

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 25 av 42

Varför terrorism? - en studie av Irländska republikanska armén

AbstractThis study has two aims:[X] to create an analytical framework consisting of factors that might trigger terrorism[X] to apply the analytical framework on the case of IRA, in order to be able to examinewhich factors that exist behind the appearance of terrorism in the current caseTo reach the first aim the author has studied the theoretical discourse on the complexed issueof terrorism. This has constituted the point of departure for the creation of an own analyticalframework. The purpose of the framework is to bring clearness to why terrorism appears. Theanalytical framework is not only suited for application on the case of IRA, but for applicationon terrorismcases in general. To reach the second aim the framework was applied on the caseof IRA.The aims of this study have been fulfilled through the method of qualitative text analysis.

Spinn-off på Stockholmsbörsen : En eventstudie om hur moderbolagets aktiekurs reagerar vid nyheten om spinn-off

 Problem   Are there any abnormal changes in the parent company's share price at the news of a spin?off.ObjectiveThe main purpose of the study is to investigate how the news of a spin-off affects the parent company's share price. In other words if the news of the Spin-off gives an abnormal return on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the specific period of 1998?2008. In addressing this, the paper will also investigate the following sub sections: are there any differences in the abnormal returns in various sectors and what the reasons to perform a spin?off in the Swedish market are.MethodAn event study in which market data is used to measure specific events? impact on the value of the company and on the effects on the stock market.

Att tyda tecknen -En alternativ syn på förändringarna av Japans säkerhetspolitik

Japan's foreign and security policy has seen some substantial changes as a result of events like the first Gulf war and 9/11th. This has been taken as proof, by some, that Japan is abandoning its antimilitaristic stance and pursuing a more traditional hard power role through military means. This essay aims to explore if these shifts have coincided with any substantial shifts away from antimilitarism, which has had a strong influence on the country's security policy since the end of WW2.To do this I use constructivist theory, specifically regarding the impact of norms and identities on states security policy and briefly look into the problem of actor designation. The thematic focus is on security policy, from a narrow perspective, and thus I examine areas like the input and output to the Japanese military and the actual applications of this force. State identity is used to explore the prevalence of nationalistic sentiments and support for anti militarism in the public opinion and the political elite.The result of this study points to the further relevance of constructivist theory and especially the application of norms and identity.

Hjärtsäkerhet på svenska hälso- och fitnessanläggningar

In the United States, see recommendations for cardiac safety of sports arenas but also to health and fitness facilities. However, this does not exist in Sweden today. Objective: The purpose of this study is to identify the health- and fitness facilities today are equipped with respect to cardiac safety and specifically relating to preparedness for cardiac arrest. Method: Quantitative data are collected and compiled with the help of a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 19 questions in total.

Den offentliga upphandlingen implementeringsproblem.

This thesis is a cultural theoretical case study of the art project (O)önskad samhällsförbättring.Via an analysis of the project, that is based on theories of power, resistance and contemporaryurban development, it examines the construction of urban space, its impact on public art including the ability of art to initiate evolvement of the urban public space.The last decades art has plaid an important role in what is called the creative city; to become attractive nodal points of the global economy, larger cities increasingly invest in art,culture and creative industry. Simultaneously the urban public space is limited to activitiesand expressions of art that are presumed to create economic growth. This introduces animpression of what is allowed and what is not allowed, possible and not possible, wished andnot wished which, as a consequence, evolves the public space. The events during the artproject and the reactions that followed enlightened these limitations. This tells a story, not only about the structuring process of the local urban space, but also important changes that are created as a simultaneous effect at different levels in society, as well locally as globally.

tre lärares syn på läsförståelse : en intervju- och observationsstudie

The background to the study was to find out the view of three teachers on students reading comprehension. What strategies and methods are used by the teachers in the classroom when working with reading comprehension? How interaction between teacher and students happen when working with reading comprehension.   The theoretical research approach is based on a sociocultural perspective. Sociocultural perspective maintains that social interaction and cultural institutions, such as schools and classrooms have important roles to play in an individual?s cognitive growth and development.

Vem förstår mig? : En essä om hur vi pedagoger i förskolan kan bemöta och hjälpa barn med språkstörning

This essay covers the subject of children with language disorders. We are two educators writing an experience-based essay on our preschool experiences and the literature with the subject of speaking disorders and verbal development. The main focus of this essay is how educators can recognize and stimulate children with language disorder. The starting point in the essay is two experience-based events from preschool which tells of two different boys, aged three and four. Both boys have some kind of verbal disorder and one of them also has Down´s syndrome.

MASSFLYKTSDIREKTIVET I SVERIGE OCH FINLAND En kvalitativ studie om Sveriges och Finlands implementering av massflyktsdirektivet: Likheter och skillnader.

