

240 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 4 av 16

Fenomenologi, ontologi, givenhet : Reduktion och filosofisk metod hos Edmund Husserl och Martin Heidegger

In this thesis I examine how the phenomenological philosophy of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger differ with regard to the phenomenological reduction, and in particular why there is no reduction in Sein und Zeit. I examine in what way philosophy is seen as an overcoming of the naïvete of a ?natural? attitude and how this natural attitude is understood, starting with Husserl?s descriptions of the phenomenological reduction, of the natural attitude of our daily lives and of his notion of transcendental subjectivity. By presenting these main aspects, I try to elucidate why, in Husserl?s view, laying the foundation of all knowledge must take form of a phenomenological first philosophy.

Musik, mening- Svagt t?nkande

This work represents a first attempt to articulate my practice as a composer. Through a phenomenological perspective and with the support of the philosophical concept 'Weak Thought', I approach the idea of music as meaning in itself, beyond language. My exploration of these ideas is developed through three perspectives: partly through analysis of my own work, partly through a brief presentation of the concept of 'Weak Thought', and lastly through a series of subject-specific reflections..

"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965

The construction of an identity among lesbian women during 1950-­?1965 is in focus in this master ?s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-­minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksfo?rbundet fo?r sexuellt likabera?ttigande (a Swedish organisation for lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940.

En känsla av att något försvinner En känsla av att något tillförts : En fenomenologisk studie av terapeuters upplevelse av journalskrivning

I denna kvalitativa studie ombads 5 psykodynamiskt inriktade terapeuter att i skrift beskriva sin upplevelse av journalskrivning. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av EPP-(Empirical Phenomenological Psychological) metoden. Resultatet lyfter fram generella kännetecken och särskiljande drag inom upplevelsen av journalskrivning. Gemensamt för terapeuternas upplevelse är att journalskrivandet har olika funktioner. Det är ett arbetsverktyg för att kommunicera med andra vårdgivare, det omfattas av vissa styrfaktorer och en upplevd osäkerhet om journalskrivandets regelverk.

Varför religion? : En undersökning av hur eleverna i en skola upplever religionsämnet

Uppsatsen är baserad på ett uppdrag som handlar om en undersökning av turistbyråernas verksamhet. Innan uppstart av ett företag är det viktigt att bestämma vilken typ av organisation som behövs. Organisationen i de olika driftformerna skiljer sig åt och påverkar i sin tur företagets omvärld och nätverk på olika sätt. Dessa begrepp har valts ut för att analysera deras betydelse för turistbyråer och om de på något sätt underlättar företagens drift och finansiering..

På väg till den tredje grisen : Studie av en transmedial konstpromenad för barn

Art in the city can be invisible until we talk about it. Letting children see public art in the context of play and narrative is a way to enhance creative thinking and knowledge as well as making the art visible. By creating a prototype for an art walk for children this study was able to create a scenery of children using different kinds of mediated narrative combined with a physical environment and movement. The theoretical framework of the project was picture books (Rhedin, 1991) transmedia (Jenkins 2006, Ryan 2004) and public art (Kwon 2002). The project?s aim was to create an empirical context for primary school children to explore public artwork.

Hegel och Guds död

In this study, I will discuss Hegel?s words on the death of God as they are stated in his Phenomenology of Spirit and Faith and Knowledge. I will present a reading of what I consider to be the two different usages of these words, and relate their meanings to each other. Focus lies on what Hegel refers to as the ?unhappy consciousness? and its experience of a disenchantment of the world, and on Christianity as the answer to this position.

