618 Uppsatser om Evidence - Sida 19 av 42
Mobbning - ett groupthink-fenomen? : En gruppsykologisk fördjupning av mobbning
The purpose of this essay was to examine and shed light on bullying as a groupprocess, a social phenomenon taking place in a school setting, to increase the understanding of the phenomenon. A theoretical overview of the litterature on bullying was made to investigate bullying and to give the reader a view of the researchfield. A total of 77 articles was studied. With the intention of studying bullying from a groupsychology perspective a metaanalysis was performed discussing groupphenomenon such as rolebehavior, responsibility, cohesiveness and norms in comparison to bullying episodes.Stemming from this analysis the question whether bullying can be view as a response to groupthink emerged. This question also constituted the secondary aim of this thesis.
Förebyggning av utbrändhet på organisatorisk nivå
The workplace is for many associated with joy and commitment, for others it is associated with fatigue, inadequacy and cynicism that is explained as the three dimensions of burnout. A general view of burnout is that it is an individual problem that many companies ignore, because a preventive task does not generate immediate profits. This has been a growing problem for years. Burnout costs not only money but also time and knowledge. Unfortunately, the popular belief is that "If it ain?t broke, don?t fix it." Organizations that think this way are sacrificing future benefits for short-term gains.
Flipp eller flopp?: En kvantitativ studie om bloggens potential som marknadsföringsmedium
The blog has become a widely discussed subject, but while marketers do invest in blogs, there is little Evidence on the how the blog works as a marketing tool. Therefore, we thought it would be interesting to create a greater understanding of the blog's potential communication effects. To demonstrate the potential of the blog in comparison with more traditional media, we decided to compare the communication effects achieved by a blog with those achieved by an online magazine. We pursued an experiment where we exposed an identical text about a brand to respondents in seven blogs and in seven online papers and measured the resulting communication effects in terms of attitudes and intentions towards the exposed brand. The quantitative study showed that the blog in some basic aspects works as a more traditional media; when the consumer forms positive attitudes toward a text in a blog, the attitude spills over to the attitude toward the brand, with higher buying and w-o-m intentions as a consequence.
Nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för att hitta ett arbete
Our purpose was to research the new reform amendment" Lag om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare", and whether the establishment of the reform is good and if it was a necessary amendment. For that reason, we have chosen to answer our purpose in these issues with this question formulation; how can the change of the law establishing operations influence the newcomers in the labour market, the problems the law intends to address, how the new change in the law is different from when the municipality "kommun" was responsible, and how the law can be discussed based on theories of social capital and weak ties. The method used in this study is from a adductive approach where the research is based on both empirical Evidence and existing theory that interact between these two. The results that emerged in our work was that the newcomers within the labour market has been remote, the way the municipality?s addressed the problem did not work and the result of this was a new reform amendment, where a new participant established.
Sverige under andra Världskriget : En uppsats om neo-realism och neutralitet
Abstract The actions of Sweden during the second world war has been richly discussed over the years. Sweden declared itself neutral in the war between the great powers but did not manage to maintain its neutrality. The nature of neutrality has often been discussed; whether it is of a idealistic or more pragmatic nature. Realism, a theory of international relations, would argue that it is of a more pragmatic nature, hence these two are in opposition. Realism also takes credit in claiming to explain how and why a state chooses to act in a situation. The aim of this essay was to, by examining specific decisions made by the swedish government during the Second World War, come to a conclusion whether or not Sweden?s proclaimed neutrality was of idealistic or pragmatic nature, and thereby possibly coming to a conclusion about neutrality in large.It was also to examine the worth of realism as an explanatory theory by applying it to this specific case; to examine its validity.The study was conducted using a qualitative method; presenting empiric facts and then by using a decision model interpreting the actions and results from a realist perspective. The study concludes that realism has explanatory power, although not a complete one.
Fastighetsmäklarföretag med olika förutsättningar
Fastighetsmäklarbranschen har haft en kraftig utveckling de senaste åren och det har medfört att allt fler väljer att utbilda sig till fastighetsmäklare. Idag finns det hela 5908st registrerade fastighetsmäklare och branschens omsättning var under år 2005 hela 6.1 miljarder. Inom branschen finns en rad olika företag, både stora som små och vissa har en speciell nisch.Hemonline är ett av dessa företag och är relativt nystartat. Dess VD Lars Engelbert anser att fastighetsmäklarnas arvode är alldeles för högt. Med stor erfarenhet av branschen tog Lars Engelbert fram affärsidén att erbjuda kunden ett fast pris på 18 000 kr oavsett storlek på objektet.
