

240 Uppsatser om Existential phenomenology - Sida 2 av 16

Att gestalta främlingskap : En studie av hur alienationen gestaltas i Eugene Ionescos Enstöringen

This essay is a study of the portrayal of the theme of alienation in Eugene Ionesco's novel The hermit. In my study I examine the different ways in which the theme of alienation is portrayed and how the cause of the narrator's experience of alienation can be found in ideological, psychological and existential conflicts that the narrator has to face. The result is an experience of das unheimliche, a Freudian concept, which is a kind of uncanny detachment that the narrator experiences, when he is put up against an invisible force that lurks in the perifery of the world, which is portrayed in the story. The meaning of the ideological conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world that is ruled by capitalism, with marxism as a positive leveler and the meaning of the psychological conflict is a conflict in the narrator's own inner reality. The meaning of the existential conflict is a portrayal of man's situation in a world absent of God.

Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av det emotionella arbetet : En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk studie

Background: A nurse who is working in the health care is expected to show the best side for other people. An emotional work demands a lot of the role of a nurse, when she has to deal with her feelings after the given situation to satisfy the patient.Aim: The purpose of the study is to seek understanding of what nurses perceive to be the essence of the emotional work in health care. The study also wants to understand what factors could affect the meeting both positively and negatively between nurse and patient in social interactionMethod: The study?s methodology is qualitative with phenomenological-hermeneutical approach to seek understanding of the six interviewed nurses lived experiences and the experiences of the emotional work.Results: The result has four main themes developed: Emotional management, to consider the patients existential needs, meeting the patient and to do something meaningful.Conclusion: The essence of the perceived emotional work for nurses is emotional transformation where the nurse changes her feelings by acting according to the situation in the meeting with the patient. It is important that nurses reflect in the work so they do not take their work home and become exhausted and burn out.Keywords: Emotional labour, emotional management, patient encounter, phenomenological-hermeneutical, existential needs, the essence, burn out.

Vad betyder min novell? : Författaren tolkar sin okända text

All my short stories have been written in an intuitive way according to which no outline of characters, intrigue or plot was made in advance. A consequence of this process is that not even myself as the author is aware of the meaning of the texts and therefore I too have to interpret the stories. Because of the character of the text, I use an analysis of archetypes according to C. G. Jung?s analytic psychology.

VÄG, VAL OCH VILLKOR : Individer som tidigare begått kriminella handlingar berättar

This thesis, titled ?Change, choice and conditions?, is written by Lina Skantze and Bianca Zandén. The study explores the process in which individuals? attempt to end their criminal career, focusing on the interplay between path of life, choices, and conditions. The method is qualitative, and the empirical material consists of interviews with four young adults that all have experience of criminality.

Bortom graven : En rumslig studie av Tjustbygdens rösen

Bronze Age cairns have been interpreted as everything from navigation marks to marking liminal places in the landscape. It has also been stated that the main purpose of their location is to be visible. This is something that has been taken for granted. The main problem is the cairns have been considered as a homogenous monument. With the help of digital methods like GIS it is possible to test this kind of questions in quantitative way.

Möten i det mångreligiösa Sverige : En hermeneutisk studie av samfundsföreträdares erfarenheter av elevbesök.

Encounters between students and religious believers is common in the subject of Religious Education in Swedish schools. For pedagogical reasons teachers arranging these encounters hoping that exciting things will happen. But which qualities and experiences arise out of these encounters?In this study representatives of eight different religious communities are interviewed who regularly receive pupils coming to their respective communities. The proposed theoretical framework is related to Phenomenology and Hermeneutics and the methodological approach is interpretive.

Uppamma mod och utjämna makt : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där arbetsredskap utformades tillsammans med sjuksköterskestudenter för att kunna lindra för personer att leva med ovisshet.

Uncertainty is a well-known phenomenon that is recurring in biographies, imaginative literature and science, but is less studied in nursing science. The aim of this participatory action research project was to, in collaboration with nursing students; explore nursing activities for relieving patients? uncertainty. A qualitative approach was chosen with focus groups and the text was content analyzed. The students studied their third semester on a nursing program.

Konservatorns kropp Betydelsen av sinnesförnimmelser och känslor vid arbetet med föremålen

Examensarbete för avläggande av filosofie masterexamen i Kulturvård, 30 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:3.