Möjliga av världar  idén om kvinnan i två kvinnors feministiska utopier : en idéhistorisk studie av Christine de Pizans The City of the Ladies och Charlotte Perkins Gilmans Herland

This thesis highlights starting points underlying the notions of two feminist utopians, Christine de Pizan and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In approaching their texts, it focuses on the notions central to understand their writings. These would be historical, social, and cultural contexts. Defining concepts as utopian in its varying forms and feminism has been of significance. A feministic approach grounded in Simone de Beauvoirs philosophical phenomenology in the study of feministic utopia's visibility, has contributed to the understanding of the power structures to which women are tethered. In order to understand the way women are presented, it has become obvious that The Book of the City of Ladies and Herland are literary works that are related not only by their authors? background and personality but by the society in which they lived. Through their engagement in the contemporary intellectual debate on all social planes, both authors contributed to shifting the focus of their own contemporary notions of a woman to the notion of a woman equal to men. Woman, in Christine de Pizans utopia, is given specific properties and through themes of issues given meaning. She is not free in the sense that Simone de Beauvoir says.  She has a broader repertoire than was historically assigned, but her freedom is not arbitrary, contingent, and temporary and judged by her actions.

Skapad ex nihilo. Om skapelsens konsekvenser för människans vara

This thesis discusses the existential consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the presentation of the history of the doctrine of creation, especially the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Once the historical and philosophical importance of the doctrine of creation is clear, the anthropological and theological consequences are obvious; creation is contingent and at the same time deeply dependent upon God. The contingency of creation may bring a sense of non-necessity among people, and therefore it makes the question of human freedom and identity in the doctrine of creation utterly important..

Byggnadsminnesmärkning eller varför är det så ont om Q?

This thesis deals with our heritage and the care of old buildings. In order to limit this vast area a specific attention has been brought upon the process of giving buildings a certain level of protection and after decision having it taken away, instead of giving a stronger protection level.Further limitation has been done through the choice of four buildings in Lund, within Lund University campus. These buildings all lost this certain level of protection. The participants in these kinds of cases have a level of power, what argumentation did they use?The methods being used are discourse analysis, phenomenology and the daily methods of the building care field..

Attraktion: en fenomenologisk studie om upplevelsen av att attrahera

The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals perceive the process of sexual/romantic attraction. A phenomenological approach was used, where the participants were asked to reflect as freely as possible upon a question formulated by the authors. 13 persons were selected through purposive sampling, eight men and five women, all between 20 and 30 years old were interviewed but only 8 were analyzed through phenomenological based software MCA-Minerva. The results showed that all participants talked about three steps; eye contact, closing the distance and conversation. In the latter step they differed regarding actions taken to attract.

Om att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. En studie om IKEAs översättning och implementering av CSR

This thesis discusses the existential consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the presentation of the history of the doctrine of creation, especially the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Once the historical and philosophical importance of the doctrine of creation is clear, the anthropological and theological consequences are obvious; creation is contingent and at the same time deeply dependent upon God. The contingency of creation may bring a sense of non-necessity among people, and therefore it makes the question of human freedom and identity in the doctrine of creation utterly important..

FÖRVÅNANDE KAPABEL - kroppslighet och rumslighet i fem kvinnors erfarenheter av parkour

The urban physical practice of parkour can be described as male dominated. In thispaper, however, I choose to focus on women participating in the sport. My materialconsist of interviews with five Swedish women who regularly perform parkour.Through the phenomenology of Simone de Beauvoir, Iris Marion Young and SaraAhmed, I analyze the women?s relationship to the body and (public) space. Myconclusion is that engaging in parkour has changed the way the women understandtheir own corporeality, from an ?I cannot? to an ?I can?.

Hur upplever elever raster? : En fenomenologisk studie

The essential thing about breaks has been in relation to time, body, movement, force and room during my examination. Through conversations high-school students from two schools have taken part in this study. The examination is based on conversations with the students and has focused on students? experiences of breaks, and is also carried through by the method of phenomenology. The results of my studie show that students - during their breaks - experience a feeling of allways heading for something and also that time seem to exist in three levels: filled time, non-filled time and flow regarding of time.

Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess

Detta är en studie om lärande- och skapandeprocesser. Mer specifikt innefattar studien en observation av hur jag arrangerar 3 låtar för olika instrument under en tidsbestämd period. De frågor som behandlas är vilka tekniker jag använder, vilka problem som uppstår och hur det fungerar att arrangera på tid. Slutsatsen av hela observationen har visat att det är en bredd av faktorer som samspelar i kompositionsprocessen. Det har visat sig att jag applicerar intuition, diskursivt tänkande, musikteoretisk teknik och erfarenhet i arrangeringen av musik.

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