

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 6 av 42

Kina eller Indien : En studie om eurocentrism och utomeuropeiskt material och innehåll i svensk historieundervisning

This joint study has researched the use of non-European history in a Swedish textbook for the High School course History 1a1 as well as internet based material regarding the same issue. The aim of this study was to clarify the use of non-European history in regards to the Eurocentric theory.As for the textbook analysis the purpose was to research what non-European history was mentioned in the material with regards to geographical location and the events that were mentioned, as well as to study how much non-European history was included in the material compared to European or Western history.The study of internet based material aimed to show what kind of teaching material could be found on internet based databases by and for teachers. The study aimed to show how well the material handled non-European history, as well as to what degree the material used European perspectives when dealing with non-European events and geographical areas.In our thesis we have created our own definition of the theory regarding eurocentrism. The method used was a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative discourse analysis of the texts.Our results showed that the textbook was overwhelmingly Eurocentric, not only giving vastly more focus to the European parts of world history, but also using European perspectives and ideals to describe non-European events and areas. The internet based material, on the other hand, proved more diverse and less biased, but also more difficult to find and less plentiful.Our conclusion, then, is that teachers have to choose between the risk of letting their students develop a severely limited and heavily Eurocentric view of the world, and the additional workload required to find and organize non-textbook material to broaden their students horizons.We hope our study will contribute to the discussion of the place of Eurocentrism in today?s global and multicultural society..

: Uchinaa-yamatoguchi, wakaibiimi? En studie i den yngre generationens kunskap kring den egna dialekten på Okinawa, Japan.

This essay investigates the relation between ?usage? and ?hearing? of dialectal words and expressions in the Ryukyu islands, Japan, in this case words and expressions from a mix of Ryukyuan and standard Japanese, so called uchinaa-yamatoguchi. A survey was conducted and in the questionnaires the respondents were asked to fill in the degree of usage and hearing of each word and expression, consisting of three alternatives each; use often, use seldom and never used - hear often, hear seldom and never heard.My findings show a stable pattern in the relation between usage and hearing, where the usage is relatively low compared to hearing in almost every case. Among the most frequently used ones, one could find words and expressions connected to food, festivals, type of person, adjectives, adverb and animals etc..

Utveckling av ett hjälpmedel för träning och utvärdering av förare av tunga fordon

The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate how internal vehicle information inScania buses and trucks can be used for evaluation of driver performance regardingfuel economy, vehicle wear, traffic safety, emissions and cargo damage. To someextent it was examined whether this information could be used for training the driverto a better driving style. In addition, a prototype for such a system was developed.By first defining what distinguishes a talented driver and how he/she differs from apoor driver, followed by a study of the internal vehicle communication, a system thatin real-time gathers and interprets vehicle data could be developed.The resulting system can with reasonably high reliability detect a number of trafficevents (such as braking, lane changing or hilltops). At each such event, the driver?sbehaviour can be evaluated.

Säkerhetsansvarigas syn på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang : En kvalitativ studie om hur säkerhetsansvariga ser på supportrars beteende och dess inverkan på ishockeyevenemang

Are icehockey supporters a big problem in todays society? Is security required during icehockey events, and how is it implemented? This study was aimed to investigate the people at security positions and their view on fan behavior and it?s impact on icehockey events. It was a qualitative study were six interviews were made with people in charge of the security at different hockey clubs. The results showed that security managers overall saw a good fan culture, and that it created a wonderful atmosphere. Security managers worked a lot with dialogue with the supporters and they thought it had a good effect.

Dagbokens betydelse för den insamlade mängden data i kliniska läkemedelsprövningar : insamling av adverse events (?incidenter?) med hjälp av patientdagbok

Till alla godkända läkemedel skall bifogas information till vårdpersonal hur produkten skall användas säkert och effektivt. De metoder som används för insamling av data under en klinisk läkemedelsprövning, innan godkännande för försäljning, påverkar möjligheten att göra korrekta bedömningar av ett läkemedels bieffekter. Insamling av patientsäkerhets-relaterad data, ?incidenter? (?Adverse Events?; AEs), i kliniska läkemedelsprövningar är ett område förenat med många metodiska oklarheter och svårigheter. Internationella och nationella regelverk specificerar inte i detalj hur datainsamling skall utföras.

Affischen - Ett döende medium? : En kvalitativ studie av evenemangsaffischering

As students of graphic design the craft of print is close to our hearts. One of the most essential mediums of the evolution of printing techniques is the poster. In a world where digital mediums are being utilized to a greater degree everyday, our love for the printed poster makes us wonder if the days of the poster are counted.What we did was to take a closer look at the role of the poster in promoting events. We focused on the Stockholm area and did qualitative interviews with three different event promoters. Live Nation which is an international live entertainment promoter, Dramaten which is one of Sweden?s most well respected theaters and Stockholm Live which is a stand up comedy promoter in Stockholm city.From doing this we learned that economics play an important part in defining the role of the poster.

Projektstyrningurettaffärsekosystemperspektiv En fallstudie om projektstyrning inom bankgemensamma projekt

Based on last years events that have taken place, events on the school Lundbergs and the police values of work, has the meaning of having a set of values been questioned. This study aimed to investigate and answer the fundamental values based on the common value basis for the government employees within an organization and how it perceived by employees. The new institutional theory was the framework for this qualitative study conducted with semi-structured interviews. Respondents were employees within the organization. Ethnographic qualitative methodology was the basis for our methodology and we used a thematic model of theme interpretation, communication and knowledge in our analysis.

