

3956 Uppsatser om Everyday life - Sida 3 av 264

Emotionerna stolthet och skam och de divergerande multiplexa sociala banden : En intervjustudie av tre ungdomars sociala nätverk av sociala band och dess oscillation mellan att existera på och utanför Internet

The purpose of this qualitative study has been; how social bonds are interlaced between thesocial worlds contained within the analytical division of ?outside Internet? and ?withinInternet?. What happens with the social bond as the individual oscillate between this analyticbisection? This purpose raises important questions of the use of Internet in Everyday life.A new stance is taken toward studying the Internets integration into Everyday life. The focusis adjusted to the importance of emotions.

Mötet mellan psykiskt funktionshindrad individ och sällskapsdjur : En etnografisk studie om interaktionens betydelse för känsla av välbefinnande.

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s Everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

Studenters informationsbeteende och exemplet Studentkåren i Borås

The purpose of this thesis is to show students? information behaviour in Everyday life and towards the Student Union of Borås. Methods of active information seeking and more random information encountering as well as information ignorance are of interest. The study focused on three issues; the first was to examine what information behaviour the students presented while acquiring information in their Everyday life. The second was to find out what information behaviour the students had to acquire information from the Student Union of Borås.

Naturvetenskap i förskolan : En intervjustudie om förskollärares tankar och arbetssätt

The aim of this study was to investigate how preschool teachers think about preschoolscience, what they consider science to be and how they deal with specific curricular objectivesrelated to science.Science is a part of our Everyday life, it is a prerequisite for understanding everydayphenomena and how the world is working. Nevertheless it is often dropped in favour of othersubjects in Swedish preschools.The eight preschool teachers participating in this study are all working in the samemunicipality in the western part of Sweden with children aged 1- 5 years. The method used inthis study was interviews. The interviews were recorded to facilitate the transcriptions.The results show that preschool teachers find that science is an important subject that shouldbe introduced to the children early on in life. They also show that preschool teachers considerscience to have a preventive effect on the learning to the children, and it is needed for them tounderstand everyday processes and phenomena.

Vägen tillbaka till hälsa : intervjustudie med kvinnliga deltagare från en stresshanteringskurs

In recent years more and more people have been sick-listed due to stress and it has happened to more women than men. The purpose of this paper is to see if recoveringfrom stress related states of ill-health can be promoted through participation in a stress management course. Five women who were or had been sick-listed and had participated in the life management course were interviewed. The results show that the course was an important forum for expressing emotions. The participants were more positive about the future after than before they entered the course.

Socialtjänstens Vårdnadsutredningar : En rättsociologisk undersökning om Socialtjänstens utredningar och rättstillämpningen i vårdnadstvister.

The aim of this study is to look how the Social Service has handled custody issues. The study has a legal and social aspect with a purpose to investigate how the law affects the social administration as well as the family. During a period of one year a quantitative and qualitative study was performed within the social administration in a nearby community. The study focus is partly on the relationship between the law, family and society. The main questions have been: Which one of the parents, mother or father, did in fact get the custody and why? How has the children?s point of view been reported in the inquiry? A child needs a well organized Everyday life in a preferably conflict free environment.

Ingen dag är den andra lik... på både gott och ont. En studie om hur det är att leva i ett förhållande tillsammans med en partner som har diagnosen ADHD

To live in a relationship demands hard work with good communications, mutual respect, compromises, empathy and an understanding of your partners feelings and needs. For a person with ADHD all of this can cause difficulties and create a strained relationship, but it can also mean a relationship with thrills, adventure, spontaneity and passion. This study is built on a qualitative method using triangulation, where the studies empirical materials consist of 4 interviews along with observations online. The empirical material is applied on the theories: love, conflict and coping. The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how it is to live in a relationship with a partner who has been diagnosed with ADHD. The questions at issue are: How does Everyday life work with a partner who has ADHD? What different aspects (positive and negative) are there to live in a relationship with a partner that has ADHD? How is the possible if any help and support perceived in their relationship and Everyday life? The results showed that a relationship with a partner that has ADHD looks like any other relationship, but that it can differ due to the possible difficulties that are at hand.

Elevers uppfattningar kring sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och inlärning

The study presented here is about how to make the special needs user who has a profound intellectual disability and additional disabilities more involved in their implementation plan. Based on a life story interview the study aims at analyzing perceptions of procedures to enhance special needs users? influence. The method used in this study was a qualitative research approach as an overall approach in order to use a narrative method where life history is the method. The focus has been to study a part of an individual life history - a specific domain in the life of the interviewee?s working career.

