1864 Uppsatser om Event organizations - Sida 43 av 125
This study consists of a comparison between a public and a private organization that works with people with mental unhealth. The first organization is an authority that conducts investigations to determine if their clients are qualified to receive some sort of help in their daily lives as a part of the Swedish welfare system. The private organization works with offering different kinds of daily activities for people with mental unhealth as a work-training program or to help them create a daily routine in their lives. Our purpose with this paper is to compare the work of the two different organizations based on their organizational framework to see what similarities and differences there are in their work and their chosen approach in meetings with their clients. Our chosen method is that of semi-structured qualitative interviews with three different employees in each organization.
Producenternas möjligheter att kommunicera sitt varumärke
The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..
Gränsöverskridande natur-och kulturvård : Konflikt, motsättning och samarbete i den pyreneiska gränstrakten Monte Perdido
Transboundary protected areas are a fairly recent concept that have been increasing in popularity and are increasingly being integrated into large international organizations? environmental policy making. This essay examines the phenomena through the cooperation between two national parks, Parc National des Pyrénées in France and Parque Nacional Ordesa Monte Perdido in Spain. The theoretical framework used in this essay is based upon border theory, focusing on the different factors that influence the behavior of the border dweller and how the different social conceptions of nature influence the way it is managed. The results in this study result from researching published and private documents from the national parks and interviews carried out with staff from the park administrations from both countries.
Arvsförordningen : En analys av hemvist och dess innebörd
Organizational democracy has been a popular research area in recent decades but the implementation in real organizations is slow (Kokkinidis, 2012; Verdorfer, Weber, Unter Rainer & Seyr, 2013). Several researchers (Schön Jansson, 2012; Falkheimer, Heide & Johansson, 2013) argue that communication practitioners have a key role in democratic processes and that because their job role is under constant change there are only a few modern studies regarding the subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how communication practitioners in private and public organizations experience their role in the process of internal communication and to what extent they are aware of, and work with internal organizational democracy.The practitioners we interviewed had a strong feeling that they were a support function for the business and the organizational management. As a result of the study it is clear that communication practitioners are very loyal to their employers and to the organization they work for. They are, therefore, not neutral in their professional role and argue that their task is to represent the management's interests.
Lagen om pliktexemplar av elektroniska dokument : En analys av diskussionen kring ett lagförslag
This Master?s thesis examines the discussions about the new Swedish legal deposit legislation for electronicdocuments, related to Jürgen Habermas? theories around the public sphere.In 2009, a draft of the law proposal was sent out to various authorities and organizations who were asked tocontribute their views on this matter. This study looks at who has responded of those asked, and what commonviews are apparent within these responses. The responses from two different categories are focused on ?universities and other authorities, examining if any similarities or differences can be noticed in the arguments inthe different categories? responses to the proposed law change.This information has been first analyzed through content analysis, providing an overview to the respondentsof the draft, and the different views which have arisen.
Budgeten som styrverktyg ? En studie av Blekingesjukhuset i Karlskrona och S:t Görans sjukhus i Stockholm
Vårt syfte är att undersöka om och hur budgetens roll skiljer sig åt mellan en offentlig och en privat hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer. Vi har baserat vår uppsats och våra slutsatser på intervjuer, som vi gjort på Blekingesjukhuset i Karlskrona och S:t Görans sjukhus i Stockholm. Vi har gjort intervjuer på fyra till fem olika nivåer i båda organisationerna, för att få ett djup i vår undersökning. Vi har kommit fram till att det finns stora skillnader mellan det offentliga sjukhuset och det privata sjukhuset. Den största skillnaden fann vi vara budgetuppföljningen, men att det inte finns någon större skillnad mellan sjukhusen på lägre nivå, däremot på högre nivåer kan vi urskilja relativt stora skillnader.
Kommunikation utan gränder? : en studie om problemen kring Göteborgs kulturkalas kommunikation till mångkulturella områden
Authors: Stina Johansson, Anna Lennartsson, Caroline WennerstenTutors: Peter Caesar Title: Communication without boundaries? ? a study about the problems of Gothenburg culture festival communications to multicultural areas.Keywords: communication, multucultural areas, communicationmodel, attitudes, diversity marketing, culture, Gothenburg Culture Festival Background: There can be many problems with communication in multicultural areas. It has become more important for companies to communicate in order to gain competitive advantage. Gothenburg Culturefestival has a large number of visitors and since last year they have noticed that there are not as many visitors from some multicultual areas in Gothenburg. This makes it interesting to see what kind of problems that exists in the current communication. Problem statement: What noise is there in communicating to a multicultural target group and how does they affect the goals and the result with the communication?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is based on the communicationmodel and from there describe the communication between companies and multicultural areas, and from this identify problems with such communication.Method: 118 respondents were selected through a convenience sample and then asked questions through structured interviews based on a questionnaire.