The aim of the thesis is to study the differences in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive (TDP) and the deficiencies in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of TDP. To answer the aim two questions are formed: What similarities and deficiency can be found in Sweden and Finland implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? What deficiencies can be found in Sweden?s and Finland?s implementation of Temporary Protection Directive? The previous research has focused on why the directive was not activated in the events of 2015 and why it was activated 2022. The previous research has also shown that there is just research on the implementation of TDP in three countries, Poland, the Netherlands and Estonia.

(O)sociala medier? : En jämförande kvalitativ attitydundersökning om människors användning av sociala medier och dess inverkan på deras liv och umgänge

This essay aims to find out what impact social media have on the daily lives of Swedish people in regard to their usage and sociability. In order to find that out we have performed four group interviews with a total of 16 people from two different age categories that were later compared. To analyze the empirical data we?ve used the theories on the Network Societies by Jan Van Dijk as a help of understanding. The results show that social media have become an integrated part in the lives of our informants and that a consdierable amount of time is spent on them everyday. In the younger group Facebook was considered the most useful medium as it makes the planning of events easier and can be used as a way of keeping oneself updated on news as well as on the lives of others.

Kvinnors upplevelse av sin livssituation efter mastektomi : En litteraturstudie

SammanfattningBakgrundBröstcancer är den vanligaste cancersjukdomen hos kvinnor i Sverige. Det finns olika behandlingsalternativ, nämligen medicinsk behandling, strålbehandling och kirurgisk behandling. En typ av kirurgisk behandling är mastektomi då hela bröstet opereras bort. I vårt samhälle förknippas ofta bröstet med femininitet, moderskap och sexualitet.SyfteSyftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av sin livssituation efter mastektomi till följd av bröstcancer.MetodDenna studie är en systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande design. Författarna gjorde en databassökning på databaserna Cinahl, PubMed, PsycINFO och SveMed+.

Försvarsstrategier och strategisk trovärdighet vid fientliga övertagningsförsök - En fallstudie av Scania och Skandia

Background: Mergers and acquisitions have evolved from initially almost exclusively having been an American phenomenon, to becoming a common occurrence throughout the world. Companies though, are not defenseless against hostile bids, but must take many factors into account when selecting defense measures. Purpose: This paper aims to enhance the understanding of acquisitions through hostile bids on the companies studied. More specifically, this study aims to create a deeper understanding in how Scania and Skandia have chosen their defense measures, or could have chosen, before and during their hostile bidding processes with specific concern for their strategic credibility. Method: This paper is based on two companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange exposed to hostile takeover attempts in a similar time period.

Vänner med förmåner : positiva effekter av interaktion mellan människa-hund

The aim of this review was to examine scientific literature to determine what kind of physiological and psychological benefits derive from human-dog interaction, as well as attempt to uncover a possible mechanism behind these benefits and whether or not they are mutually beneficial. A growing body of research indicates there are physiological and psychological benefits associated with human-dog interaction. Significant cardiovascular benefits have been linked with human-dog interaction, as have lowered blood pressure, cortisol and heart rate. Interaction with dogs is often associated with a feeling of social support and well-being, and dogs also seem to facilitate social interaction between people. Dogs? ability to buffer and reduce stress is also well documented. A strong indication was found regarding a relationship between physical contact and benefits associated with human-dog interaction.

Det brutna kontraktet : Om den missförstådda genren dokumentärroman och vad som sker när kontraktet mellan författare och läsare upphävs

Abstract The topic of this essay is to show why I regard the non fiction novel as a problematic genre and to compare two popular and famous swedish non fiction novels; Legionärerna (1968) by Per Olov Enquist and Gömda (1995) by Maria Eriksson and Liza Marklund.I start with giving a short introduction to modern genre theory and to non fiction novels as a genre. I also discuss different definitions of non fiction novels by, for example, Rolf Yrlid and Lars-Olof Franzén. Then I discuss Enquist?s Legionärerna and the critics? reception of it. I am also doing the same with Eriksson?s and Marklund?s Gömda before I compare these two novels with each other. My conclusion is that Legionärerna and Gömda have a lot in common although there are some differences.

"Dock benådades de till svärdet" : En glömd historia om det legaliserade blodbadet i Kalmar 1525.

The study examines the massacre of the garrison of the castle of Kalmar in 1525 and its causes. The goal of the investigation has been on the one hand to elucidate the most probable sequence of events, and on the other to identify as many different plausible explanations to the massacre as possible. For this end, four contemporary sources have been examined and compared in their details. To enable a broad basis for interpretation, the author has consulted various works on the themes of warfare, soldiers and violence in the late middle ages and the sixteenth century. Apart from political aspects, the study highlights social and cultural conditions as important factors in explaining how the massacre could be carried out without provoking any single part of society.

Spontaneous tumour regression

Complete tumour regression is the optimal outcome of cancer therapies. There are however types of tumours that naturally regress. Most of these are benign, dermatological and have an early onset in life. This literature study aims to elucidate the mechanisms behind spontaneous tumour regression. In Libechov Melanoblastoma-Bearing minipigs, an animal-model specifically bred to develop malignant melanoma, the tumours usually involute within three months.

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