En argumentation om berättelser - En studie om effektivitet och reklamkapital för repetitionsstrategier
Despite narrative advertising being an increasingly popular strategy among brands today, little research has examined the different expressions of repetition variation strategy in comparison to its alternative, argumentative advertising. Still unexplained is whether the appreciation and recognition created from successful storytelling-based commercial campaigns is a result of execution or the format itself. This study aims to investigate four repetition variation strategies, three narratives and one argumentative, to determine which one is the most effective and also which one that generates the highest advertising equity. An experiment was conducted through exposing four groups of Swedish High School students to text-based advertising manuscripts customized after format, where each group was exposed to ads on two separate occasions. The result showed Evidence of narrative advertising being easier to comprehend, which according to theory should lead to higher advertising effectiveness.
Flavan-3-oler och endotel -dysfunktion
Background: Flavan-3-ols are polyphenolic phytochemicals belonging to the flavonoids. Flavan-3-ols are present in many higher plants and are particularly concentrated in e.g. Camellia sinensis (tea) and Theobroma cacao (cacao) and have got attention due to their antioxidative capacity. Many studies have been able to associate flavan-3-ol-rich foods to improved endothelial function. The aim of the present work is to review the scientific literature and evaluate the Evidence for positive effects of flavan-3-ols on endothelial dysfunction in humans.
Method: Scientific articles describing intervention and observational studies about flavan-3-ols and endothelial dysfunction, were searched for on http://www.pubmed.org.
"De öppnade portarna för mig och sa `hej då`" : en kvalitativ studie om personers berättelser som frihetsberövande på grund av misstanke till ett brott och tiden efter frisläppningen.
Being detained means that a person loses their freedom and have limited contact with others. Police can on suspicion of a crime arrest a person, in order that the suspected person won´t be able to eliminate Evidence. Being convicted of a crime and go to prison is terrible, but what about the experiences of being detained on suspicion of a crime you did not commit? Our purpose with the study is exploring stories of people who have been detained. It´s about their time as detainees to the time they got free from suspicions of the crime.
Tillväxt med Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie om huruvida CSR påverkar Volkswagen Groups strategi till att bli den största bilförsäljarkoncernen.
The report assesses the typical questions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility within the automotive industry. An attempt as to whether Corporate Social Responsibility has an impact on growth companies is demonstrated. Volkswagen Group is within the required analytical criteria, which are to be studied. Also, the fact that they recently launched ?Strategy 2018? makes it even more interesting to immerse into.
Anestesipersonalens peri-operativa omvårdnad av överviktiga och obesa barn
Children are a group of patients that require special knowledge from the anesthesia staff, both general and specific. Theoretical knowledge and practical experience is necessary to adequately care for the child as it anatomically, physiologically and mentally may differ from adult patients.A growing problem in the pediatric population is overweight and obesity. From a stagnation in the early 2000s the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in the world are again increasing.The purpose of this study was to examine peri-operative care of overweight and obese children.Systematic searches were done in PubMed, CINAHL and Scopus. After the quality audit according to SBU, twelve articles were included for analysis.Results suggest that overweight and obese children have a higher risk of respiratory peri-operative complications. The risk of hospital admission after outpatient surgery was also greater in this group as well as higher costs for health care.Overweight and obese children are complex subjects with more frequent peri-operative risk factors than normal-weight children.
Kunskapsdiagnos i matematik ? något att räkna med? : En kvalitativ studie av lärares och rektorers tankar kring kunskapsdiagnos i de tidiga åren.
Syftet med studien är att belysa lärares och rektorers tankar kring diagnostisering av elever i de tidiga skolåren vid användande av Skolverkets diagnosmaterialDiamant, som riktar in sig på den förberedande aritmetiken.Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerad intevju som metod. Deltagarna i undersökningen är fyra lärare samt två rektorer med erfarenhet och utbildningen inom området.Resultatet visar att informanterna anser att de får betydelsefull information om var barnen befinner sig i den grundläggande taluppfattningen via diagnosen och därmed kan barn med behov av hjälp och stöd uppmärksammas. Informanterna har en formativ syn på diagnostisering. De fokuserar på hur resultatet följs upp, hur de finner pedagogiska och organisatoriska lösningar. Rutiner för detta är olika på de enheter där informanterna är verksamma.
Jämtländska pedagogers erfarenhet av att ta emot flyktingbarn i förskolan
In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and Evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.
Vikten av ett välskött arbetsklimat: En kvantitativ studie av arbetsklimatets påverkan på ekonomiskt resultat
The well-being of employees has become a key concept in the rhetoric of the company boards and business literature of today. There is however not much statistic Evidence of a connection between economic results and the perceived working climate. This thesis sets out to investigate whether there is a positive correlation between economic results and working climate on a work group level. It also aims to study which specific working climate factors influence the results. In order to meet its purpose this thesis analyzes employee satisfaction questionnaire data and economic results from more than 300 work groups.
Värdefördelning av immaterialrätter i anställningsförhållanden
Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical Evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.