Bara det som lyser genom porerna - En kroppsnarratologisk studie av Malin Kiveläs "Du eller aldrig"

In Malin Kivelä?s novel Du eller aldrig (2006) the reader experiences the world through the body of Aija, the narrator; a middle aged woman living in Helsinki. Aija has no family or other social relations. Hers is a life of strict routine: she spends her time reading, cleaning and studying snowflakes. Critics of the novel have stressed that Aija?s way of narrating creates a strong sense of presence in the text, but also that Aija?s atypical social behavior evokes a sense of loneliness and alienation.

Bön och upplåtenhet : En religionsfenomenologisk undersökning

Religious phenomena, such as prayer, have more or less always interested and engaged people, but most likely for different purposes. Since the early 20th century, starting notably with Edmund Husserl and especially Martin Heidegger, phenomenologists have taken an interest in understanding and expounding the meaning of religious phenomena. The attention of such a discourse have not ceased but is rather current, and also of importance seeing that religious themes, such as prayer, still occupy a great extent of human life and practice.Phenomenology of religion is not a science of religion: the former approaches religion in terms of its meaningfulness, whereas the latter as an object of inquiry and in the same manner as an economist approaches economical indicators in order to understand and explain how the whole economy functions. In other words, phenomenology of religion expounds religion, as it were, from within, while science of religion does it from without or externally.When approaching prayer phenomenologically, it shows itself to be a process or structure through which the one praying empty himself in order to be able to receive the valuable presence of the other. The value that is received from the other will also be reflected by the one praying and in that sense effect his surroundings and fellow humans..

Rumsbilder : The English Patient (1996), Hero (2002)och Mulholland Drive (2001)

The phenomenology of Gaston Bachelard holds that readers, or viewers, relate to spatial imagery through the use of age-old archetypes. These archetypes form a collective image-memory that is employed when reading space. One such image is the house. The house for Bachelard is, however, never solely an image, but constitutes a familiar space that becomes inscribed in our bodies through the repeated physical contact with this domestic space. The house teaches us to interact with space, and comes to inform the way that human beings understand images of space.

Att förstå och bli förstådd : En studie kring existentiella dimensioner i psykoterapi

 Syftet med denna studie var att genomföra fördjupade reflektioner kring två fall i psykoterapi. Studien gjordes som praktikforskare och från min erfarenhet som psykoterapeut och existentiell terapeut. Mina teoretiska perspektiv i studien söktes inom den psykoanalytiska - dynamiska terapiinriktningen, samt från existentiell filosofi och existentiell terapi. Studien utformades från att se livsvärlden från två förhållningssätt, i) fenomenologiskt ? hermeneuistiskt och ii) existentiellt med de fysiska, sociala, personliga och ideala dimensionerna.

En familjs upplevelser av ljud - en pilotstudie

Sound surrounds us in a great extent, we all have experiences of sound and this phenomena has a great meaning in our lives. High levels of sound might be harmful for your hearing and might also cause related difficulties such as tinnitus and sensitivity to sound. Studies reveal a connection between the attitudes toward high levels of sound and the risk behaviours in these situations. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and meaning of sound and whether the attitudes toward sound will reflect in a family consisting parents and adolescents. A family consisting two parents and two adolescents participated each and one of them in an interview in this qualitative study that has been carried out of a phenomenological approach.

Spiritual and Existential needs in palliative care

Background: Previous research has shown that the understanding and knowledge about the spiritual needs is not given high priority among nursing staff. During the latest years the body and its functions has controlled the healthcare and the spiritual needs has been placed in the background. All humans have spiritual needs that must be satisfied irrespective of religious background. Aim: The aim of this study was to in a caring perspective illustrate patients? spiritual and existential needs in palliative care.

En studie i historiebruk : Analys av reseguider från Estniska SSR

The use of history is the concept of people using and analyzing history in the society for various purposes. Study in this area has largely emerged because there are many different reasons for people and societies to be interested in history. To investigate the use of history, a historical material needs to be present in some form. With this study, I intend to show how older tourist guidebooks can provide such materials of study and therefore I use travel guidebooks about Tallinn released under the USSR (Estonian SSR) between the years 1960 to 1990. The analysis is based on Klas-Go?ran Karlsson's (Professor of History) typology of seven different uses of history: scientific, existential, moral, ideological, political, educational, non-use of history and a commercial use of history.

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