

617 Uppsatser om Events and festivals - Sida 24 av 42

Konkurrens inom hotellbranschen : En jämförande studie om uppfattad konkurrens utifrån två perspektiv

The hotel industry in Stockholm is characterized by intense competition, and within the next couple of years the construction of a number new hotels is planed. As the number of hotels in Stockholm increase, the competition will increase and the importance of having well functioning strategies will become vital. The purpose of this essay is to examine how two hotels within the hotel industry in Stockholm experience and handle the competition. The two hotels that are included in the study are Clarion Hotel Stockholm and Scandic Continental. The essay derives from models and theories that are related to marketing and competition.

Hur du får dina kunder att älska dig mer: En kvantitativ studie som visar hur event som marknadsföringsmetod och med ett varumärke som avsändare kan öka eventbesökarens upplevda varumärkeskärlek

Event marketing has during the last decade become a wide spread marketing method. This is because the marketing clutter has increased heavily during the past years and brands are looking for new ways to reach their target audience. The previously well accepted marketing measurement "satisfaction" has shown tendencies no longer to be sufficient for success in today's competitive marketplace. Therefore, the research has somewhat moved to the measurement "brand love" to explain differences in strategic consumer behavior. That is the background to why this report examines and answers the question if a brand through event marketing can enhance brand love.

Behavior Cards - ett programmeringsverktyg för barn

This thesis presents the work of developing and testing a programming tool specially designed for children. The purpose of this tool is to make children capable of creating visual simulations and games that consist of actors interacting in a virtual world. The name of the programming tool is Behavior Cards, which comes from the fact that actors are programmed by giving them cards representing different kinds of behaviors. Behaviors are to some extent pre-programmed and can include general events specifying how the actors should act in different situations, in contrast to specifying every possible situation that can occur. The idea is that Behavior Cards should be easier to use than a more traditional text based programming tool, but it should also be expressive within the domain of visual games.

Att återberätta glädje : En studie av struktur och språk i fem pojkars personligt återgivande texter

The aim of this study is to investigate how five boys in grade 3 of compulsory school structure and use language when they write narrative texts retelling and assessing personally experienced events. This is studied by interpreting how the boys use genre steps that are typical of the structure of personal narrative texts and by detecting and naming different linguistic features in the texts. The material in the study consists of five boys?personal reports and the method, which is based on the theories of genre pedagogy (see Johansson & Sandell Ring 2012:28ff, 223f), comes from systemic functional linguistics. A central finding of the study is that the boys structure their texts in varying combinations of genre steps which commonly occur in texts of a narrative kind.

Naturen och trädgårdens betydelse för återhämtning vid utmattningssyndrom - kvinnors berättelser :

Nature and garden have always had meaning in human's life and succesfully seen as having health giving effects. Health is a state of equilibrium between physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being. The individual's health is depending of how the society looks and how the individual manages to live her life in it. Stress is one of our time's large public health problems and leads in some cases to burned out syndrome. Stay in nature gives recovery according to theories of environmental psychology.

Hur skiljer sig investeringsbeteendet mellan män och kvinnor : en kvantitativ jämförande studie om skillnader i investeringsbeteende mellan män och kvinnor

In this paper the authors are trying to understand what separates men from women when they save and invest their money. But also what factors that influence them in their decisions. To investigate how men and women actually act when investing their money the authors construct a survey. The authors also turn to the Swedish banks for information on how they think there customers are behaving. The authors find that men are more risk- taking than women and therefore invest more in products with higher risk, for example shares.

Klimatfrågan -från en kritisk händelse till en politisk modefråga?

Few issues have been exposed in media recently as much as the climate change issue. Afterthe documentary film ?An Inconvenient Thruth? presented by Al Gore was released in 2006,most of the world saw a lot of attention directed towards global warming. This was a turningpoint that is refered to in this dissertation an history-graded critical event, which is assumed tohave a significant impact on peoples lives.The purpose of this dissertation is to examine whether or not political parties in Swedenresponded to this critical event in the way that they, in their party programmes, haveformulated policies related to climate change. Alternatively if media produces an image ofpolitical activity which does not comport with the forming of actual political standpoints.

