear weapon threat and the overpopulation; 4) the evolution and not the religion has the answer to our existential questions..

Rösten : En ljudanalys av rösten i ljudböcker och vad den bär med sig

Undersökningen tar upp hur rösten används, närmare bestämt berättarröstens påverkan, när den tjänstgör som berättarverktyg för läsupplevelsen. Språket är inte bara förknippat med det mänskliga intellektet utan också med den mänskliga kroppen. Språket är bundet till kroppen via vår röst. Vi har analyserat röster från ljudböcker och har använt oss av en lyssningsmodell för att byta fokus var vi lyssnade. Rösten i ljudboken bär med sig orden från författaren men även en del av sig själv.

ADHD och autistiska barns övergång från förskola till förskoleklass : ur föräldraperspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how parents of children with ADHD or autism experience the transition between preschool and preschool classes. To get answers to my questions, I interviewed five parents representing three different schools in one municipality. I have chosen to use a qualitative research interview inspired by phenomenology. The results of this study show that parents perceptions differ, in terms of how well the transition work for children, and how support and treatment are at a transition. For children with a documented diagnosis, schools have an action plan for those in the gray area there are no procedures.

En för alla - Alla för en? : Krissamverkan och intern informationssamordning mellan nätverkande myndigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study the context that affects crisis communication through an organizational perspective. It also tries to identify factors of success and difficulties when it comes to coordinating information between governmental organizations during a crisis. Carried out as a case study of the Swedish governmental network Krissamverkan Kronoberg, the method used are source analysis and qualitative interviews with members from different organizations in the network. The results have been analyzed through Organization theory, Network theory and theory in Crisis Communication. The context that effects governmental organizations ability to cooperate during a society crisis is characterized by knowledge, understanding, utility and willingness. In addition to this a successful coordination of information should be based on resources, competence and continuity. The main problems when it comes to cooperating and coordinating during a crisis situation lies in what we would like to call organizational egoism, existential uncertainty and defensive behavior. .

Spela med ?riktning? : En sja?lvstudie i att o?va improvisation

Studiens syfte a?r att se hur jag som trumslagare arbetar ? och upplever arbetet ? med att fo?rba?ttra min fo?rma?ga att improvisera med en tydlig ro?d tra?d. Under cirka tre ma?nader video- och loggboksdokumenterade jag min o?vning fo?r att se vilka metoder och strategier som anva?ndes fo?r att utveckla det solistiska improvisationsspelet. I resultatet framga?r att begra?sningar a?r ett viktigt och flitigt anva?nt verktyg under o?vningen.

Kulturers påverkan på upplevelsen av arbetslösa och meningen med arbete

The aim of the study was to distinguish if there was a difference between how work is perceived and how unemployed are viewed by people in collectivistic and individualistic cultures. A phenomenological approach was used in order to capture the participants life-worlds and their meaning constitution of a phenomenon, in this case the meaning of work and how unemployed are viewed. Subjects from different parts of the world, belonging to either a collectivistic or individualistic culture, participated in this study. Data was collected by self-reports which were analyzed by the method of MCA (Meaning Constitution Analysis) and the software Minerva. The results indicated that there were differences in how individuals from collectivistic cultures compared to individuals from individualistic cultures reflected about the meaning of work.

Förhandling - När argumenten inte tryter : En fenomenologisk studie av lyckade förhandlingar i kris

PROBLEM: Finns det, trots vidden av situationer där förhandlingar kan uppkomma, raden av potentiella förhandlingssituationer och inblandade parter några gemensamma aspekter eller nämnare som alltid verkar finnas där när parterna upplever att en förhandling i kris är lyckad?SYFTE: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva vilka beståndsdelar en lyckad förhandling i kris består av.METOD: Uppsatsens vetenskapliga ansats är i huvudsak fenomenologi.RESULTAT: Essensen i upplevelsen av en lyckad förhandling i kris utgörs av graden av förberedelse, att motparten känner ett förtroende för representanten, att representanten agerat sakligt i bemärkelse att denne stöder sig på fakta, samt att en hög grad av målkongruens mellan parterna uppnås..

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