Styrning i en kundinriktad organisation : en studie av en elitidrottsförening
Background: There has been a movement of power towards customers in most markets which puts higher demands upon the customer orientation of organizations to survive competition. In general the opinion is that satisfied customers also are profitable for the organization. Even though a consciousness exists about this connections importance for the organization there exists no prominent economical theory showing how a organization should work with customer adaptation and how management should be shaped for success in this area. In the field of competitive sports clubs a similar trend is discernible since the field is increasingly commercialized.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to adapt The Balanced Scorecard as a model to the demands on management that customer orientation causes and to use the knowledge created during the study to show how customer orientation in a competitive sports club could look.Realization: The study first takes the form of a literature study which emerges into a theoretic development. Above that a case study of Linköpings Hockey Club has been accomplished so that knowledge created from the literature study could be used on competitive sports clubs.
Granskning av hur ett miljöledningssystem uppfyller kraven i SS-EN ISO 14001:2004
The purpose with this report is to make a contribution to Bodycote heat treatments workshop in Värnamo, how to introduce, establish and constantly improve its environmental system. The rapport will help Bodycote with there certifying in ISO 14001: s demand standard. Organizations who continuously work with environmental issues have a lot to gain. Two things an active environmental development process will convey are, building of thrust within the circle of customers, and great financial savings. An increasingly numbers of organizations realize the importance to introduce a functioning environmental system into their activity.
Överskottsinformation från hemliga tvångsmedel : en ny reglering?
Organizational democracy has been a popular research area in recent decades but the implementation in real organizations is slow (Kokkinidis, 2012; Verdorfer, Weber, Unter Rainer & Seyr, 2013). Several researchers (Schön Jansson, 2012; Falkheimer, Heide & Johansson, 2013) argue that communication practitioners have a key role in democratic processes and that because their job role is under constant change there are only a few modern studies regarding the subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how communication practitioners in private and public organizations experience their role in the process of internal communication and to what extent they are aware of, and work with internal organizational democracy.The practitioners we interviewed had a strong feeling that they were a support function for the business and the organizational management. As a result of the study it is clear that communication practitioners are very loyal to their employers and to the organization they work for. They are, therefore, not neutral in their professional role and argue that their task is to represent the management's interests.
Swedish Open: Konsekvenser av ett evenemang
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att få en ökad förståelse för vilken betydelse tennisturneringen Swedish Open har för Båstad genom att undersöka vilka effekter som evenemanget genererar utifrån en hållbarhetsaspekt.Studien utgår ifrån ett fenomenlogiskt och konstruktivistiskt synsätt. Vidare utgår den från en abduktiv forskningsansats med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Denna kvalitativa metod görs med hjälp av egna primärkällor som består av tre djupintervjuer med nyckelpersoner som på olika sätt kommer i kontakt med Swedish Open. Ytterligar sex kortare intervjuer görs med lokalinvånare i olika åldrar..
Evaluation of RCM implementation process in Vattenfall
Service and Vattenfall, Hydropower organizations: a study and
analysis of its current status
Vattenfall AB is a large producer of electric energy where approximately half of the energy comes from hydropower. Vattenfall Hydropower has got almost a 100-year old history and the company has developed a lot since 1909. After that the number of power plants increased and the competition got more intense, there were higher demands on the reliability. One way to secure the reliability with a good satisfaction at the power plants is to implement a maintenance method named Reliability-Centred Maintenance. RCM is a result of the introduction of the complex aeroplane Boeing 747 in the 1960?s.
Låt det lysa. Ett utforskande projekt mellan bild, ljus och yta
In my project I worked with fluorescent color and fear as a theme together. It was based on my question for what happens when you take all the lights out and highlight a fear or phobia. I wanted to experiment and explore the course of event within the surface of a picture by using this kind of paint.I worked with illustration and pattern to bind the two pictures together. The aim was to investigate what is possible with the picture as a medium and work with contrast to make it as effective as possible. My goal was to make one poster of each fear and to make them work together as a series as it?s best.I asked myself many questions such as;? What happens to the surface, image and room when you use this color?? Will a new quality appear?? What happens when you mix two pictures together on a parallel level that only show in different kind of light?.
Vad håller vi på med? En kartläggning av kommunikationsprocessen kring kampanjen "Vad håller du på med?"
The aim of this thesis is to use Gabriel Tardes theories concerning imitation, repetition and the public opinion as a way of understanding how transmedial communication develops over time. This involves a study of social media, traditional press and public organizations in relation to each other. The campaign, What are you doing? (Vad håller du på med?, 2013), launched by the Swedish military as a way of drafting more soldiers, is used as an example of how the theories can be applied to help us understand connections, patterns and social behavior in the rapid mutation and viral spreading of information. By discussing the campaign and its effects, the ambition is to give an understanding of how a campaign of this scale could be planned for and structured.