"There was just something off about him" : En studie om svenska och amerikanska journalisters gestaltning av skolskjutningarna vid Columbine, Virginia Tech och Sandy Hook

I vår studie har vi undersökt hur journalister gestaltar tre amerikanska skolskjutningar i svensk och amerikansk press. Skolskjutningarna ägde rum på Columbine High School, Virginia Tech och Sandy Hook Elementary School.Vi har analyserat sammanlagt 91 texter publicerade i Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och New York Times. Teorierna vi har valt till vår studie är gestaltningsteori, media events och moralpanik. Kvantitativt har vi undersökt hur journalisterna valt att gestalta gärningsmännen och vilka som fått komma till tals i artiklarna. Kvalitativt har vi närstuderat 12 texter med fokus på skillnaderna mellan de svenska och amerikanska journalisternas gestaltning.Slutsatserna vi kan dra från vår studie är att rapporteringen skiljer sig åt mellan svenska Dagens Nyheter och amerikanska New York Times.

Positionering - En etnisk identitet som föds?

This study is a qualitative study based on a constructivist approach. Meanwhile, it draws on an ethnographic approach combined a working memory based on memories in various events that took place three years in a former student in the program for sociology and social development. Mainly qualitative interviews are essential for the empirical material analyzed. The study is based on interviews of five college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish at Halmstad University, four women and one man. The aim is to look at how college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish relate to the representations of ethnicity.

Samhällets uppfattningar om musikfestivaler i Sverige : En kontrasterande analys mellan arrangör och besökare

Musikfestivaler, som radat upp framgångar, beskrevs som framgångssagor och tycktes vara rustade mot allt samhället kunde tänkas kasta mot dem. De betraktades näst intill som odödliga, vilket visade sig inte stämma när många festivaler, inom loppet av en kort tidsperiod, redovisade stora förluster och flera av dem gick även i konkurs. Detta fenomen var något som media snabbt snappade upp och under en tid intensivt bevakade. Flera krönikor och artiklar skrevs om festivalernas konkurser och termen ?festivaldöden? myntades.

STRESS med stora bokstäver bland små och stora människor

This essay deals with the issue of children and stress, and the impact that stress can have on children. The purpose has been to explore how I, in my role as teacher, can prevent children from developing stress in preschool, and how I can prevent stress to develop inside of my own department. My essay is structured as follows: First, I describe my practical work with children. Then I analyze some research literature on stress, and finally I reflect over what I have described earlier and try to connect the practical with the theoretical.In the practical part of this essay I describe the various events that I have observed during my work in preschool, where I have seen how stress can affect both children and teachers. Then I describe how the increasing size of children?s groups can create stress because of the noisy environment of the department.

Socialt entreprenörskap som varumärkesprofilering

AbstractInterest in the subject appeared from real events. We seemed to discern a trend in society. Wehave noted that the amount of social enterprises to a greater extent is formed in Sweden.Companies like GodEl, Postkodslotteriet and DEM Collective are typical illustrations ofcompanies included in the category of social enterprise. It seemed as socially profiledcompanies is the new generation companies. The purpose of this essay is to make aninventory of possible competitive advantages that arise from social branding.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av: En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

En förändrad socialdemokratisk utrikespolitik? : En motivanalys av socialdemokratiska ställningstaganden gällande försvarsavtalet med Saudiarabien mellan år 2005 till år 2015. 

In 2005 the Swedish social democratic government settled a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, a new Social democratic government ends the treaty. This thesis will study the Social democratic party?s motives behind their actions regarding the treaty. Kjell Goldmanns theory regarding the three fields of interest concerning state?s foreign policy, security policy, economy and international values, will serve as the theory and operationalization of this thesis.

Samtiden och framtiden: En studie av mottagandet av två svenska dystopier och deras samtidsförankring

The aim of this Masters thesis is to deepen the understanding of how society affects literary criticism by studying the reception of two Swedish dystopian novels and their contemporary anchorage. The questions that we answer here are concerned with how critics have drawn parallels between the novels and events occurring in the contemporary society, and how the critics outlook on the future are connected to ideas about the future in the novels. The first novel, Kallocain 1940 by Karin Boye has been interpreted as a critical statement directed towards totalitarian ideologies. The second novel, After the Flood 1982 by P C Jersild, has been seen as a warning against nuclear warfare. This qualitative study is based on 41 reviews from Swedish daily press.

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