Längtan efter helhet : Svenska kyrkan mellan arv och förnyelse : en analys av tanke och handling inom Svenska kyrkan i några av dess möten med nutida sökande efter helhet

An issue of central interest today is the aspiration for wholeness, on the one hand referring to the concept of ?healing? (swed: helande), on the other hand to being ?whole? (swed: hel); body, mind, soul, spirit and relations. The need and desire to offer a more holistic experience is becoming prominent also within the Swedish Church. This paper addressed some events within the Swedish Church that cater to experiences of wholeness, with the aim of exploring how this is done in practise and how it?s rooted in Christian thought.

Festival - mer än bara musik : En studie kring vad ideella festivaler får för betydelse i dess kommuner och hur bilden av festivaler har utvecklats i Sverige

I denna C-uppsats har vi undersökt hur ideella arrangemang av svenska festivaler går till. Vi har valt ut Hultsfredsfestivalen i Hultsfredskommun och Skogsröjet i Finspångskommun för att kunna analysera debatten kring festivaler i det lokala och nationella medianätverken samt även hur samarbetet mellan kommun och festival har utvecklats. Vi utgick från teorier av Andy Bennett där han diskuterar vikten av festivaler kopplat till ungdomskultur och att en festival är så mycket mer än bara en plats att lyssna på musik, som även stöttades upp av andra teorier av bland annat Kirstie Jamieson. Vi genomförde en analys och jämförde de teorier vi utgick ifrån med den historiska utvecklingen av festivalerna, för att sedan kunna se vad festivalerna har bidragit till i respektive ort som de äger rum på. En fråga som vi har utgått ifrån är om festivaler har utvecklats till den grad att de idag kan ses som kulturarv.

Hej, kom spela med oss! (Hi, come play with us!)

People play games now more than ever before. While the digital gaming industry dominates the market, boardgaming has been living in its shadow. Board games offer a physical tangibility and a social experience that can be found in few digital games. How do we create a tool that further builds upon those strengths? The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of developing a service that consists of an mobile application and board game events to promote social face-to-face interaction. Focus has been on the social face-to-face interaction in the context of a board game session.

Upplevelser av skam och avvisande hos deprimerade unga vuxna

Depression in young adults is a serious condition causing serious suffering for the victim. By finding risk factors for depression the opportunity for early preventive action is increased, which, in turn, may prevent a negative course. Two risk factors which have been shown to be related to depression are shame and rejection. Therefore this study examined the relationship between shameproneness, rejection sensitivity, shame-related events and depressive symptoms. The self-report questionnaires used were TOSCA, RSQ, Shaming index and BDI-II.

Event Marketing, a way to be seen, heard and connected : Six case studies of Event Marketing as a promotional tool

Problem statement: In what ways do companies work strategically with event marketing?To answer the problem statement, the following research questions help us gain the necessary understandings:What role does event marketing play in a company?s marketing mix?What are the deciding factors that make companies select certain events?What objectives do companies have with event marketing?How do companies evaluate their event marketing?Purpose: Through analyzing multiple case studies of event users and event organizers, this essay attempts to gain an understanding of how companies work strategically with event marketing as a promotional tool.Method: Primary data collection was compiled through a series of six interviews of both event users and event organizers. This qualitative data has contributed towards the formulation of six case studies that outline the research findings. In addition to interviews, secondary data was compiled through literature, scientific articles, and internet-based materials.Conclusion: The findings of this paper show that event marketing is an integrated promotional tool that is used to further strengthen a company?s comprehensive marketing mix.

Lindehults handelstr?dg?rd: en fallstudie med fokus p? j?rnv?gens nytta f?r en ?kad marknad

This case study's aim was to strengthen the state of knowledge about how horticultural companies in Sweden used railway transports between 1900s and the 1950s. Economic theories and a micro-historical perspective have been used to analyze the collected source material, and to describe Lindehult's market garden. The investigation is based on document analyzes, qualitative interviews, archive studies and literature studies to evaluate the sources' information through a source pluralistic method. The work has been based on historical source material in the form of payment vouchers, giving an insight into how the company's products were transported by rail across Sweden. Sture Hjalmarsson's diary and interviews have described the case and events that affected the company internally.

Att systematiskt hantera kunskap vid planering av ny infrastruktur : En fallstudie om skyfallsskador på riksväg 90 i Kramfors kommun

Natural disasters are becoming more common due to climate change and it is important to adapt the society and its infrastructure to withstand events such as extreme rainfall. Precipitation is an important climatic factor affecting the transport and annually generates the cost of millions in damages, over the past 40 years heavy rain has increased and will continue to increase in the future. The extreme rainfall that occurred in Kramfors municipality in September 2013 led to flooding and destroyed several roads, including highway 90, which recently both had been rebuilt and given a new stretch of road. Extreme rainfall had also occurred in the municipality earlier.  The aim of the thesis was to examine how the Swedish Transport Administration handles new knowledge gained after natural disasters and how this is used in the planning of new roads.

Massundanträngning i samband med pålning i lera

Voltage sag indices are a way of quantifying the performance of the power supply, as far as voltage sags are concerned. Indices can be defined for individual events, for individual sites, and for a whole system. A standard method for single-event methods is part of IEC standard 61000-4-30.This thesis emphasizes the importance of voltage sag indices and different methods for calculating three-phase voltage sag characteristics. Three-phase events measured in a medium network voltage over period of one month were analyzed, results examined and statistically evaluated. An algorithm for calculating voltage sag characteristics and indices was created in Matlab.

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