Sit, Eat, Drink, Talk, Laugh ? Dining and Mixed Media

Sit, Eat, Drink, Talk, Laugh ? Dining and Mixed Media, is an exploratory study of qualities in Everyday life and challenges people to enjoy the qualities of mundanity. Seeking inspiration in ethnographic studies, field work was conducted in domestic settings, returning an extensive body of material to work from. The study challenges people to absorb the moment, reflect and enjoy, rather than pacing through a lifetime, with a constant focus on the future instead of the present. This work takes a starting point in food and dining as a social activity, where interactive sound and a reference to online social media is explored through two interventions.

Folkbiblioteket i vardagslivet. En studie av folkbibliotekets betydelse för människor i vardagen

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the importance of public libraries for individuals in their Everyday life and to study the differences in views between the individuals. Questions posed in this study are: What do public libraries mean to individuals? Which differences between individuals views of the public library are to be found? What is the reason for differences to occur? The analysis is based upon qualitative interviews with six persons, four women and two men between 31 and 55 years of age. The theoretical starting points are Anderson and Skot-Hansens theory of four different roles of public libraries and Bourdieus theory of lifestyle. The study acts on a hermeneutic attitude.

Interaktion och intervention : En undersökning av kommunikativa behov hos personer med afasi och dysartri i vardagliga och kliniska samtal

In speech and language intervention, the ability to interact is seldom evaluated; rather intervention is evaluated in terms of improved testresults.  If goal-setting in intervention also is based on everyday communicative needs, the relevance of the treatment may be increased and intervention outcome may be implemented in the patient?s natural environment.The present study, as part of a research-project, is based on analyses of interaction and interviews to examine everyday conversations and speech and language intervention. The aim was to explore if there is a relation between everyday communication needs and goal-setting in speech and language intervention for people with aphasia. A further aim was to investigate if there are everyday communicative needs that may form goals for speech and language intervention.Two individuals with aphasia and one individual with both dysarhtria and aphasia participated in the study. Three speech and language pathologists and two relatives also participated in the study.

Hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos partner till personer med afasi : En undersökning baserad på hälsoenkäten SF-36 och semistrukturerade intervjuer

Around 30,000 people in Sweden suffer stroke every year, out of which about 12,000 end up with language difficulties, aphasia. Behind every person with aphasia there are significant others whose lives are also affected. Studies of how aphasia affects the health of these people are few. The overall aim of the present study was to examine how significant others of people with aphasia perceive their life situation, and how their quality of life is affected by the illness of their partner. Spouses of people with aphasia were contacted through aphasia groups and the Swedish Aphasia Association.

RA Detect - Antikollisionsskydd förlantbrukssektorn

SecRePac is a household appliance that simplifies sorting of packaging such as milk, juice and yogurt containers. By shredding the packages SecRePac reduces its volume uptake both in the home and at the recycling station. This leads to minimization of both transports to the recycling stations and truck transport for emptying the containers at the recycling station.The greenhouse effect deteriorates and becomes worse and worse leading to extreme climate changes and natural disasters such as floods as an example. Carbon dioxide emissions are the major reason for this and at least 30 percent of all these emissions come directly from transports. In the EU carbon emissions has decreased in the past few years.

Att leva med implanterad defibrillator : En intervjustudie

                                  The study aimed to explore how patients with ICDs experience their quality of life with a focus on Everyday life, electric shocks, and how support from the health service is perceived. The studydesign is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven patients. Data collection lasted for three weeks and interviews were conducted in the participant´s homes, at the participants? workplaces or over the phone.The study shows that most participants have learned to live with the ICD.

SÄRSKILT BOENDE SOM MÖTESPLATS En studie av vardagliga relationer mellan personal och de boende

Abstract This essay is about the visibility of Everyday life in a nursing home. The thesis is based on the following questions: What characterizes the social life and conversation between staff and residents? What content has the social life and the conversation between these parties? What is the power relationship between the staff and residents? To answer these questions, we used the qualitative approach with open observations, along with interviews. The study is partly based on direct observation by an observer as a participant in a special housing, and on semi-structured interviews with seven respondents, three of them staff and four residents in the same nursing home. For the results and analysis section, we use the Grounded Theory as a method which constructs a parallel between data processing and analysis of the interviews, where we first encode, categorize and create themes.

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